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    My new article in , on the British academic who was convicted in the UAE of spying for MI6. Matthew Hedges wasn’t the first & wont be the last, so here is some useful context based on personal experience:

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    9 hours ago

    Dozens of assassinations, kidnappings and arbitrary arrests of aid workers and activists by HTS in Idlib is forcing prominent members of the civilian opposition to flee to Turkey or N Aleppo

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    "Do you think the Americans can defeat the caliphate? It's a war of attrition," an jihadi says. "When the coalition stops the airstrikes, we will return immediately." On the grinding fight with the "" in pocket and IS's "revival" in |

  4. This piece by captures a key fixation across the Gulf states, with social media: (Background checks are hard to do in the region, so blacklists & entry bans are often based on tweets.)

  5. “Renewing oath of allegiance” by the ISIS-linked outlet, rather than a request from ISIS. .

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  6. ISIS is asking members/affiliates to “renew the oath of allegiance” to “enrage the infidels.”

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  7. For non-Arabic speakers, Egyptian President Sisi calls for drilling the solid “truth” in people’s minds, which he sums up as follows: “The situation was this way.. we were this way.. and despite it being this way, we went this way. That is the miracle.”

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    "Academics and journalists walk into a minefield when they conduct work in Arab countries," argues . "To avoid trouble, they first have to realize that many of these countries are less tolerant than they may appear."

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    Even in Lebanon - which is supposed to be either ‘free’ or a non-state - this is increasingly an issue. Know your environment and proceed with caution.

  11. كلمة تاريخية و مؤثرة من الرئيس المصري الجنرال عبدالفتاح السيسي!

  12. They are different, Bedouin isn’t always synonymous with tribes. Bedouin raids on settled tribes were done by invading nomadic clans. A century ago, my region (Iraqi borders) suffered from that trend, until they had enough.

  13. Back to ’s tweet: a few watchers of ISIS have been trying to refute the point you describe as red herring. It’s the conventional wisdom, even if I, you & others find it an obvious point that the ideology formed earlier.

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  14. So I don’t know if I should argue the point about pre-2003 more or less. I urge everyone to read the article carefully. Zarqawi didn’t creat the ideology; it formed before him in Iraq & he was influenced by it. See & comments:

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  15. In the radio interview, I address the role the 2003 invasion played in this equation. It enabled a *breakthrough* for Salafism in Iraq when it was historically opposed on a grassroots level (in part because it was associated with old Saudi/Bedouin raids)

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  16. Hooray! I actually agree with here: it shouldn’t be a controversial point at all, as other real scholars I quoted suggested; also 100% agree the war enabled a few to dominate & endure, but I focus on how the specifics of the ideology formed pre-2003 & pre-Zarqawi 1/2

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  17. Dec 8

    “Americans, over the past year, have gotten relatively good at discussing the emotional effects of sexual abuse; they remain, however, much less good at discussing its professional effects.”

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  18. Dec 8

    “The man misbehaves, the woman gets blamed for it. Her reputation is compromised; her career is stymied; she is branded as difficult; he is simply a man being a man.”

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  19. Dec 8

    Very few of them are Syrians. Lots of them are Iraqi fighters with their families.

  20. Dec 8

    Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper Without Papers


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