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- InternetAristocrat video on it, mostly just reading some chatlogs, though it has screenshots of summaries of videos.
- A zoophile, who was formerly in one of those closed social media bubbles I talked about earlier, has emerged to out a number of people he believes to be zoosadists. Too bad he managed to use the worst possible methods (Telegram? Seriously?) to disseminate that evidence; cleaning up after it and verifying it all is going to be hard.
- Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2018 at 10:15 AM
- I'm surprised I haven't seen more shit about that zoophile outing other zoophiles, but I kind of think it won't catch on too fast because it's kind of a case of people in glass houses throwing stones.
- A zoophile saying "well those guys there are the bad zoophiles" is gonna get looked at like a crazy, disgusting person by everyone else, and whatever is in their message is likely to get ignored even if they have good and useful info.
- EDIT: Here's a bit of poetry for tonight: A dog fucker bitching about other dog fuckers doesn't make him any less of a dog fucker.
- EDIT 2: I've been going through that guy's tweets and the thing that strikes me as suspicious is that in the majority of his screenshots nobody has any avatars, which can mean 2 things:
- 1) He made up those accounts (AND the evidence) and is a dumbass who's not very good at cooking up drama
- 2) he's actually blocked every single of these people before he took those screenshots, which... honestly makes it easy for these people to claim he's made the whole thing up. Not really smart either way.
- edit to be 100% clear: i mean they get off on hurting animals more than raping an animal normally harms them, and they specifically enjoy the pain that the animal experiences
- You have evidence that people are raping and murdering animals. Apparently including video evidence, too. Do you:
- b) make a callout tweet and start sharing the evidence in groups you created on telegram
- Zoosadism involves inflicting extra violence in addition to raping the animal. A number of ordinary zoophiles wind up killing their animals, but it's usually through infection, or toxic shock, or other physical ill effects that aren't strictly "intentional". Zoosadists get off on intentionally inflicting injury and don't bother attempting to justify themselves with the whole wuvvy-duvvy consent spiel. There's not many of them around compared to your bog-standard dogfucker, but they are extremely scarce and secretive for obvious reasons.
- There exists a TOR-only site dedicated to zoosadism called Animal's Nightmare. I have no idea if anyone has attempted to infiltrate it. It's apparently been around for a while.
- I interrupt that particularly sad episode with this interesting bit:
- The bad news is that a few users already deleted their accounts, and now a lot of the logs look like this because Telegram has deleted the group so many times and banned the accounts he used to spread this and add commentary. Fascinating how that gets removed but not Tight_Doe.wmv
- However there's still a handful of users who didn't clean up so I'll post their handles and avatars here for posterity.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: nothing nsfw, just long Snek / @HissHissHisss
- Yami the Wolf / YamiTheWolf1 -- One of the deleted accounts admits to being a "Yami the Wolf from twitter" in chat and I absolutely did not need to double check who this was. What is included for this guy is a 38.5MB RAR full of uncensored chat logs and images to boot, which I deleted after bleaching my eyes.
- Rustlenova(internet issues) Bigg (open PMs.) / @Bigbootydog
- I think some members had a falling out with one another because the leakers post incriminating logs from between one another, and it's all tl;dr and gross to read and basically I can't stomach watching these people post pictures of their pets because you know damn well what they are doing to them.
- Generally this is a non-happening because a) who the fuck are these people and b) dogfuckers are almost always underground with the exception of the weird old ones like Kobidobidog
- did you actually see videos of people killing puppies with their dicks or was that all hype
- There are a bunch of rars with exported chat logs complete with images but they are gross and not funny. I'm not sure why SonicFox et al were tagged into the conversation because they don't seem to have anything to do with this zoophile ring.
- That Darn Mimic Four shades of gray, not all traps are gay
- Aw man I missed the party, anyone got the link to logs? I don't think I want the footage and other visual material, just wanna look up looks to see if there are any familiar names.
- This sounds like an actually interesting development considering everyone else in that zoophile ring was totally irrelevant. But this guy has 22k Twitter followers and 109k YouTube subs.
- Anyone familiar with Telegram will know that's it quite difficult to get "hacked" because a phone number is required to sign in, and then you need to enter an auth code from another authenticated device. You can't sign in with a username alone.
- I was hoping talk of Kero was going to happen here. It's hilarious how he tried to say his telegram was "hacked" when you can see the VPN symbol on the screenshot he used. All the logs are confirmed, it's Kero, and dude needs to own up that he's a horrible person and just shut down all social media. But that's not ever going to happen, so sit back and enjoy the shitshow.
- What astonishes me is the amount of people refusing to believe that someone they idol is capable of such horror. If you throw evidence in the face of his fans, they still refute it.
- Someone is going to have to make a thread on this guy, if there isn't one already. What a truly sad case.
- I had never even heard of this guy until now, and yet, he just single-handedly brought astronomical-levels of tarnish to the fandom (as if it wasn't bad enough already).
- Yeah that much is true but this whole thing about "VPN means you're up to no good and you know it" / "VPN means everything is secure and your account could not have been compromised" is a little off base
- That AdomasChuGaming dude looks like a bad custom character in a Bethesda RPG.
- There are actually morons defending this guy holy shit.
