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  1. Retweeted
    20 hours ago

    The U.S. welcomes steps by the and its Member States to hold accountable for its aggression against , including actions by and . We will continue to hold Russia accountable for its actions, working with our European partners and Allies.

  2. Retweeted
    24 hours ago

    Meeting with , DepSec Sullivan advocated for NATO-interoperable U.S. systems, and emphasized the importance of developing U.S.- commercial ties, fostering stability and economic development of the Western Balkans, and ever-closer cooperation within .

  3. Retweeted
    Dec 15

    As communities around America pause today to remember, honor and teach with , I share my heartfelt thank you to those who have served and those who have supported. and never stop standing up for freedom at home and abroad.

  4. Retweeted
    Dec 14

    In their meeting today, and discussed U.S.- relations, defense spending, and foreign investment, as well as the importance of maintaining sanctions on and the need to ensure the Western Balkans' continued path to Western integration.

  5. Retweeted
    Dec 14

    Welcome to the team, 150th Foreign Service Specialist class! I am honored by your commitment to serve the American people on the front lines of our diplomacy -- you are the future of the State Department. Congratulations!

  6. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    Saddened by activist Vahid Sayadi-Nassiri’s death in prison. Charged with “insulting the Supreme Leader” and deprived of legal counsel, he died protesting his arbitrary detention by ’s regime and inhumane prison conditions. This. Must. Stop.

    Death of Iranian Political Prisoner and Human Rights Activist Vahid Sayadi-Nassiri
  7. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    The Nicaraguan regime’s recent actions to strip legal status from NGOs reveal Pres. Ortega’s & VP Murillo’s continued contempt for in their own country. U.S. stands w/the people of in their quest to restore democracy through early, free & fair elections.

    Repression of Civil Society, Human Rights Defenders, and Independent Media in Nicaragua
  8. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    Today, met with Acting FM as part of the U.S.- Strategic Dialogue. The Secretary underscored Greece’s importance as a pillar of stability in the Eastern Mediterranean and Balkans & commended Greece’s contributions as a Ally.

    Secretary Pompeo and Greek Acting Foreign Minister Katrougalos Address Reporters in Washington
  9. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    DepSec Sullivan met today in Vienna with ’s Secretary General for Foreign Affairs Peterlik. The Deputy Secretary reaffirmed importance of U.S.-Austrian bilateral relations & thanked him for Austria’s contributions to security cooperation in Afghanistan & Western Balkans.

    Deputy Secretary Sullivan’s Meeting with Austrian Secretary General for Foreign Affairs Peterlik
  10. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    Encouraging news today from consultations in Sweden. Negotiators made progress on a cease-fire and withdrawal of forces in Hudaydah. Peace is possible. Let’s make this the start of a new chapter for .

  11. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    Yesterday, alerted the world about the Iranian regime’s growing missile threat. Here’s some of the evidence unveiled by Special Representative for Brian Hook.

  12. Retweeted
    Dec 13

    DepSec Sullivan participated today in a U.S.- Counterterrorism Dialogue in Vienna. Despite concerns w/Russia’s destabilizing activity, U.S. seeks to facilitate the sharing of any information that can protect the U.S., its people and its interests against terrorist attacks.

    Deputy Secretary Sullivan's Participation in U.S.-Russia Counterterrorism Dialogue With Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Syromolotov
  13. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    "President knows nothing can replace the nation-state as the guarantor of democratic freedoms and national interests." Read Director of Policy Planning Kiron Skinner in the :

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    U.S. stands in solidarity with France and condemns in the strongest terms the horrific act of terror in Strasbourg. has issued a Security Alert to inform U.S. citizens of the attack and stands ready to provide consular assistance to U.S. citizens.

  15. Dec 12

    Join me in welcoming Robert Palladino to Twitter! From the podium and here in 280 characters or less, we will continue to work together to explain and advance our foreign policy at home and abroad.

  16. Dec 8
  17. Dec 7

    Secretary Pompeo, it’s a privilege to work on your team alongside my colleagues. The miles I've traveled with you have underscored the importance of US leadership on the world stage. I can’t wait to continue to advance American people's interests at if confirmed.

  18. Dec 7

    Thank you, Mr. President, for your confidence in me. I am humbled by your intent to nominate me as Ambassador and, if confirmed, look forward to continuing the outstanding job Amb. Haley has done representing your Administration and the American people.

  19. Retweeted

    Absolutely shameful!! failed to condemn even after years of attacks via suicide bombings, kidnappings, missiles, & more against Israelis. The applause after the vote says it all. hurts , & . When will the speak the truth???

  20. Dec 6

    Today, met with Republic of Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha. The Secretary and Foreign Minister reaffirmed the ironclad alliance between the U.S. and & pledged to maintain close coordination to ensure the final, fully verified denuclearization of the .

    Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with ROK Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha

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