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Sorry I've been out. I haven't been to deviantart in awhile ( has been taking my time, lol) and decided to come back since my friends are here. It was fun to go through 154 messages, haha. Sorry if I couldn't reply to them all... lol, it would take awhile. But thank you all for the favorites, compliments, and what not =)

Wolf's Rain doujinshi is still in the making. It will take awhile and now with me about to move/visit the UK, not sure how much time I will have.

As for me actually drawing something? Once I'm in the UK visiting. I just can't now since the household is a current uproar.

And tomorrow I get to have my hair done!! XP It's actually too long for Toboe now if you can believe it or not.

My biggest regret of going to europe... MISSING YAOI_CON!! *sobs* I'm going to miss a lot of good conventions in fact. who knows, I might come crawling back to the US after a couple of months, lol. Who can tell.

Sorry for being gone so long. Good to be back =)
Oh yes! Chiron (chi1986) was kind enough to do a Tsume x Toboe commission for my story. She loved it and saw so many scenes she'd love to draw and CG for me. She is very nice to do this for me. Thanks again!! ^^ I'll have the commissions up once they (or it) is finished.

Also, I got the approval from my supervisor =) I will be at Kamikazecon in Houston as Toboe this weekend! :w00t:
I just put up my first fan fiction. It's a Wolf's Rain fanfiction between Tsume and Toboe. I am quite proud with how it turned out. PLEASE review (and of course read it) thankies!!

- DJ Toboe
I just realized that the outfit I made of Toboe is art in a way... so I posted some pictures of as Toboe at Ushicon 2005. Let me know what you think. =)
Hello all! Well I finally decided to bust open my "More How To Draw Manga Kit" that my mom got me for Christmas, so I can start practicing drawing my favorite anime chracter, Toboe.  I haven't drawn in so long, it will be hard to get started again. Wish me luck!