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  1. The annual Yule Blog is up again this year. Christmas 101 for people, Christians and others, who want to know what this holiday madness is all about.

  2. Big news from DC: 's Syria call could split his populist coalition, setting off Jacksonian-Jeffersonian conflict. My latest

  3. Dec 18

    My latest : Sunny optimism didn't work, so where does US human rights policy go next?

  4. Dec 16
  5. Dec 12

    The tendency of American Christians to substitute sanctimonious platitudes for serious reflection on international affairs is a leading cause of tragedies around the world.

  6. Dec 8
  7. Dec 8

    You clearly lack the keen perception and the righteous rage needed for cutting edge academic work in our glorious Age of Light.

  8. Dec 7

    TFW you realize that time is going by.

  9. Dec 4

    Macron started with reforms and hoped Germany would reciprocate with concessions. This morning, as French government bows to street protests, that strategy doesn't look smart. .

  10. Dec 3

    Macron to the contrary, France is a very nationalistic country. That isn't a bad thing.

  11. Dec 3

    There have been a lot of Christian magistrates, some of whom have written books. But the theologians seem to do the most writing. When people ask me what Christian foreign policy is, I ask them what is the recipe for Christian cherry pie.

  12. Dec 3

    On the other hand, the churches of the Magisterial Reformation are full of chatty advice for magistrates, most of it terrible. Theologians of all stripes overvalue their ability to add value in politics; Niebuhrs are rare.

  13. Dec 1

    It's the simplest things that people always forget: "The horror and neglect of the obvious" as CS Lewis put it. There's a lot of that in statecraft.

  14. Dec 1

    Earlier tweet was wrong; it's the French PM, not president, who is skipping the global climate meeting in Poland to deal with French unrest. The unrest was triggered by tax increases to support the climate agenda.

  15. Dec 1

    Southern Baptists lose 6% members across 17 yrs. Response: hundreds of new church plants yearly & racial diversification. Mainline Protestants lose 50% across 50 yrs. Response: We’re ok! SBC losing too! Political activism is revival! Full steam ahead!

  16. Dec 1

    The atom bomb might also rate a mention.

  17. Nov 30

    Anybody know what this is? Twitter has checked the following text line as one of my interests. I keep unchecking it; they keep re-checking it: "People are calling The New York Times following Press Secretary Sarah Sanders' statement". Very weird.

  18. Nov 29

    Horrible that this has to be said. Wonderful that is here to say it so well:

  19. Nov 29

    Backlash? Poll says 52% of Brits would vote 'leave with no deal' vs 48% remain in 2nd referendum. Tied a month ago.

  20. Nov 28

    Only a "nationalist" would disagree, and that would be bad, right?


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