Animal Abuser/Animal Abuse Enabler Blocker


For the animals. Blocking animal sexual abusers, apologists, and enablers. Spreading awareness of the effects of animal sexual abuse. MAKE APPEALS VIA EMAIL.
Joined October 2018


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  2. Xrcalo, the leader of this group, called Douglas Spink his friend and frequently interacts with CSA. In doing another wave of blocks today, we have noticed a high volume of self proclaimed zoophiles follow the account.

  3. The thread will be continued later today.

  4. Red herring: "Zoophilia isn't real abuse when people are beating puppies/eating cows/etc." Another deflection of the argument at hand by injecting an unrelated topic to animal sexual abuse.

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  5. Tu quoque: "This anti-zoo made a logical fallacy, therefore all of this anti-zoo sentiments are wrong." This deflects criticism on animal sexual abuse into the person making the criticism instead of actually addressing the argument.

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  6. Anecdotal: "MY dog isn't hurt when I have sex with it." "MY animal likes having sex with me." Anecdotal statements of isolated incidents without compelling evidence (also a misunderstanding of animal behavior to boot).

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  7. Appeal to nature: "Interspecies sex happens in the wild." "Ancient humans had sex with animals and it was natural then." Because something occured in nature or the past does not make it okay.

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  8. the criticism at hand, because that criticism targets "fake" zoophiles. (2/2)

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  9. No true scotsman: "No REAL zoophile hurts their animals." This attempts to make criticism unapplicable to the group in question by saying that zoophiles who do not percieve themselves as hurting their animals are the "true" zoophiles, and are therefore absolved from (1/2)

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  10. Ad hominem: "Because you are against zoophilia, you are a bigot." This is an attack on personal character without actually addressing the argument at hand. (This also is a misrepresentation of "bigot" in the understood definition, i.e. a racist/homophobe/transphobe.)

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  11. We do not want all animals who have suffered from ASA to be euthanized. We just recognize that sometimes the emotional and behavioral damage that can result from repeated abuse makes an animal unsafe to be around humans, and unfortunately, euthanasia must occur. (2/2)

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  12. Strawman: "You want to harm all zoophiles." "You want to kill all animals affected by zoophiles." This is an exaggeration of anti-ASA arguments in order to make them easier to attack. Wanting legal justice for abusers =/= wanting to attack ot harm. (1/2)

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  13. Here is a thread of common logical fallacies used by animal sexual abusers or those defending animal sexual abuse.

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  14. Many will use manipulative tactics and logical fallacies. Don't let them work on you.

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  15. Don't ever let animal sexual abusers make you feel bad for standing up for the voiceless.

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  16. Harmful paraphilias are not, and never will be, sexualities. Perpetrators of these abuses will never be welcome in the LGBT+ community.

  17. LGBT+ people, we should be frankly offended by sexual abusers trying to infiltrate our community. Since the beginning, animal sexual abusers have been lumped in by homophobes with those attracted to consenting adults of the same gender. Now the abusers are lumping themselves in.

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  18. Animal sexual abusers are not oppressed. They are sick.

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  19. "Zoosexuality" (and "pedosexuality" for that matter) is a sick joke of a term. As always, animal sexual abusers try to hang onto marginalized sexualities and appropriate and bastardize our struggle.

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  20. Beware of animal sexual abusers twisting popular or notable individuals' narriatives to fit their twisted agenda. This has become the case with retweeting and quote-retweeting 's inspirational tweets.

  21. Denouncing animal sexual abusers has big benefits: 1.) Weeding them out from your audience so they cannot hijack your content to suit their narriative 2.) Influencing others not to accept or tolerate animal sexual abuse 3.) The opportunity to educate people on the harms of ASA

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