[–] 15626350? 0 points 8 points (+8|-0) ago 

They're getting sued and going to lose. No one can make you swear an allegiance to a foreign country to be employed in the US. Time to pay up!!

[–] 15626559? 0 points 7 points (+7|-0) ago 

In 23 states, it's the law.

Welcome to Babylon

[–] 15627159? 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

Every politician has to make the same oath.

[–] 15627238? 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

The article states Trump supports this. Why would he unless he's a Zionist collaborate? That's a question, not a statement.

[–] 15627927? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

He will lose his base as they awaken if he keeps supporting Israel. I don't know if he's playing the long game, though.

[–] 15628014? 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago  (edited ago)

He has to play the long game to stand a chance vs the ultimate boss.

[–] 15626627? 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Incoming members of Congress were also asked to sign an oath to Israel. Cynthia McKinney talks about it in the video link below.


[–] 15626392? 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

Why do Republicans love to push this shit?

[–] 15626940? 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

Neo Cons are Trotskyites... Communism International... That's why they're so into foreign policy, while the Democrats faggotize the homeland. It's the uniparty of labor zionism, our USA.

[–] 15626442? [S] 1 points 3 points (+4|-1) ago 

Israel/AIPAC "meddles in our elections", not Russia

[–] 15626850? 3 points -3 points (+0|-3) ago 

among many other nations.

remember saving Israel for last.

[–] 15628733? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Too much Salem Radio Network

[–] 15626532? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Most Texans have no problem with Israel existing.

When confronted with awful actions by the Israeli Swamp, they want it drained while keeping the land and it's structures as military assets.

This is a power game, sometimes you take enemy bait to make them think they are strong, then you have this sort of lawsuit come about to get out of it but not appearing to be the dissident.

[–] 15626582? 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

Are you just bring a mental gymnast it is there any basis for that.

The crippled governor said "anti-israel is synonymous with anti-texas"

Somebody needs to roll that dude off mount Zion

[–] 15627150? 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

So do all of our politicians.

[–] 15627903? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

One thing thats for sure, this garbage doesnt make me like the jews any more than i currently do.

Shifty fuckers .

[–] 15627632? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

We've been getting these via fax in Arkansas too 🤔

[–] 15628778? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Mossad is Different than the Land we are instructed to pray for ISRAEL. Tiger Team Emplowe indorsed.

[–] 15628798? [S] 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

gods are imaginary

[–] 15628852? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

15628798? wrote:

gods are imaginary

God's existence is a mathematical theorem within standard physics. Standard physics is the known laws of physics, viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics. This theorem has been given in the form of physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology. These aforestated known physical laws have been confirmed by every experiment conducted to date. Hence, the only way to avoid Tipler's Omega Point Theorem is to reject empirical science. As Prof. Stephen Hawking wrote, "one cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem." (From p. 67 of Stephen Hawking, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time [New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1996; 1st ed., 1988].)

Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals, such as Reports on Progress in Physics (the leading journal of the Institute of Physics, Britain's main professional organization for physicists), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (one of the world's leading astrophysics journals), the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (a journal that Nobel Prize in Physics winner Richard Feynman also published in), and Physics Letters, among other journals.

Prof. Tipler's Ph.D. is in the field of Global General Relativity, which is the field created by Profs. Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose during the formulation of their Singularity Theorems in the 1960s. Global General Relativity is General Relativity applied on the scale of the entire universe as a whole, and is the most elite and rarefied field of physics. Tipler is also an expert in quantum field theory (i.e., Quantum Mechanics combined with special-relativistic particle physics) and computer theory.

For much more on Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the details on how it uniquely conforms to, and precisely matches, the cosmology described in the New Testament, see my following article, which also addresses the societal implications of the Omega Point cosmology:

Additionally, in the below resource are different sections which contain some helpful notes and commentary by me pertaining to multimedia wherein Prof. Tipler explains the Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model TOE.

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