[identity profile] kayla-la.livejournal.com posting in [community profile] artists_beware
Mixipony at Deviantart, Mixi at Weasyl, Askmixipony at Tumblr

WHERE: She first contacted me asking for a trade on Weasyl, and I took it to Deviantart when responses on Weasyl became sparse

WHAT: A coloured sketch art trade

January 20th 2013 First contacted about trade, I agree, we trade references and info
January 20th 2013 She notes with WIP, link leads to this, I approve, ask for small change
January 24th 2013 I send a sketch
January 24th 2013 I send finished version
Unsure which day She uploaded it to tumblr
January 26th 2013 She comments on image, says her half will be done 'soon'
March 6th 2013 I ask for update on weasyl, get no reply
March 14th 2013 Notice she's been quiet/inactive on Weasyl, check up on her DA where she is VERY active, receive no reply
March 19th/22nd 2013 I try again, finally receive reply
May 11th 2013 Waited a while, asked for update
May 13th 2013 Receive note on Weasyl, am told she will work on it after commissions
June 12th 2013 Waited a while, asked for update, received no reply
June 19th 2013 Try again on Deviantart, as her Weasyl again seems inactive, receive no reply to this day
June 20th 2013 She opens for more commissions before finishing her half of our trade despite her last Weasyl note, I inquire in journal, receive no reply
Various times Throughout timespan, she repeatedly opens up for requests and commissions, though this is the only instance I capped, you can find more scattered throughout her tumblr and deviantart
UPDATE: July 3rd 2013 Mixi has contacted me after being alerted to this post, giving me several reasons as to why she has neither done her half nor replied to me, and ordering me to remove the post on tumblr (which I had nothing to do with)
UPDATE 2: July 3rd 2013 We have come to an agreement via DA. She will design a pony OC for me in exchange as it seems to be easier for her to draw ponies over anthro characters. I will update once I have received the art.
UPDATE 3: July 16th 2013 She has delivered a design. I will be tweaking it a little (I'll make my own ref sheet for her, not edit Mixi's art, of course) but I'm otherwise satisfied, other than having been unable to get her to reply to me to answer a question even though she's been active. So I suppose the biggest takeaway is that communication is difficult at best with this artist.

EXPLAIN: Contact was great until she received my half. I would have asked for updates far less often (I understand it can look pushy just going by the timeline) if it hadn't been so difficult to get her to reply to me. You can see she is very active on Deviantart and tumblr and has done many personal works, requests, and commissions since initiating our trade. There is no good reason she couldn't have finished a coloured sketch by now. At the very least, she could take a minute to reply to me and keep me updated. It is clear I am being ignored and treated as not important because this is a trade, despite it being one she asked for.

I also felt she tried to move the discussion back to Weasyl (despite her clearly being inactive there)so the public would not see someone constantly asking for updates, and was irritated to find she had opened for more commissions before finishing her half, despite claiming she would finish it after her last batch.

I do not recommend accepting a trade from this artist.

Date: 2013-07-03 09:54 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] exo-formicidae.livejournal.com
Ouch.. I understand if the artist would be overwhelmed by owed works, but it don't seem like that seeing they still take on new requests and commissions. Maybe she just got disinterested. Not that it's an excuse of course, and it's incredibly bad form to you ignore you, just thought that could be a reason as why she was late to start with.

Have you tried messaging her in the emal she refers to for requestests? Requests?*
Edited Date: 2013-07-03 09:56 pm (UTC)

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] exo-formicidae.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-03 10:00 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2013-07-03 10:20 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] dannyazazel.livejournal.com
I really don't understand why she keep putting it off. It looks like it was pretty much done aside from adding the necklace and adding colour. It's a real shame she's ignoring you.

I know art trades generally aren't considered as important as commissions, they should come before personal work though. Sad that so many people blow them off.

Date: 2013-07-03 11:44 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] sbneko.livejournal.com
It's actually a big problem in my opinion that trades aren't taken seriously, since there's no reason to. You're still paying the person for art, but with goods (art in exchange), rather then money. There's really no difference between them, unless you both agree before hand that you'd rather treat it as something less serious.

