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  1. Pinned Tweet
    23 hours ago

    When a Russian mapping service tried to obscure every military facility in Turkey and Israel, it had the unintended effect of *revealing* the exact locations of over 300 distinct sites (whoops) 😬 See the juicy details in my latest piece for

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  2. 2 hours ago

    Wow wow wow, absolutely thrilled to be included in the 2019 Nuclear Scholars cohort alongside some fabulous pals and colleagues 🚀

  3. 21 hours ago

    Here's a fun thing: there are so many blurred Yandex sites in Israel that you can basically cover the country's *entire* landmass in pins.

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  4. 23 hours ago

    The main takeaways here are: 1) Needless attempts to censor information that can/should be made freely available will often backfire. 2) OSINT can increasingly play a critical role in promoting transparency. 3) Wow there are a lot of military facilities in Israel. Like... a lot.

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  5. 23 hours ago

    In a fun convergence of timelines, the list of blurred sites actually includes all four suspected Patriot batteries that I identified using radar interference in my previous blog post -- thus indicating that these sites are indeed military:

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  6. 23 hours ago

    Since these sites aren't obscured on Google Earth, it's relatively easy to match the blurred Yandex sites to high-quality GE images for identification. For example, here's NATO's Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) -- blurred on Yandex (right), clear as day on Google Earth (left).

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  7. 23 hours ago

    TLDR: Yandex has selectively blurred out 300+ military facilities in Turkey and Israel. Many sites were already known, but many others look completely innocuous through sat imagery (e.g. apartment blocks like this). Blurring indicates that they likely have a military function.

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  8. Dec 10

    Who's ready for another juicy + wonky OSINT article about Israel? 🔎 🇮🇱

  9. Retweeted
    Dec 8

    Huge: Detectives are “revisiting” the deaths of Scot Young & Alexander Perepilchnyy after discovering GRU agents travelled from Russia to the UK around the time of their deaths, according to the Sunday Times.

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  10. Dec 10
  11. Retweeted
    Dec 10

    In my first solo piece I argue the diversity of the new Congress uniquely positions it to address the evolving national security implications of as China and Russia continue their efforts in this domain

  12. Dec 7

    This is new INF information from : "Russia has fewer than 100 of the [9M729] systems and missile battalions are located in western Russia, central Russia and at a rocket test site at Kapustin Yar, said officials familiar with intelligence reports."

  13. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    This is a beautiful visualization that I think very clearly demonstrates the power of good design in public education. Bravo!

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 6

    Great work by on Canadian diplomacy towards Saudi before the dispute. Take-aways: -mostly shows diplomats did their job, quietly raising human rights with Saudi officials before deciding to send *the* tweets -lots of work goes into one tweet

  15. Dec 7

    Honestly can't imagine a better choice -- congrats ! Can't wait to see the results of the inquiry 🚀

  16. Dec 7

    Totally unrelated I'm sure, but her husband is the CEO of the third-largest coal producer in the eastern US and they're both unsurprisingly cozy with Scott Pruitt

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  17. Dec 7
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  18. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    Pokémon employee A: let’s make one that’s a cute electric mouse! Pokémon employee B: how about a a cute bird! Pokémon employee C: and also one that wears the skull of its mother

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  19. Retweeted
    Dec 6

    what's the GDP of a dead planet

  20. Retweeted
    Dec 6

    A huge proportion of the people mentioned in this (very good) thread work in nuclear policy, which is an interesting quirk of left foreign policy. The nuke world has done a massively better job than almost any other sub-field of providing opportunities for young progressives.

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