Inuit Submitted Names

Inuit names are used by the Inuit people of the North American Arctic.
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Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Popular diminutive being Ossie.
AGUTAm & fInuit
Means "gatherer of the dead" in Inuit.
AKLAQm & fInuit
Meaning, "black bear."
Inuktitut form of Alice.
ALORNERKm & fInuit, Greenlandic
Means "under-feet" in Inuktitut.
AMAQJUAQmInuit, Popular Culture
Inuit name meaning "the strong one". Character in 'Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner.'
AMARUQm & fInuit
Inuit meaning "grey wolf."
APUTm & fInuit, Greenlandic
Inuit meaning "Snow."
ARNAUYQmLiterature, Inuit
Meaning, "imitation of woman."
Means "polar bear cub" in Inuit.
CHIKUKfNative American, Inupiat, Inuit, Yupik
Meaning unknown. This is the name of poet and writer Tikasuk Brown's mother.
CUPUNm & fInuit, Greenlandic
Means "coal".
ELISAPIEfInuit (Modern)
Inuktitut form of the English name Elizabeth. ... [more]
HIGALIKfInuit (Anglicized)
Means "Ice House". Borne by a female shaman of the Copper Inuit people who "adopted" anthropologist Diamond Jenness for two years in 1914 while he studied their way of life.
IKIAQm & fInuit
Means "red spruce".
IÑUKSUKmYupik, Greenlandic, First Nations, Inuit
Means "that which acts in the capacity of a human" in Inuktitut. An inuksuk is a human-made stone landmark, used as a point of navigation and reference in the Arctic circle, where few natural landmarks exist.
JISSIKAfInuktitut, Inuit
Inuktitut form of Jessica.
KALLIKf & mInuit, Literature
Used by Erin Hunter in the Seekers series of novels. It means, "Lightning".
KENOJUAKf & mInuit
Known bearer is renowned Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak.
KISSIMIm & fInuit
Used by Erin Hunter in the Seekers series of novels. It means "alone".
KUMAGLAKmInuit, Popular Culture
The name of the tribal chief in the 2001 Canadian film 'Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner', the first feature film ever to be written, directed and acted entirely in Inuktitut. Set in the ancient past, the film retells an Inuit legend passed down through centuries of oral tradition.
LUSAfInuit, Literature
Used by Erin Hunter in the Seekers series of novels. It means, "Midnight".
MIKIm & fInuit
Means "small" in Inuit.
An Inuit name. This is the name of a main character of the movie "The Journey Home".
NANOUKm & fInuit
Variant of Nanuq.
NAUJAfInuit, Greenlandic
Means "gull, seagull".
NUNIQf & mInuit
Origination of Nanook.
An Inuit name. This is the name of an Inuit woman in the movie: "The Journey Home".
OSHAf & mInuit, ? (Rare)
Means, "Daughter of the Sun".
OSUITOKm & fInuit
Known bearer is Inuit sculptor Osuitok Ipeelee.
Famous bearer: Inuit artist Pitseolak Ashoona.
QIMMIQm & fInuit
Means "dog" in Inuit.
Meaning, "strong arm."
Means "moon" in Inuit.
Inuktitut (Canada) name meaning "adopted child".
TOKLOmInuit, Literature
Used by Erin Hunter in the Seekers series of novels. It means, "Spontaneous and Versatile".
Means "generous" in Inuit.
TUKTUm & fInuit
Means "caribou" in Inuktitut.
TULIMAKm & fInuit
Variant of Tulimaq.
TULIMAQmPopular Culture, Inuit
Means "rib". Used for a character in the Canadian Inuktitut-language film 'Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner' (2001).
TULUGAQm & fInuit
Meaning, "raven."
Variant of Ujarak.
Means "river" in Inuit.
Means "calved ice" in Inuktitut.
YUKAf & mInuit
Means "bright star" in Inuit.
YURAf & mInuit
Means "beautiful" in Inuit.