[–] 15756462? 1 points 2 points (+3|-1) ago 

Bs we all killed Jesus. Everyone abandoned Jesus at the Christ.

[–] 15756584? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

They want us divided! Have you learned nothing here??

[–] 15756432? 1 points 1 points (+2|-1) ago 

Technically, the Jews were behind the crucifixion but Pontius Pilate ( a Roman) sentenced him to be beaten and then to death. Roman soldiers nailed him to the cross and a Roman Soldier pierced his side with a sword. The fact is that if you understand Christianity Jesus died for the sins of humanity and offers Eternal life to those who believe in him.

[–] 15756599? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Jesus was Jewish..

[–] 15756889? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

All the original Christians were Jews, not least Jesus. As to what actually murdered Christ, see my below article, which demonstrates the logically unavoidable anarchism of Jesus Christ's teachings as recorded in the New Testament (in addition to analyzing their context in relation to his actions, to the Tanakh, and to his apostles). It is logically complete on this subject, in the sense of its apodixis.

See also my following article, which demonstrates the logically unavoidable correctness of the anarcho-capitalist theory of human rights. It doesn't derive an "ought" from an "is"--rather, it derives an "ought" from an "ought": an "ought" everyone must necessarily presuppose in order to even begin to deny it.

And see:

The foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

[–] 15756840? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Whoever tricked you into blaming all you problems on jews is a genius.

Or you're the one trying to do the tricking.

Either way RECONCILE

[–] 15756831? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

You couldn't just leave it at "Merry Christmas ", could you?

[–] 15756731? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

All a fairytale to tame you.

[–] 15756722? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

And it was mostly Jews who were his disciples and spread his message.

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