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  1. 26 minutes ago

    Quelle récompense pour le martyr Les péchées disparaissent avec le sang qui coule Et ils auront au paradis de la compagnie Et beaucoup des biens Et des jolies hoûr pour les satisfaire Et des intercessions (chafâ’a) pour leurs familles

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  2. 57 minutes ago

    O crusaders o dogs We achieved victory the day we declared walā’ and barā’ crushed the idols proclaimed Tawhīd in every masjid street and place stoned the adulterer killed the sorcerer amputated the hand of the thief flogged the drunkard THE LIONS OF THE CALIPHATE IN EAST

  3. 1 hour ago

    o crusaders o dogs Can these people be defeated? No, by the Lord of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). The nation of jihād and martyrdom can never be defeated. These people did not die but rather life was granted to them. THE lions of the caliphate from Central Asia

  4. 3 hours ago

    Par amour pour Allah je vais vous quitter Serein je cours vers la mort sans hésiter Des frayeurs de la tombe il m’épargnera Dans l’oiseau vert mon âme s’envolera

  5. 3 hours ago

    Par amour pour Allah je suis prêt à partir Sous le trône du Tout-puissant en martyr A ceux que j’aime d’un amour fraternel Rendez-vous dans le paradis éternel The lion of the caliphate Aaron in may Allah accept him

  6. 4 hours ago

    We achieved victory the day we declared walā’ and barā’ crushed the idols, proclaimed Tawhīd in every masjid street and place stoned the adulterer killed the sorcerer amputated the hand of the thief,flogged the drunkard and returned virtue back to the Muslims’ women through hijab

  7. 4 hours ago

    A message from Abu Yusuf from to all the Muslims around the world

  8. 4 hours ago

    O enemies of Allah! The Caliphate will remain, by Allah’s permission, until the Day of Judgment, for we are the followers of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), and his followers will never be defeated.
