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(cache)RIP librechan
File 151354373560.jpg - (53.32KB , 450x314 , kip.jpg )
3427 No. 3427 Locked Stickied hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Our three chans are now at:

And Lisach & triforce.wodemo.com are our emergency boards when all 3 chans go down. Also 180chan.info will always redirect to the latest emergency page.

Bookmark all 6 links now in case 5 of them die at the same time

Youtube embeds working again provided its youtube uploader/owner allow embeds. To embed a video, only insert its unique youtube code (not full link) in the Embed slot and in your message. For example to embed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzbrCwJTYL4 only insert UzbrCwJTYL4 in the embed slot, and include "UzbrCwJTYL4" (alone or with the whole link) in the post. Uploading webms up to 8 MB also working.

25 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 47062
File 152385174950.png - (11.05KB , 337x479 , riseup.png )
144chan and 180chan are being censored by a number of oppressive regimes worldwide. There are various technical methods used for blocking websites, the simplest and perhaps most prevalent is DNS filtering.

If your ISP uses DNS filtering to block us then you're in luck as it's very easy to circumvent. All you need to do is use another ISP's DNS servers to resolve your websites. This will not only allow you to access 180chan/155chan, but also any other websites blocked by your ISP.

This OpenDNS guide shows you how to change your DNS provider on any device whether it's PC, phone, or server https://www.opendns.com/setupguide/

So just follow the steps, and remember you can input any other DNS IP if you don't want to use OpenDNS ( and for example
Google's DNS is &
Yandex DNS &
Advantage DNS &
ScrubIT &
Or any other you prefer.

Don't let your government decide what's appropriate and inappropriate for you. Take power back into your own hands!
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 75145
File 153390383429.jpg - (58.68KB , 736x491 , farc-female-fighters.jpg )
As you may know AL ended up in jail for tax evasion so we have a new rebellious 180 at

UPDATE: We got 180chan.info back and will always be redirecting it to the current emergency board

UPDATE2: Link shorteners are now banned on 180chan.co/cg

>> No. 75844
File 153418983844.png - (115.59KB , 443x500 , pack2.png )
With 144 being so packed
with lolis I couldn't find a better name for it than 144chan.pk
>> No. 76461
File 153442831374.jpg - (575.87KB , 1600x1900 , Hitler_1928_crop.jpg )
Tough times indeed. With Lolifox suspension today we're the only free chan left on the clearweb. They will never leave us alone, but we will never give up either. They shut us down 4 times in a single week and like the eternal Phoenix we rose up from the ashes, stronger and bolder than ever.

We have two new emergency boards at triforce.wodemo.com & Lisach. Make sure you bookmark them as well as 180chan.info which will now always redirect to the latest emergency board. Also bookmark our partner networks listed on the emergency board in case all 5 links die before you get a chance to update.

File 152623309561.jpg - (5.53MB , 3456x5184 , IMG_0009.jpg )
57711 No. 57711 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
post all your masha pics
480 posts and 203 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112164
File 154640205425.jpg - (56.51KB , 640x480 , E7E.jpg )
>> No. 112173
File 154640352326.jpg - (102.52KB , 900x600 , 627.jpg )
Ira Nikolayzen veronica
Natasha Migorskoy masha
Galina Migorskoy mom

Наташа Мигорской
Галина Мигорской
Ира Николайзен
>> No. 112205

congrats - your the creepiest of the creeps
>> No. 112246
at least make an attempt of finding the right thread.....
a hint be just a bit more sober when around the web as this happens to be entirely about masha babko you know;)
>> No. 112247
math about this is
you post more details hir back the result as it's lucrative business these days and growing.......
some shit not intended to reach every corner of the world but some don't get that simple fact at all

File 154613243797.jpg - (513.76KB , 3000x2314 , JzyO4cy.jpg )
111106 No. 111106 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Whuold love to play that game with her please post pics or vids
14 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111966
Closest I've found is 'Stars and Stripes'
>> No. 112052
File 154638337287.jpg - (1.49MB , 3239x4858 , tb0O5xw.jpg )
>> No. 112053
File 15463834743.jpg - (1.43MB , 4858x3239 , Fwx2Pyu.jpg )
>> No. 112186
so ne geile Kleine und der Alte kriegt keinen hoch und rein. Shame on You!
>> No. 112245
need the video from this album,if possible. thx

