asking them to send me hate. Which they did of course. Soon enough my ask . fm account was spammed with terrible messages that i knew could only be JY's because i recognised the style. The harassment wouldn't stop. I got blocked from the @cimorelliband Facebook page that JY was
and had been removed from the Facebook page. it was 2014 and i thought i had heard the last of him but Oh Was I A Fool. In 2016 some weird company tried to launch
@cimorelliband Earphones that you could add on top of each other, called PiggyBack (much creativity such marketing)Show this thread -
something was rubbing me the wrong way especially in the way those were marketed (the person in charge of the account for the brand seemed very aggressive) and LO AND BEHOLD i looked into it and figured out it was ou friend JY who had found this opportunity for the girls and was
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working for the brand as a consultant. many people crowdfunded. the goals were never met. no one ever got the earphones. classic scheme. i couldn't believe they would have had contact with JY again after all i had told them but i tried my best to disengage because i wanted more
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than anything to not be involved in that sort of shit EVER AGAIN. And then yesterday i got linked to the article at the beginning of the thread and i spent all day pondering and i cannot let it go. i have contacted the lawyers of the woman who got sued for refusing to perform the
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wax. I am gathering all the proof of his vile action while i can and if you have any i encourage you to screenshot any proof and be very thorough, JY's twitter is already protected and i have no doubt JY is working on deleting any trace. This person has harassed little girls and
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grown women. This person has used their status of privilege to blackmail children and pressure them into sending pictures of themselves. This person has gotten close to up and coming artists in order to prey on them AND on their gullible fanbases. And now this person is utilising
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the very worthy cause of trans rights to their advantage in the most disgusting way possible. As glad as I am that this story has resurfaced in a public way that transcends the barriers of a small fandom, i cannot help but be concerned that once again JY will get away with it.
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I'm trying to do what is right, I hope this shows in this thread. I will add elements as I recall them because right now my brain is still trying to register everything that is happening. It's weird to see my name on lolcow and in random articles. So I'd rather speak for myself.
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UPDATE because I just remembered a pattern that is one of the main reasons i could never properly speak out. I was no longer safe because JY made sure anyone who sided with me would have their internet life made harder. Every time one of my friends would come to my defence, they
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ended up with their pictures reported for copyright infringement or their profiles suspended. it was a shit show but JY had the power to make that happen so eventually people just wouldn't be willing to take risks anymore, which I understand. JY has a habit of targeting isolated
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and/or vulnerable women/girls and it's absolutely despicable in its efficiency. I am LUCKY I was sane enough and resilient enough to know better. I am LUCKY I had good people to vent to. I got very lucky.
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And yet another update because I never seem to run out of bad memories with this person: one JY's main tactic is disinformation. JY used to spread false information to people about each other to make them quarrel. JY would also create problems just to solve them and look like
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the hero. For example when JY volunteered to remove pornographic spam from
@meganandliz's Facebook page back in 2013 there are many many coincidences that point towards JY actually posting those with throwaway accounts just to have a proof of the need for moderation.Show this thread -
The entirety of JY's strategy relies upon being tech savvy and knowing most people aren't. JY created so so many accounts using IP adresses that made it all untraceable. That's why we need to cling onto every bit of evidence we actually have. If you have some please contact me.
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It has come to my attention that the thread regarding JY on MUMSNET has been deleted so I would like to stress once again how me being careful about what evidence I'm sharing is self preservation, and nothing else. I' be very grateful if everyone who sees this thread could share
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it, I am in need of legal advice regarding this issue and the more people we reach the better. I need to take it further, I cannot let the situation be forgotten about until JY finds other victims.
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JY is a very manipulative person, here are a few examples. the two first pictures are JY talking, to someone who defended me in the f1st one and to me in the 2nd one after JY realised I was not giving in and it was not ok. The third one is a 14 year old talking to me about
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Because this never ends, now does it... My computer suddenly seems to have been exposed to a virus for the very first time in two years of having it. If I know JY like I think I do it probably is no coincidence.
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It has come to my attention that the blog article I linked at the beginning of the thread no longer works because GenderTrender has been suspended, probably reported by JY. Be careful when dealing with evidence and with screenshots.
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