On December 22 the Enough is Enough Info-Café opened its doors in Wuppertal, German territory. A short report and podcast about four years of struggle and the first day of the Enough is Enough Info-Café.
Continue reading After four years of struggle and preparations the Enough is Enough Info-Café finally openedA Green New Deal vs. Revolutionary Ecosocialism
The idea of a “Green New Deal” has been raised in response to the threat of climate and ecological catastrophe. Two such proposals are analyzed here and counterposed to the program of revolutionary libertarian ecosocialism.
Continue reading A Green New Deal vs. Revolutionary EcosocialismBetween Erdogan and #Rojava: Interview with Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Turkey
As political repression continues to increase in Turkey amidst a widespread economic crisis, the current situation under the autocratic Erdogan regime has important implications for the current in Rojava as well as the ongoing Syrian conflict. We republish this interview with Turkey-based anarchist organization Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) [@DAFaaliyet] from October 2018 to give insight into the current situation. The interview was conducted by a member of the Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) of Ireland.
Continue reading Between Erdogan and #Rojava: Interview with Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Turkey#Berlin: 2019 A decisive year?! Join forces to fight for #Liebig34, #Rigaer94 #PotseBleibt and other projects under threat of eviction
Berlin: Within the next days the contracts of Liebig34, Potse, Drugstore, Großbeerenstraße 17a and Syndikat are ending. The future of many other projects like Meuterei, Rigaer94, Brauni is not much clearer. Whether they just have more time or the so called owners are playing with concealed cards, we have to develop and adopt a defense for these projects. A good moment to go into a counteroffensive.
Continue reading #Berlin: 2019 A decisive year?! Join forces to fight for #Liebig34, #Rigaer94 #PotseBleibt and other projects under threat of evictionCommuniqué to the Indigenous Chinanteco People of San Juan Petlapa, #Oaxaca
This communiqué comes from the National Indigenous Congress and the Indigenous Governing Council and expresses their solidarity with the self-organization of the Chinanteco people of San Juan Petlapa, Oaxaca.
Continue reading Communiqué to the Indigenous Chinanteco People of San Juan Petlapa, #Oaxaca25 years later: First statement by the #EZLN – The Uprising of Dignity – The Zapatista Movement in #Chiapas
In the night of December 31, January first of 1993/1994 the Zapatist uprising started on the Chiapas territory. Here is the first statement by the EZLN from December 31, 1993. Published on January 1, 1994. We added the video The Uprising of Dignity – The Zapatista Movement in Chiapas / Mexico.
Continue reading 25 years later: First statement by the #EZLN – The Uprising of Dignity – The Zapatista Movement in #ChiapasJeremy Has Completed His Transfer
Jeremy is transferred to the FCI Memphis. Jeremy Hammond is a 30-year-old activist, anarchist and computer programmer. He was also part of the hacktivist network Anonymous, as a gifted computer programer his case has attracted the attention of activists, civil libertarians and those concerned about the rights of whistleblowers. He is currently spending a decade in prison for allegedly disclosing information about the private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (Stratfor), revealing that they had been spying on human rights defenders at the behest of corporations and governments.
Continue reading Jeremy Has Completed His Transfer#Mumia Abu-Jamal Granted Appeal After Decades in Prison
A judge in Philadelphia has reinstated appeal rights to former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. Jamal was kidnapped and unjustly detained by the occupation police forces in Philadalphia.
Continue reading #Mumia Abu-Jamal Granted Appeal After Decades in PrisonReportback #YellowVests: #ActeVII in #Toulouse
After #Facebook
On January 1, 2019 we will start leaving Facebook. Step by step. Actually the first step was already made: Last week we deleted the Facebook widget on the Enough is Enough blog.
Continue reading After #Facebook“Police everywhere, justice nowhere!” – #GiletsJaunes on the streets of #Nîmes
A report from Nîmes in the southern part of the French territory: “A deeply-rooted belief in social justice lies behind the unprecedented uprising”.
Continue reading “Police everywhere, justice nowhere!” – #GiletsJaunes on the streets of #Nîmes