File 154629334648.jpg - (64.08KB , 685x1026 , Julia-MaisieSS-001-013.jpg )
111751 No. 111751 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


95 posts and 41 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112210
File 154641925362.jpg - (27.55KB , 400x400 , th.jpg )
"Big thanks for the new Lisa and Lilu pics guys

i have nothing so i ask for nothing but gladly enjoy what you share with us , esp Hebe"

TY for showing some gratitude for those images. That was very polite of you.


pw Her
>> No. 112211
>>112121 >>112122 >>112123 >>112124 >>112125 >>112126 Pregnant women should be posted in /sw/. This is a /hebe/ thread and unsuitable for posting grannies.
>> No. 112225
more julia sets please!
>> No. 112234
Thanks, Dear Santa
>> No. 112244
funny how people dont even know what hebe is.
lisa is hebe.
girls like the goblin aint.
no tits yet -> not hebe

File 154624479869.jpg - (3.30MB , 5312x2988 , 201112142928.jpg )
111564 No. 111564 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
sexy pussy
21 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112218
File 154641962478.jpg - (4.11MB , 5312x2988 , 20161208175022.jpg )
>> No. 112230
File 154642063678.jpg - (53.40KB , 542x768 , 641321e0.jpg )
Trump's mushroom head dick ?
>> No. 112231
Would love to fuck the girl in the Orange bikine
>> No. 112232
File 15464211097.jpg - (4.56MB , 5312x2988 , 20161208175049.jpg )
>> No. 112243
Sexy have you video? Send please email

File 154601637386.jpg - (389.28KB , 640x1082 , 1BA15FED-7151-4B17-8E1C-1A06830DB051.jpg )
110661 No. 110661 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
17 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111234
File 154616908460.jpg - (60.75KB , 600x800 , tmp_28675-1 (19)5233552947633427768.jpg )
here we go!

www.instagram. com/crneliaph/
>> No. 111274
File 154617789025.jpg - (291.25KB , 640x1012 , 8F89894B-EF62-45EC-9D0A-CD17A95C6303.jpg )
>> No. 111562
File 154624016123.jpg - (460.58KB , 805x1431 , tmp_16555-139163327364739682024.jpg )
11-15 (here at 13)
www.instagram. com/nelnel15/
>> No. 111915
File 154635108491.jpg - (64.43KB , 600x800 , tmp_8281-1 (14)1642894221496302883.jpg )
more more more
i realy love her

www.instagram. com/crneliaph/
>> No. 112242
wow wow wow
She is fantastic!!!!
i'm in love <3

File 152239177374.jpg - (1.18MB , 1408x1990 , Cover-01.jpg )
40545 No. 40545 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Alle reden von Fake-News... hier der beweis
162 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111663
Männliche Pedonutte!Würde dich gerne kennenlernen. Und mehr erfahren
>> No. 111945
würde gerne in deine Gruppe kommen
>> No. 111959
Ihr geilen Ficker. Will ich gern richtig geile Videos sehen und mal eine geile junge enge Muschi ficken. Habt ihr geile Videos? Wo kann man so eine junge Fotze ficken?
>> No. 111964
ist jemand von euch auf playstation unterwegs oder kennt eine gruppe dort?
>> No. 112241
wer lust auf junge girls hat einfach schreiben auf qwertyui@trash-mail.com

File 154179301182.png - (950.64KB , 768x1024 , index.png )
97781 No. 97781 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
128 posts and 90 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112177
File 154640388658.jpg - (561.37KB , 906x1208 , photo_2017-09-15_23-11-36.jpg )
>> No. 112178
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>> No. 112180
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>> No. 112182
File 154640436699.jpg - (180.83KB , 1224x918 , Nat&Ser 0066_resize_resize.jpg )
>> No. 112240
File 154642529882.jpg - (679.92KB , 1920x744 , 04c.jpg )

File 153502181312.jpg - (122.55KB , 1080x1350 , bb.jpg )
77963 No. 77963 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
126 posts and 57 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112018
File 154637761521.jpg - (335.35KB , 768x756 , 20190101_151704.jpg )
>> No. 112019
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>> No. 112020
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>> No. 112206
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>> No. 112239
This girl is my neighbor. She cleans my house.