- He then made some videos being mad at the internet:
- Kero is a popular furry YouTuber who racked up subs and subs by buying a camera, buying a fursuit, and making YouTube videos in fursuit to get those ad shekels.
- He was pals with Majira Strawberry...and I say was because:
- On Twitter he's using the absolute thinnest excuse:
- Bugaboo I have to kill fast and bullets too slow True & Honest Fan
- Why is the "my account was hacked" defense used so often in furry drama? I'd believe them more if they calmly said "hm, wasn't me" as apposed to agressively denying it. The admission to guilt is how one reacts to accusations. Psychology 101.
- The proverb goes "the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet."
- You'd think furries would be happy to throw out people who are pedophiliac dog fucking necros. Hell, I use to hear that Furries hated pedophiles and zoophilic shit because it was stereotypical. They would throw you out and death threat you to no end even. No it looks like they're all a bunch of dead puppy fuckers trying to protect their group.
- Or, they condone what he did, so long as they can keep their idol.
- I would be horrified if THIS were my introduction to the fandom.
- “kiwifarm is it's own lolcow, full of thin, effeminate anime-idolizing, tranny rhetoric-abiding pussies”
- Kero deleted his twitter and angry furries are trying to dox the guy who outed him.
- Edit: Venus went private but usually that just says the post is unavailable.
- oh damn, signed up for an account to drop an archive link to the zoophile ring but someone beat me to it Man I looked through those logs/images and damn that was a whole new level of fucked.
- Kero and/or that zoophile group definitely needs its own thread, him just being part of that chat where really vile shit was posted should really be enough for some people.
- Hardinthepaint Good artists copy; great artists steal.
- I do have to ask though. If you're going to be engaging in illegal shit, and be a member of a group chat discussing illegal shit, why would you use your main Telegram account, especially when anyone else in the group chat could out you in a second and be lauded for doing so? Being in the group chat would be a liability from day one, surely? Hell, I'm surprised he didn't scrub the chat logs after the interview, or in the two years after. Scrubbing his own comments would have been enough to both conceal his presence and prevent all of this.
- Also, one other thing to note. He states his account was 'hacked'. But fabricating that hack to cover his ass would have required prior knowledge of the group being compromised, something that would have been highly unlikely, surely?
- Also, I'm interested in how someone got the screenshots.
- Jim can't possibly handle furries and Sargon's suit at the same time.
- Is the evidence archive only open for with telegram? I can't seem to view it. It's probably for the best I can't open it though...
- If you’re on iPhone, telegram will try and block things associated with anything NSFW. Considering the contents there are NSFL, I’m not surprised. I’ve heard there’s legit animal rape and possible murder in there.
- And why would somebody pull off a campaign exposing multiple zoos just to smear a single individual with fakes?! A load of people got caught there, and the fuck and his white knights claim its a campaign to expose just him!
- These are the complete logs that were partially presented in this twitter thread:
- Allegedly, in them, furry youtuber "Kero The Wolf" discusses his desire to have sex with a 4 year old boy and laments the fact his dog died because he had too few opportunities to torture and molest him.
- I don't know anything about furries so IDK if this guy is a big deal and can't make a thread about him.
- His claim he was hacked was already refuted and people are getting the police involved.
- why would you use your main Telegram account, especially when anyone else in the group chat could out you in a second and be lauded for doing so?
- A load of people got caught there, and the fuck and his white knights claim its a campaign to expose just him!
- Edit: Jesus Christ, I just thumbed through the .zip and (against my better judgement) the folder marked videos. What a fucking mistake that was.
- drugged puppy raped with a baseball bat until it seizes
- i watched most of the videos described in those tweets and they're absolutely disgusting. i dont understand how people can be into this shit honestly like even beyond the awful abuse of animals at one point he's
- found a dead bear in the woods it looks like, and its belly-down laying over a log. he has a stick and he's penetrating the bear in both holes but the stick is covered in feces and blood and its just disgusting
- First time jumping into this thread and it the worst moment ever...the more I read descriptions of the footage the more I want to puke my guts out... Horrifying rating when?
- Telegram accounts are completely tied to a verified mobile number so you're not going anywhere without a dual SIM.
- Those groups have a very wink-wink-nudge-nudge approach, and the zoos who lead a double life have to be totally sure someone else shares their fetish before talking about it. Looking through the logs you can see how they act with caution when inviting people to groups; trust is very much an issue and they definitely didn't expect to be exposed like this.
- I wish I had the horrifying rating, what he's done is abhorrent and he shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. From what I've seen with furries and drama, if an issue is brought to light like this, once it fades from the mainstream nothing else really happens, and I hope this doesn't happen this time.
- On some posts I’ve seen people in the comments coming out of the woodwork saying they’re “ok with beastiality in general but...” and IMO it’s pretty damn funny seeing such ass backwards people, really makes you wonder what happened for them and Kero to end up at this point.
- jesus fucking christ. words cannot explain how i feel about kero right now.
- and here i thought the worst thing i’ve ever done to my dog was had the vet microchip him :/
- anyone got info on the other ppl who are fucking dead puppies?
