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GO16_XL_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Department Expenses 1.0 (completed solution)

GO16_XL_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Department Expenses 1.0 (completed solution) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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GO16_XL_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Department Expenses 1.0


Project Description:

In the following project, you will edit a worksheet that will be used to summarize the departmental administration expenses for the City of Orange Blossom Beach.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Download and open the file namedgo16_xl_ch03_grader_3g_as.xlsx.



In the Expenses worksheet, use the SUM function to calculate row totals for each Expense item in the range F5:F9. Format F6:F9 with Comma Style, zero decimal places. Calculate column totals (using SUM) for each quarter and for the Annual Total in the range B10:F10.



In cell G5, construct a formula to calculate the Percent of Total by dividing the Annual Total for City Manager by the Annual Total for Totals by Quarter. Use absolute cell references as necessary, format the result in Percent Style, and then Center. Fill the formula down through cell G9.



Create a 3-D Pie chart to chart the Annual Total for each item using the ranges A5:A9 and F5:F9. Move the chart to a new sheet and then name the sheet Administration Costs Chart.



For the chart title, type Summary of Administration Costsand format the chart title using WordArt Style Fill  Dark Red, Accent 1, Shadowin the first row, the second style. Change the chart title font size to 28.



Remove the Legend from the chart and then add Data Labels formatted so that only the Category Name and Percentage display positioned in the Center. Change the data labels Font Size to 12, and apply Bold and Italic.



Format the Data Series using a 3-D Format effect. Change the Top bevel and Bottom bevel to Circle. Set the Top bevel Width and Height to 50 pt and then set the Bottom bevel Width and Height to 256 pt. Change the Material to the fourth Standard EffectMetal.



Display the Series Options, and then set the Angle of first slice to 140 so that the City Manager slice is in the front of the pie. Select the City Manager slice, and then explode the slice 10%. Change the Fill Color of the City Manager slice to a Solid fill using Dark Red, Accent 1, Lighter 40%in the fifth column, the fourth color.



Format the Chart Area by applying a Gradient fill using the Preset gradients Light Gradient  Accent 4. Format the Border of the Chart Area by adding a Solid line border using Brown, Accent 4 and a 5 pt Width.



Display the Page Setup dialog box, and then for this chart sheet, insert a custom footer in the left section with the File Name element.



Display the Expenses worksheet, and then by using the Quarter names and the Totals by Quarter, insert a Line with Markers chart in the worksheet. Move the chart so that its upper left corner is positioned slightly inside the upper left corner of cell B12. Type Annual Administration Expenses by Quarter as the Chart Title.



Format the Bounds of the Vertical (Value) Axis so that the Minimum is 1085000 and the Major unit is at 10000. Format the Fill of the Chart Area with a Gradient fill by applying the Preset gradient Light gradient Accent 3in the first row, the third gradient. Format the Plot Area with a Solid fill using White, Background 1in the first column, the first color.



Copy the Annual Total in cell F10 and then use Paste Special to paste Values & Number Formatting in cell B35. In cell C35, construct a formula to calculate the Projected Expenses after the forecasted increase of 3.5% in cell B31 is applied. Fill the formula through cell F35, and then use Format Painter to copy the formatting from cell B35 to the range C35:F35.



Change the Orientation of this worksheet to Landscape, and then use the Scale to Fit options to fit the Height to 1 page. From the Page Setup dialog box, center the worksheet Horizontally, and insert a custom footer in the left section with the File Name element.



Display the Projected Decrease worksheet. In cell C5, calculate the Percent of Total for the first department, apply Percent Style (zero decimal places), and then copy the formula down for the remaining expenses.



Copy cell B5, and then use Paste Special to paste the Values & Number Formatting to cell B13. Copy and Paste cell C5 to cell C13. With cell C13 selected, use Goal Seek to determine the goal amount of City Manager expenses in cell B13 if the value in C13 is set to 15%.



From the Page Setup dialog box, center this worksheet Horizontally, and insert a custom footer in the left section with the File Name element.



Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Administration Costs Chart, Expenses, Projected Decrease. Save and close the workbook. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.



Total Points


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EX16_XL_CH07_GRADER_CAP_HW - Apartment Complex 1.3 (completed solution)

EX16_XL_CH07_GRADER_CAP_HW - Apartment Complex 1.3 (completed solution) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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EX16_XL_CH07_GRADER_CAP_HW - Apartment Complex 1.3


Project Description:

You own five apartment complexes. You created a dataset listing the apartment numbers, apartment complex names, number of bedrooms, rental price, whether the apartment is occupied or not, and the date the apartment was last remodeled. You want to insert some functions to perform calculations to help you decide which apartments need to be remodeled.  To focus on the apartments that need to be remodeled, you will use advanced filtering and database functions for your analysis. Finally, you are considering purchasing a sixth apartment complex. You will perform some financial calculations and analysis to help you decide if you will purchase the complex.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Open exploring_e07_grader_h1_Apartment.xlsx and save it asexploring_e07_grader_h1_Apartment_LastFirst.



In cell G8 in the Summary worksheet, insert a date function to calculate the number of years between 1/1/2018 in cell H2 and the last remodel date in the Last Remodel column (cell F8). Use relative and mixed references correctly. Copy the function to the range G9:G57. Unit 101 was last remodeled 13.75 years ago.



In cell H8, insert a nested logical function to display the required pet deposit for each unit. If the unit has two or more bedrooms (C8) AND was remodeled less than 10 years ago (cell H3), the deposit is $275 (cell H4); if not, the deposit is $200 (cell H5). Use relative and mixed references correctly. The pet deposit for Unit 101 is $200.



In cell I8, enter a nested logical function to display Need to Remodel if the apartment is unoccupied (No) AND was last remodeled more than 10 years ago (H3). For all other apartments, display No Change. Although Unit 101 was last remodeled over 10 years, the recommendation is No Change because the unit is occupied.



Copy the functions in the range H8:I8 to the range H9:I57.



In cell B3 insert a nested MATCH function within an INDEX function that will look up the rental price in column D using the apartment number referenced in cell B2. With 101 entered in cell B2, the lookup function displays $950.00.



In the Database sheet, enter conditions in the criteria range for unoccupied two- and three-bedroom apartments that need to be remodeled.



Apply an advanced filter based on the criteria range (A2:H4). Filter the existing database (range A15:H65) in place. Nine apartments meet the advanced filter conditions.



In cell C8, enter a database function to calculate the number of apartments that need to be remodeled based on the advanced filter you created.



In cell C9, enter a database function to calculate the total value of monthly rent lost for the apartments that need to be remodeled based on the advanced filter you created.



In cell C10, enter a database function to display the date of the apartment that had the oldest remodel date based on the filtered data. Format the result with Short Date format.



In the Loan sheet, insert formulas in the range E2:E4 to calculate the loan amount, the number of payment periods, and the monthly interest rate, respectively. Use cell references in all formulas.



In cell E5, enter a financial function to calculate the monthly payment. In cell E6, insert a financial function to calculate the cumulative total interest paid throughout the loan. Make sure the results display as positive numbers.



In cell C11, enter a formula to reference the date stored in cell B7. Insert a nested function in cell C12 to calculate the date for the next payment. Nest the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions within the DATE function. Add 1 to the month result. Copy the function to the range C13:C34.



In cell D11, enter a formula to reference the value stored in cell E2. Insert a formula in cell D12 that references the ending balance for the previous payment row (G11). Copy the formula in D12 to the range D13:D34.



In cell E11, enter a financial function to calculate the interest paid. Copy the formula to the range E12:E34. The result should be a positive value.



In cell F11, enter a financial function to calculate the principal payment. Copy the function to the range F12:F34. The result should be a positive value.



In cell G11, enter a formula to calculate the ending balance. Copy the formula to the range G12:G34. Adjust the width of column G, if needed, to display the values. Select the range D11:G34 and apply Accounting Number Format.



