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kids dont realize how much trouble they can get into interacting with adult nsfw artists smh
I KNO RIGHT? Like, cmon thats the dumbest statement "bc im a minor? That BS!" UHM DO U NOT SEE THE OBVIOUS?pic.twitter.com/wRZGORNhdM
lmao pretty much, its like. they dont realize it nor will listen cuz some kids are dumb.
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I'm pretty sure "That's BS" won't hold up in court.
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Honestly I don't give reasons if I find a user under the age of 18 is following me, I just block them on sight >>;; it says 18+ in my profile if they cant figure that out then I definitely don't want the headache of trying to explain.
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To be fair, 15-year-olds are highly unlikely to be at work
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That kids kinda dumb, when I was 15 I liked about being 18 all the time
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Dear Kids, STOP ACTING SO EDGY, we don't want lives to get ruined.
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You’re sentenced to death “Just because I’m a serial killer?” “That’s BS”
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This is why I actively avoid minors on the internet. Immature kids who just can't accept they can't have everything they want.pic.twitter.com/rU3Nom7GzY
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Not only a minor he’s also a ass haha too bad he’s not smart
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“THATS BS” “It’s also pretty much illegal, so, don’t care.”
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Tell that to the judge
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People never learn.
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Lol that was kind of lame if you ask me for them to say that
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I ran into someone similar to this recently. Some kids just don’t know about the legal system.
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