- It's a mistake to try and rationalize the actions of a group of people so depraved and mentally ill. Their brains don't work like a normal person's. Arrogance, belief in the security of the app and group, and sick sexual needs could have overridden his instinct towards self-preservation. There was a discussion in a pedo thread about why they have such huge collections. Why don't they just stop? If they kept what they had hidden the likelihood of them getting caught would go down dramatically, but many just keep collecting or get bolder and move onto hurting children.
- Wasn't planning on it but I definitely gonna get smashed this weekend thanks to this... Jesus Christ...
- Welp, time to stop being a furry. Weeaboo here I come!
- sorry if this has been asked before, but do we have a kero thread? don't think i've seen one and if not, sick fuck deserves one.
- bet his mom he "came out" to is gonna love it when it inevitably starts affecting his real life.
- On the topic of Kero he's one of those YouTuber furries who made coming out videos to his mommy. Notice how much he whitewashes his behavior to his mom and the viewers:
- Seriously, this whole thing is gut wrenching and horrible. Someone recently made a comment here about how the not-freak show normal furries are ok, but in my experience, they’re just like Kero here - a time bomb of disgusting, waiting to reveal itself. The ‘normal’ furries are just the ones who haven’t been caught or haven’t let their guard down, yet.
- I remember back when I first encountered furries; one revealed how all her sex dreams were about being fucked by Warcraft Worgen, and another told me about how to him sex with something that had a scent gland was a huge turn on. Ah, for those heady days of compairively mild freak show stuff like that.
- First time in this thread too. And fuck me man, here I thought PK, Marl and Eevee were scum of the earth. Somehow this makes them look like whiny children in comparison to literally raping a creature to death.
- The only problem I see is that as I said earlier, why wouldn't he have scrubbed the logs the instant he got remotely popular if he was indeed in these groups? Hubris is one thing, but even shit-tier hackers living in their parent's basements know to leave as little evidence as possible. This is ESPECIALLY true in the fandom, where the fandom will dig up 10 year old conversations and tasteless jokes to start drama.
- I know his supporters are concerned about the authenticity of the screenshots themselves, as the person who initially published them is known to have a hate-boner for Kero, and that screenshots can be altered by literally anyone. Occam's Razor is an awkward one here, because both sides' cases require you to suspend your disbelief to believe them. Either someone with a massive hateboner for Kero fabricated a ton of screenshots to directly tie him into the group chat, purely to defame him, knowing the fandom doesn't bother to verify anything, all while risking a biblican blowback if a fur with any technical prowess could refute the screenshots, or Kero had zero concept of self-preservation and left life-ruining evidence all over the place, in a group where ANY member could have claimed to be a mole and outed him the moment he got popular, where someone 'mysteriously' obtained these screenshots with no verified source or method to obtaining them.
- The whole thing is both disgusting, and completely fucking absurd.
- The descriptions of these videos and image sets are certainly among the worst things I think I have ever read on the internet, and I'm not just exaggerating for forum stickers. That is genuinely upsetting.
- Apparently Shane Dawson quietly removed the interview video Kero was so proud of.
- There's just... a lot to unpack here, not just the sick fuck club in the telegram.
- Sticker me mad on the internet or whatever but I hate the dumbasses in the community that wring their hands and bemoan "oh this is gonna make us look so bad!"
- There's a lot going on and the real victims are the animals.
- of Kero freaking out about people tying that shit to his furry stardom. Said video had proof that deleted account was Kero as well.
- Hopefully there is enough evidence in these photos and videos to get the proper authorities involved. Mutilating and torturing animals is literally serial killer shit.
- Here's a good news article about this. I really hope the police in his area were notified. I just hope that the police find evidence since chances are he's in full DFE mode right now.
- occasionally i’m looking at keros twitter and just watching him lose followers feels good.
- Those logs are the most disturbing shit I've ever read, literally. Poor puppies didn't even have a chance at life. Just gotta say, yall are doing god's work by looking through the evidence.
- That SnakeThing seems to be a prominent figure in the ring.
- Rate me mad on the internet all you want, but people like this deserve no less than what they’ve done unto others, and possibly even worse. Fuck them, and may they suffer to no end when people finally go vigilante on them.
- As for the people trying to defend him, I understand how nobody'd want to accept that somebody they admired turned out to be such an abhorrent dumpster fire, but the animals he and his pals raped to death should matter a lot more to you than your silly internet fandom.
- Fuck...jesus I didn't expect to actually come to hate this guy. People who are into this animal gore are on the same level as those who rape and torture children.
- Do we have a middle initial or birth date? At least one Joshua T. Hoffman of the right age (bd 6/23/1996) and in the right location has a criminal record and an ongoing criminal case.
- At least if that P.O. Box indicates actual location. That Facebook profile appears to have graduated from Pioneer Central High School in Yorkshire, New York.
- Thanks to furry drama, I've seen more bestiality porn than I'd like to admit including zoosadism porn, but the shit in that chat was easily the most disgusting shit I've seen.
- There was a video of some black animal tied to a log with a bloody plank of wood next to it. I couldn't tell what animal it was but it wasn't moving so I thought it was roadkill, maybe a bear cub or something, and the guy taping it was shoving a long wooden pole into its ass. When he pulled it out more, I saw it was a wooden bat smeared with blood and shit, and then the animal started twitching. It pulled its head up and I saw it was a Rottweilert, its front legs shaking as this guy shoved an entire wooden bat up its rectum.