File 154444623979.jpg - (81.66KB , 1026x768 , 4debecc8.jpg )
105439 No. 105439 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
There are some great lolita legs out there guys..let's see some please..Here's a few to start..
466 posts and 424 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112215
File 154641955935.jpg - (84.43KB , 737x768 , 0ba557a3.jpg )
>> No. 112217
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>> No. 112219
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Is she using a child's coin ride toy instrument for masturbation in public..?
>> No. 112228
File 154642028926.jpg - (163.89KB , 1366x761 , a9167bf4.jpg )
here's some oh boy legs for you little twink..lol
>> No. 112238
thats girl

File 154641120726.jpg - (130.32KB , 824x505 , 72c3d23e5b81a08ce47c28ef366bb992.jpg )
112198 No. 112198 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'd take the girl all time


2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112220
I'll take A for suck and fuck
I'll take B for kill and throw
>> No. 112221
Definitely easily A but B is also cute
boy 80 percent
both 15 percent
girl 5 percent
>> No. 112226
btw what's his name? is he famous?
>> No. 112235
ITT: homos and closest homos
IMB4 "traps are not gay"
>> No. 112237
''traps are not gay''
but we are

File 154621974092.jpg - (99.38KB , 1080x1109 , Subpost 4 - _fallen_leaf_holiday loungin w_ athlet.jpg )
111443 No. 111443 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Found her on IG one day and fell in love. Nothing much on her except her IG and YouTube. If anyone has more of her it would be greatly appreciated. According to comments she's 15-16, if she belongs on sw I apologize, this is my first time posting here.
9 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112141
File 154639937034.jpg - (88.76KB , 1080x1350 , Subpost 1 - _star_️ 𝓑𝓮𝓘𝓳𝓞 _star_�.jpg )
>> No. 112142
File 154639942746.jpg - (155.43KB , 1080x1231 , Subpost 2 - _sweat_drops__two_hearts_beijo girlfri.jpg )
>> No. 112201
File 154641334148.jpg - (105.91KB , 1080x1193 , 44461858_2217613025161519_71200786717081600_n.jpg )
she's 13 yo, she said it herself and it was in her bio a few months ago
>> No. 112202
File 154641338755.jpg - (1.10MB , 1080x1346 , 37879956_301148393767260_3570326568507015168_n.jpg )
>> No. 112236
I don't usually say this but I think 13 or so will be the peak for this girl, and on average I would say girls peak at 17.

File 154116513868.jpg - (345.76KB , 768x758 , imgsrc_ru_60516569PxU.jpg )
95999 No. 95999 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
19 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111593
I wouldn't never rape a innocent angels like this, they need a gentle love and protection. But! i would do rape some stupid feminists which deserve the rape !


>> No. 111633
>>111593 Truth, i didn't think about that. But there is a "beautiful" feminists too like Natalie Portman for example.
>> No. 111940
Hot Sluts
>> No. 112014
File 154637699338.jpg - (381.83KB , 768x755 , 20190101_151022.jpg )
>> No. 112233
Would love to fuck these two blonds

File 154008464422.jpg - (35.57KB , 550x413 , 8379352778.jpg )
92308 No. 92308 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Does anyone have the Amanda Todd nudes?
47 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112068
Yo wtf is wrong with y'all. The main reason she committed suicide becuz fuckers like you guys posting her nudes around and every one made fun of her
>> No. 112084
where'd you get that?
>> No. 112197
There is some sick creepy shit posted here. It's disturbing to see how twisted and disrespectful we have become.
>> No. 112207
'how the fuck can you be ethical? get real you are a pedo! its all immoral here any way, just enjoy the site and let everybody do the same'

Still those dumbasses - because of people like you we will never get some nice cp or even softcore nude modeling studios. You do not understand anything. Sex is a good and desirable thing for adults and for many youths. We want to enjoy it freely! But because of people like you (btw there are many oft those dumbfucks on this site here) society will never accept it and go on witchhunting also us, the peaceful pedos.
>> No. 112209
File 154641897549.jpg - (27.19KB , 640x492 , amanda-todd_o_820867.jpg )
Amanda Todd loved every moment of showing off her tiny littl hard body. She knew what she was doing was memely a stage of her burgeoning female sexuality. It was only when she got in trouble from her peers, that she turned from horny to fearful. Then she didn't understand what was happening to her life...she lacked the backbone to realize that she was only being trolled and that nothing was really going to happen. She was like those two slenderman girls who confused the internet with reality. Human nature is a strange and wonderful thing...the same excitement that Amanda Todd felt when showing off her tits was the same excitement we feel when wwe see her nude corpse.

