if you smart and not poor bear buy rally or cry q1 2019. you must take risk life if you want be rich. bear make no more money now short are to much risk now. why are you sell low? not listen to bear he tell you sell low and like he now hit crack pipe. buy the rally and acumulate more coin. the buy is not over. if you want safe invest go buy gold or play basketball game at gym against one leg grandama for $50 or become crack seller to bears
Instructions unclear, just bought crack from one leg grandama.
Not sure if I'm doing this right, but I just sold grandma's leg for crack. Woo Hoo. Party Time!!
as long as you got paid in btc
Just bought gold and put it in my crack to be safe.
Still unsure.. smoked grandma’s leg for more crack. WooHoo! Party time!!
Instructions still unclear, just bought one leg grandma.
Still unclear. Dick stuck in 1 legged grandma's crack.
Still unclear.. smoked all crack with no one legged grandma
Still unclear.. bought one crack from no legged grandma
Unclear... leg still stuck in grandma's crack
Markets down. Can’t buy one leg grandma for 1 btc anymore.
That is gold...digital even...thanks
Read post. Downvoted. Read username. Upvoted.
Agreed, was hoping for a bit more broken english on this one but he really made the extra effort with the one legged grandma basketball game challenge.
Why does this username ring lots of bells, whats the history?
Really confused whether this guy is legit or a complete troll, post history makes me think troll...but...
Fuck your mother if you want fuck
Very good wrote. Very belief in this project.
Much crypto, very profit
Bro stop I just had spine surgery I'm not supposed to laugh that hard
Well get well soon bro.
I hope your back is better support than Bitcoin's.
Thank you bro really appreciate that
Hopefully in a year I could take you up on that
XiangWei the bull whale
I remember him from early bnb days
you are smart man
Will everything really be ok some day mister?
Buy then cry
I buy and cry. Same time
buy while cry, then cry and cry some more. then curl into a ball and buy and cry. rinse and repeat.
And then buy crack drom one leg grandma
not listen to bear he tell you sell low and like he now hit crack pipe.
TIL. fucking bears are addicts
Hey, you're the guy that told us
If you are not buy right now you will cry 2019 very strong bull whale assembly cannot be defeat by poor bears. Fomo greed are very powerful mind. thank you
Btc finna ding 5-6k cause of this
All your base are belong to us.
Emotional money don't make money, I'm waiting.
you not wait long crack dealer on his way
This guy talks like that Nigerian Prince that needs help all the time...
Loud and clear, "Head to the pride rally with my one-legged Grandama, smoke some crack with a few bears in a dark alley and let them put their balls in my basket for $50"
I lost 3000 braincells reading this.
Will non-Binance shitcoin rally too? GAME, example
Dude... you just made my die. Thank you.
Maybe go to school so you know how to write.
Fresh off the boat lol
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