- It pisses me off knowing that law enforcement doesn't give a shit about bestiality more often than not because it's gross and they have better things to do than go after animal abusers. They deserve nothing but the worst life has to offer.
- Pkrussl (Also known as Parker) is known for Animation Meme Reviews and his debunking on a famous DA furry ranter Spoctor Tech when three DA Ranters tried to make Pedophilia Accusations about.
- His video doesn't go fully in all the messages, no the fact the screenshots are right from a .rar file. He also doesn't go into the fact Kero had pictures of him sexually abusing his dog. Also glosses over the video Kero did of fucking a deer corpse in the comments. It's hard to say if he's writing it off because he plans on gaining some 'friendship' with Kero like he did Spoctor or if he is a fan of Kero since he has mentioned becoming a furry (ironically though). Most of his fans are defending Pkrussl and believing Kero is innocent due to being correct about Spoctor no being a pedophile.
- I saw this too, and I'm just thinking that this guy is trying to cash in on hopeful, gullible fans. He knows his audience well.
- Location: Portland, Oregon, lives with his grandparents as of 2016.
- Social media: furaffinity, Nelizar_Neli (closed) Full post detailing his actions were tweeted by Yaho Xiten.
- Nelizar requests his friends for specific scenarios down to their animals. I'll also go over Ember.
- Social media: twitter (closed, can't archive cached page, screenshot attached), facebook, furaffinity (only accessible with account, screenshot attached) Known for: Fursuiter, congoer
- He tweeted about his birthday twice on May 29th, and says he graduated high school five years ago. He could have been born in 1995 or 1996, but the date of birth doesn't line up.
- As I said before, I'm sorry I don't have very useful dox here. They surprisingly know how to separate their degenerate and real life.
- ”At my local comic book store there's a sign on it reminding its visitors to take showers.”
- This has to be a troll right? Like all this shit has to be a troll.
- Anyone have the dump file download? All of the others seem to be broken and I need to see just how fucked this is so I can better understand the situation.
- I'm sure as shit not watching the videos, but I doubt they were faked.
- He looks like Will Poulter but with a faggier accent
- Don't know if I'm allowed to post, but I have boosted the contrast on the screenshot with the dead fox (censored obviously); can I show it?
- Nope, I already attended a furry convention once and seen how much of a walking talking stereotypical appearance furries were so I don't overestimate my expectations
- If you want to help I suggest archiving anything and everything related to what was leaked and the information of people implicated in the leaks before it gets deleted or distorted by the usual whiteknights and sycophants.
- He has an Austrian flag in his Telegram name, and from what I've seen he does live in tyrol.
- This dead puppy zoophilia situation is clogging up the drama thread more than other drama storms typically do, so all posts will be moved into a new (hopefully temporary) home while we sort all of this evidence out.
- this is probably the most disgusting case ive read about in a long time. reading the descriptions about the content in the videos is making me feel a pit in my stomach, i cant fucking believe anyone would be twisted enough to do this shit to another creature and even get off to it.
- i really hope that these people are brought to justice, but thats
- I can’t get over the fact people are trying to be all “corkboard with yarn all over it” with how the people in those videos aren’t him, but he decided to wear his far more recognizable fursuit head (a thing that is easier to distinguish in video than his own face) so idk why that doesn’t just end the conversation.
- Joshua Hoffman's most recent known address is of the family home:
- Parents are Nancy and Edward "Chuck" Hoffman. Father Edward "Chuck's fuck and suck" Hoffman runs a small company called Chuck's Creations (facebook).
- The address of the PO box Joshua set up was in McDonald, PA. This is not far from Pittsburgh Technical College, where Joshua graduated in 2017. I have a feeling he is still living in Pittsburgh but I can't yet pinpoint a new address.
- Here's a video of him winning some award and talking about it with some guy at PTC.
- Kero: "Just find a general job for a while and then try to branch out and find video jobs-" Old guy: "And you'll have some time to build up your portfolio."
- I fail to see how this is any different from the bog standard dogfucker.
- and tortures kids is even worse than the garden-variety diddler. And a pedo who fucks, tortures and kills kids is even worse than the first two.
- Doesn't excuse how irredeemably subhuman the standard pedo, or standard dog-fucker are, but there's always someone lower on the totem pole of fucked-up-ness.
- "im not sure whats going on but im gonna defend you anyway!"
- Wow, this faggot is too slaanesh for Slaanesh. Not even the Dark Eldar would do this shit.
- Haven't seen all of the files yet, but what I've seen so far is enough to warrant a crusade.
- And here I thought the worst thing I'll ever see would be Cartel Necks vs Chainsaws.
- I've been to war. I've seen men die. I watched someone trigger an IED that took off his leg and ripped open his abdomen spilling his guts all over the desert as he died in horrific pain screaming desperately for his family thousands of miles away. It was the single worst year of my life.
- And yet, I'd rather watch all that shit over and over again than look at whatever sick shit is in that Zoosadism archive. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? Did Hell rip open and spill it's dregs onto our shores?
- That's come up in one of the earlier Twitter threads.
