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  1. Pinned Tweet
    27 Jun 2016

    How I feel when I follow reports from international news agencies in Turkey.

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    23 minutes ago

    .Pretty sure that the collaboration with vs was both the cheapest and most successful counter-terrorism operation the has ever staged

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    8 minutes ago

    ."As of July 27, 2018, there have been 2,372 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. ... 20,320 American servicemembers have also been wounded in action . In addition, there were 1,720 U.S. civilian contractor fatalities." casualties in Syria 2014-18; 2 men KIA

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    2 hours ago

    Ilham Ehmed and Riad Darar, co-chairs of the Syrian Democratic Council (), will meet tomorrow with French President Emmanuel after US decided to withdraw from Syria

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    A reputation for reliability is essential to deter foes, to convince friends not to appease strong neighbors or proliferate, and to persuade others to compromise in a negotiation. By abandoning Syrian Kurds is further undermining the US reputation for reliability

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    5 hours ago

    Statement by Syrian Democratic Forces, SDF regarding US withdrawal from northern and eastern Syria.

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    21 hours ago

    I am convinced self admin officials and YPG proper are among the least surprised about the decision by the U.S. president.

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    Trumps beslut om att USA ska lämna Syrien riskerar leda till katastrof.

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    11 hours ago

    France to stay in after US troops ordered home: minister

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    För kurderna är det 1975 igen. USA klippte garantierna efter att shahen strypt stödet. Konsekvensen blev total kollaps för Mustafa Barzanis resning från början 1960-tal. Då Kissinger, nu Trump. Om USA lämnar östra Syrien väntar katastrof för kurderna, och stora problem för USA.

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    The fascists are waiting to unleash their mercenaries to occupy the northeast and engage in ethnic cleansing. This is a NATO nation. The Sunni Iran of the Middle East. Who would have thought that US fights to protect fascism. So much for Jeffersonian values.

  13. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    This notorious pro Erdogan Turkish jihadi reporter (he was within ISIS+Nusra ranks) is saying if we (Turks) invade Rojava (North-east) , oil and most fertile lands will be ours = Turkish imperialism.

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  14. Retweeted

    1/ I have been trying to reach my contacts in Northern Syria since the news broke about withdrawal of U.S. troops. Everyone I am talking to is confused. No one knows what is going on but they fear the worst.

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  15. Retweeted

    3/ Without U.S. in their areas, Kurds will try to reconcile with Syrian gov. However deal is not guaranteed. As we've seen earlier in Afrin, Kurds wanted deal with Syrian gov to avoid Turkey attack. But Russians blocked it as they were looking for better relations with Turkey.

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  16. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    ., back in 2016 you said “I like the Kurds” and promised to have “meetings” that would support the peace process with Turkey. Show the world you are a man of your word and support real democracy in the Mideast! !

  17. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    Speaking on the senate floor : ‘I dont know why you are counting on America. Look at these Kurds.. they are abandoned to be slaughtered by the Turks’

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  18. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    A US withdrawal from Syria will have an enormous impact on the projection of power of the West in the Middle East. This isn't only about Syria. The entire region would be abandoned to appease an "ally" (Turkey) while sacrificing the end game.

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    21 hours ago

    Daesh feels emboldened by Trump's statement and are attacking Hajin with a strong ferocity. They're using what forces they have left. Almost all Kurdish units are in the north now. Mostly Arab YPG remain along with a lot of JaT, MMC, and Shaitat tribesmen.

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  20. 22 hours ago

    Problem with this logic is that SAA isn’t a shield and the decision isn’t taken in Damascus. We saw it in Afrin. If Russia supports or greenlights another Turkish invasion there is little SAA can do, besides taking the opportunity to seize some of the areas Turkey doesn’t invade.

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    22 hours ago

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