File 153061849247.jpg - (81.96KB , 800x1200 , insert.jpg )
68509 No. 68509 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Hello everyone, this is Maggie from www.sexdollonline.com. We Provide over 600 different high-quality & cheap price sex dolls worldwide free shipping! We have warehouse in Europe 、United States 、Russia and Canada, we shipping love dolls from our warehouse to your home in local country. You don't need to face customs and pay customs duties! This post is for answering your curiosity about teen sex doll. If you have any questions, reply here please. I will reply to your information here.

sexdollonline.com 's based in Shenzhen China. We are the most complete sex doll online shop! sexdollonline.com is a leading internet retailer committed to providing professional customer service, exclusive sex doll, and a superior experience. Also we are Professional sex doll designer. We design different doll face and body according to customer's requirements.

We are the largest worldwide partner (the top 15 sex doll factories) in China with 100% authentic products and a sophisticated customer service system. We have one of the best reputations among online sex doll retailers. We always strive to make your online shopping experience the best it can be. Thank you for choosing sexdollonline.com
175 posts and 92 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 108211
File 154538416034.jpg - (60.39KB , 800x1066 , animal_sex_doll_2.jpg )
>> No. 108212
contact me by email Please ,to recommend more options. thanks
>> No. 109657
File 15457249679.jpg - (140.04KB , 800x1066 , little_girl_sex_doll_10.jpg )
Product Code: C127cmSara
order link:
all Sara clear photos at :
>> No. 110425
File 154596588977.jpg - (139.41KB , 800x1066 , little_girl_sex_doll_30.jpg )
>> No. 112200
File 154641290585.jpg - (137.24KB , 800x1066 , little_girl_sex_doll_37.jpg )
Product Code: C127cmSara
order link:
all Sara clear photos at :

File 154612086931.jpg - (912.18KB , 760x1140 , 154567775114.jpg )
111059 No. 111059 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Young girls (6-13) having strong orgasm (videos)
16 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111418
File 154621179166.jpg - (115.04KB , 563x806 , 154238896877.jpg )
agreed lol
>> No. 111618
OMG she is so very beautiful and sexy !
I could love and adore her forever !!
She is so lovely and her pussy is gorgeous !
Thanks neph69 for your posts !
I hope this is part of a set of her !! ??
>> No. 111772
>> No. 112175
You realise that when a girl allows you to have her, it's all about her pleasure, right? You don't use her as a fuck toy and a cum dumpster. She's not going to want to do it again if she hasn't experienced pleasure beyond her wildest expectations.
>> No. 112196
Yea, that guy is obsessed with "TRAINING". He thinks kids are animals. Rather than enjoying the experience, he would rather just train them.

File 154630547625.jpg - (89.03KB , 768x768 , 45969635Zix.jpg )
111820 No. 111820 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This is my niebores daughter she 12 I pay time from time to clean my house she always wearing hot out first and fleets with me should I make move what whuold you do be truthful
19 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112188
File 154640631759.jpg - (88.38KB , 542x729 , 5892pneg.jpg )
One thing I used to find amusing was being able to make occasional entertaining and true posts without much chance of being believed. Are there any places left where a little mostly innocent chat about younger models or actresses may take place?
>> No. 112189
Away from the porn I mean.
>> No. 112193
File 154640913888.jpg - (615.81KB , 1068x1608 , Sweet-Lexie-UNP-003-008.jpg )
I know that all these stories are BS. Not a problem. But food for thought. All of these girls live next door to someone!

Imagine that!
>> No. 112194
There are several discussions here. Some are legit, many are not. It's not too difficult to tell them apart.
>> No. 112195
True. But sometimes the hottest girls are farm girls. Their closest neighbor might be 3 miles away. Hardly a peek-in-the-window-while-changing dream girl.