- Like if we look at this from a different angle things look a bit different. Imagine if a pedo got caught, but then said "hey in exchange for a lesser sentence, I'll give you the names of some guys way worse than me", and proceeded to give up a bunch of child rapists/murderers. Sure that's not a magical fucking fix for the horrible shit the guy's probably done, but it lead to child rapists/murderers being investigated.
- That's kinda how I feel about this. Yeah, if this is true, the guy's a fucking monster too. But his actions have shined a light on a lot more monsters.
- It's reasonable to have some skepticism in this situation as the allegations are incredibly serious and have long lasting criminal repercussions. I'm actually glad to see some people trying to be neutral and try to validate the evidence instead of blindly reposting and supporting it. That being said, the evidence seems overwhelming and this is a hell of a frame job if it is one.
- People should be reporting this shit to the proper authorities though. Regardless of who is in these videos these sick fucks need to go to jail and rot.
- I don't know where the fetishes came from, but these are people perverse enough to make their fetish into a lifestyle. The internet allowed them to create a fandom around that lifestyle. It's degeneracy on a mindboggling scale.
- and and all but we didn't create this fandom around dog fuckers, the dog fuckers got into our fandom to ruin everything. See also danger dobberman and ebon lupus.
- Bitch, your entire community is built on never taking out its own trash. When you found a country on a principle of "no witch-hunts", your population is going to consist of three highly principled libertarians and seven million witches. This should not be surprising to you.
- So I remember reading that Dahmer was obsessed with killing dead animals and dissecting them. And while the articles never delve into it given his sexual depravity I think it’s safe to assume he was raping these said animals.
- I’d say this piece of shit needs to be picked up by the state and given chemical castration.
- ”my therapist isn't going to like that "the website where i make fun of autistic transgender people" is in my life again.”
- These people make a strong case for birth control.
- edit. Evidently the feds passed a law outlawing crush videos making that a federal offense, so Agent Smith at least has some jurisdiction. Animal cruelty is a state matter unless it concerns the above or dogfighting.
- FFS I was content just to lurk around the Farms for the last month or so but holy fuck this one's a doozie. A couple of thoughts, aside from the obvious statement that this is all disturbing, come to mind:
- #1... As much as I'm sure our mutual friend Jim will make an absolutely fantastic video out of this degenerate landfill fire... we're approaching territory too dark to envision, even for him.
- Because nothing has ever been the benchmark for a real man's man who has their shit together quite like a bright purple bow and arrow set wielded by a person who could easily be cast as a younger version of Buffalo Bill while man's best friend looks longingly at the arrows he hopes will one day be his own sweet release from this faggot.
- lol you think this compares to the atrocities that regularly occur in the Middle East or Africa? Think about everything happening in those videos happening to kids who will be, or have already been, burned to death. Welcome to everyday in some genocidal bush war.
- Animals have it bad enough already, they don't need this nightmare bullshit on top of it
- Seriously, they have good furries like the one leaking this shit who want to fuck them.
- Gustav Schuchardt Middle aged bookkeeper in 1950's East Germany.
- You can go back decades and find furries publicly being degenerate freaks on bbs and newsgroups. If anything it's gotten less degenerate because they've gotten children and autists who don't have sex drives diluting the community now.
- if people could stop hotlinking shitty fucking reaction images from reddit and saying nothing else, i'd really appreciate it.
- I guess according to this pkrussl fellow the leaks are fake, hence why the person now privated their account?
- I came downstairs this morning and saw one of my dogs. He jumped up on me (he's still technically a puppy) and I gave him the biggest hug and said "no one will ever hurt you" over and over.
- I went through some of the image/video files last night. I regret it, but I guess it satisfied my curiosity.
- Since people are posting descriptions, I will post the one that I found the worst, which was a series of images.
- A series of photos involving a dog taped and bound up (unsure if already dead) being penetrated. Then, photos go onto show the dog being dismembered, chopping off it's head, genitals, and also slicing it's asshole to make a cock ring. Then said cock ring is shown on some guy's dick.
- Can confirming the video content, I just skimmed through those.
- I just want to hold the paw of my Laborador and tell him why it fucking sucks to be a human and why you shouldn't trust the human race even within close knit families. God damn.
- And lastly #3... could you other white fuckers please stop being living inspirations for birth control? How come every time I'm glad Planned Parenthood keeps chucking out abortions it's because one of us white folks keeps proving we're apparently better at setting the creepy shit bar too damn high?
- So, what's actually on the downloaded archives? Everyone seems extremely disturbed and nobody is posting any images of it under NSFW, I just want to understand how bad it is without having to download it.
- This is why if I was president, I would make it law saying if you are going to fuck an animal, It has to be big and dangerous enough to tell you to eat shit if it doesn't like it. Not only do both sides win but for every 1 zoophile that actually pulls off having sex with something like a grizzly bear, there will be at least 10 dead ones, everybody wins
- You expect me to believe this guy doesn't fuck dogs after he made a video about how murrsuits are a good thing.
- Reminder: If a furry uses a fursuit to fuck, it's a murrsuit.
- That Kiwi Farms needs to do all the legwork to out a literal dogfucker in this day and age is disgraceful. If this shit all unfolded ten years ago this shit would've been all over every furry livejournal in existence. Now there's a not insignificant amount of furries trying to suppress it.
