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[–] 15467937? 0 points 22 points 22 points (+22|-0) ago (edited ago)
Grenades are fine, as long as they are used on citizens and not innocent refugees.
[–] 15469154? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
yeah right... fucking macron, merkel, may... hey why all the "M"'s
[–] 15468453? 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
[–] 15468171? 2 points 9 points 11 points (+11|-2) ago
This is a flashbang. If it was a grenade it would have caused shrapnel injury to the rest of his body. He probably grasped it with his hand around it in an attempt to throw it back..He'll live but it may affect his bowling average..
[–] 15468360? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
There are many types of grenades. This is one of them. You are incorrectly assuming fragmentation grenades are the only type of grenade.
[–] 15468892? 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
A flash bang is a type of grenade...no?
[–] 15468334? 1 points -1 points 0 points (+0|-1) ago
Hahahahagaga yup
[–] 15468256? 2 points -2 points 0 points (+0|-2) ago
[–] 15468357? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
I saw another where a lady had here eye shot out. Disgusting shit they are doing. I think the revolution is only beginning.
[–] 15470803? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Hi, 15468357?. You wrote:
Thank you for saying that.
I have seen enough of these videos whereby I can see that people are by all appearances being hurt in life-altering ways.
And then let me pose a question here to all of you:
For what?
It has already been established that many of the French police are effective collaborators with the New World Order crowd. They just abide by their orders.
But how far does obeying orders go? Especially for the French. Do their police know any limit?
The French police, far from serving any basic function of protection, are in fact back-stabbers, betrayers, and enemies of their own populace.
For indeed, the French police will enforce the Islamic gang-rape of the French populace's own children. And if any actual French person has any sort of problem with that, then the French police will be sure to knock them upside the head several times before taking them to one of their Muslim homosexual rape-camps, whereby the native male French populace can get acquainted with the new Muslim imports very personally.
So it goes with the women, too.
So then, we need government, why?
So that we can be literally gang-raped by strange fellows?
I mean, if the government is actually going out of its way to screw us over as hard as it can possibly imagine, yet society sort of still functions, then wouldn't we all (except for the elitists) be a lot better off if we didn't have this massive screw-over job in our lives?
I mean, if the government is--and it is--going out of its way to intentionally hurt society, then that says to my mind that the natural free-market workings of society are rather quite robust indeed, that it could even half-way survive such a concerted assault.
So why are any of us even a tad bit worried what a society without government would be like? You mean, we don't have completely psychopathic monsters doing their best to rape and murder the common populace?
Oh, how could beneficial society ever survive without that! Woe is me!
I know. I know. We just have to be screwed-over. Intentionally and deliberately so. That's how it's always been, and so that's how it must always be.
Sorry, but I am failing to see where government is actually providing me any service I want.
So what I say, instead, is fuck the government. And fuck the police, if their "service" is protecting Muslim rape-gangs.
We can all do without such loving "protection".
[–] 15468898? 1 points 2 points 3 points (+3|-1) ago
I feel bad for that guy. I hope his hand grows back.
[–] 15468867? 2 points 2 points 4 points (+4|-2) ago (edited ago)
That looks fake as shit. He waits to scream until he sees the camera is on him
[–] 15469228? 1 points 0 points 1 points (+1|-1) ago
It does look odd. He walks calmly towards the camera and then holds up his "hand" and starts screaming. It looks real, and I've seen a close up photo of what I think is the same hand, but if it were fake, I guess I wouldn't be shocked.
[–] 15469437? 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
It’s real, as confirmed by french news, you can tell he was in shock and just relialized that pain on his arm is actually his hand blown off.
[–] 15468421? 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
If they were Retardifa they could burn the city down without any police interfering
[–] 15468255? 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
Jesus fucking christ. Don't watch it if you don't like seeing gore and hearing terrible screams of pain.
[–] 15469689? 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
This makes me very upset but seriously who the fuck would vote for macron