File 15464073373.jpg - (3.04MB , 2171x3420 , P90101-131016.jpg )
112190 No. 112190 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Simply a lovely little girl! Whenever I go visit her, she loves to hug me, and whenever I'm somewhere, she comes up on me, sit on my lap, standing with her legs spread wide over my dick. I love it when she does it! I do not need to ask, she lives wearing clothes that show her ass, her panties and when she wears some clothes not too tight, I can see part of her little pussy! That drives me crazy! When she was younger, I could see her pussy many times, because I could play her legs open, and so open her beautiful little pussy too! I have a huge desire for her, but I control myself and I go slow, but when I can see her naked, after leaving the bath or when she changes clothes, I have to masturbate! One day I will still be able to gain her confidence and then continue to play with her over and over. I love my sweet niece and she loves me too!
>> No. 112191
Let's see if she's ugly or pretty. Show her face!
>> No. 112192
Guessing about 5.

File 153551621583.jpg - (6.56MB , 3008x4512 , !!!1txnfp.jpg )
79171 No. 79171 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
What do you know? They do exist
141 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 109354
Oh c'mon people, Marisol is a fucking pig.
>> No. 109604
chacun à son goût
cada uno a su gusto
to each his own
>> No. 109727
File 154574488167.jpg - (607.31KB , 1800x3000 , XMAS.jpg )
Merry Christmas everyone! Please more of this sweet little most beautiful pig in the world.
>> No. 109769
Happy Gift-Giving days to all.
This is the season for observing customs . . .
. . . and oh, how we'd love to observe those customs
>> No. 112185
Time to move this back to the center of attention . . .

File 154195082438.jpg - (51.76KB , 895x496 , tr.jpg )
98164 No. 98164 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Tenho fotos e videos EXCLUSIVOS que consegui recentemente da Leticia Famosinha, Milena Dantas,Tatty Moura,Camily e Carol,Geovanna de Tudo Um Pouco, Camila Santos Coreografias,Duda Para Meninas, Yas Funk, Dançando com a Janaina,Ceçilia Gonçalves entre outras e principalmente o que consegui recentemente um PACK DA DUDINHA 8484(3 videos dela fazendo strip, 2 dancando de saia sem calçinha e 2 tomando banho e algumas fotos)
Compartilhe videos e fotos só de Brasileiras por favor.
241 posts and 86 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112061

Não estou falando especificamente sobre leis e sim sobre o nivel de maldade e mentes doentias. Não venha dizer que um cara que rouba um armazém é o mesmo que assalta um banco e faz vinte reféns. Que um cara que ao estar transando com uma mulher e ao ver que ela tem um ataque e morre mas mesmo assim continua transando é o mesmo que desenterra um corpo pútrido de um cemitério para transar com um morto. Que um cara que mata alguém que está te ameaçando é o mesmo cara que coloca um ser humano dentro de pneus e taca fogo neles. Porque não é. Afinal, se toda maldade fosse a mesma, no mesmo nível, toda vez que você ficou com raiva e acabou sendo injusto com alguém você praticou uma maldade. Logo, você é o próximo Hitler.
>> No. 112092
>nivel de maldade e mentes doentias
Você se aproveita de adolescentes em vulnerabilidade social, que em condições normais nem olhariam em sua cara. Muitas dessas adolescentes não tiveram figura paterna, tiveram contato com drogas cedo ou mesmo foram molestadas por algum familiar, e mesmo assim você chega e diz que se aproveitar dessas pessoas tão sofridas é OK e ainda quer apontar nível de maldade alheio e falar sobre mentes doentias? Você é um psicopata em negação.

>Não venha dizer que um cara que rouba um armazém é o mesmo que assalta um banco e faz vinte reféns.

Jamais diria isso, pois ao contrário de você, eu não sou um acéfalo que não sabe diferenciar duas coisas extremamente diferentes. Você abusa da desonestidade intelectual para dar a impressão de que é uma boa pessoa, sendo que na verdade é o pior tipo de lixo humano que assola esse site: O hipócrita.
>> No. 112104
Para com esse vitimismo idiota, todos no mundo se aproveitam das vulnerabilidades do proximo, seja uma oferta de salario baixa, seja um favor nada agradavel, e todos com alguma relutancia ou não, cedemos.
esse comportamento independe de raça, etinia, religião ou pensamento. o ser humano como todo animal é influenciado pelo meio onde ele vive, a diferença é que alguns lutam pra mudar, outros resmungam e o resto só obedecem e ficam quietos.
>> No. 112171
Não falei com você, então vá tomar no seu cu, analfabeto de merda. Só debato com quem tenha mais de 2 pontos de QI, o que não é o seu caso. Vá procurar sua turma.
>> No. 112184
Caraio, virou terapia de grupo ou grupo de apoio essa porra agora? vão toma no cu viu!