- Words cannot begin to express how much I hate the way things are now.
- @OwO What's This? The furries saying empty shit about how people like this aren't allowed in the fandom but doing jack shit to get rid of them are just as bad as the supporters. Putting out the image that you're gonna step at these guys and then doing nothing in reality is a fucking cancer upon the group. I'd rather they just say nothing, because that's what they're going to do: Nothing.
- God looked upon the world he had wrought and, with sadness and fury in his voice proclaimed: "delet this"
- I might even be forced to delete this so here's a different archive.
- The "best" way to view this content is to open the messages.html.
- Inside the files/ directory are multiple directories of the .rar files present in that directory opened up.
- Each of these are their own message archive with messages.html, sometimes several.
- I understand degeneracy. I mean, I don't, especially at this level, but I kinda do. Whatever.
- But why the fuck are those fuckers so dumb that they record their depravities without hiding personally identifiable information and then upload it to the internet?
- It's not like they're some chavs with IQ of an amoeba due to FAS who upload vidoes of assaulting random people to Instagram in order to be recognised as the toughest kids in the block.
- Imagine how many dogfuckers walk on this Earth undetected just because they're not as dumb as a sack of potatoes.
- the fuck... So would it be considered dangerous to actually download the rar and view it? I'm not sure if it'll be treated like CP or something(I'm a normie)
- Now that the fandom has sort of gotten a hold of some part of internet land through all those meta-commentators on youtube and what not, these idiots think it's possible to finally fix the narrative and regain pride. Because every adult furry is just so eager for that confirmation rite.
- Regardless, look to any celebrity; anyone hungry for attention. They're always the worst people, it's never some kind furry who works as an airline pilot and owns a fursuit, nah, it's the guy who fucks roadkill.
- This whole ordeal is laughable and I don't even know what's to win if it all somehow turned out fake. Furries are gonna be trash forever, and honestly it's a sign of maturity that ex-furries reject their identity, just as much as being a furry used to be an indication of a certain (imo, at the time, positive) stereotype.
- I have a few acquaintances that are supposedly part of a radical animal rescue organization, Perhaps I should ask them how strong their international connections are. If there's a moment for them to put their money where their mouth is, now's the time.
- ShittyRecolor Preferred pronouns: shit\shits\shitself
- This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever learned of and I have learned a lot in my life. I seriously can't believe some exceptional individuals are defending Kero. This truly is the worst timeline, I want to get off this ride.
- Kero's real name is Joshua Hoffman. Here is his facebook (timeline, about, friends, photos).
- The MEGA link to the Zoosadism logs are currently down.
- EDIT: Okay neither of those were good enough for you. Well I tried. We don't need you.
- Nah there's more than a fur popufurs saying basic white bitch shit like "we're better than this" and "we won't allow these kinds of people in our fandom" but doing literally nothing to actually deal with the situation. Just popular people saying default "good" shit. Worthless.
- They won't do anything to these dogfuckers and they're never going to mention this ever again until it blows up again. There was no intention to deal with the problem, just intention to pose like they're better people than this.
- Shit like this is why I stay away from Animal Control, fuckin' hell...
- For the love of God get their full dox and make sure it's on the front page of this site for a long long time.
- @Fagnasty plz halp. One of them is probably a troon if raping puppies to death isn't good enough for you.
- Already got posted long ago, though it's probably good that it's here twice just so we can show how dumb people are.
- Before today I didnt know a zoosadist was even a word. I continue to be amazed at how disappointed in humanity I can be.
- If he wants to be a dog so bad, I say he should be put to sleep like a real one would be in this situation.
- Personally speaking, I believe that while I can't make a judgment either way, it'd be more interesting if it were specifically the Kero allegation that was false. Because furfags being outed as dogfuckers is nothing special, but a popufur being falsely accused of fucked-up shit, and the subsequent fallout of his acquittal would be a lot more interesting from a position of wanting the fandom to fucking die.
- he talked about how it was just an innocent hobby for him and the sexual aspect of the fandom was a dark depraved minority
- Nelizar sends his pedophile friend's photos of his sister's children.
- the entire community is in shambles trying to figure out ways to save their image from this...some weird fursuit protest march that may be in the works because of this leak
- please, i need this. imagine a horde of fursuiters marching through a major city street, chanting that they truly, honestly, for sure do not fuck dead dogs to an audience of confused ordinary people oblivious to internet drama
- saw the title and thought "dead animal fuckers" meant dead furries, not furries fucking dead animals
- After reading through this entire thread, I'm gonna go give my cat the biggest cuddle, and tell her I love her. Yikes.
- Sort of like how I had thought some of the worst people in the fandom were Whitekitten and Kittery. Though at this point, I commend them for keeping their shit to fantasy. You never know how good you had it until it gets worse.
- why are people acting like they don't know all furries do this shit
- People who are defending this dude after all this evidence came out should be absolutly ashamed and also put on a watchlist for potentially being dog fuckers.
