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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 15

    Im just gonna leave this here silently

  2. 24 hours ago

    The disbelievers might think that this is a blow to the Mujahideen, but Allah is my witness that I do not know of a Mujahid in Syria that doesn't wish for shahada like this. May Allah awj. Accept him

  3. Dec 3

    Who ever leaves part of Islam for worldly benefits, will loose in both.

  4. Dec 3

    It's that time of the month again. Ahrar attacks HTS with heavy weaponry on an area controlled by HTS. Ahrar wanted to open a HQ in an area which they had previously agreed that they wouldn't.

  5. Retweeted

    Nvidia™ RTX™ is incredible!

  6. Dec 2

    "Sheikh, I make takfeer on you but your talks are like medicine on me".... Say what???

  7. Retweeted
    Dec 2

    Surah al Fatihah being recited in Tyson Fury's dressing room just before the fight

  8. Nov 25

    If you don't feel pain in your heart watching this, then your heart is dead.

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 24

    This ex-Israeli soldier speaks frankly about his role in ... "We were the terrorists"

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  10. Nov 23

    Taken from a Telegram channel 🤐

  11. Retweeted
    Nov 20

    Zinki checkpoint in west Aleppo shot at the car of Faylaq Al Sham top Shar3i - Abu Hudhayfah - when he stepped out to tell them to have respect at the checkpoints. The Zinki men at the checkpoint said "we will teach even Allah manners", astagfirullah.May Allah break who said this

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  12. Nov 20

    Is it just me or is that an eotech mounted opposite way?

  13. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    Amazing photos of Shikotan, which is one of 4 islands in the Kuril Island chain claimed by Japan but administered by Russia. The island still has rusted IS-3 tank positions.

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  14. Retweeted
    Nov 17

    *Stranger looks at your wife* Man with gheerah:

  15. Nov 17

    Syrian kids speaking to each other Girl: "What will you do if you find yourself dead when you wake up tomorrow?" Boy: "I will go crazy" :-D:-D:-D

  16. Nov 16
  17. Nov 13

    May Allah awj. Reward the brother and protect him

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  18. Retweeted

    فيديو خاص بـ يوثق لحظة الإنفجار في الذي أدى إلى مقتل وإصابة 6 من الضباط والجنود الإسرائيليين. لمتابعة الفيديو كاملاً، اليكم الرابط: _

  19. Nov 12

    Alhamdu Lillah and finally Mujahideen are taking training seriously. I believe and his team has proved over and over what training can do by attacking several checkpoints with few fighters and returning to safety without loss.


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