In cell I4 insert a financial function to calculate the present value of the total monthly rent you will collect for the 8 units for 30 years. Use the number of periods and monthly rate in the Summary Calculations section and the cell references in the What If section. The result should be a positive value.



In the Loan sheet, set 0.5" left and right margins and repeat row 10 on all pages.



Save and close the workbook, and submit the file as directed.



Total Points


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ACC 561 Week 3 Individual Signature Assignment Ratio Analysis

ACC 561 Week 3 Individual Signature Assignment Ratio Analysis | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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Purpose of Assignment 

This week's focus is on the preparation of financial reports for internal users, such as managers. This case study applies the concepts of managerial accounting, through comparative and ratio analysis, and requires students to identify financial data needed by managers for decision making.

About Your Signature Assignment

This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments may be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), U.S. Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC) 

Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products. 

Scenario: You are a loan officer for White Sands Bank of Taos. Paul Jason, president of P. Jason Corporation, has just left your office. He is interested in an 8-year loan to expand the company's operations. The borrowed funds would be used to purchase new equipment. As evidence of the company's debt-worthiness, Jason provided you with the following facts:

 20172016Current Ratio3.12.1Asset Turnover2.8 2.2Net IncomeUp 32%Down 8%Earnings per Share$3.30$2.50

Jason is a very insistent (some would say pushy) man. When you told him you would need additional information before making your decision, he acted offended and said, "What more could you possibly want to know?" You responded you would , at minimum, need complete, audited financial statements. 

Develop a minimum 700-word examination of the financial statements and include the following:

  • Explain why you would want the financial statements to be audited.
  • Discuss the implications of the ratios provided for the lending decision you are to make. That is, does the information paint a favorable picture? Are these ratios relevant to the decision? State why or why not.
  • Evaluate trends in the performance of White Sands Bank. Identify each performance measure as favorable or unfavorable and explain the significance of each.
  • List three other ratios you would want to calculate for White Sands Bank of Taos, and in your own words explain in detail why you would use each.
  • As the loan officer, what else would you do to gain a better understanding of Paul Jason's, and the Corporation's financial picture and why?
  • Based on your analysis of White Sands Bank, will you recommend approval for the requested loan? Provide specific details to support your decision. 

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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BUS 308 Week 3 Problem Set Week Three

BUS 308 Week 3 Problem Set Week Three | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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Problem Set Week Three 

During this week, we will look at ways of testing multiple (more than two) data samples at the same time.

We will continue to use the data and assignment file that we opened in Week 2, we just move on to the Week 3 tab.

The first question asks us to determine if the average compa-ratio is equal across 10K salary groups (20 – 29K. 30 – 39K, etc.).  The second question asks us to identify which of the salary groups have different averages.  The final question asks us to interpret the new information presented in the lecture and assignment; how does the new information we analyzed help us answer our equal pay for equal work question.

The data and assignment file can be found in the Course Materials link, at the bottom in the Multi-Media section.  If you save the files from last week, you do not need to open them again.

Week 3ANOVAThree Questions 

Remember to show how you got your results in the appropriate cells.  For questions using functions, show the input range when asked.

1 One interesting question is are the average compa-ratios equal across salary ranges of 10K each. While compa-ratios remove the impact of grade on salaries, are they different for different pay levels, that is are people at different levels paid differently relative to the midpoint? (Put data values at right.)

What is the data input ranged used for this question:

Step 1:



Step 2: Decision Rule:

Step 3: Statistical test:


Step 4: Conduct the test - place cell b16 in the output location box.

Step 5: Conclusions and Interpretation

What is the p-value?

Is P-value < 0.05?

What is your decision: REJ or NOT reject the null?

If the null hypothesis was rejected, what is the effect size value (eta squared)?

If calculated, what does the effect size value tell us about why the null hypothesis was rejected?

What does that decision mean in terms of our equal pay question?

2If the null hypothesis in question 1 was rejected, which pairs of means differ? Why?
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New Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 3: SAM Project 1a (completed solution)

New Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 3: SAM Project 1a (completed solution) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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New Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 3: SAM Project 1a

Omaha Time Exchange

Enhancing a Report


Open the file NP_WD16_3a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as NP_WD16_3a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a “2”.

