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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Nov 9

    Ne Ereb im, ne Êran im Ne Tirkekî şaxistan im Leger xom mejush har alet Ka KURD IM Û KURDISTAN IM!

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  2. 3 minutes ago

    Convoy of Roj Peshmerge left Dêrik and returned to after being denied entry into western by authorities. There’s no Peshmerge in Rojava currently.

  3. Dec 17

    Another 5D and 50mm f/1.8 joined caravan of shuhada. RIP.

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  4. Retweeted

    Please see last night's floor speech regarding my recent trip to Syria/Iraq detailing what I learned on the ground about the religious persecution and atrocities in the region:

  5. Retweeted
    Dec 16

    Why is erdogan/turkey forcing turkish language on when the people there are not even ethnically turks?!

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  6. Dec 16
  7. Retweeted
    Dec 16

    Tu kulîlka azadî yî Strana welatê me yî Hespê şeh î dibezî Çiya û zinaran, bira

  8. Retweeted
    Dec 16

    Some talks about (Roj Peshmarga) have entered to , But it's not true

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  9. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    Türkiye ABD nin YPG ile ilişkisini kendi bekası için tehlikeli görüyor,bunun için ABD ile savaşı ve NATO dan kopmayı göze alıyor. Bazı Kürtler ise bir bahaneyle YPG ABD ilişkisini bozmak için can atıyor. Bu ciddi bir konu. Kürt maskesi takmış sömürgecilerle yüzyüzeyiz.

  10. Dec 16

    Em nabêjin bila Pêşmerge nekeve Rojavayê welat. Ev ne mafê me ye. Her hêzeke Kurdî dikare di her devera Kurdistanê de bi erka parastina gelê xwe rabe. Ev maqûl e. Baş e, bila YPG jî biçe Hewlêr. Bila ofîsên Tevgera Azadî neyên girtin. Bila YBŞ weke hêza Ezidxanê were qebûlkirin.

  11. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    New military formations from inside Afrin. According to reliable sources has been confirmed the formation of the "Liberation Forces Afrin" and start military operations against the Turkish occupation and armed factions / mercenaries belonging to him.

  12. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    some reports that sources say the formation of the "Afrin Liberation Forces"

  13. Dec 15

    Some armed factions within TFSA refused to join attacks east of Euphrates in a meeting with intelligence officials following US threats reports

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    This is true: US threatened Turkey-backed Syria militias over attack on Rojava: state media

  15. Dec 15

    And also, this is Mahmoud Berxwedan who led the during resistance of Kobani, not Sipan Hamo.

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  16. Dec 15

    Dear mainstream media, this is former spokesman Rêdûr Khalil, not General Commander of YPG Sipan Hamo. Please stop quoting Sipan Hemo with this picture. Thank you.

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  17. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    The new Star Congress website is out: 👉 👈

  18. Dec 15
  19. Dec 15

    Rus Wagner birlikleri (paralı haydutlar) Şubat ayında Efrîn’deki durumu fırsat bilip Deyrizor’daki petrol sahalarını ele geçirmek için kuzeye hareketlenmişti. Sonuç olarak ABD hava saldırılarında tek gecede 200 civarı kayıp verdiler. Aralarında çok sayıda rejim askeri de vardı.

  20. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    Syrian National Army is not an alternative to the SDF. It is smaller, mostly composed of elements that are not from N/E Syria, and is increasingly becoming a Turkmen force. For all the challenges with the SDF model, it developed more organically from people of N/E Syria than SNA.

  21. Dec 15

    Girls of Makhmour refugee camp singing anthem “Çerxa Şoreşê” following Turkish airstrikes on the camp which killed civilians yesterday.


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