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    3 hours ago

    My latest for : Salafi-jihadism is a specific thing, and one that has changed dramatically in recent years. Raising alarms over hundreds of thousands of dubiously defined "jihadists" will only yield ill-considered and counterproductive policy.

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    NEW Commentary | Rightsizing the Transnational Jihadist Threat

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    will start an operation east of the Euphrates river in northern in a “few days", Erdogan said. “We will start the operation to clear the east of the Euphrates from separatist terrorists in a few days. Our target is never U.S. soldiers."

  4. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    Syria still gets most of the coverage. The media are rediscovering the war in Yemen. But spare a thought for the tens of thousands of people who died this year in America's longest war. (3/3)

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    5 hours ago

    The Iraq war killed at least 5,800 people this year; Syria at least 25,800; Yemen at least 28,800; and Afghanistan at least 44,600. We can argue about the way these numbers are collected, but it's not a close call. (2/3)

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    5 hours ago

    Journalists writing end-of-year reviews should visit and download the data. Methodology a bit different from but the trend will look the same: Afghanistan emerged as the biggest war in the world in 2018. (1/3)

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    7 hours ago

    Comprehensive Russian MoD briefing on "normalization" of life inside Syria, another call for refugee return. Main message: "Syrians are returning to their homes and see with their own eyes: the war is over, revival of the country is well under way."

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    10 hours ago

    Good reminder that Syria's neighbors (Lebanon above all) are keen to extract benefits from normalization, but will also start to feel downsides--competition from Syrian goods, eventual decline in aid budgets, potential for capital to move into stabilized areas of Syria...

  9. Retweeted
    12 hours ago

    The and its cruelty began in the camp near border, and the high prices of fuel and the lack of the means available to everyone to buy, makes the living situation very poor for hundreds of families in the camp.

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    . has been unjustly detained in China calls for his immediate release

  11. 19 hours ago
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    20 hours ago

    IS is militarily defeated. Its return as a rural insurgency is, most probably, inevitable. Think that has more to do with how insurgencies work, rather than anything unique to the group. Its time to stop treating IS as global head choppers & view them as prototypical insurgents

  13. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    AQIM’s leader confirms death of Almansour Ag Alqassem, but denies Amadou Kouffa’s death. That’s extremely noteworthy.

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    Specifically, Moscow's interventions in Ukr '14 & Syr '15 were not driven by lack of perceived US willingness to oppose Rus interests. Rather, Russia's obsession with Western 'hybrid war' makes it hypersensitive to perceived or actual US support to "illegal armed formations."

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  15. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    Due to the explosion of our podcasts over the last couple years - with more to come - we have set up . This channel will be dedicated to our audio content. Watch this space

  16. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    Lebanon's Berdawni River turns black, after turning red earlier this year. I...don't think that's better?

  17. Dec 11

    This is a misreading of an estimate (230,000 is the absolute high end of 's 100,000-230,000 estimate) that is itself flawed analytically and unhelpfully alarmist.

  18. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    Counter-terrorism police in Hatay launched operations targeting alleged AQ members in İskenderun, Kırıkhan and Belen districts of Hatay province, 17 people were detained.

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  19. Dec 11

    . argues it doesn't make sense to argue about America's supposed inaction in Syria's civil war – rather, we should be grappling with America's actual intervention, and how it invited a reaction with far-reaching implications:

  20. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    If you were wondering what's going on with the Lebanese economy, here's a stark message from MP Sami Gemayel, head of the Kataeb party: "today the economy is dying.”


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