If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

With the file NP_WD16_3a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.



1.        As an assistant at the Omaha Time Exchange, a professional network serving greater Omaha, you are helping to format the final draft of the organization’s annual report.

To direct readers to the Omaha Time Exchange website, start by moving the insertion point to the end of the first body paragraph (which begins “Omaha Time Exchange is a network…”). After the period, insert a footnote with the following text:

For a complete description of our services, see our website at www.ote.cengage.com.

2.        Format headings to refine the organization of the document as follows:

a.        Format the “Examples of Services” heading with the Heading 2 style. (Hint: Use the navigation pane to Demote the heading so you do not need to scroll the document.)

b.        Format the “Organization” heading with the Heading 1 style. (Hint: Use the navigation pane to Promote the heading so you do not need to scroll the document.)

3.        On page 2, move the insertion point to the blank paragraph following the sentence “Time exchanges…are highlighted on the community board.”, and then insert and format an informative SmartArt graphic as follows:

a.        Insert the Continuous Block Process SmartArt graphic from the Process section of the SmartArt gallery.

b.        Enter the following text into the SmartArt graphic, with each line of text appearing in a separate shape, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Rest and Restore

Open Space Gardens

Neighbor to Neighbor

c.         Resize the SmartArt graphic to a height of 4" and a width of 6", if necessary.

Figure 1: SmartArt with Text

4.        On page 3, move the insertion point after the sentence “The number of participants…in the past two years.” After the period, insert an endnote with the following text:

Data compiled from City of Omaha budgets, 2019 and 2020.

5.        Move the insertion point to the blank line after the sentence “The number of participants…the past two years.” To show how many members participated in each category of service, insert a table with 3 columns and 5 rows, and then enter the data shown in Table 1 below.


Table 1: Service Participation

6.        Apply the Grid Table 5 Dark – Accent 3 table style to the table you just inserted.

7.        Under the “Sources of Funding” heading, sort the “Funding Source” table in descending order by the “2020” column. (Hint:Use the default selections for all other Sort criteria.)

8.        On page 4, the table needs to be updated because Caitlyn McCoy is no longer a director at Omaha Time Exchange. The organization also wants to list the number of years each person has served on the Board of Directors.

To make these changes, modify the table as follows:

a.        Delete the last row of the table containing the text “Director” and “Caitlyn McCoy”.

b.        Insert a column to the right of the “Name” column and enter the data shown in Table 2 on the next page.

Table 2: New Table Column

9.        Format the table on page 4 as follows:

Kristin Boulette's curator insight, September 25, 2:17 PM
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CJHS 395 Week 1 Assignment Human Services in the Criminal Justice System Trends Evaluation

CJHS 395 Week 1 Assignment Human Services in the Criminal Justice System Trends Evaluation | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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Write a 1,400-1,750-word paper in which you evaluate past, present, and future trends in the interface between human services and the criminal justice system and criminal justice connections with surrounding society. In your paper include the following:• Identify recent (within the last 10 years) and contemporary issues affecting human services provided within criminal justice system.• Identify at least two therapeutic trends that may affect future human services as provided within the criminal justice system.• Explain how these two issues and trends affect society
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B6731 Module 2 Assignment 2 Impact of Diversity in the Workplace (Argosy)

B6731 Module 2 Assignment 2 Impact of Diversity in the Workplace (Argosy) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:

Assignment 2: Recognizing the Impact of Diversity on the Workplace

BANKS Industries continues to work on bridging cultural gaps as it embraces the diversity that resulted from its merger. You have been asked to develop a new diversity policy and training series for your team to help employees recognize the impact of diversity in the workplace.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • Design a presentation that you will use to present your training plans to your supervisor and the HR department.
  • Include a definition of diversity, a description of the cultural issues you intend to cover, strategies you will use to convey the message, and the outcomes you expect.

