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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:43 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:09 pm
Posts: 351
The least of your problems are your gender and sexual self-conflictions. You're in a struggle against reality itself.
How is that. Weren't you the one that thinks the Bilderberg Brothers are printing the dollar.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:23 pm 
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The least of your problems are your gender and sexual self-conflictions. You're in a struggle against reality itself.
How is that. Weren't you the one that thinks the Bilderberg Brothers are printing the dollar.
You mean the Bilderberg Group? Nor have I ever stated any such position regarding them. You often purposefully misstate my positions, which indicates that you yourself find nothing absurd about them, given your need to invent positions to attribute to me.

Though I'm glad you ask. If one wishes to actually obtain veridical understanding into the most crucial fields of sapient knowledge, then I have made it as easy as possible for one to do so via my own writings. My below articles explain to people (1) theological ethics and soteriology in a comprehensive and logically-coherent manner; (2) how the known laws of physics prove God's existence while demonstrating the exacting and extensive consilience of the New Testament with said physical laws; (3) the nature of God in light of said physical laws; (4) the End Time, the Tribulation, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Heaven on Earth, and the universal resurrection of the dead in light of said physical laws; and (5) the End Time in light of the history of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and world religion agenda.

Item No. 1 is important vis-à-vis salvation for those who maintain that they already believe in Jesus Christ's Godhead. Items Nos. 2-5 are important in letting atheists, believers in other religions, and nominal ersatz "Christians" know that God as described by the New Testament does exist and that the New Testament is true. Items Nos. 2-5 are additionally important in giving believers in Christ a much deeper understanding of God and of the End Time, so that they may be strengthened in their faith during the events to come.

My following articles distill all of the most important aspects of veridical human knowledge into a comprehensive, coherent and unified whole: from theology, physics, science, ethics, legal theory, political theory, economics, sociology, evolutionary psychology, epistemology to history.

* James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, ... of-God.pdf , .

* James Redford, "Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss's Debate at Caltech: Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?", alt.sci.astro, Message-ID: , July 30, 2013,!topic ... QWt4KcpMVo , .

* James Redford, "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001), 60 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, ... rchist.pdf , .

* James Redford, "Libertarian Anarchism Is Apodictically Correct", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 15, 2011, 9 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1972733, ... ianism.pdf , ... ianism.pdf .

* James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Daily Anarchist Forum, May 29, 2018, ... pic=3289.0 , , ... pic=3289.0 .

* * * * *

Fiction, in order for it to sell, has to be believable; whereas reality is under no such constraint, which is why few people buy into it. Reality is the most absurd and outlandish thing that exists.

'T is strange,--but true; for truth is always strange;
Stranger than fiction; if it could be told,
How much would novels gain by the exchange!
How differently the world would men behold!
How oft would vice and virtue places change!
The new world would be nothing to the old,
If some Columbus of the moral seas
Would show mankind their souls' antipodes.

What 'antres vast and deserts idle' then
Would be discover'd in the human soul!
What icebergs in the hearts of mighty men,
With self-love in the centre as their pole!
What Anthropophagi are nine of ten
Of those who hold the kingdoms in control
Were things but only call'd by their right name,
Caesar himself would be ashamed of fame.
--Lord George Gordon Noel Byron (1788-1824), Don Juan, Canto XIV, Stanza 101.

Boys will be girls.


Author (under a nom de plume) of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Dec. 4, 2011,

Theophysics, ,

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 12:54 am 
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Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:09 pm
Posts: 351
Here is how I think reality works

If you have some fact, such as that soccer was invented in 1700 using a 105 yard court

That actually is very arbitrary, because it coulda also been invented in 1690 with a 95 yard court

So you have to ask yourself, what is fundamental. Some say physical laws, but those too vary accross universes

So if we go beyond it all, I would say that at bottom, reality is like an Infinite Foam of Potential in All Directions.

What I'm saying is that when you assert that the Jesus-Tipler Omega Point is "correct," it is actually just one possible view to take. Much like if Romney said: "Mormonism is the only true religion."

So you should not be so wedded to worshipping crosses.

Also, if a person turns 95 and is unable to sprint, then even if we grant that he is going to heaven, it still doesn't solve the decrepitness issue.
That is why I consider our anti-aging breakthrough to be so crucial. Meaning, even though aging is but 1 out of 1000 ways to die, solving that 1 ought be rightfully called immortality.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:04 am 
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Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 7:28 pm
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Here is how I think reality works

If you have some fact, such as that soccer was invented in 1700 using a 105 yard court

That actually is very arbitrary, because it coulda also been invented in 1690 with a 95 yard court

So you have to ask yourself, what is fundamental. Some say physical laws, but those too vary accross universes

So if we go beyond it all, I would say that at bottom, reality is like an Infinite Foam of Potential in All Directions.

What I'm saying is that when you assert that the Jesus-Tipler Omega Point is "correct," it is actually just one possible view to take. Much like if Romney said: "Mormonism is the only true religion."

So you should not be so wedded to worshipping crosses.

Also, if a person turns 95 and is unable to sprint, then even if we grant that he is going to heaven, it still doesn't solve the decrepitness issue.
That is why I consider our anti-aging breakthrough to be so crucial. Meaning, even though aging is but 1 out of 1000 ways to die, solving that 1 ought be rightfully called immortality.
God's existence is a mathematical theorem within standard physics. Standard physics is the known laws of physics, viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics. This theorem has been given in the form of physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology. These aforestated known physical laws have been confirmed by every experiment conducted to date. Hence, the only way to avoid Tipler's Omega Point Theorem is to reject empirical science. As Prof. Stephen Hawking wrote, "one cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem." (From p. 67 of Stephen Hawking, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time [New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1996; 1st ed., 1988].)

Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals, such as Reports on Progress in Physics (the leading journal of the Institute of Physics, Britain's main professional organization for physicists), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (one of the world's leading astrophysics journals), the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (a journal that Nobel Prize in Physics winner Richard Feynman also published in), and Physics Letters, among other journals.

Prof. Tipler's Ph.D. is in the field of Global General Relativity, which is the field created by Profs. Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose during the formulation of their Singularity Theorems in the 1960s. Global General Relativity is General Relativity applied on the scale of the entire universe as a whole, and is the most elite and rarefied field of physics. Tipler is also an expert in quantum field theory (i.e., Quantum Mechanics combined with special-relativistic particle physics) and computer theory.

For much more on Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the details on how it uniquely conforms to, and precisely matches, the cosmology described in the New Testament, see my following article, which also addresses the societal implications of the Omega Point cosmology:

* James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, ... of-God.pdf , , .

Additionally, in the below resource are different sections which contain some helpful notes and commentary by me pertaining to multimedia wherein Prof. Tipler explains the Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model TOE.

* James Redford, "Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss's Debate at Caltech: Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?", alt.sci.astro, Message-ID: , July 30, 2013,!topic ... QWt4KcpMVo , , .

Boys will be girls.


Author (under a nom de plume) of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Dec. 4, 2011,

Theophysics, ,

Last edited by Jamie Michelle on Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:54 am 
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Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:09 pm
Posts: 351
You sound very autistic when you speak in pre-copied footnotes.

If you think about what a "god" is, it means something that Humans stand in awe of.

For example some tool from 3000 years ago, who thought our Solar system was the only one.

"How awesome is this God, when he controls the solar system. The only one that exists, that is."

It turns out, wow, there are like 400 billion galaxies.

Tldr I would say that being God is actually low-level, so I wouldn't denigrate myself by being God.

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