In 1987, Adrian Raine, who describes himself as a neurocriminologist, moved from Britain to the US. His emigration was prompted by two things. The first was a sense of banging his head against a wall. Raine, who grew up in Darlington and is now a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, was a researcher of the biological basis for criminal behaviour, which, with its echoes of Nazi eugenics, was perhaps the most taboo of all academic disciplines.
In Britain, the causes of crime were allowed to be exclusively social and environmental, the result of disturbed or impoverished nurture, rather than fated and genetic nature. To suggest otherwise, as Raine felt compelled to, having studied under Richard Dawkins and been persuaded of the "all-embracing influence of evolution on behaviour", was to doom yourself to an absence of funding. In America, there seemed more open-mindedness on the question and, as a result, more money to explore it. There was also another good reason why Raine headed initially to California: there were more murderers to study than there were at home.
When Raine started doing brain scans of murderers in American prisons, he was among the first researchers to apply the evolving science of brain imaging to violent criminality. His most comprehensive study, in 1994, was still, necessarily, a small sample. He conducted PET [positron emission tomography] scans of 41 convicted killers and paired them with a "normal" control group of 41 people of similar age and profile. However limited the control, the colour images, which showed metabolic activity in different parts of the brain, appeared striking in comparison. In particular, the murderers' brains showed what appeared to be a significant reduction in the development of the prefrontal cortex, "the executive function" of the brain, compared with the control group.
The advancing understanding of neuroscience suggested that such a deficiency would result in an increased likelihood of a number of behaviours: less control over the limbic system that generates primal emotions such as anger and rage; a greater addiction to risk; a reduction in self-control; and poor problem-solving skills, all traits that might predispose a person to violence.
Even two decades ago, these were difficult findings to publish, however. When Raine presented a far less controversial paper in 1994 to a peer group, one that showed a combination of birth complications and early maternal rejection in babies had significant correlation with individuals becoming violent offenders 18 years later, it was denounced as "racist and ideologically motivated" and, according to Nature magazine, was simply further strong evidence that "the uproar surrounding attempts to find biological causes for social problems will continue". Similarly, when, 15 years ago, at the urging of his friend Jonathan Kellerman, the child psychologist and crime writer, Raine put together a proposal for a book on some of his scientific findings, no publisher would touch it. That book, The Anatomy of Violence, a clear-headed, evidence-based and carefully provocative account of Raine's 35 years of study, has only now appeared.
The reason for this delay seems mired in ideological enmities. For all Raine's rigour, his discipline of "neurocriminology" still remains tarnished, for some, by association with 19th-century phrenology, the belief that criminal behaviour stemmed from defective brain organisation as evidenced in the shape of the skull. The idea was first proposed by the infamous Franz Joseph Gall, who claimed to have identified over- or underdeveloped brain "organs" that gave rise to specific character: the organ of destructiveness, of covetousness and so on, which were recognisable to the phrenologist by bumps on the head. Phrenology was widely influential in criminal law in both the United States and Europe in the middle of the 1800s, and often used to support crude racial and class-based stereotypes of criminal behaviour.
The divisive thinking was developed further in 1876 by Cesare Lombroso, an Italian surgeon, after he conducted a postmortem on a serial murderer and rapist. Lombroso discovered a hollow part of the killer's brain, where the cerebellum would be, from which he proposed that violent criminals were throwbacks to less evolved human types, again identifiable by ape-like physical characteristics. The political manipulation of such hypotheses in the eugenics movement eventually saw them wholly outlawed and discredited.
As one result, after the second world war, crime became attributable to economic and political factors, or psychological disturbances, but not to biology. Prompted by advances in genetics and neuroscience, however, that consensus is increasingly fragile, and the implications of those scientific advances for law – and for concepts such as culpability and responsibility – are only now being tested. He draws on a number of studies that show the links between brain development, in particular – and brain injury and impairment by extension – and criminal violence. Already legal defence teams, particularly in the US, are using brain scans and neuroscience as mitigating evidence in the trials of violent criminals and sex offenders. In this sense, Raine believes a proper public debate on the implications of his science is long overdue.