Be sure to include the following in your presentation:

  • A title slide
  • A reference slide
  • Headings for every slide
  • Notes to support the content on each slide

Develop a 7–10-slide presentation in PowerPoint format, not including the title and reference slides. You may reference the reading by Hofstede (2009) as a catalyst for your presentation; however, required readings serve only as a foundation for your presentation. Support the presentation with original research and citations.

Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt.

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QNT561 Final Exam (30/30 correct answers)

QNT561 Final Exam (30/30 correct answers) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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1. James Desreumaux, VP of Human Resources of American First Banks (AFB), is reviewing the employee training programs of AFB banks.  His staff randomly selected personnel files for 100 tellers in the Southeast Region and determined that their mean training time was 25 hours.  Assume that the population standard deviation is 5 hours.  The 95% confidence interval for the population mean of training times is ________.


24.18 to 25.82


23.32 to 35.46


15.20 to 34.80


16.78 to 33.23


24.02 to 25.98


2. If x is a binomial random variable with n=10 and p=0.8, the mean value of x is _____.












3. According to the central limit theorem, for samples of size 64 drawn from a population with µ = 800 and σ = 56, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means would equal _______.








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BCC 400 Week 5 IT Acquisition Overview Assignment Option

BCC 400 Week 5 IT Acquisition Overview Assignment Option | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:

Select one of the following options to complete the assignment:

  • Option 1: IT Acquisition Overview Paper
  • Option 2: IT Acquisition Overview Presentation

NOTE: There are two scenarios in each option. Pick one scenario you have confidence. You can do both scenarios if you want. There is no length requirement; however, your work must be completed as if you are an IT consultant or adviser, you are required to provide your client with complete solutions or suggestions. 

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Includes three (3) or more references as required in the Instructor Policies

Information Technology Acquisition Scenarios

Scenario 1

The owner of Cool Joe’s Pizza Emporium is preparing to open a second store.  Cool Joe’s Pizza Emporium currently employes a total of 25 people and as the owner expands he’s interested in bringing a more professional image to the company with a modern website and accompanying email accounts for all current and future employees (approximately 50 after the new store is completed). The owner is searching for the most cost effective means to achieve these goals and is willing to entertain hiring one or two IT professionals for his company or out-sourcing the requirements to another company. Design two options that will satisfy the owner’s requirements. Use $50,000 to $75,000 as the average annual salary of an IT professional and feel free to use external sources to find prices for managed website services, email accounts, etc..

Scenario 2

An older accounting firm has just been purchased and as the newly hired IT director, your job is to put together a proposal of how to bring this accounting firm into the modern age. As you tour the accounting firm, you take stock of the current IT infrastructure and notice that there is a variety of different brands of computers running everything from Windows 98 to Windows 7 (including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 2000 Millenium Edition). Put together a proposal that discusses the pros and cons of using the existing infrastructure, upgrading everything, or out-sourcing and support one of these options as the most cost effective solution.

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QNT 561 Week 3 Assignment Case 1: Bell Computer Company & Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes

QNT 561 Week 3 Assignment Case 1: Bell Computer Company & Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:

Case Study – Bell Computer Company

The Bell Computer Company is considering a plant expansion enabling the company to begin production of a new computer product. You have obtained your MBA from the University of Phoenix and, as a vice-president, you must determine whether to make the expansion a medium- or large- scale project. The demand for the new product involves an uncertainty, which for planning purposes may be low demand, medium demand, or high demand. The probability estimates for the demands are 0.20, 0.50, and 0.30, respectively.

Case Study – Kyle Bits and Bytes

Kyle Bits and Bytes, a retailer of computing products sells a variety of computer-related products. One of Kyle’s most popular products is an HP laser printer. The average weekly demand is 200 units. Lead time (lead time is defined as the amount of time between when the order is placed and when it is delivered) for a new order from the manufacturer to arrive is one week.

If the demand for printers were constant, the retailer would re-order when there were exactly 200 printers in inventory. However, Kyle learned demand is a random variable in his Operations Management class. An analysis of previous weeks reveals the weekly demand standard deviation is 30. Kyle knows if a customer wants to buy an HP laser printer but he has none available, he will lose that sale, plus possibly additional sales. He wants the probability of running short (stock-out) in any week to be no more than 6%.

