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    Dec 16

    India edition out soon. With a new preface

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    9 hours ago

    "Do you know why the Chinese are so naturally good at deep learning? Because the black box has been part of Chinese society and Chinese culture since the very beginning." intriguing stuff from

  3. It seems that by European army Europeans mean an army of commentators saying what US army should do

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    11 hours ago

    Another masterpiece of Honoured to be referenced in it

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    Täna toimus Riigikantselei ja Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esinduse ühine aastalõpuseminar, kus endine Portugali Euroopa minister rääkis meile Euroopa ja Hiina suhetest ning suhtumise erinevustest tulevikutehnoloogiasse.

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  8. Speaking in Tallinn on ... I think Europe and China

  9. So Putin’s support for Brexit and US withdrawal from Syria shows he likes these outcomes? I thought Putin was supposed to be inordinately devious and always say the opposite of what he thinks?

  10. US has no vital interest in any and yet Europeans think that it should stay and defend European interests anyway

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  12. Why is Europe not replacing the US in Syria? That is the practical meaning of incresing its defense budgets. Not an abstract commitment, but a practical reality full of consequences

  13. You get a world with a center, Eurasia, and an external actor, America. The center is the stage for intense competition and control. Politically amorphous with rival projects of political organization. The external actor is both a part of that system and an external balancer

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  14. A superpower separate from the supercontinent. Deeply involved in its affairs but averse to codependence and entanglement. Other areas of relative underdevelopment or isolation

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  15. Enter the following data into a simulation program and wait for the pieces to organize themselves. A supercontinent rich in tesources and technology with many important power blocs increasingly integrated and with wide-ranging ambitions

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  16. Geopolitical reality has a certain shape. The world is not made of homogeneous particles equidistant from each other

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  17. Sometimes I get asked: why speak of Eurasia and not the whole globe? Here is my answer

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  18. People in China talk about Xi, make jokes and even - that surprised me -say some very bad things about him. And that is with a foreigner like me

  19. You can learn more about the famous Locked Shields exercise here

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  20. Visit to the Nato Cyber Defense Center in Tallinn

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  21. Dec 19

    A similar text could be written about Erdogan - with more succes de scandale

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