Good one.
Seriously though, how do you envision it helping us?
It’s a testament of hard power, in a realpolitik world. A dangerous and unpredictable world. Having a nuclear arsenal versus a country that doesn’t, raises our offensive threat. Does not mean I am a fan of it.
Yes, I see get that it makes us more powerful militarily. But that’s not the same thing as saying it will make us “thrive”. How do you envision our nuclear arsenal bringing us broader (economic?) success?
It was one point of many (and many left out), emphasising that we should be bold and positive, rather than being totally subservient to EU. Moreover, even if we left without a deal, the UK can adapt and thrive outside.
Ok fair enough. Although I would say that many of the other assets you mention are either irrelevant to our success or would be significantly reduced by leaving the EU on a no deal basis.
Yeh that’s a fair point! Debatable mind.
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Also, English Language? What about Straw Grasping?
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Also, we lose ALL of those other things with Brexit, so the list is an excellent one to support the counterargument.
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