Purpose of Assignment 

This assignment has two cases. The first case is on expansion strategy. Managers constantly have to make decisions under uncertainty. This assignment gives students an opportunity to use the mean and standard deviation of probability distributions to make a decision on expansion strategy. The second case is on determining at which point a manager should re-order a printer so he or she doesn't run out-of-stock. The second case uses normal distribution. The first case demonstrates application of statistics in finance and the second case demonstrates application of statistics in operations management. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set, Case Study Scenarios 

Write a 1,050-word report based on the Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set and Case Study Scenarios. 

Include answers to the following: 

Case 1: Bell Computer Company

  • Compute the expected value for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of maximizing the expected profit?
  • Compute the variation for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of minimizing the risk or uncertainty? 

Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes

  • What should be the re-order point? How many HP laser printers should he have in stock 
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PSY 802 Week 8 Literature Review Resources

PSY 802 Week 8 Literature Review Resources | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:


Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Locate the assignment submission for "Literature Review Resources" from RES-811. You will be adding to this document to begin building a running literature review.
  • It is strongly recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of your program.
  • Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.
  • Download the resource Literature Review Resources Tool (if needed) and use it to complete the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer to the resource, "Preparing Annotated Bibliographies," located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.


Read at least 10 empirical articles in your general dissertation field that you have not read previously.

In the "Literature Review Resources" document that you submitted in PSY-801, provide the following for each source that you are adding to the document:

  1. The APA formatted citation.
  2. A brief annotation of the key points of the source.
  3. An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.

Highlight the additions to the document so your instructor can readily identify them.

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e02ws04_grader_a1 (completed solution)

e02ws04_grader_a1 (completed solution) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
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Project Description:

The marketing manager of the Painted Paradise Golf Resort and Spa, Timothy Smith, has created a spreadsheet of the first six months (first two quarters) of advertising expenses for the various amenities of the resort.  He is planning to display the data at the next board of directors meeting and wants to embed a few charts to make the figures easier to view and the presentation more visual.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Open the downloaded spreadsheet namede02ws04_grader_a1_start.xlsx. Save the file with the namee02ws04_grader_a1_LastFirst.xlsx, replacing LastFirst with your name.



Create a Line chart of the data for the months January through June and the total spent on advertising each month. The primary horizontal axis should be the months of the year and the vertical (value) axis should be the total spent on advertising each month.



Change the line chart title to Total Advertising Expenses per Month.



Change the vertical axis minimum to $26,000 and change the chart style to Style 12.



Move the line chart to a chart sheet and rename the sheetAdvertisingPerMonth. If necessary, move the chart sheet to the right of the AdvertisingCosts sheet.



On the AdvertisingCosts worksheet, create a 3-D Pie chart of the amenities and the six-month totals in the range A16:B22.



Reposition the chart so that the upper left corner covers cell D16.



On the 3-D pie chart, insert the title Semi-Annual Advertising Costs. Apply Style 8 to the chart.



Add Data Callouts as data labels to the 3-D pie chart. Include the category name and percent in the data labels.



On the 3-D pie chart, explode the segment of the chart that was allocated the smallest amount of advertising funds.



In cells H5:H11, add line sparklines that chart the advertising expenses by amenity type over the months January to June. Apply the style Sparkline Style Accent 4, Darker 50%.



Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: AdvertisingCosts, AdvertisingPerMonth, and Documentation.  Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed.



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Stefanek Budget.xlsx (Answer Key)

Stefanek Budget.xlsx (Answer Key) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:

Stefanek Budget. Edmund and Lydia Stefanek of Little Rock, Arkansas, are using Excel to track their family budget to determine whether they can afford the monthly loan payments that would come with the purchase of a new house. The couple is considering a $285,000 mortgage at a 4.30 percent interest rate to be paid back over 25 years. They want to know the impact that this mortgage will have on their budget. Complete the following:

1.Open the Stefanek workbook located in the Excel4 > Case1 folder included with your Data Files, and then save the workbook as Stefanek Budget in the location specified by your instructor.