Personally, I treat trades the exact same as commissions. They're in my queue, done when it's their turn, updates given, etc. But almost no one else does this and now I can't ever take trades, as people just never do the art or take a year or two.

Just ranting a bit, sorry!

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] dannyazazel.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 02:58 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] sbneko.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 10:08 pm (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2013-07-03 10:24 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] celestinaketzia.livejournal.com
That's baffling. Dani's colors were pretty much done. It wouldn't have been but another 30 more minutes to an hour tops to finish the image off.

Date: 2013-07-03 10:25 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] kristalnacho.livejournal.com
Have you tried making a Tumblr ask on her page as a reminder? I might make her reply faster and as long as you have an account, it can be a private PM. ( If you send her an ask under an account, it gives her the button to "answer privately". when you're non on an acount or you're anonymous. it's not available. however Tumblr eats some asks sometimes.)

You can also make a tumblr post about it under her tagging name (#askmixipony) asking her to remember to complete her side of the trade. However I would do that as a last resort since it could cause drama even if it was a straight forward and friendly reminder. :S

Date: 2013-07-03 10:28 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] sapphistscot.livejournal.com
She comes to you asking for a trade, gets a lovely piece of her character, then refuses to make good on her part? Jeez, she should just have come right out and asked you if you do requests since that's basically what she's got. Though it is really weird that she'd go to all the trouble of making that WIP image and never finishing it.

Date: 2013-07-03 10:55 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] neolucky.livejournal.com
If I am asked for a trade, I make sure the ask-ee does theirs first. If I ask, I always do mine first. This little policy seems to work but...ugh. I would never treat a trade like it wasn't as important as work , because it IS work! Time, effort and materials.

I'll be sure never to trade with this person.

Date: 2013-07-03 11:14 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] kaelstra.livejournal.com
That sucks. Hopefully she comes through and provides you with your half.

Your half is amazing, by the way. I love the colors and pose!

Date: 2013-07-04 12:29 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] dreamlordthowra.livejournal.com
Ouch. Hope you get your art. Had something similar to this happen to me a few months ago, but thankfully I got a (even if fairly mediocre) half in return. Right now the artist has a terribly long wait list and a zillion trades from the same batch as me.

Any advice I would give is finish your half and then wait for them to finish theirs and post it before you post yours.


Date: 2013-07-04 01:13 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] kasune.livejournal.com
Really sorry to hear you got jipped. That stinks, you put a lot of effort into your half and it looks lovely. Mentally noting to myself not to trade with this person.

Edited for grammar.
Edited Date: 2013-07-04 01:14 am (UTC)

(frozen) Mod Note

Date: 2013-07-04 01:33 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] oceandezignz.livejournal.com
Please see this comment here: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/665994.html?thread=26554762#t26554762

On why the use of jipped/jypped/gypped is unaccpetable to use in AB.

(frozen) Re: Mod Note

From: [identity profile] kasune.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 01:35 am (UTC) - Expand

(frozen) Re: Mod Note

From: [identity profile] mistresswolf.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 06:24 am (UTC) - Expand

(frozen) Re: Mod Note

From: [identity profile] shukivengeance.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 06:42 am (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2013-07-04 02:08 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] mdetector5.livejournal.com
Stuff like this is a reminder why I never take trades and when I do I super-friendslock them that I need to get off my own ass and finish the trades I owe. I don't want to be the guy that ruins it for everyone else for the person(s) I'd want to trade (or I'm trading) with, among other things.

Trades can be fun, but for all the ones that go smoothly, there are the ones where the other guy is just terrible to work with, as seen in this post.

Date: 2013-07-04 02:09 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] lackoflollies.livejournal.com
Since you helped me out when I got effed out of some icons by RJH, why don't you send me some refs and I can help you out this time?

Date: 2013-07-04 04:21 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] munemunenyo.livejournal.com
It's unfortunate, but it doesn't surprise me. I've heard through the grapevine that she also heavily references without crediting, but I need to do some digging on Tumblr for the posts.

Date: 2013-07-04 04:29 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] vellacraptor.livejournal.com
Also has been caught straight up tracing too apparently, though I'm not sure which image she did?

