

Amman-based independent researcher and journalist. CASA Fellow 2018-19. UChicago, UMich alum. Don’t care about football.

Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Joined September 2017


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Dec 20

    Sources say DOD informed Gen. Mazloum of the withdrawal, who then asked if US would continue to provide some support to the , and in what capacity, or if they planned to sever the relationship entirely. DOD didn’t know how to answer that question.

  2. Dec 21

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Jim Jeffrey had at least a little something to do with this.

  3. Dec 21

    Absolutely extraordinary inside story of Trump’s pullout decision, from , et. al: “With Erdogan on the line, Trump asked nat’l sec adviser John Bolton, who was listening in, why American troops remained in Syria if what the Turkish president was saying was true.”

  4. Retweeted
    Dec 21

    from Hajin : ISIS is launching huge attack, heavy clashes are taking place there. only 35% percent from Hajin is liberated by our forces. we think that ISIS will keep launching attacks in the future. everybody should be aware that is still strong

  5. Dec 21

    The Trump call, "the contacts of our diplomatic and security units, and the statements made by the American side led us to wait for a while," said Erdogan.

  6. Dec 21

    State and DOD officials didn't know Trump was set to announce US withdrawal from Syria until hours before it happened, tried to slow it down. “We need time to work this with the rest of the international community, which is in shock right now.”

  7. Dec 21

    “We need to work this with the Kurds, we need to work this with the Turks. We need to work this with the rest of the international community which is in shock right now,” one official said. “If you hear anything about a time frame, it’s a lie.”

  8. Retweeted
    Dec 20

    Today will be the meeting. Kurds hope France can do something

  9. Dec 20

    It’s a good thing to see still has the clarity to treat a handout with some due skepticism.

  10. Retweeted
    Dec 20

    The Trump’s defense strategy was to shift from counterterrorism to great power politics! Double fail. Reminds me of the Arabic saying “a crow tried to mimic the walk of a pigeon, but he couldn’t learn it & he forgot his previous walk.”

  11. Dec 20

    Jesus. US officials told Reuters Trump's withdrawal plan includes ending the US air campaign against ISIS.

  12. Dec 20
  13. Dec 20

    SDC co-Chair Amina Omar told me yesterday that her government had received no guarantees of protection from the U.S., nor had been informed of any withdrawal plan. “Nothing is certain.”

  14. Dec 20

    Read ‘s take on the White House decision to immediately withdraw from Syria. It’s got details from Washington you won’t find anywhere else.

  15. Retweeted
    Dec 19

    Aldar Khalil, member of the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) commented on Trump’s plans to withdraw troops from : “Our hopes were never dependent on powers from outside. If they (US) withdraw, the important thing will be the resistance of our people.” (ANHA)

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  16. Retweeted
    Dec 19

    Defense Department source tells me: “U.S. backed forces in Syria are f—ked,” once American forces pull out. “No anti-aircraft weapons, Turkish forces will bomb the s—t out of them .” cc:

  17. Dec 20

    Last week I asked a US intel source how many ISIS sleeper cells remained in Northern Syria and within the SDF. “If the U.S. pulled out tomorrow,” he told me, “ISIS would be outside Qamishli in 24 hours. It’s that bad.” ISIS is not defeated, Mr. President.

  18. Retweeted
    Dec 19

    A contact who works on projects in N/E and who recently met with officials tells me the Turks were bragging that knew about 's decision on U.S. forces before the Pentagon and State Department did. That's...disturbing.

  19. Dec 19

    The US will take down the Turkish border outposts and is attempting to assemble a border protection force in efforts to buy time for US forces to safely withdraw before outright combat between Turkey and the YPG erupts:

  20. Dec 19

    There are certain details in this story that y'all are gonna want to see:


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