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  1. Retweeted
    12 hours ago
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    9 hours ago
  3. 11 hours ago

    "The U.S. government has been very slow to recognize the full dimensions of China’s challenge—and the costs of self-delusion and delay are very high."

  4. Dec 17

    . on says that Michael Flynn׳s numerous calls with Russian ambassador Kislyak in three weeks before Trump’s inauguration “make no sense.”

  5. Dec 17
  6. Dec 17

    Worth noting that it was FPRI’s who was among the first to bring attention to Russian interference in the election

  7. Retweeted
    Dec 17
  8. Dec 17

    "Donald Trump is the only President of the United States since the collapse of the Soviet Union who has been unable to 'reset' the U.S. relationship with Russia."

  9. Retweeted
    Dec 17

    Great work by on 's engagement in Central Eastern Europe under the "16+1" initiative via

  10. Retweeted
    Dec 17

    Again, sounds like no surprises in these reports on Russia's disinfo in 2016. Bigger question: Now that Congress has these reports, What are we going to do about it? It's been going on for at least 5 years at this point.

  11. Retweeted
    Dec 16

    Yes, the Russian social media campaign in the US in 2016 was massive. Wish the tech companies would produce similar data for Poland in 2015, UK Brexit ref, French and German elections too

  12. Dec 14

    Congrats to our 2018 Eurasia Fellow Steve Kotkin for making this list with the second volume of his trilogy on Stalin: Waiting for Hitler.

  13. Dec 14

    ., director of and FPRI Senior Fellow, weighs in on the controversy over the decline in history majors with some innovative insights:

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    Nice piece on how politics -- especially Russian politics -- shapes Venezuela's borrowing costs. Excited to be publishing more of this soon via and

  15. Dec 13

    Why China's Belt and Road Initiative is Off Track

  16. Retweeted

    Also looking forward to digging into 's latest and related book

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  17. Dec 13

    : We have edited/published 1 million words in 2018. Thanks to all the FPRI scholars/personnel who have written, recruited, edited, designed or produced our publications but esp. who worked on every one of those words.

  18. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    Check out this smart piece by that takes into account the complex geopolitical dimensions.

  19. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    My take on the international politics of the Khashoggi affair. Thanks to

  20. Dec 12

    In the latest Black Sea Strategy Paper, examines 's engagement in the region


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