File 15269773563.jpg - (1.10MB , 1504x1001 , 1-5d_Vintage.jpg )
59207 No. 59207 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]


I apologize beforehand, if my contributtion is somehow unwelcome here.

I am, first and foremost, a breastman. The bigger, the better. But I also have a liking for young girls... as long as they have big tits.

Sadly, this is a combination that is extremely rare, to say the least.

So I have to make my own...

465 posts and 278 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111376
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>> No. 111805
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>> No. 111806
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>> No. 112016
File 154637745390.jpg - (257.77KB , 795x1200 , soraa.jpg )

here you go. sora for you with great pumped fake plastic tits. not these dumb cow udders.
>> No. 112181
File 15464041785.jpg - (159.93KB , 634x1092 , preteen-big-tits.jpg )
If they have big tits, they have to go hardcore also. ;)

No. 112102 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
All of usted que reserve this video of Heather in shower showing her boobs..
>> No. 112103
How the fuck old is she? 22? 25?
>> No. 112179
Come on guys...moar!!!

File 15422209944.png - (360.57KB , 263x350 , 153450464454s.png )
98626 No. 98626 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Brush masterbating vids? (Or similar objects?)
34 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 105404
You're too old to remember, but your penis still standing ha?
Here is your password mister: H2O
>> No. 105716
You can't remember H2O it's not expecting miracles, just common sense
>> No. 107911
What's her YouTube channel called?
>> No. 112097
La bumpty bump
>> No. 112174
this is one of the best bate videos that was ever made, i've had it for years and it remains and always will remain at the top shelf.

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112145 No. 112145 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112157
>> No. 112158
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>> No. 112159
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>> No. 112160
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>> No. 112161

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109627 No. 109627 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Who touched or hurt you as a child? For me it was my step mother. She came into my bedroom late one night, she was drunk and couldn't speak properly. I remember her reaching for my cock and kissing my face.

When I asked what she was doing she laughed and kept rubbing me. I got hard and came almost instantly but she ignored that. She kept molesting me and whispering unintelligible things into my ear.

She was relentless and consistent in the way she violated me. Every moment felt like an hour. At one point I asked her how much longer and she laughed at me. She fingered my ass and kept kissing me while I tried to push her away.

I couldn't think. I couldn't speak. I could feel my entire soul, except every inch of it was in unimaginable pain. Like there was a vice perfectly fitted around my body, crushing me down with all the weight in the world. I felt like I was drowning like, I'm at the bottom of an ocean of pure blackness, all the pressure in the entire ocean is upon me.
14 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 110908
OT: Im curious who the girl in OP is.
>> No. 110923
>>110577 Can't you read? She wrote clearly about her age. Seems you see only what you want to see.
>> No. 112051
Bump, more stories please.
>> No. 112111
I was around 8 years old and she was in my class, we would play doctor and nurse and just played with each other including me putting my fingers inside of her pussy and ass. It stopped around within a few months and by the time we were in middle school she started nasty rumors about me, mainly because i think she was embarrassed
>> No. 112155
I was 8 and my cousin was 7. My father was babysitting us for the night since my mother and aunt were out. My cousin and I were playing around the house and found my dads stash of playboys and penthouse magazines. We were fascinated by this. I remember being turned on by this. Of course dad caught us but he didn’t yell. He had my cousin and I follow him into the bathroom and shut the door as my younger brother and younger cousin were watching tv. He asked us what we knew about what we saw and if we wanted to learn about it. My cousin and I said sure. That’s when my dad pulled his pants down and showed us his hard on. I remember being amazed at its size. He asked if we wanted to touch it. So my cousin and I did. I didn’t find it weird but found it fun. Dad asked us to get naked if we wanted so we both took our clothes off. That was the first time I saw a pussy. My cousins slit was bare and smooth and her chest flat. I liked what saw of course despite my age. Dad had ya touch each other and explore as well as himself. He also explored our bodies. I remember him playing with my cock and her pussy. He also fingered our buttholes. He then asked if we wanted to experience sex and we both nodded. I guess I was turned on. Don’t really remember much. I do remember my cousin and I being bent over the tub as my father took turns fucking each of our assholes. He stopped with mine. Not knowing anything of course but looking back I realize he came inside me. A thought that now discusses me. But as an adult I do love having men fuck me. I love all porn and women(girls) of all ages.

