Left Cant meme
Right can’t lead
Left can’t think.
Right can't think for themselves.
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Just for this, after we imprison Donald Trump and seize Trump Tower, we should give it to the Native Americans!https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/unraveling-real-time-trump-donald/15056/ …
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The new Democratic majority in the House looks like America. The GOP looks like Donald Trump.
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You're a grown ass man who openly invited Russian operatives to hack the DNC, you know. Shut your bitch ass up.
Watch the video of the rally where he said that. He actually did, it’s available online. I’m not going to look it up for you though.
You're absolutely right you did say it. I remember correctly he even said it during one of the debates. but what I am absolutely sure of is your inability to recognize sarcasm when you hear it and then try to spin it. Be careful your ignorance is showing again.
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