Raine was in part drawn to his discipline by his own background. In the course of scanning his murderers, Raine also examined his own PET profile and found, somewhat to his alarm, that the structure of his brain seemed to share more characteristics with the psychopathic murderers than with the control group.
He laughs quickly when I ask how that discovery felt. "When you have a brain scan that looks like a serial killer's it does give you pause," he says. And there were other factors: he has always had a markedly low heart rate (which his research has shown to be a truer indicator of a capacity for violence than, say, smoking is as a cause of lung cancer). He was plagued by cracked lips as a child, evidence of riboflavin deficiency (another marker); he was born at home; he was a blue baby, all factors in the kind of developmental difficulties that might set his own researcher's alarm bells ringing.
"So," he says, "I was on the spectrum. And in fact I did have some issues. I was taken to hospital aged five to have my stomach pumped because I had drunk a lot of alcohol. From age nine to 11 I was pretty antisocial, in a gang, smoking, letting car tyres down, setting fire to mailboxes, and fighting a lot, even though I was quite small. But at that age I burnt out of that somehow. At 11, I changed schools, got more interested in studying and really became a different sort of kid. Still, when I was graduating and thinking 'what shall I research?', I looked back on the essays I'd written and one of the best was on the biology of psychopaths; I was fascinated by that, partly, I think, because I had always wondered about that early behaviour in myself."
As Raine began to explore the subject more, he began to look at the reasons he became a researcher of violent criminality, rather than a violent criminal. (Recent studies suggest his biology might equally have propelled him towards other careers – bomb disposal expert, corporate executive or journalist – that tend to attract individuals with those "psychopathic" traits.) Despite his unusual brain structure, he didn't have the low IQ that is often apparent in killers, or any cognitive dysfunction. Still, as he worked for four years interviewing people in prison, a lot of the time he was thinking: what stopped me being on their side of the bars?
Raine's biography, then, was a good corrective to the seductive idea that our biology is our fate and that a brain scan can tell us who we are. Even as he piles up evidence to show that people are not the free-thinking, rational agents they like to imagine themselves to be – entirely liberated from the limitations set by our inherited genes and our particular neuroanatomy – he never forgets that lesson. The question remains, however, that if these "biomarkers" do exist and exert an influence – and you begin to see the evidence as incontrovertible – then what should we do about them?
Perhaps we should do nothing, simply ignore them, assume, when it comes to crime, that every individual has much the same brain, the same capacity to make moral choices, as we tend to do now. As Raine suggests: "The sociologist would say if we concentrate on these biological things, or even acknowledge them, we are immediately taking our eyes off other causes of criminal behaviour – poverty, bad neighbourhoods, poor nutrition, lack of education and so on. All things that need to change. And that concern is correct. It is why social scientists have fought this science for so long."
The implication of neurocriminology, though – where it differs from the crude labelling of phrenology, say – is that the choice it presents is not an either/or between nurture and nature, but a more complex understanding of how our biology reacts with its environment. Reading Raine's account of the most recent research into these reactions, it still seems to me quite new and surprising that environmental factors change the physical structure of the brain. We tend to talk about a child's development in terms of more esoteric ideas of mind rather than material brain structures, but the more you look at the data the clearer the evidence that abuse or neglect or poor nutrition or prenatal smoking and drinking have a real effect on whether or not those healthy neural connections – which lead to behaviour associated with maturity, self-control and empathy – are made. The science of this is called epigenetics, the way our environment regulates the expression of our innate genetic code.
One result of epigenetics might be, Raine suggests, that "social scientists can actually win from this. I mean, if a child experiences a murder in his or her neighbourhood, we have found that their test scores on a range of measures go down. There is something happening in the brain as a result of that experience of violence to affect cognition. So social scientists can have their cake and eat it. They can say look, we can prove that these environmental social factors are causing brain impairment, which leads to some real, measurable problems."
