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    Dec 12

    "Zionism is Making Us Stupid": The Russian Relationship with Israel from the Soviets to Putin

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    "A Decisive Year in " - My [brief] 2018 in Review thoughts on what the last 12 months meant for , for the .

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    Two years ago, Assad launched a bloody offensive on Aleppo that killed more than 600 people. This video is a difficult watch but it shows the trauma and terror residents went through as they prepared to leave their devastated city

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    39 minutes ago

    : National Army seized a car bomb in Jarablus (N. ) & arrested several people incl. the drivers + 3rd person. Car was later blown up outside the town.

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  5. 's Muslim GULAGs in Xinjiang are not just an ethical question but a legal one for the U.S.: there are laws banning the importation of good produced in prisons or by slave labour.

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  6. After forcing Muslim Uyghurs and Kazakhs to renounce their faith, 's government makes them work for pennies in its labour camps while they are indoctrinated [or at least intimidated] into [professing] support for the Communist Party.

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  7. 's regime has arrested Wang Yi, his wife, Jiang Rong, and about 100 other Christians who attend their Early Rain Covenant Church in the city of Chengdu.

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    1 hour ago

    Wissam Al Tair spent 8yrs building FB's biggest pro Assad network, whitewashing Assad crimes and covering up his atrocities. 48 hours ago he was abducted by security apparatus and haven't been heard of or seen since. No one knows his whereabouts.

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  9. 3 hours ago

    5| One of the atmospheric things wrong with the indictment is referring to Ekim Alptekin as if he's an Erdogan insider. He isn't. See:

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  10. 3 hours ago

    4| The broader issue is that if the Mueller investigation, the origin point of the indictments against Alptekin and Rafiekian, is now uncovering and prosecuting unregistered foreign agents of Middle East governments then it truly will be a fourth branch of USG.

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  11. 3 hours ago

    3| >> "smoking gun" and that's that; he's admitted it. Alternately, like most businessmen and DCers, Alptekin was inflating how well-connected he was and these meetings with Turkish officials, assuming they happened, were not quite as he presented them. >>

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  12. 3 hours ago

    2| >> this is exactly as presented and the Turkish government used Alptekin as a cut-out to guide the Flynn company's anti-Gulen work. The evidence for it, though, is Alptekin's testimony that he has been in contact with certain ministers in Ankara. Maybe that's the >>

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  13. 3 hours ago

    1| Couple of comments: This case with Bijan Rafiekian (Bijan Kian) and Kamil Ekim Alptekin, and more broadly Michael Flynn, is extremely odd in several respects. The first is that the role of in this project is extremely murky. It's entirely possible that >>

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  14. 3 hours ago

    The has decided Alptekin was lying that his work was related to lobbying for a gas pipeline with Israeli money, saying instead that he was working with Turkish money to get close to the Trump set and change the US policy on extraditing Gulen.

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  15. 3 hours ago

    It seems FARA became interested in Flynn's company after op-ed. Bijan Rafiekian (Bijan Kian) and Kamil Ekim Alptekin apparently misled the attorneys at Flynn's company to hide from them the role of Turkish officials. These attorneys thus transmitted false info to FARA.

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  16. 3 hours ago

    It was Bijan Rafiekian (Bijan Kian) who wrote the op-ed that was published under Flynn's name in The Hill. The evolution of this section in particular from Flynn company talking-points is traced.

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  17. 3 hours ago

    The indictment says there were weekly conference calls from Flynn's people to Alptekin, and Alptekin relayed this to Ankara, who then "informed Rafiekian and [Flynn] whether the Turkish officials were satisfied with the work [Flynn's company] was performing".

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  18. 3 hours ago

    Acc : - Alptekin's Inovo BV company is officially hired as a "client" by Flynn's company - Alptekin funds Flynn with Ankara's money, and gets a 20% kick-back for "consultation" work - Alptekin directs the Flynn company anti-Gulen project, acting for Turkey

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  19. 4 hours ago

    Bijan Kian is an Iranian-American, lives in California, has served in Senate-confirmed positions, worked with Flynn to produce a dossier on Gülen. Alptekin, a Turkish-Dutch citizen, lives in Istanbul, painted by the indictment as a cut-out for Erdogan.

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  20. 4 hours ago

    The has indicted two men, Bijan Rafiekian (Bijan Kian) and Kamil Ekim Alptekin, for acting as agents of 's government in a "conspiracy to covertly influence U.S. politicians and public opinion against" Fethullah Gülen.

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  21. Retweeted

    Lots going on today on Syria at the at noon. and Ambassador Jim Jeffrey will be speaking, and we’re launching a new report on Syria stabilization by


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