We are migrating over to new forum software.
The site should be back online sometime on January 1st.
When we return, you will need to retrieve a new password.
Here is a getting started guide for Discourse, our new software, if you're wanting to get a head start on learning its features.
Keep watching below for updates on the migration progress.
Thank you for your patience!
Wednesday, 12:20PM CST
Still running.
At this point I am expecting to be back online midday Thursday.
Thanks for your patience!
Tuesday, 3:35PM CST
40% through private messages.
CD-Media, Attachments, and some manual clean-up remain.
Should be back online late tomorrow or early Thursday.
Sunday, 11:45PM CST
I just noticed there are 2 big issues with the import (due to some last minute, rushed changes I made).
I've just fixed those and ran a few more tests.
Time to start over, unfortunately.
Sunday, 10:15AM CST
Posts are done.
77,515 / 244,366 Private Messages
Saturday, 11PM CST
1,105,000 / 1,570,463 Posts
Saturday, 9:55AM CST
34,107 Users
11 User Groups
75 Categories
152,781 Topics
Currently Importing:
390,200 / 1,570,463 Posts
Still to go:
Private Messages
CD-Media Photos
CD-Media Papers
Post Attachments
Inline Post Attachments
URL Redirects
Friday, 11:55PM CST
Import script is running.
Some fun stats:
CD-Media: 23GB, 103,658 files
Database Dump: 9.1GB
Friday, 9PM CST
The migration has begun!