One difficulty of embracing this "epigenetical" idea of crime is the degree to which such factors should be taken into account in courts of law. There have been several landmark cases in recent years in which particular neurological disorders caused by blows to the skull or undetected tumours have resulted in arguable changes in character and behaviour – and the violent or sexual crime is blamed on the disorder, not the individual. In most of these cases, it has been argued by the prosecution that brain imaging is prejudicial, that the brightly coloured pictures are too compelling to a jury and more emotional than scientific. But if neural scanning becomes more routine, and neuroscience more precise, will there not come a point where most violent behaviour – that of the Boston bombers, say, or the Newtown killer – is argued away in court as an illness, rather than a crime?
Raine believes that there might well be. He even likens such a shift to our change in perception of cancer, until fairly recently often deemed the "fault" of the sufferer because of some repressive character trait. "If we buy into the argument that for some people factors beyond their control, factors in their biology, greatly raise the risk of them becoming offenders, can we justly turn a blind eye to that?" Raine asks. "Is it really the fault of the innocent baby whose mother smoked heavily in pregnancy that he went on to commit crimes? Or if he was battered from pillar to post, or even if he was born with a, abnormally low resting heart rate, how harshly should we punish him? How much should we say he is responsible? There is, and increasingly will be, an argument that he is not fully responsible and therefore, when we come to think of punishment, should we be thinking of more benign institutions than prison?"
But then there is a further thought, that if you start to see criminality as a biological illness, where does a sense of retributive justice stand?
Raine himself was forced to face this dilemma when he became a victim of violent crime. As he recounts in his book, while on holiday in Turkey several years ago, a burglar entered his bedroom and in the struggle that followed tried to cut Raine's throat with a knife. He fought the attacker off, but when the following morning he was presented with two possible suspects by police, he admits to not only choosing the one who looked most like a thug [the man later admitted the crime, under duress], but also to wanting to visit on him the terror he had felt himself.
"I wasn't proud to discover I was a bit Jekyll and Hyde – perhaps we all are in that situation," Raine says when I ask him about his response. "The rational Dr Jekyll knew that if I took this man's brain scan and found he had prefrontal dysfunction, low resting heart rate, a background of neglect, then of course I should cut him some slack. With understanding comes mercy. But the Mr Hyde, the emotional voice in my head, was saying nothing of the sort: he was saying, he cut my throat, I want to cut his. That event changed me from someone dead set against the death penalty to someone who wouldn't be ruled out of a jury on a capital case in America. I think now my mind will always go backwards and forwards on this, the scientific understanding of the causes of crime versus being a human in society with all these gut reactions to people who commit awful crimes."
If the neuroscience raises as many questions as it answers about culpability after a crime has been committed, what about its role in crime prevention? Here, the questions seem no less fraught.
One of them was posed a couple of years ago by the arch-inquisitor Jeremy Paxman of Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, on Newsnight. "If science could predict with 100% certainty who was going to commit a violent crime, would it be legitimate to act before they commit that crime?"
Chakrabarti was in no doubt: "I would have to say that in a liberal society of human beings, and not animals, my answer to your question would be 'no'."
But if such intervention could prevent Newtown, you wonder, or Dunblane, would any of us be quite so certain? The fact is that the reality will always be a much greyer area because even the most nuanced neuroscience will never produce a perfect prediction of human behaviour. But is there a point at which the science – in identifying the possibility of repeat offending, for example – will be accurate enough to warrant routine scanning of those on the sexual offenders' register?
"The fact is," Raine says, "parole boards are making exactly these kind of predictive decisions every day about which prisoner or young offender we are going to release early, often with crummy evidence. At the moment, the predictors are social and behavioural factors, marital status, your past record. What is not used are biological measures. But I believe that if we added those things even now into the equation, we could only improve the prediction."
