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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Nov 5

    New map about Foreign Military Presence inside Syria trying to show all American, French, Russian, Iranian, Italian, British, Israeli & Turkish presence Thanks for their help! Map via Link:

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    Dec 12

    Turkish-Backed Organization Which Will Take Part In a Likely Military Operation East of the Euphrates: The National Army | Suriye Gündemi

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  3. 3 hours ago
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  4. 3 hours ago

    I talked today at about the possible operation east of the Euphrates and the role of the USA east of Syria:

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  6. 22 hours ago

    I was told that the National Army prepared 6k fighters to defend Euphrates Shield areas from any possible attack of the YPG and 10k fighters to conduct the operation east of the Euphrates in the first step. The operation east of Euphrates will be speerheaded by the 20th Brigade

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  7. 23 hours ago

    Very interesting if true! According to Step News, some US troops withdrawed from their positions along the Turkish-Syrian border north of Raqqa (Tal Abyad).

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    نسبة السكان العرب الحالية في منطقة " في ريف الشمالي، الواقعة تحت سيطرة "" المصدر: Suriye Gündemi

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  10. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    The car bomb has exploded near 2 several public facilities including a primary school, a physical therapy center, a mental health hospital, the public hospital and a pharmacy which are damaged due 2 the explosion, alongside to several other houses.

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    Dec 12

    Photos of the damage that the terrorist attack (Car bomb explosion in Azaz City) caused to the main buildings of the Stabilization Committee and Aleppo Provincial Council.

  12. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    While I'd still be amazed if this happens, there should be *very* serious soul-searching within the U.S government & former admin about how we got here. & stubbornly ignored the consequences of C- strategy for yrs. This instability was inevitable.

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  13. Dec 12

    With the start of the operation major dynamics of Syria will change. The US will have to reorientate its policy in Syria, control over oil field will be reshaped again, the Syrian opposition will be in a strong position like 2013 which will affect the political transition process

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  14. Dec 12

    Turkish president Erdogan announced that the next operation will begin in the next couple of days. Erdogan pointed out that he is disappointed with the Manbij roadmap process and that Turkey will not target American soldiers.

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  15. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    Turkish army has found 4 PKK-owned AT-4 anti-tank rocket launchers in Northern Iraq. These weapons were originally supplied by the US to YPG in Syria.

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    Dec 11
  17. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    Suriye'de başlayan iç savaş, savaşa katılan yabancı güçler, Savaşın Türkiye'ye etkisi ve ABD - PKK'nın ittifakını bu video ile daha iyi anlayacaksınız. Videoda ABD'li komutan Sean Ryan ile yapılan özel röportaj da var. ▪️Videonun tamamı için:

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  18. Dec 9

    Something is happening:

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  19. Dec 8

    I was told that Turkish-backed National Army started preparing for the war east of the Euphrates. According to my source, a special formation called '20th Brigade" was formed to be trained and equiped to fight against . Formation is claimed to consist of 2000 special units

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  20. Dec 8

    Radical leftists in , who are reportedly involved in fighting against with & airsupport, officially decleared their support to protests in I said before: Foreign fighters will only wait for a crisis Today only verbal support but tomorrow?

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  21. Retweeted
    Dec 8

    The houses begin to collapse due to tunnels that digged by Pkk in the city of Ras al Ayn near Turkish border. Pkk'nın Resulayn'da kazdığı tünneller çoğu evin yıkılmasına neden oluyor.

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