[–] 15554762? 4 points 11 points (+15|-4) ago 

Fuck no. Religion is just another method of controlling the masses.

[–] 15554804? 2 points 4 points (+6|-2) ago 

Jesus isn't a religion. He's a human, that was necessary in order for God to interface with us, because His extra senses cannot be perceived by our silly meat-space bodies.

[–] 15555354? 0 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago 

Exactly. Jesus does not equal religion. I’m a follower of Christ. Not some religion and it’s rules.

[–] 15555438? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

[–] 15555378? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

Who said anything about religion? Knowing Jesus is a relationship! Religion is mans creation. Jesus despised religious men. He wants personal relationships with sinful men who recognize their plight as separated from their Creator. He sought to bridge that gap and restore us to the Father. He asks nothing in return but to love Him and love others. That's not a religion, although men have tried to make it one. It's the accomplishment of love.

[–] 15555649? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

I'll bet you if we start talking doctrine, you'll contradict your above statement.

[–] 15555659? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

15554762? wrote:

Fuck no. Religion is just another method of controlling the masses.

One ought to distinguish the rationalist religion from irrationalist religions. For instance, Karl Marx's Communism is an irrationalist religion, as it de facto worships government as God, whereas government is not God, but rather a false god.

On the matter of politics in relation to God, see my below article, which demonstrates the logically unavoidable anarchism of Jesus Christ's teachings as recorded in the New Testament (in addition to analyzing their context in relation to his actions, to the Tanakh, and to his apostles). It is logically complete on this subject, in the sense of its apodixis.

See also my below article, which demonstrates the logically unavoidable correctness of the anarcho-capitalist theory of human rights. It doesn't derive an "ought" from an "is"--rather, it derives an "ought" from an "ought": an "ought" everyone must necessarily presuppose in order to even begin to deny it.

For how physics allows unlimited progress by civilizations--to literally infinite intelligence and power--see my following article on physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology, which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics), and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is also required by said known physical laws. The Omega Point cosmology has been published and extensively peer-reviewed in leading physics journals.

Additionally, in the below resource are different sections which contain some helpful notes and commentary by me pertaining to multimedia wherein Prof. Tipler explains the Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model TOE.

[–] 15554715? 5 points 9 points (+14|-5) ago 

Jesus' existence is not even up for debate. His divinity, however, is. Muslims and Talmudic Jews do not recognize the divinity of Jesus. I believe in the divinity of Jesus.

[–] 15555356? 1 points 1 points (+2|-1) ago 

[–] 15554993? [S] 4 points 1 points (+5|-4) ago 

Watch as Jews become Christians. They will all see the power of God.

[–] 15555289? 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

That is one of the final signs of the 2nd coming.

[–] 15555077? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

There are already Jews who follow the Torah and recognize the divinity of Jesus.

[–] 15555662? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

I pray they do! It’s the only way

[–] 15555240? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

This. The people who created the belief systems to control people are suddenly going to fall for one of them. It's happening.

[–] 15555480? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

I came here to simply state similar. I believe he existed, hard to imagine it's entirely fiction. But while I identify with no religion, I have faith in God, just not that Jesus was someone divine. While believing in god means it's possible, I find the whole religion factions to be based on trusting someone other than yourself, usually someone far removed from your lifetime, and I've really never trusted anyone but myself.

[–] 15554696? 3 points 6 points (+9|-3) ago 

Jesus is the Christ. The Son of the Living God.

[–] 15554493? 2 points 6 points (+8|-2) ago 

I believe in Jesus my Lord and Savior!!

[–] 15555371? [S] 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

He believes in you too.

[–] 15554491? 2 points 6 points (+8|-2) ago 

He existed. Not so sure about the whole "son of god" crap though.

[–] 15554908? 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

i believe he rose from the dead and that is why the account has withstood the test of time. Only the son of God could accomplish that.

[–] 15555089? 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

What does that even mean?

[–] 15555419? [S] 1 points -1 points (+0|-1) ago 

Give me a minute to convince you. This time Jesus won't be returning, the Branch will be returning. The Right Arm of God himself. Hebrew Hammer. Shit is about to get very real on Earth, find the Branch for cover. The Redeemer is near. Closer than you can ever imagine.

[–] 15555234? 2 points -1 points (+1|-2) ago 

The demons believe...and tremble. You don't believe because you chose not to. Therefore you reject any work He has done to accomplish salvation for those who turn to Him. Want to know Him? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him for faith. Seek Him while He may be found.

[–] 15554641? 4 points -1 points (+3|-4) ago 

Found the Muslim.

[–] 15554747? 2 points 1 points (+3|-2) ago 

Agnostic, Mr. Ass(as in assumptions)

[–] 15554565? 2 points 5 points (+7|-2) ago 

Jesus is THE LORD.

[–] 15555339? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

[–] 15555362? [S] 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Can we call him the Branch? Jesus earned his name. The Branch sounds more sinister, doesn't it? Hi, I'm the Branch, you killed my son, prepare to die. That sounds much better, doesn't it! We need to show God we care, that we're worth his love. Get the word out, the Branch is returning.

[–] 15555238? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Ever wonder what LORD means? Its a transliteration of YHVH(Yahweh)[Jehovah]

H3068 Original: יהוה

Transliteration: yehôvâh

Phonetic: yeh-ho-vaw'

BDB Definition: Jehovah = " the existing One"

the proper name of the one true God unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of H136 Origin: from H1961

TWOT entry: 484a

Part(s) of speech: Proper Name

Strong's Definition: From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: - Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050, H3069.

[–] 15555297? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

It’s actually a hiphil participle.

It means the one who causes existence.


[–] 15554788? 1 points 4 points (+5|-1) ago 

Jesus is Lord and Savior.

[–] 15555394? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

[–] 15554581? 1 points 4 points (+5|-1) ago 

Me, most everyone I know.


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