Tagged XD    

By Athus, 8 years ago
I've been tagged!

1) Post these rules
2) Post 8 true things about yourself
3) At the end you must tag 8 people and post their icons
4) Go to their page and send them a message saying you tagged them

1. I'm 28 years old and 6 ft tall.

2. I'm very lithe and toned, topping at 155LBS

3. I love doing art when I'm in the mood to =D

4. I'm otherkin and cherish every aspect of it(even the bad ones)

5. I'm really laid back and goofy

6. I make inappropriate adult paraphernalia for a living 0.o'

7. Narse is my mate, no double stampees or take backies!

8. I love nature and technology, so I'm contradictory XD

I do say, I've tagged amyth amyth altenia altenia artonis artonis avilon avilon DNK-Anais DNK-Anais DOPR5 DOPR5 esartist esartist Fortuna Fortuna

User replies


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

nice to see a proud otherkin fellow here

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Always a pleasure to see more otherkin present here.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Many just say nothing and don't make themselves obvious, others are more expressive of their 'furry side'. But otherkin have an uncanny knack for seeking each other out with varying degrees of success
and if you know what your're looking for, they are not hard to find.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I agree with that; I normally do not announce it myself but I do find it rather funny and odd how we tend to just gather. it is like we give off a special sort of ping 'I am otherkin/therian!' sort
of thing to others of the like.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

You would be surprised how right you are.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Pretty spot on.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Huh, I never thought of it that way...but yep. *nod* One of those inherent, unexplained feelings.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

The feral dragons among all the anthros? :P

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

<3 Dragonkin for life =D Glad you and Narse are still doing great =)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

7. Narse is my mate, no double stampees or take backies!

Do such gifted artists naturally drift towards each other, or was this some random cosmic cum of awesome?


#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Loud and proud for otherkinship ^..^

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Oh I see how it is. Dont tag your sis. :(

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

But I loves fluffy paws <33

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Look at the order of the names. A, A, A, A, D, D, E,F I went aphibetically down my watch list lol.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Meaning you skipped me!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Owned. :)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Lol, how did I skip you? I didn't get to the M's 0.o

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

8. Yeah, nature and tech... I love nature (I mean, have you seen that stuff? It's beautiful! Like dragons!), but tech... I mean, if I didn't have my laptop connected to the internet, this section of
it being run off FA's server and connected to my server and yours through wireless and wired computer interactions, in order to transmit this information, all running on electricity, I wouldn't be
contacting you, or much of anyone else. So... yeah... Can't make up my mind on those.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Yay dragonkin :3

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

not to mention, lit up like a fucking Christmas tree too :3

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Huh? 0.o

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Your soul, is very bright, with a strong pull that others like myself feel with little effort, just like with Malik.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

*smiles and nods respectfully*
A fellow kin? That is good to hear!

Fly well! }:=)

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I don't think a love of nature AND technology is contradictory. I mean, the two don't mutually exclude each other, so long as people keep in mind Nature changes naturally due to outside sources all
the time. People have this fixed idea that change in nature is bad. They have this fixed idea that extinction is bad, and that you must prevent a species from going extinct...

The fossil record is full of testament to the fact that extinction is a natural part of Nature adopting to new and changing circumstances. Where one species falls, another evolves.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

It all just boils down to the fact that people are simply afraid of change. Extinctions, foodwebs changing, etc. People are afraid of change, especially change they can't predict.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

This is probably true.

There's also an element of the old idea that 'Nature doesn't change' involved.

That idea is still around, sadly, both as the Young Earth Creationalist movement (who insist the planet is only six thousand years old, even though the history of civilization goes back 12,000 years,
the fossil record goes back 600 million years, and the crystal record goes back 4.5 billion years) and as a influential minority in overall society.

The ideas "Afraid of change" and "Nature doesn't change" are very similar, which is probably why they get along so well.

Also, I think part of the problem is people like polar bears alot. Almost as much as penguins.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Lol, nice closure XD

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

It is well known that penguins and polar bears would get along like rabbits and wolves. o:

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Or cows and dragons, as the case may be. o:

#link     Posted: 8 years ago



#link     Posted: 8 years ago

Half the names you tagged start with A.

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

I sorta went down my watch list XD

#link     Posted: 8 years ago

1. I'm 28 years old and 6 ft tall.

bwhahahahaha im taller AND younger! bwahahahah!

#link     Posted: 8 years ago