2.In the Documentation worksheet, enter your name in cell B3 and the date in cell B4.

3.In the Budget worksheet, in the range B3:B8, enter the parameters for a $285,000 mortgage at . annual interest paid back over years . Calculate the interest rate per month and the total number of payments.

4.In cell B10, calculate the amount of the monthly payment needed to pay back the mortgage.

5.In the range C15:N15, calculate the total income from Edmund and Lydia’s monthly salaries.

6.In the range C22:N22, use an absolute reference to insert the monthly mortgage payment you calculated in cell B10. 

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EX16_XL_CH06_GRADER_CAP_HW - Delta Paint 1.2 (completed solution)

EX16_XL_CH06_GRADER_CAP_HW - Delta Paint 1.2 (completed solution) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:

EX16_XL_CH06_GRADER_CAP_HW - Delta Paint 1.2


Project Description:

You are the production manager for Delta Paint, a regional manufacturing company that specializes in customized paints. Your company sells paint by the gallon, and you have the task of forecasting the best production blends to maximize profit and most effectively utilize resources.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Open the download fileexploring_e06_grader_Capstone_Start.xlsx.



Create appropriate range names for Total Production Cost (cell B18) and Gross Profit (cell B21) by selection, using the values in the left column.



Edit the existing name range Employee_Hourly_Wage toHourly_Wages2018.



Use the newly created range names to create a formula to calculate Net Profit (in cell B22).



Create a new worksheet labeled Range Names, paste the newly created range name information in cell A1, and resize the columns as needed for proper display.



On the Forecast sheet, start in cell E3. Complete the series of substitution values ranging from 10 to 200 at increments of 10 gallons vertically down column E.



Enter references to the Total_Production_CostGross_Profit, and Net Profit cells in the correct locations (F2, G2, and H2 respectively) for a one-variable data table. Use range names where indicated.



Complete the one-variable data table in the range F3:H22 using cell B4 as the column input cell, and then format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal places.



Apply custom number formats to make the formula references appear as descriptive column headings. In F2, Total Costs; in G2, Gross Profit, in H2, Net Profit. Bold and center the headings and substitution values.



Copy the number of gallons produced substitution values from the one-variable data table, and then paste the values starting in cell E26.



Type $15 in cell F25. Complete the series of substitution values from $15 to $40 at $5 increments.



Enter the reference to the net profit formula in the correct location for a two-variable data table.



Complete the two-variable data table in the range F26:K45. Use cell B6 as the Row input cell andB4 as the Column input cell. Format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal places.



Apply a custom number format to make the formula reference appear as a descriptive column heading Wages. Bold and center the headings and substitution values where necessary.



Create a scenario named Best Case, using Units Sold, Unit Selling Price, and Employee Hourly Wage (use cell references). Enter these values for the scenario: 20030, and 15.



Create a second scenario named Worst Case, using the same changing cells. Enter these values for the scenario: 10025, and 20.



Create a third scenario named Most Likely, using the same changing cells. Enter these values for the scenario: 15025, and 15.



Generate a scenario summary report using the cell references for Total Production Cost and Net Profit.



Load the Solver add-in if it is not already loaded. Set the objective to calculate the highest Net Profit possible.



Use the units sold as changing variable cells.



Use the Limitations section of the spreadsheet model to set a constraint for raw materials. Use cell references to set constraints.



Set a constraint for labor hours. Use cell references to set constraints.



Set a constraint for maximum production capability. Use cell references to set constraints.



Solve the problem. Generate the Answer Report and Keep Solver Solution.



Create a footer on all four worksheets with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side.



Save and close the file. Based on your instructors directions, submit exploring_e06_grader_Capstone.xlsx.