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] muchikins.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 05:46 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] munemunenyo.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 05:52 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] muchikins.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 05:58 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] munemunenyo.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 06:44 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] muchikins.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 06:56 am (UTC) - Expand

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] muchikins.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 07:07 am (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2013-07-04 06:00 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] nitrous.livejournal.com
so from what i'm gathering, her excuse for not doing her half of the trade is jumping back and forth between her tablet being broken, being depressed and uninterested, and wanting to draw things easier for her first? and apparently, according to her, there's ANOTHER person's trade lingering out there somewhere that she has yet to finish.

you know, i can completely understand getting into art funk because it happens to every artist, but you don't ignore the people you owe and you for sure don't keep churning out artwork for others and yourself ontop of that, definitely worth the beware


Date: 2013-07-04 06:34 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] jaburnit.livejournal.com
...You could have just messaged her on skype about it instead of trying to make her the bad guy about all this. She had a reason for not getting it done, and she might have just had forgotten about it. I mean, Christ, did you even try talking to her about it, before you started posting all this?
(screened comment)

(frozen) (no subject)

From: [identity profile] neolucky.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 07:50 am (UTC) - Expand

(frozen) (no subject)

From: [identity profile] neolucky.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-04 07:41 am (UTC) - Expand

Date: 2013-07-04 07:59 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] sapphistscot.livejournal.com
'but I hardly ever ask for art trade'

Well I hardly ever ask for a vanilla latte at the staff canteen, so should I get them for free? Ugh, what really gets me about this is that *she* asked you for a trade, and now she's acting like it's a huge hassle and she's been forced into it. Would never do business with this girl.

Date: 2013-07-04 10:21 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] yarbro.livejournal.com
While being overwhelmed does happened to the best of us.

I find it frustrating of how the artist responded to the OP after the AB posted. :/ I find lack of professionalism of how she responded to you.

Artist Beware earned.

Date: 2013-07-05 12:43 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] cathzcathz.livejournal.com
I'm not an artist but I would consider trades just as important as commission work. Making people wait makes me really nervous and all that paranoid stuff.

Hopefully you get your half soon.

Date: 2013-07-05 05:18 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] sand-ninja07.livejournal.com
I rarely do art trades nowadays, as I have gotten burned way too many times over the years. I have participated in art trades with roughly 15-20 different artists (I forget the exact number since it's been so long). Today, I own completed pieces from four of those artists.

The rest of the artists that I have worked with either never finished their half of the trade (resulting in me having to sell my half of the trade), or their half of the trade was obviously rushed and significantly lower in quality than the rest of their work.

Like some of the other people who have posted here, my policy is to treat art trades the same way as I would a commission. Unless both parties involved have agreed to a different set of terms, that is a policy that I think EVERYONE should follow.

With that said, I think it was incredibly dirty of Mixi to drag this out for as long as she has while continuing to churn out artwork for other people, especially when you completed your half of the trade nearly six months ago.

At the very least, she should have agreed to finish the piece that she had already started for you. It shouldn't matter that anthro characters are out of her element. Ponies are out of your element, but you still managed to successfully complete your half of the trade for her.

Any artwork from her is better than nothing at this point though, I suppose.


Date: 2013-07-05 12:44 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile] ansitru.livejournal.com
Things like these are exactly why I turn down most art-trades, unless I initiate them and they're with a person I know / am friends with. D:

I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad to hear she's finally finishing up her half from the trade. However, the fact that you had to chase her down on various websites first, paired with her reaction to this on tumblr ... Let's just say I'm going to go ahead and avoid this person. Yikes.

Date: 2013-07-06 10:21 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] thaily.livejournal.com
That's a lovely pony, sorry to hear you got stiffed on the trade :/
I know the feeling well, sadly.

Date: 2013-07-09 01:00 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile] ivorytigress.livejournal.com
Have you heard anything/seen anything yet?
I really hope they own up to this.

(no subject)

From: [identity profile] yarbro.livejournal.com - Date: 2013-07-11 02:26 am (UTC) - Expand


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