
By Athus, 10 years ago
Just thought I'd let others know I play EQ2 on the Lucan Dlere server in case anyone else played as well =)
My current chars are Athiss 43 Brigand, Athuss 27 Warden, Ssirali 10 Warlock

This game is WAAAAAY better then WoW ;)

User replies


#link     Posted: 10 years ago

mmm, damn, i play on the Antonya Bayle server, Razakasis 43 Sarnak Zerker

It is good, but every game has its good points, and its bad points.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Yes, but some games have more bad points points about them then others ;)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Like WoW... *shudders* Im sorry but that is one game that i won't touch with a mile long pole... even if it has a sharp pointy end.

EQ2 is fun, i agree, but I don't have enough people that i speak to and group with on a daily basis to stay there. *shrugs* oh well its free for me! n.n

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Ick, EQ... o.o

I play City of Villains, but I'm a 5 year EQ vet...

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

They've changed a bunch in EQ2 since launch. it's a totally different game now. AA's aren't a rare occurence anymore, it's actually possible to craft prestine every time as long as you pay attention,
and lots more

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Oh, I know, I got a friend who's been with EQ2 since beta, he's on the PvP server... Everytime I visit I get to talk to the back of his head for a half hour... lol

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

lol, fun =p

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I'm waiting for the Binding of EQ to EQ2. I've been playing EQ1 since Beta so far. *Chuckles* I'll be over to EQ2 at some Point... Sarnak Warrior FTW.


#link     Posted: 10 years ago

EQ2's a decent amount easier then EQ1. Not nearly as much of a grind and you don't lose exp (or levels) for dieing =p

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

*Chuckles* That should be a little bit of fun I'd think. I'd have to play on the test server though


#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Oh don't do that. it's such a small community there it's hard to find groups and do anything... (not to mention alot of folks are still upset at the devs for moving a guild from the test server to a
live server before fixing the error and moving people back to the test server) Just get into a nice RP server like Lucan it's a good crowd there. ;)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I'm definately gonna scoop up the new expansion soon - probably before the end of the month, seeya then <3

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Sweet =)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Wednesday the 22nd I will be getting Rise of Kunark via digital download, which I hope to god comes with a free month of gametime XD

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

yes it does, and all the other expansion packs and adventure packs come with it =p

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

too bad I already bought them once XD

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

It is!

I play too, mainly on Unrest, but I might join you on your server for fun :)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Cool, hope ya do =)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Heh. *ponders* Hmmmm... Mabye next time i go to the SoE building i might have to ask for a character copy. *grins* Might give me a bit of a reason to hope about on there, *shrugs* i've been moving
around games so much right now. >.<

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Yah, I hit those phases too

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I hop on and off EQ2, but I play on Antonia Bayle.

You are right: its better than WoW and its a completely different game than launch.

Not currently active at the moment, but i'l be back.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Hmmm on my server. *smiles* well no idea how high you are but should you need any armor or weapons made (below 50 c.c) be happy to help with that.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Lol, knowing Kaerou, maxed, hehe

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

*snickers* well... never mind then. :p *ponders if he should beg for sum monies*

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Actually i'm an altaholic.. my characters range from 20-44 ^^;

#link     Posted: 10 years ago


#link     Posted: 10 years ago

but you have to pay!!! i only like paying for a game once! >.-.<

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I had a few characters on the Lucan D'lere server, too.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Yes, you did... slacker PONY.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

That was the server I used to play on. Had a 52 Iksar Bruiser. Then I stopped. It's kind of bad when over two years I averaged over an hour PER DAY and I used to stop playing for several months in a
row at a time.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

if i had the disposiable income and a PC that would run it i would play EQ2 i played the beta and it was fun

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Athus, I know you played WoW....and personally I'm addicted as hell to it....but I honestly don't know much about EQ2...what makes you say it's better than WoW? Cause sadly I bought Guild Wars Game of
the Year Edition to play with 1 rl friend who rarely got on.....and that alone was a waste of money to me cause the game is so empty.......and it gets boring fast...plus the pvp in it is horrible ( i
love pvp stuff). So can you give me a few pointers about EQ2 so i can see if its worth my time please?

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Yah, guild wars really sucked. Plus you can barely do anything in that game without a guild.

Anyways, EQ2 features..

