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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Dec 2

    Any questions you'd like to ask me please ask them on my CuriousCat: . Any professional inquiries dm me for my email. Otherwise no dm's unless I personally know you. Thank you!

  2. 18 seconds ago

    Is anyone aware of any Latino Muslim organizations, preferrably but not exclusively based, in NYC? Also Native American ones?

  3. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    Traditionalism* and Bad Politics Why are "traditionalist" inclined to bad politics? More so, why do individuals who deride politics (as praxis) end up embracing draconian regimes and defend pragmatism? Quite the paradox.

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  4. 59 minutes ago

    The YPG needs the US in Syria because they actually have no on the ground support from the population to ensure their continuing occupation of Northern Syria. It isn’t just due to risk of Assad and Russia, it’s internal issues as well. People do not like them lol

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  5. 1 hour ago

    With that said. Jimmy Dore is an idiot nonetheless and the other points he makes are true about how one can be so ignorant about Rojava and be so confident in his opinion on Syria.

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  6. 1 hour ago

    This thread is weird. The Pro-Assad Left love the YPG and “the Kurds.” Also please, stop eulogizing a military wing of the PKK that is made up of non Syrian Kurds at the top, that has been opportunistically undermining the Syrian revolution and has no support from Syrian Kurds.

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  7. 1 hour ago
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  8. Retweeted

    I feel bad about all the burglars who never had the confidence to rob a house on christmas thanks to me.

  9. 24 hours ago

    He literally walked his cousin to the location of the water bottles so his cousin can hand him some water instead of just going there and getting it by himself. I don’t know who got played more, him or his cousin.

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  10. 24 hours ago

    An interaction between my 3 year old nephew (N) and his 4 year old cousin (C): N: “Can someone get me water!” Me: “You can go get it yourself buddy.” C: “I can get you water!!” N: “Okay! But, you don’t know where the water is, come with me let me show you!” Like bruh...🤦🏽‍♂️

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  11. Retweeted
    Dec 24

    My Nephew openned one gift early and he won’t stop screaming this lol

  12. Dec 25

    I appreciate the work he does, but his madkhali tendencies shine through and his disdain for opposition to oppressive tyrants stemming from those misguided beliefs clearly steer his rhetoric.

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  13. Dec 25

    This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Literally no armchair activists abroad were talking about Sudan. Stop projecting your fantasies onto people with agency. It’s not like millions in Sudan looked online and said “wow I guess time to protest cause massa says so.” Dumb.

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  14. Dec 25

    By and large they have stuck to their core cultural and religious traditions without capitulating to modern sensibilities. They are a people who love Islam and are known for it.

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  15. Dec 25

    The argument that people get the rulers they deserve is probably least applicable to Sudanis. Sudanis are generally not super modernized or Westernized, they are very much close to the religion, they are not liberal, they do not have a high class celebrity culture and...

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  16. Dec 25

    I talked about this on recently. “Unveiling the Algerian women” as a strategy of colonization to stifle the backbone of the Algerian revolution, the women who maintained the education, morale, and spirit of the resistance in the home.

  17. Dec 24

    Lol maybe this will result in less Atheists who grow up feeling like they were lied to as kids cause apparently it’s horrible to tell a kid a flying man isn’t real. Jeez.

  18. Dec 24

    In fact. They are allowed to define other people’s beliefs. If you’re a racist then that makes you right wing. There’s no interpretation that is valid to them that allows for a person who is liberal to also be a racist. That’s fundamentally restricted to being right wing.

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  19. Dec 24

    When they seek to do the same. At the end of the day both are attempts to define moral paradigms and moral truths. The difference? The former relies purely on self indulgence and arrogance, while the latter at least submits our egos in favor of following the authority of God.

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  20. Dec 24

    Upon by the majority of Muslims as being THE authority on Islam, namely the Qur’an and by extension the ahadith. This exemplifies the paradox of Liberals who profess to be the most open ideology while granting themselves the ability to define their beliefs but demonizing Muslims

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  21. Dec 24

    Can’t be a Muslim if they believe certain things are halal that are explicitly haram, or they disbelieve in finality of Prophethood, then you’re not allowed to make that claim despite the fact that Islam actually has authoritative texts one can look at directly that is agreed

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