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Calling Plans to more than 24 countries* and other great features like, voice mail, follow me...
read moreVOIP PBX Offices is used by companies that want to communicate like a Big Establishment...
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read moreIf you're looking for a reliable and low price telephony service, your pursuit days are bygone.
Services for your home, including local and long distance, voicemail, low international rates, virtual presence abroad, online account management and countless other services - this is what VocalNet can offer you.
Please contact our representatives to get the best solution for you.
A PBX reduces cost because the company only pays for the number of lines liable to be connected at any given time to the outside. If a company has 100 telephones, it's unlikely everyone will be making an outside call at once. Perhaps only 10% will require an outside line at any given time. Therefore the company would lease 10 lines from the phone company rather than 100.
Office PBX systems can be basics or feature-rich, depending on what the customer is willing to pay. Voice mail, call forwarding, conferencing, and transferring are just some of the options available.
A significant feature of a PBX is control over the numbers that can and cannot be dialed from within the system. This can prevent calls abroad, to 900 numbers, or to other costly numbers that would be available without the system in place.
Corporate companies have multiple office locations around the world. Currently, each office uses its own PBX system and interoffice phone calls are routed through the PSTN and charged long distance and international rates by different carriers. Furthermore these companies have employees that travel or go to clients locations. They get reimbursed for telecommunication expenses they incur while performing their duties. The company is currently exploring alternatives to consolidate its telecommunication systems and reduce costs.
VOIP PBX Offices model is used by companies that want to consolidate their communications, reduce costs and achieve more cohesive corporate images. To implement the model, a company has to install a single IP PBX system in its headquarters and distribute to employees IP phones or regular phones with VoIP adapters. Employees can make intra-office and inter-office phone calls through dialing PBX extensions. Such calls are routed through the Internet and are practically free.
For more information please contact us
Convergence of voice and data is becoming a reality, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is taking center stage. The early momentum centered on carrier-based VoIP services, with providers setting their sights on the $100+ billion long distance services market. Now, the VoIP-based premises equipment market is heating up, with Xorcom and other data networking companies staking claim to this territory. Traditional switch vendors have responded by shifting their product development focus away from proprietary systems to software-based solutions that run on converged architectures.
It’s time for enterprises to determine when and how to transition their voice communications infrastructures to the next generation technology. A starting point for migration planning is a solid understanding of the architectural options.
The legacy call center has been a staple for enterprises that service customers over the telephone. Whether servicing a major airline or a small local business - providing prompt access to helpful agents is an important part of every business and a constant target for improving performance and efficiency. As a result, the legacy call center has gone through a metamorphosis, emerging as the IP.
Contact Center which replaces the PBX and separate IVR and ACD systems and merges email and instant messaging into a new architecture that integrates these functions, leveraging Voice over IP technologies. With IP Contact Centers, full-featured contact centers can be deployed with agents virtually anywhere in the world where there is IP connectivity.
VocalNet is transforming the way small businesses communicate. Our Office phone system is a next-generation communications platform providing small businesses with big-business features at small business prices.
Our goal is simple: to make owning and running your small business easier, less costly, and more profitable. Each product and service we offer has been engineered to give small business owners advantages previously only available only to larger enterprises.
Our mission couldn’t be simpler. Our entire focus is on building lifelong relationships with customers. How? Just delivering stable, affordable products and services that bring the world to your door.
How do we achieve 100% customer satisfaction? We provide 120% customer service. We guarantee amazing services!
Vocalnet ofera clientilor sai posibilitatea de a detine un numar de telefon international care functioneaza exact ca un numar de telefon real fara un echipament special. Numarul virtual poate fi un numar de mobil sau fix in functie de tara si orasul alese. Partenerii, prietenii sau rudele din strainatate vor suna pe numarul virtual platind doar costul convorbirii locale.
Unul dintre cele mai recente ramuri ale tehnologiei in telecomunicații pentru afaceri este Hosted PBX. Această tehnologie permite întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii de a avea un sistem de telefonie sofisticat fără investiții în echipamente de telefonie. De fapt, întregul sistem de telefonie este operat și întreținut de furnizorul de servicii VoIP (Vocalnet). Un Hosted PBX permite angajaților sa lucreze de acasa, hotel sau de pe telefonul mobil în timp ce este conectat la același sistem de telefonie din birou.
Prin intermediul interfetei web a serviciului de PBX virtual puteti creea extensii (interioare), puteti configura meniul interactiv de raspuns vocal (IVR), puteti inregistra mesajele de intampinare ale IVR, puteti accesa in timp real logurile apelurilor primite si efectuate de toate extensiile si multe alte facilitati: apel în aşteptare, redirecţionare apel, transfer apel.