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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Oct 24

    My latest major project amid all the focus on : full text, translation and analysis of a political pamphlet by Juhayman al-Otaibi, who led the armed takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979

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  2. 37 minutes ago

    I am no 'Turkey is NATO ally' dogmatist, but fact Turkey is SDF-held areas' northern neighbour. It was for e.g. economic well-being of people in those areas to reach a detente. Instead, I see a lot of people just went on about 'counter-Iran blah blah blah' & ignored these matters

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  3. 43 minutes ago

    I think withdrawing abruptly is mistake. But not realistic to think that you can keep troops there indefinitely for deterrence & ignore Turkey issue. That's why, based on my visits to NE Syria, I suggested need for an PKK(& by extension SDF)-Turkey detente

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  4. 49 minutes ago

    In particular, note author's points about making choices on Turkey. You could not reasonably talk about common interests w/Turkey & not address honestly issue of the YPG/SDF-PKK ties. Instead, policy was built around focusing on local areas (Manbij) w/o addressing wider problem.

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  5. 52 minutes ago

    My view on claims of U.S. withdrawal from Syria: this take from April is the best one to read on the matter: that if contradictions in U.S. policy preferences aren't addressed, a 'hasty withdrawal' might be the end outcome (H/T )

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  6. 15 hours ago
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    24 hours ago

    For those interested in Palestinian factions in Syria, here is an interview I did with a commander in the Fatah splinter group Fatah al-Intifada, which has fought on the side of the Syrian govt and has a close relationship w/Hezbollah

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    Fatah Al-Intifada is one of the largest pro-government Palestinian forces in Syria. Towards the end of the interview, they touch on their relations with Iran and Hamas:

  9. 16 hours ago

    Frankly I have always envisioned Kirk Sowell as a scout leader: keeping up the interests of the young scouts as they trek through forests with his detailed tales of Anbari provincial politics

  10. Retweeted

    It was the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq that provided the environment for Zarqawi's ugly form of anti-Shiite Jihadism & the creation of ISIS, argues

  11. Retweeted
    Dec 17

    In full with translation and commentary: the biography of Abu Ali al-Anbari, arguably the Islamic State figure about whom the most misconceptions have arisen

  12. Retweeted
    Dec 17

    Continued exegesis of the hagiography of Abu Ali al-Anbari, by , who has also translated the whole darn thing into English.

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  13. Retweeted
    Dec 17

    Excellent analysis + translation by ⁦⁩: The Biography of Abu Ali al-Anbari.

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    Im going to skip the moralizing and return to my evergreen, ever-unanswered question: What on earth do these guys actually do? How McKinsey Has Helped Raise the Stature of Authoritarian Governments

  15. Dec 16

    Sudan’s President meeting Bashar al-Assad in Syria

  16. Dec 16

    Islamic State in Somalia reports clash with al-Qa'ida-affiliated al-Shabaab

  17. Dec 15

    Other things I've noted: good situation in Jasim. A contrast case: Jamla in the Yarmouk Basin, which was held by Islamic State and retaken by force. Around a week ago some 20 people were arrested in the village on suspicion of IS affiliations.

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  18. Dec 15

    Yes, this is a very good report and correlates with what I have gathered from interviews (e.g. Busra al-Sham: good security situation, no arrests etc.)

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  19. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    We just received a very favorable court decision on the National Review Online/Competitive Enterprise Institute defamation case, in which the court denied the CEI’s and National Review’s petitions for rehearing:

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