BOYS ON THEIR CONTACTS WITH MEN: A STUDY OF SEXUALLY EXPRESSED FRIENDSHIPS Theo Sandfort Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers (1987)  Table of Contents:  | Chapter 1. CHANGING ATTENTION TO AND EVALUATION OF SEXUALITY ZIP file  | Introduction |  | Pedophilia and Pedosexuality |  | The Original Investigation | |  | Chapter 2. THE FRIENDSHIP AND SEX: WHAT THE BOYS SAID ZIP file  | The Beginning of the Friendship |  | Pedophile Friendships |  | Sex in Pedophile Friendships |  | Power Difference and Abuse of Power |  | The Opinions of Others |  | The Opinions of the Boys | |  | Chapter 3. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BOYS' STATEMENTS FOR THE LAW ZIP file  | The Importance of What the Boys Said |  | The Law |  | Summary and Conclusions | |  | Appendix and References Cited ZIP file  | Appendix 1: The Research Method |  | Appendix 2: Interviews with Three Boys |  | Appendix 3: Average frequencies with which the boys experienced each emotion in connection with the sexual contact Figure for ZIP file |  | References Cited | | All text is copyright 1987 Theo Sandfort, reproduced here through OCR scanning without permission of the copyright holder for the benefit of the community. Other sources Sandfort, T. (1982). The Sexual Aspect of Paedophile Relations. Amsterdam: Pan/Spartacus. Sandfort, T. (1983). Pedophile Friendships in the Netherlands: Alternative Lifestyles for Children? Alternative Lifestyles 5(3), pp. 164-183. Sandfort, T. (1984). Sex in Pedophiliac Relationships: An Empirical Investigation Among a Nonrepresentative Group of Boys. Journal of Sex Research 20, pp. 123-142. |