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If you're new to SkincareAddiction: welcome!

This thread is the best place to start if you have questions about skincare products, your routine, and your skin. Our community is knowledgeable, and we want to help you have the best skin of your life!

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Step 1: Read our resources

First take a look at our FAQ and Wiki! They include product recommendations and advice for skin concerns like acne, pigmentation, and dehydrated skin. You might find a solution to your problem there!

If you can't find an answer, or you have additional questions after reading, please move on to step 2!

Step 2: Ask for help

To give you the best advice possible, our users need relevant information about your skin and skincare. With your request for help please include:

  • The issue(s) you need help with.

  • Skin type. It's OK to be subjective, how do you feel your skin is? Oily, dry? If you need help clarifying, check out this guide on skin types

  • Current routine with the full names of your products (try to separate it in to Morning, Evening, and Occasionally used)

  • How long you have been using your current routine, or product in question

  • Anything new you’ve introduced or started doing that might change the condition of your skin

  • Your location so we can recommend products/services available to you

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Firstly, thank you so much for helping out our community, without your knowledge and time ScA would not be the same!

Some things we'd ask for you to keep in mind: please don't just downvote someone's opinion or response because you disagree.

If you can, please take the time to tell them why you think their advice may be incorrect or harmful. It's better for people to understand why something is a poor choice, instead of just being told that it is one.

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I apologise in advance as this is probably going to be pretty long! However, I'm really happy about this and as it happened as a result of the tips and knowledge I've learnt from this sub, I thought I'd share here!

So my mum and I have never really gotten on very well as we are both incredibly stubborn and have personalities that clash on an almost biblical scale! It's for this reason that I moved in with my SO after having to move back in with my parents last year due to medical issues. I went back for a few days over Christmas so I was expecting to just have to wait things out and try to stay civil until Boxing Day (today) when I would be coming back home to spend the day with my SOs family!

However this Christmas has been a bit of a turning point in our ever turbulent relationship! I'd brought my "essential" skincare products over, as well as a few extras that I wasn't using or didn't get on with that I was going to leave for my mum if she liked them.

Although we have different concerns with our skin, we have the same skin type and texture. I was just getting ready for bed so I was doing my nightly routine when my mum came into the spare room to "check I was all set" to leave tomorrow and to ask if I needed my brothers help carrying anything down as I have spinal problems! I'll hand it to her, she seemed to be trying as hard as I was to avoid any confrontation etc this year which was really nice!

So she said she'd noticed the improvement in my skin and she asked if I would like to watch a movie and teach her what I use etc So for the first time since she taught me to paint my nails and put mascara on at the age of 12 (I'm 22 now) we sat down and had a "girly evening"! I was a little apprehensive at first but we sat down and went through her collection and I explained what they did, when and why she should use them and she tried out the acid peel I attribute the majority of my skins improvements to! We put face masks on, I painted her nails + toenails over a glass of wine and the new Peter rabbit movie! This morning she was so pleased with the results that we went shopping for some upgrades to her collection before I left to come home!

So I suppose I'd like to thank you all for teaching me about skincare and for in part facilitating having a wonderful evening with my mother!


Last night, I had a weird reaction to a sheet mask that I use regularly. It usually calms my skin and leaves me refreshed & dew-y, but this time it burned a bit. I woke up this morning and felt some bumps on one of my problem areas that’s hard to cover up/treat.

Cue silent freak out, trying to figure out what products I have while I’m away from home to treat the bumps, worrying about how I’ll look at Christmas dinner, etc. All while still lying in bed in the dark, not even seeing if it’s as “bad” as I think... on Christmas morning.

I don’t really like Christmas for a variety of reasons and deal with anxiety/seasonal depression on top of it. The last thing I need is to beat myself up over something that no one else is going to fixate on, that doesn’t change my value as a person.

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been spending a lot of energy on my appearance because it’s easier than addressing the beneath-the-surface pain. I’m deciding to let that go today. No drawing attention to the couple of imperfections on my otherwise smooth & clear skin. No complaining about how much weight I’ve gained or how I don’t like the holidays. I’m going to enjoy time with loved ones and put my best self forward. Vulnerability is a beautiful thing.

I type this all out because it was a good mini-wake up call for me. I think a lot of us probably spend time scrolling through this subreddit looking for tips on how to perfect ourselves on the outside. Skin care is an awesome hobby and has done wonders for my mental health. And, the “addiction” in SkinCareAddiction can also go a little too far sometimes.

Whether you’re celebrating today or not, I hope you are able to be kind to whatever face you are putting forward - this day and every other one!

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