1.TONS of quests. There are to many quests to be able to do. Quests will turn grey because you've outleveled them. But because of this, there is a TON of actual content in the game.
2.Player House with placeable items. You can make or buy furnature to place in your house as you wish, and you get trophies, books, and other furniture as quest rewards or from clickable items in the
3. Much more interactive dungeons
4. Dungeons are designed for groups to pull large groups of 5-15+ mobs at a time, which makes for really exiting fights
5. Heroic Opporotunities (HO's) Which are special moves you or your group can pull off. THis allows players to syncronise moves and if done correctly, does added dmg to the mob or gives the group a
nice buff that ususally lasts about 15 minutes
6. Collections. You find collections all over the world, on the ground in the form of 'shinies', off mobs and inside items. These collections, when completed, reward ALOT of exp, AA exp, and usually
money and/or an item. Items can be something you place in your house, or something you can actually use
7. Clickable items. Anything in the world, from beds, to crates, to pictures or candles can be clickable and offer hidden quests and items.
8. Interactive crafting. There is no set it and forget it crafting like you have in WoW. You have crafting skills you actually use in order to creat your items.
9. Guild Levels. Guilds have levels, the different levels unlock more guild features for the guild to use, such as bigger guild bank space. Guilds gain exp(status) from doing Heroic quests, guild
writt quests(easily soloable), and from turning in special status items that drop off mobs.
10. AA. Basically the same thing as WoW's Talents. But there are major differences. A single AA skill actually raises your stats by a decent amount. No more of that crappy .5 or 1% increase to crit.
You get 2.5%+ to crit per point you spend in the skills. Now that's just an example. Every skill in your AA has 8 tiers, with growing benefits per tier. You also have 2 talent trees. Each tree is
dependant on the class you pic. One tree will be directly oriented to your class, say Brigand. And your other tree will be oriented to your class family(brigands, assassins, and Rangers are part of
the Scout class family) Each tree you have a total of 50 AA points available to spend, this max increases to 70 or 80 I think when you hit max level. You don't gain AA exp from leveling like in WoW.
You gain AA exp by killing a named mob you havn't before, discovering places, completing green or higher quests, looting rare items, and finishing collections.
And there's alot more but I think I've used up enough space for now, lol

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

what happened to City of Villains XD

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I still play it =p

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

hehe :P

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I was going to try EQ2 out, but I just pre-ordered WAR's collector's edition >_>

I LOVE RvR so much, DAoC was so much fun when it came to PvP, WoW's E-sport Arena's are just so shitty.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I agree that arenas were a bad idea for WoW...what once involved a lore rich history of Horde vs Alliance in the Warcraft games for PvP, such as large scale world pvp battles and the BG's (though too
many BG's burns you out cause its the same thing over and over). It was like 10v10, 15v15, 40v40.....and in world pvp it could become reallllly big....i remember one thing where 300+ horde took over
Ironforge and held it for 3 days.... now days though...its oh....lets do some lame, unbalanced 2v2....the only really balanced of the arenas is the 5v5...cause its got the most people...

anyways sry about the rant, saw the post and couldnt help myself

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Yea, EQ2 is fun... with the right people to play with.

The german servers sucked, i tried another european server, and... well... we had lots of idiots there too... soo -_-

Somehow the experience of these games is always ruined by random groups. But I don't play enough to join a guild :S

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I miss EQ1/2 anyway *sniffs* my home ;_;

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Awww poor iksar. *pets*

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I'm typically all alone in the furry channel. :P We could all chat together! If you're in EQ2 just type in /join lucandlere.furry If you're in another sony MMORPG I think you can /join
EQ2.Lucandlere.furry to chat.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

huh, strange. I type in the commend but I get nothing. No new chat channel and no error.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

They were having issues with the chat channels. ;) For yoursel on Lucan just /joinchannel Furry. ;)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

BTW... I'm suprised you have done any Iksar, Sarnak, dragon pr0n from EQ2. ;)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

hehe, I know! It's cause I suck at anthros, lol. That and although the male iksars in EQ2 are hot, there heads look to much like Gremlins, lol.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I hang out on Permafrost...

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I got characters spread out all over the servers, if I could have more than 7 then i'd have one on each server, my main is Xajeve(18 necro) on nektulos server.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Well technically speaking you could have 12 charater slots... If you got the Station Pass.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I'd probably enjoy it if I played it with you and Sarm.. but I like WoW, too.. and I still have my FPSs to play.. *Dies from too many game choices*

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I would play EQ2, but I don't own it, and I tend to be very stingy when I'm buying games.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Underwater underwater underwater frieeeeends ;)

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Metalocalypse is win. ^^

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Why yes, yes it is^^ I'm just glad the writers strike is over and they're back to making more eppisodes^^

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

*SQuees.* I play it.. Oh, wait.. lol.. Silly Riesy.. *Clings to Athus and gets us killed by pulling to much* ^^'

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

lol, weeee!!

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

I've been playing the trial for a week now and the game is fine. If Age of Conan flops, I'm most likely gonna buy it, like we already talked about. Won't be a problem for me to swtich between US
servers and EU servers.

So many classes to play.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

Only reason EQ2 could be better is that there are playable scalie races..but anyways..back to what I was gunna say originally.

Your mom is better than *insert MMO name here*

ha..Mom..MMO..coincidence? I think not.

#link     Posted: 10 years ago

*wishes there were any furries on the european Union server in City Of Heroes/Villains* :( Oh well. *goes out to fight crime*