【Atom Suit】 アトム・スーツ(3)



The radiation detection suit evolved attached a Geiger counter to the important parts of the human body, including the eyes, reproductive organs, and other organs, and gave the suit a waterproof function that enabled radiation to be washed from the body.  He[Yanobe] also made it in a form in which people could easily move around. The finished result was the yellow Atom Suit.


Kenji Yanobe, Atom Suit Project: Reactor, Chernobyl


photo: Russel Liebman


Yanobe wore  Atom Suit  and headed for Chernobyl. As with an astronaut wearing a space suit, or a diver wearing a diving suit to immerse himself in the sea, Yanobe wore a suit with the minimum functions to protect his life - in order to shift away from the display spaces of a museum or gallery, recover a sense of reality missing from his person, and transform himself again.

Text: “KENJI YANOBE 1969-2005”, p.56, 2005, Seigensha Art Publishing, Inc.

<<【Atom Suit】 アトム・スーツ(2)