Has a preteen ever raped an adult?
Has someone under the age of 13 ever raped an adult (someone 18 years old or older)? Please provide a link to one or more reliable sources that proves that this has happened before (if this has actually happened before).
Update: (A 14-year-old raped a 83-year-old https://www.wmar2news.com/news/crime-checker/baltimore-city-crime/14-year-old-charged-as-adult-in-rape-murder-of-83-year-old-during-home-invasion and a 13-year-old raped a 20-year-old... show more (A 14-year-old raped a 83-year-old https://www.wmar2news.com/news/crime-checker/baltimore-city-crime/14-year-old-charged-as-adult-in-rape-murder-of-83-year-old-during-home-invasion and a 13-year-old raped a 20-year-old https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7079461/13-year-old-boy-gets-just-three-year-detention-for-raping-woman.html)
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