GO16_WD_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Environmental Newsletter and Research Paper 1.3_Instructions.docx

GO16_WD_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Environmental Newsletter and Research Paper 1.3_Instructions.docx

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Grader - Instructions Word 2016 Project GO16_WD_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS - Environmental Newsletter and Research Paper 1.3 Project Description: In the following project, you will format a newsletter by inserting pictures and screenshots, applying two-column formatting, and adding a border to a paragraph. You will edit and format a research paper by inserting footnotes, creating citations, and formatting a bibliography. You will also create mailing labels. Steps to Perform: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Start Word. Download and open the file named go16_wd_ch03_grader_3g_as.docx . 0 2 On Page 1, click at the beginning of the newsletter title. Insert an online picture using Image Search by searching for recycle button . Insert an appropriate picture from the results. Select and delete any additional text boxes that may display when the image is inserted. Alternatively, search for an image in a web browser, and then download and insert a relevant image from the results. Recolor the picture by applying Olive Green, Accent color 3 Dark.
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