Total Points


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GO16_XL_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Department Expenses 1.0 (completed solution)

GO16_XL_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Department Expenses 1.0 (completed solution) | Homework Plus | Scoop.it
davidgomez's insight:

GO16_XL_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Department Expenses 1.0


Project Description:

In the following project, you will edit a worksheet that will be used to summarize the departmental administration expenses for the City of Orange Blossom Beach.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Download and open the file namedgo16_xl_ch03_grader_3g_as.xlsx.



In the Expenses worksheet, use the SUM function to calculate row totals for each Expense item in the range F5:F9. Format F6:F9 with Comma Style, zero decimal places. Calculate column totals (using SUM) for each quarter and for the Annual Total in the range B10:F10.



In cell G5, construct a formula to calculate the Percent of Total by dividing the Annual Total for City Manager by the Annual Total for Totals by Quarter. Use absolute cell references as necessary, format the result in Percent Style, and then Center. Fill the formula down through cell G9.



Create a 3-D Pie chart to chart the Annual Total for each item using the ranges A5:A9 and F5:F9. Move the chart to a new sheet and then name the sheet Administration Costs Chart.



For the chart title, type Summary of Administration Costsand format the chart title using WordArt Style Fill  Dark Red, Accent 1, Shadowin the first row, the second style. Change the chart title font size to 28.



Remove the Legend from the chart and then add Data Labels formatted so that only the Category Name and Percentage display positioned in the Center. Change the data labels Font Size to 12, and apply Bold and Italic.



Format the Data Series using a 3-D Format effect. Change the Top bevel and Bottom bevel to Circle. Set the Top bevel Width and Height to 50 pt and then set the Bottom bevel Width and Height to 256 pt. Change the Material to the fourth Standard EffectMetal.



Display the Series Options, and then set the Angle of first slice to 140 so that the City Manager slice is in the front of the pie. Select the City Manager slice, and then explode the slice 10%. Change the Fill Color of the City Manager slice to a Solid fill using Dark Red, Accent 1, Lighter 40%in the fifth column, the fourth color.



Format the Chart Area by applying a Gradient fill using the Preset gradients Light Gradient  Accent 4. Format the Border of the Chart Area by adding a Solid line border using Brown, Accent 4 and a 5 pt Width.



Display the Page Setup dialog box, and then for this chart sheet, insert a custom footer in the left section with the File Name element.



Display the Expenses worksheet, and then by using the Quarter names and the Totals by Quarter, insert a Line with Markers chart in the worksheet. Move the chart so that its upper left corner is positioned slightly inside the upper left corner of cell B12. Type Annual Administration Expenses by Quarter as the Chart Title.



Format the Bounds of the Vertical (Value) Axis so that the Minimum is 1085000 and the Major unit is at 10000. Format the Fill of the Chart Area with a Gradient fill by applying the Preset gradient Light gradient Accent 3in the first row, the third gradient. Format the Plot Area with a Solid fill using White, Background 1in the first column, the first color.



Copy the Annual Total in cell F10 and then use Paste Special to paste Values & Number Formatting in cell B35. In cell C35, construct a formula to calculate the Projected Expenses after the forecasted increase of 3.5% in cell B31 is applied. Fill the formula through cell F35, and then use Format Painter to copy the formatting from cell B35 to the range C35:F35.



Change the Orientation of this worksheet to Landscape, and then use the Scale to Fit options to fit the Height to 1 page. From the Page Setup dialog box, center the worksheet Horizontally, and insert a custom footer in the left section with the File Name element.



Display the Projected Decrease worksheet. In cell C5, calculate the Percent of Total for the first department, apply Percent Style (zero decimal places), and then copy the formula down for the remaining expenses.



Copy cell B5, and then use Paste Special to paste the Values & Number Formatting to cell B13. Copy and Paste cell C5 to cell C13. With cell C13 selected, use Goal Seek to determine the goal amount of City Manager expenses in cell B13 if the value in C13 is set to 15%.



From the Page Setup dialog box, center this worksheet Horizontally, and insert a custom footer in the left section with the File Name element.



Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Administration Costs Chart, Expenses, Projected Decrease. Save and close the workbook. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.



Total Points