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83070 No. 83070 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 83080
File 153682896446.png - (560.17KB , 480x792 , Capture+_2018-09-13-03-18-11.png )
Yes that's Alyssa, ahs was runner up in Junior Miss Pageant French nudist Contest 10 in 20
She was French nonude model for Webe Web, known as m108 posting 141 galleries up to close Webe Nov 2006.
Preview here her grand opening galleries in 2003
>> No. 83097
File Natures_Enterprise_Contest13-Alyssa.mp4 - (7.81MB , Natures Enterprise Contest13-Alyssa.mp4 )
>> No. 111889
Correction her name is Debbie
>> No. 112144
her name for webe web is Alyssa

File 152108243322.jpg - (161.46KB , 663x569 , Black-Girl-Hairstyle-For-Kids.jpg )
60255 No. 60255 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Where's the black little girls
548 posts and 254 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 110387
Plz more mp4....best thread,love play ..
>> No. 110871
Th look up Janiah Trisca and Stephanie trisca
>> No. 110959
Where at i couldn't find them
>> No. 112130
Dooo u have anymore of this girl!! She is absolutely amazing
>> No. 112131
Omg plzzzzz tell me u have a fucking video! She is beautiful

File 152395331025.jpg - (573.92KB , 800x1237 , amazing5xj_3044479_28336395.jpg )
47337 No. 47337 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
There are a lot of great pics at Pixvenue.com if you have the patience to sift through the gallery: http://pixs.ru\gallery/
30 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 88475
File 153878733547.jpg - (755.39KB , 2336x3504 , Dany--16_88.jpg )
Another good piece of ass.
>> No. 111808
are there any nudes of her I fell for her as a young 3yr. old and want to see her sweet kitty
>> No. 111840
Very juice big ass
>> No. 112120
File 154639667528.jpg - (179.35KB , 709x940 , 250_1000.jpg )
>>82626 You ever do an image search, Bubba?
>> No. 112127
Here. Multiples of the legend-in-her-own-mind teenie-bopper.


It's on Bing, fer chissakes.

18186 hidden. Un-Hide Thread
File 151849147939.jpg - (246.35KB , 956x1440 , lsh-010-088.jpg )
18186 No. 18186 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

688 posts and 588 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 112113
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>> No. 112116
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>> No. 112117
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>> No. 112118
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>> No. 112119
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98004 No. 98004 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
New Thread :-)
89 posts and 72 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111431
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>> No. 111432
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>> No. 112090
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>> No. 112091
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>> No. 112093
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67192 No. 67192 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
39 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111989
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>> No. 111991
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>> No. 112058
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>> No. 112077
Hey friends. Can somebody please post the vid of that girl in the tiger outfit?
>> No. 112082
What Set Is This From?

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19629 No. 19629 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Idk about u but we need moar cheerleaders in our lives! I was hoping everyone could share moar cheerleaders
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 110898
>>20231 Dat ass!
>> No. 110901
File 154608214879.jpg - (37.57KB , 476x599 , 1.jpg )
Instagram is full of hot girls showing of their bodys in tight clothes. From 5yo and up, but my preference is 9yo - 13yo.
>> No. 110904
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>> No. 110905
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>> No. 112081
File 154638839575.jpg - (84.37KB , 809x1012 , Subpost 2 - @angelpolikarpova show this beautiful .jpg )

File 154363503056.png - (2.74MB , 2048x1536 , AmzngFk155chan(1).png )
102583 No. 102583 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Continuing from this old gem I had added a few to: https://155chan.gr/hebe/res/35161.html

I'll post a few new ones to get this thread kickstarted.
85 posts and 68 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111788
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>> No. 111789
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>> No. 111854
File 154631614628.jpg - (1.04MB , 984x1469 , fake-porn-02.jpg )
>> No. 111928
Guess things are sooooo bad here everyone will settle for fakes !
>> No. 112076
I bet $10USD that you would suck his nigger dick if he asked you to.