- You'd think a fandom that loves animals would condem the abuse of am animal but here we are
- If the movies are as their descriptions indicate ie necrophilia and torture, and people are saying they are, you may be opening yourself up to criminal liability by dling them. They have caps from crush videos, which I just found out are a federal matter. I have no desire to watch them and I'm certainly not going put to put myself at the risk of being criminally liable just so a couple of furfags are forced to dfe and then slink back into the community under new names and with a lower profile. I will be shocked if there are any legal reprecussions. The kraut might be the best one to go after since I'm sure they have even bigger loopholes to let the government railroad you than we do in the States.
- It's a case of Schrödinger's Zoosadist, they're everywhere and anyone who isn't at least a little suspicious of furries in general is an idiot.
- Salute to that unsung hero who leaked chlorine at the furry convention in Chicago.
- then furries get mad when called dog fuckers, autism autism never changes
- ”We're not in 4chan. I don't think calling someone a "nigger" is nice."
- It's almost like allowing autistic people to congregate in large numbers is a bad thing.
- Anyways, I'm just gonna go lie down and... die, maybe, I dunno. Just don't let any furries rape my corpse.
- People who harm animals almost always claim to love animals, but they are only selfish about how their interaction with animals makes them feel. They obviously don't CARE how the animal feels. Our fandom doesn't attract them, they just share in the statement "We like animals, anthropororphism, and art and writing therin". Yeah, people will use this to attack the furry fandom, but the only people who will see this as a whole fandom problem are the people who were deeply against furs in the first place.
- Any rational human being would see that there is as much difference between us and 'them', as there is between a child killing clown and a normal clown that spends her free time at a children's hospital. They aren't the same.
- In general, people who can demonstrate such cruelty to animals tend to lack the sense of empathy that prevents them from harming humans as well. Almost every known serial killer was also cruel to animals, particularly at a younger age. Those kinds of acts are absolutely a warning sign of far worse antisocial behavior, and clear indicators of mental illness. None of them should have access to animals, and only guarded access to vulnerable humans."
- You could have a point there. Honestly, as legitimate as this is, I'm genuinely tired of the fandom as a whole. So much unnecessary fucking drama.
- Maybe it's on account of being a furfag myself, but I feel like everyone who is making them about the fandom itself is off track, both people who are and aren't furries. At least I can more understand with the ones who bitch about how this will affect the public's perception of them, but it still is completely selfish.
- These people have been torturing and murdering animals for years and enabling each other, and yet so many people are focused only on themselves, either about how this will mean people will start chasing down furries with torches or getting hard-ons over the possible schadenfreude of seeing the fandom burn. It's a complete lack of understanding as to why this all matters in the first place, or more likely a lack of care for why it matters in favor of chimping out over being able to jerk off to porn of Judy Hopps or jumping at the chance to shit on people who jerk off to porn of Judy Hopps rather than the fact these people are unashamed violent sex offenders. Call me angry on the internet or whatever, but I think we'll have plenty of time to discuss all of that once these fuckers are setting up GoFundMes to pay for their bail.
- Google translate so. I'll post both direct and my interpreted translation:
- Interpretation: (A) Friend that I know from anime cons and (this is) something he would not do.
- So please, I do not know you and I certainly do not open the link because I certainly do not want a virus only if ma means fb is hahahaha that was good. PS link I certainly do not open and your account is reported
- Reported? For what? For outcalling octopus idiots?\ You're probably jealous that he's a better furrys than you and he does not let you down Naturally
- violently that you also belong to it will also be posted dog fucker hahahaha as if I were afraid of you. And goodbye
- PS does anyone know how to spoiler text this shit? It'll get spammy in this format. Terrible translation. Someone will probably have better. There's a lot of context missing in the conversation there.
- I can't read German, but why did you call her a dogfucker?
- Kero's state recently passed harsher animal abuse laws, so that's good.
- My source also told me you should look for any mention of a "petting zoo". There's a rumor going around that somewhere in the west coast some furries have multiple animals locked up that they let people fuck. No one has been able to get proof yet, but the investigation is ongoing.
- Well.. I tried contacting people from Patrick Paugers / Sephius facebook page. At least those who seemed normal, turns out one is his father.
- And another chick which looked normal but was a dogfucker herself.
- She first claimed she didn't know him, but it became apparent that this was a lie.
- She also quickly blocked me and set her profile to private.
- So I've sent his father the evidence and I'll send it to the austrian police tonight.
- Also I'll translate the chatlog as soon as a get home
- If this can lighten up the mood somewhat, I remember reading news about a guy who got condemned to prison time for having tried to fuck a cow and the judge pointed out that the cow had rejected his advances and the dude got busted before he could bust his nut.
- I mean, how much of a failure are you when even a creature as passive as a cow looks at you and goes "nope you're not putting that in me"?
- To be fair, there's only so much one can do. There's already a legion of people like us trying to bring these sick fucks to justice who can do this way better than they can because they lack the experience in internet sleuthing.
- "First off, I think that it's neccessary to understand that "shared interest" does not always imply shared value. It's like saying that all murderers consumed bread within 8 hours of committing a murder, so all people who enjoy bread are more likely to commit murders.
- Wait wait wait, so your dumb ass contacted people who might know something about this and you didn't archive anything? You did it on your fucking phone in a waiting room or some shit?
- I need to just start banning people who faildox and banning people who don't archive shit. If you're that short sited you're a fucking liability.
- Her facebook page?? Before it went private? Might have other useful information and associations that could prove valuable? Jesus fucking christ.
