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    Apr 29

    Mes publications de 2001 prochainement traduites de l'italien en anglais & français Version italienne dispo à la BU de Lettres & LVE Université-Caen Voyage au cœur d'une , Pays à forte émigration touchée à son tour par l'immigration face à une qui "botte en touche"

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  2. Dans les faits, le blocus contre le a renforcé sa dépendance à , le petit émirat subissant un embargo terrestre, aérien et maritime de la part de ses voisins et étant contraint d’exploiter les espaces aérien et maritime iraniens.

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  3. Une resolution de la crise du Golfe reportée. En amont du sommet de dimanche, l’administration Trump avait pourtant exprimé sa volonté de voir les États de la région se rassembler pour contrer « l’attitude maligne » de la République islamique d’

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  5. Dr. Luciano Zaccara says withdraw from may increase the quota (of power and production) that OPEC may allocate to Iran, which is not in line with the US policy towards .

  6. 4 hours ago
  7. Delays Hit ’s Imports of Soybeans, Maize as Ships Remain Anchored Offshore — Bourse & Bazaar

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  9. 4 hours ago

    And the Opec November numbers, as assessed:

  10. BREAKING: Top EU court rules UK would be permitted to change its mind and reverse Brexit decision.

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  11. "If anyone has the right to be 'tired' at the moment, it's the Palestinians who have suffered seven decades of ethnic cleansing, carnage and general abuse at the hands of Israel"

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  12. Will endorse Trump's 'deal of the century'?

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  13. Le fait ce qu’il peut pour ne pas sortir des usages diplomatiques avec les Etats du blocus mais il ne peut pas être membre d’une organisation qui lui fait perdre à la fois son indépendance et son orientation. Traduction ➡

  14. Dec 8

    Saudi Arabia pretends it is waging war on Iran in Yemen, and the U.S. pretends it is helping Saudi Arabia against Iran. This is the double curse that plagues every Yemeni and : Saudi delusions & American lies.

  15. 4 hours ago

    Who will save from its saviors? No intervenor in Yemen ever wanted anything good for Yemen. Yemen's 'saviours' from the Houthis did themselves set the Houthis upon Yemen and drowned Yemen in a massive humanitarian crisis in the name of saving them

  16. 5 hours ago

    CNN reports the latest Khashoggi revelations threaten to undermine a key plank of an initial Saudi explanation for his death, that it was a rogue operation that went horribly wrong.

  17. Hezbollah has tunnels in Syria & Yemen Hezbollah assists Houthis in their war with the Saudis & hides Iranian weapons underground in the Bekaa Valley. Now Assad has regained control of Syria, Nasrallah is back to his usual focus: preparing for war with 🇮🇱

  18. Israeli planes can use Omani, Sudanese airspace, Netanyahu says. Without similar permission from the Saudis, Muscat's promise seems purely symbolic, as sultanate borders on states with no diplomatic ties to Israel

  19. Why Confronted ’s Tunnel Threat The impact of Israel’s operation will have wider regional implications.

  20. has been quietly, but strategically, regaining lost ground with key states. Written off by most world leaders seven years ago in the throes of a burgeoning civil war, Assad has been repositioning himself as a key player in the region.

  21. Lebanon's Sunni tangle As if the discovery of sophisticated Hezbollah tunnels penetrating into Israel &violating the UN truce terms wasn't enough of an embarrassment to the Lebanese gov, the pol situation is deadlocked HZB is at the centre of that débacle 


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