Raine cites two very recent brain-imaging studies to back this up. One is a study in New Mexico in which prisoners are scanned on release. "What they are discovering is that if the functioning of the anterior cingulate, part of the limbic system, is lower than normal before release, they are twice as likely to be reconvicted in the next three years. And that marker is more accurate a guide than all other social factors," Raine says. A second study apparently shows if a released prisoner has a significantly smaller volume in the amygdala, the almond-shaped part of the brain crucial for processing memory and emotion, he or she is three times more likely to reoffend. "Now, this is only two studies, but what they are beginning to show is proof of concept, that if we added neurological factors into the equation we could do a better job at predicting future behaviour."
At the end of his book, Raine suggests various possible Orwellian futures of such science, an ethical "slippery slope" of interventions that ultimately imagines a society that assesses the biological risk of all individuals – a wide-scale version of We Need to Talk About Kevin – and pre-emptively locks up those at the extreme end of the curve (a sort of evidence-based Guantánamo). He by no means advocates any of it, though when I ask if he would have his own children, two boys of 11, scanned, he suggests he probably would.
"If there was the opportunity for screening at school or through a GP programme, would I do it? Well, if my kids had problems, as a parent I would want to know about them and I would want to know how I might deal with them. If you brought in such things as emotion regulation and impulse control, which we know are risk factors for behaviour, then to me, as a parent, I would sort of want to know what could be done to help with those."
It is perhaps not too wildly far-fetched to imagine that such scans will one day be as routine as immunisation programmes; the bigger question then will be how we begin to react to the results. Raine rather likes the idea of public health programmes as crime prevention: "The teenage brain is still very malleable. There is good evidence from randomised control testing that omega-3 [fish oil] has a positive effect on young offenders, and even mindfulness seems to improve behaviour and brain structures."
You can't help thinking: if only it were as simple as that.
• This article was amended on Sunday 12 May 2013. Adrian Raine is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, not Philadelphia as we mistakenly said in the original article. This has been corrected.
• This article was amended on Monday 13 May. A paragraph that misrepresented the views of the neuroscientist David Eagleman has been removed. The paragraph implied that Eagleman believed that the possession of particular genes resulted in criminal behaviour. This is not his belief, in his words, "Genes are part of the story, but they're not the whole story. We are likewise influenced by the environments in which we grow up".
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Did you post this article to coincide with the minority report being shown on television on purpose or by coincidence?
@RedandBlue5 -
I think your anterior cingulate is functioning lower than normal.
@RedandBlue5 - except for extreme outside forces, the great majority of what we are, what we can be, when we will die and what we will die of is determined when the sperm meets the egg. The focus for fifty years on nurture because fine tuning via socialisation and behaviour modification is possible is understandable, but anyone who has had children through to adulthood knows where the balance of nature against nuture comes to rest.
@Barry1858 - [Endowment and Chance] determine a man's fate—rarely or never one of these powers alone. The amount of aetiological effectiveness to be attributed to each of them can only be arrived at in every individual case separately. These cases may be arranged in a series according to the varying proportion in which the two factors are present, and this series will no doubt have its extreme cases. We shall estimate the share taken by constitution or experience differently in individual cases according to the stage reached by our knowledge; and we shall retain the right to modify our judgement along with changes in our understanding. Incidentally, one might venture to regard constitution itself as a precipitate from the accidental effects produced on the endlessly long chain of our ancestors.Sigmund
A bad thing to be doing if you are a neurologist, a pseudoneurologist, or no kind of neurologist at all.
@Nepthsolem - If I called myself a 'neurocriminologist' I would feel duty bound to bang my head against the wall.
@Nepthsolem - a 'neuro' anything is the science of the History of Art,
the picture book with a made-up story on each slide,
the stuff of .. Once upon a time...
@SylviaaPlath - A 'neuro' something saved my life two years ago. The 'picture book' which helped diagnose the problem was very informative, not subject to interpretation like a work of art, not a work of fiction like a child's picture book.
And you have the gall to call me tragic for calling you out on your copypasta.
its not "taboo" because thinking it makes you a nazi.
Its "taboo" because when you want to do something about it, it makes you a nazi.
We are social beings who have evolved.
get over it.
