Milan Sinobad, Alberto Della Torre, Barry Luther-Davis, Pan Ma, Stephen Madden, Sukanta Debbarma, Khu Vu, David J. Moss, Arnan Mitchell, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Jean-Marc Fedeli, Christelle Monat, and Christian Grillet
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36(2) A98-A104 (2019)
Henry Semenenko, Philip Sibson, Mark G. Thompson, and Chris Erven
Opt. Lett. 44(2) 275-278 (2019)
Yu-Cherng Chang, Gabrielle Monterano Mesquita, Siobhan Williams, Giovanni Gregori, Florence Cabot, Arthur Ho, Marco Ruggeri, Sonia H. Yoo, Jean-Marie Parel, and Fabrice Manns
Biomed. Opt. Express 10(2) 411-422 (2019)
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Faraday rotation and optical activity are two distinct phenomena which lead to different propagation velocities for the...
Two-dimensional assemblies of subwavelength nano-antennas, also called metasurfaces, enable an advanced manipulation of...
Optical technologies are playing an increasingly important role in expanding our understanding of the brain. Deep...