Build real-time, interactive dashboards and visualizations in minutes using the intuitive drag & drop interface.
Get started for $0. Once you’re ready to grow, select the plan that’s right for you and your organization.
There are brains behind the beauty. Every Freeboard is built upon a secure, high-performance, enterprise-class cloud system.
Go to our Github repository and join the community of open source developers building new Freeboard capabilities and sharing innovative new features.
Seamless integration with, or access any web-based API. See it in action...
Keep your Freeboards public and pay $0. Select one of our low cost plans to make them private.
Select from a growing list of included widgets, or add your own. See it in action...
Duplicate any Freeboard and use it as a starting point for a new one (permission required). See it in action...
Design layouts that exactly meet your needs. Change widget and background colors, add logos, match your branding, make it your own. See it in action...
Every Freeboard has a unique URL that you can share via email, SMS, and social networks. See it in action...
Need more than 50 private dashboards or interested in a white-labeled solution? Contact us at