@FrutiDurruti - Ah yes, the argument where you can say anything and later justify it by saying you were playing with ideas and provoking debate. Also see 'Elephant in the Room', 'Is it just me?' and 'I'm saying what we're all thinking' as examples of further 'I'm not a bigot' disclaimers.
The rhetorical strategy favoured by Nick Griffin, whose racial views are apparently acceptable as long as he merely promotes them and doesn't actually kill anyone
@FrutiDurruti - Yeah, I'm not sure you've really thought that comment through, as it's not nearly as lucid as you evidently think it is.
Not saying you're wrong necessarily - but what exactly do you mean?
@larsensdefence - "Yeah, I'm not sure you've really thought that comment through, as it's not nearly as lucid as you evidently think it is."
I thought it very lucid, to me he means that if society decides that criminal activity is caused by genes then the defective gene could be found, and those with it removed from society.
Though whether it is genes or upbringing that have allowed me to see the comment as lucid, and you not to, is a difficult question, I suspect its a combination of both.
Eugenics and Nazi's. End of. Scientists ay. What a shame 'science' as a discourse is believed and acted on without question. The quotes from this book make this Raine bloke sound like that scary scientist in every dystopian end of the World film. Don't let people like this near you or your children. the U.S. to fund someone like this ay.
@girlwithhandbag - What a silly and hysterical comment. Why bring nazisim into an interesting discussion?
(and why put an apostrophe in "Nazis"? And why use the phrase "End of", like a stompy south-London adolescent circa 2004? And why repeatedly misuse the word "ay". What a truly rubbish comment all round).
Cue torrent of horrified commenters ignoring any possible benefit to this research
@mtb343 - cue the irrelevant cue comment!
@mtb343 -
Good call. And so it has come to pass...
The one on the right looks like a teddy bear. I think that may be significant.
@FrenchPoodles - I'd trust your insight a lot more than these quack genetic determinists.
@FrenchPoodles -
it also has a smiley face.
whoops, i meant the one on the left has a small smiley up in the pre-frontal,
the one on the right does indeed look like a teddy if you go snake-eyed.
Lots of pictures please, i'd like to see scans of Tory politicians, bankers and Tony Blair.
@maxmind1 - Could a scan of Don Rumsfeld typify the brain of a poet?
@larsensdefence -
Maybe colacho means this kind of thing
I'm going to kill my boss. Could I get a brainscan and use it as evidence for the defense? What about if I get his brainscan (again for my defense) as proof that he is a paranoid recidivist wanker?
@ybdetsoP - Well, if we were to adopt this nonsense as significant for a human society, you sure could. On both accounts. That is why it's such a stupid research.
@Lifesaparty -
Bollocks. You have ignored the fact that only a minority of people actually have the relevant brain scan. Raine's research was conducted on recidivist murderers, who commit multiple acts of violence. The vast majority of murderers are not recidivist - they commit one murder in their lifetime. These people don't show any differences between themselves and non-murderers.
Research doesn't become stupid just because you find the facts u comfortable.
@ybdetsoP - is that a joke or horrible prescience ?
So much still to learn about our biology and how it drives and motivates us. A few years back XYY "Super Male" theory was all the rage for an easy explanation of criminal aggression....
Is this another example of "questions to which the answers are no", usually fabled by the mail? Or at best "we can't rule it out"?
What does it show in the tea leaves:
today, tomorrow, in two seconds
This certainly doesn't fit in with how I have chosen to see the world to date (social/environmental reasons as "explanation" and "defence") but it is clearly the antithesis to John Major's "We should understand a little less and condemn a little more" comment of the Bulger murder(er)s, which always shocked me with its willful ignorance. To me, it sounds like important research that has been suppressed for too long. The response of people who care should be to ensure that these findings are not misused rather than to deny their validity, and it sounds like Raine may be one such person. I look forward to reading the book.
@BoringLovechild - Great comment. Research like this just needs to be used correctly. People blasting him as a genetic determinist and crying eugenics seem to be missing the discussion of epigenetics and the fact that the author talks about how evidence such as scans can't be used to simply identify a similar result and pre-emptively punish the person. The techniques can be used to look for markers for certain likely traits. The important part is ensuring the ability is not used in any oppressive manner. Used correctly it could be used to provide support and possible prevention.
