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InfamousTeddyK @KaczTed
7 hours ago, 4 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
I don't throw the "dual-loyalty" card around lightly. Noam Blum, AKA @Neontaster served in the IDF as a translator, and later at MEMRI (Mosad). He is a Podhoretz, Norman's grandson. He works for Hudson institute, FFS. His anonymous warmongering is gross and people should know
Noam Blum's step-father was Steve Leibowitz, the head of the Israeli TV news division. His mother, Ruthie Blum, daughter of Norman Podhoretz, is a social maven in the Israeli upper-crust. His uncles are John Podhoretz and Elliot Abrams. He's a well connected neocon-nepot.
Noam Blum has some make-word job at the Neocon Hudson Institute, where his grandfather Norman Podhoretz, is a senior fellow, His entire Twitter personae, of a snarky, lukewarm take/fence-sitting only thrives because of who his family is, and thus who followed him early.
If you want to be anonymous, and just hang out online, fine. Don't build your follow count by being nepotistic. Can't have it both ways.

And if you want to try and shame Americans into staying in a war we never voted for, you better fucking make clear your loyalties.
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