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112059 No. 112059 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Vamos Aproveitar que a Larissa Manoela completou 18 anos e mandar email para as revistas Playboy e Sexy Chamarem ela para posar pelada.
>> No. 112062
File 154638518285.jpg - (338.23KB , 1080x1350 , Bia Jordão 1.jpg )
Bia Jordão
>> No. 112063
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Duda Wendling
>> No. 112064
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Kiria Malheiros
>> No. 112065
File 154638563761.jpg - (584.77KB , 1080x1350 , Gio Chaves 1.jpg )
Giovanna Chaves

File 153504009353.jpg - (5.44KB , 225x400 , 15328474692s.jpg )
78000 No. 78000 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
My step-daughter just turned 15 and I've been having fantasies of fucking her since I met her when she was 12. The fantasies have increased in the past couple of months, and I've been having erotic dreams about her several times a week.

I know I've posted this pic in a few other threads. Unfortunately, this picture is the only picture I have right now. It was taken in one of the "very few" opportunities to voyeur her. I want to take more pictures. I'm too afraid to get a frontal pic, because she might be able to see the camera. She has a wonderful full bush, and perfect, perky b-cups with average size pink nipples.

I know she'll never allow me to take these pictures. The only way coming to mind is to drug her and take them while she is sleeping.

However, I know if I drug her and take pictures, I'm going to want more.

I do not want to rape her; yet, I know if I cross the line, I know I will cross it completely.

That is my question, should I take the pictures and risk being overcome by lust, or should i do the proper thing, and just keep it a fantasy?
59 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 110585
Some punctuation, in your post, would be helpful. :)

>> No. 110618
With 17 they already had plenty of other guys. If you want to fuck your (step-)daughter, you need to start grooming her around 11 or 12. It is only fun if you are the first
>> No. 111994
Ask her about her bush and suggest your helping hand with shaving it off. If she is open minded enough, it should work.
>> No. 111997
i would and like it was said 7 is a better age .i love lil girls alot for love
>> No. 112057
Did she clean the hose by hosing it down with another hose?

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112054 No. 112054 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 112055
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>> No. 112056
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98621 No. 98621 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
does she only have this vid?
19 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111948

wow, she's quite a cock teaser!
I'm not an ass man but she has quite a big one!
nice looking cunny too!
>> No. 111960
File 154636434634.jpg - (26.11KB , 500x439 , 154221861862s.jpg )
Dude, her ass is skinny and teeny tiny...that's just the way they all look on cell-phone video..or webcam ..or whatever...she's got a delicious little ass and pussy...best ever..thanks to whomever posted this..thanks OP.
>> No. 111967
Thanks to OP and Anon. I saw a screen cap of the first video months and months ago but the link was a premium on a site I never use. She is literally perfect, her age, her shape, her perfect hair and puss. Thank you for sharing Anon, I have spent over a hundred hours shifting through shitty JB cams and this and I have been waiting almost a year to see this whole video. I knew it rank among the top ever, I was right. So many thanks.
>> No. 111969
ps- that site went down due to that "human traffic" law aka patriot act of the internet.
pss- 3 videos of this girl.. mind blown thx again
>> No. 112050
File 15463823646.jpg - (75.56KB , 533x768 , 13Yo Lisa (1)_mp4_20190101_164115_389.jpg )
I managed to screen grab her epic unshaved vagoo..that thing is prime, tenderloin and filet mignon ..lol

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64303 No. 64303 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Shes only 11 and has those tits!
13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 107065
>>64303my girl friends sister has huge titties. ive known her for years. met her when she was only 12. her titties were already huge. now shes 15 and her ass iss getting fat too.
>> No. 108554
bump up
>> No. 108555
>> No. 108590
looks like young
Aurora aka auroratheteddyb ...
or not??????
In my opinion - YES!
>> No. 112049
More please

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112048 No. 112048 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I miss her big time. But since the Maragate happenings of 2015 I lost all her online traces. Would be very grateful for any kind of hint.

File 154604991516.png - (660.72KB , 698x592 , Sem título.png )
110814 No. 110814 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Link: http://dl.free.fr/getfile.pl?file=/oeVr7mV7

21 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 111638
damn, i need more of these type
>> No. 111650
File 403_mp4.mp4 - (292.44KB )
>> No. 111896
God that was so hot. More please!
>> No. 111998
File 0403_mp4.mp4 - (224.15KB )
>> No. 112021
More of these two longer clips and a little more clear if possible

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