The killer awoke before dawn, and he put his boots on.
He pulled a book from the ancient library -- and he walked on down the hall
I thought Minority Report dealt quite well with pre-cognition, actually.
Neurocriminology sounds like a fucking wanker's profession. Like Paleoegyptomusicology; Babylocromwellmythogenesis -- or being a professional Liverpudlian.
Give us a holiday!
the question is not so much, does this research show a predictive possibility or tendancy, of someone who may turn to violence..
the question is more, are those who do not exhibit these tendancies, evolved enough to handle the information, with genuine humanity, no blame, and no assumption, and find a way to use the informaton that is wholly positive..
of course, as the researcher admited in his own jekyl an dhyde response.. perhaps those all too willing to condemn and point to racial sterotypes or call for eugenics, register on teh psychopath scale themselves.
interesting dilemma. Many people (I suspect) would not be ready to use this kind of information wisely, to benefit all, including those who have registered on the 'potential for violence' scale.
@rebeccazg - Well yes. What is interesting about the article is that he himself is on the same scale, which is evidence itself that nurture must have over-ridden his own biology. And I don't think he is suggesting that people with these traits should be locked up pre-emptively (is he?).
@Helen121 - No I don't think he is, at all. And also, I think more a case of 'interacted' (beneficially) than 'over-ridden'. Conversely, there will always be cases of people born without many of the markers who commit terrible crimes, most likely due to environmental influences interacting with them in a negative way
Are you for real?
Only now I find out atavism's all b*llocks. The missing link etc, I had it all written down. Gareth, I apologise.
The "numbers" game, proven by science! What could go wrong!
Of course, use of such research would require a truly unbiased government, with similar careful training at all levels, as well as a careful system of checks and balances. It would also require constant further research, and some sorts of ethical methods of allowing proven criminally-disposed people to compensate for their genetic failings.
Blah, blah, blah. Not one of those conditions seems in the least likely of being met. This guy is a mouse interested in having the mouse world praise him for having the tremendous idea of belling the cat.
Phrenology for the 21st Century? Fuck that!
And, regardless of any possible scientific merit, quite apart from the impossibility of such science being a force for good (in any sense), he comes off as kind of a stuck-up, smarty-pants asshole. Not that I'd stoop to childish name-calling! Except that Ma Raines wears army boots.
@Bruce Collins -
The government already uses scientific research to decide whether or not to allow offenders out on parole. It already uses research to calculate the potential for recidivism before releasing prisoners.
The only difference is the research it's using now isn't based on biology.
okay so:
1/ we have 'problem' and a 'scientific' investigation ordered by someone
2/ have a 'diagnosis'
3/ management plan based on investigation to correct the 'anomaly'
4/ treatment to 'correct': electrical magnetic mal-resonance therapy
5/ that ain't working
Guardian editors - Professor Raine is at the University of Pennsylvania, not "University of Philadelphia". The University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League School (like the Russell Group) in Philadelphia. Can you change the article to reflect his true affiliation?
What I wanted to know was when these scans would be good enough to check for tendencies for deviant behaviour in our politicians before they get elected as head of state.
It would be good if the moderator of the Presidential debates said:
"Thank you Governor Romney and President Obama for your participation, now we will finish the evening by performing a PET scan on the both of you"
@elmondo2012 - So, government by a priesthood of neurocriminologists, tasty
Lol, just watched Minority Report as well !!! :-)
There are so many reasons and so many causes for any particular action or reaction.
Nonetheless, this method would be good news for those in America who believe in their black and white methodology of dividing people in two groups; Good Guys and Bad Guys.
@Mackname - Or not. We haven't seen the brain scans of people who fall on the continuum between the two scans shown above.
This is as much a lesson in negotiating a minefield as a breakthrough in neuroscience
Won't someone please take the brain scanners away from the psychologists. It only encourages them.
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