- everything, not just what you fucking feel like archiving, especially if you're going to be a special snowflake shit stirrer who goes out PMing people unrequited.
- There are still people on twitter saying the telegram screenshots are fake and he doesn’t appear in any of the videos because they were random animal abuse videos from the deep web. Is there any brave soul that has been able to see the videos and get screenshots of his face for 100% diffinitave proof it was him? I’m not watching that fucked up shit.
- ”Before I left I was working on a story about a fluffy pony who assassinates Kim Jong-Un.”
- Her page was fucking shit, trust me, there were family fotos and nothing else, if there were furry pics or something I'd archived it
- EDIT: even though she mentioned anime cons there were no informations on anything except her kid/bf
- Well I made the mistake of going through the leaks and I can honestly say it's worse than I could have imagined, I was going to clip them together and upload them to a freak porn site but it's too disgusting even by freakporn standards. I unironically hope anyone involved gets tortured for a very long time before someone kills them.
- If someone's a veteran in the furry fandom, stuff like this should feel normal. But it never does, and it feels like the rabbit hole of how sick some of these people can get never ends.
- Hopefully someone goes to jail for this, Jesus Christ.
- I'm a little too queasy after 5 pages to read much more of this, please tell me someone snitched to the feds about this.. these guys will surely move on to humans. If they haven't already.
- "Everything" is not an opinionated word. When you do shit on this site, you archive everything, not just what you fucking feel like archiving, especially if you're going to be a special snowflake shit stirrer who goes out PMing people unrequited.
- I can't confirm what you're saying because guess what? You scared her and now she is on lockdown and she's going to tell everyone she knows to go on lockdown because you're a fucking dipshit. Thanks for actively harming this website and its capacity to review these people.
- Kero the fox couldn't find a way to monitize his videos of him raping and murdering innocent animals so he turned to a life of lying to kids on YouTube.
- Get him off the streets. This is why we have laws.
- Kiwi Farms dot net logan is my hero, he is really nice True & Honest Fan
- That SnakeThing guy also hid his furaffinity account (but you can reach gallery pictures through the search option if you want to. Tho, FA is down right now).
- Nick Bate and Kero the Wolf. Pennsylvania is fucking amazing.
- normally i am pretty desensitized to the horrible shit i see or read on the internet, but. just. i read someone's account of the videos on twitter and, yeah, no. no thank.
- The zoosadism must count as animal cruelty? State to state punishment for it varies, looking into it, I think that California is the only state with jail time (that I could verify). I don’t know how someone involved would go about reporting this information to authorities, but the zoophillia itself is sadly not illegal (though you could likely spin it into cruelty if the animal was injured or distressed in the proof presented).
- Laws about bestiality and zoophilia are pretty spotty and sometimes contradictory, which is why it's legal to own bestiality porn, a misdemeanor to actually fuck an animal, and a felony to sell bestiality porn in PA, because it's not something most governing bodies in America set at once. These laws pop up only after a precedent deems it necessary, like when Washington made bestiality illegal only after Mr. Hands died.
- Of fucking course it's down... they're probably trying to scrub out profiles
- If you're 100% not having sex with animals that are dead, you seriously only have to say "im not having sex with dead dogs" and move on. The moment it turns into a 3 tweet affair that nobody asked for, you're basically guilty.
- What a time to be alive... If there's good evidence on them, we'll likely see them in trouble with the law soon enough.
- Realistically though, what are the chances that Kero will face any sort of legal punishment? It seems like anytime something comes out that people say will result in a legal matter it never does, although granted this is much worse than your typical internet drama. Despite America’s often lackluster legal system I really hope this doesn’t get brushed under the rug though.
- Reminder that not everything is a conspiracy or a cover op.
- “And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.”
- Ya know with all this happening, I'm waiting til the oldfags from the 2000s come back and initiate a cleansing, and no I'm not talking about OwO's delusion of the old guard.
- In Pennsylvania where Kero lives, bestiality is a misdemeanor and distribution of bestiality porn is a felony.
- from New York state, where apparently nobody worries about the distribution of dogfucking porn enough to make a law about it, to Pennsylvania, where both the fucking and the distributing of films of the fucking are actively illegal. Pure genius.
- So if the dox in this thread are anywhere near correct, Kero moved from New York state, where apparently nobody worries about the distribution of dogfucking porn enough to make a law about it, to Pennsylvania, where both the fucking and the distributing of films of the fucking are actively illegal. Pure genius.
- My negro, that is a very fucking specific time to be undergoing maintenance. Also they pulled shit like this before with less abhorrent scandals, when site staff was under fire. It's not out of character assuming some high profile person in their zoo ring is implicated.
- Dunno what else to tell you except I'm fairly sure none of the disgusting beings involved in this are close buddies with the admins as far as I know. Feel free to correct me though.
- I need to ask kind of a dumb question but can I ask the lore behind this whole situation. Kero the wolf is accused of fucking his dog, but nowhere on this thread have I seen any proof linking him to the videos in the leak, so I am a bit confused on how this disgusting shitstorm even began.
- Also iicr the dog died from kidney failure which was quite possibly a result of a UTI or other infection from sexual contact.
- This sort of shit makes one want to see the furry fandom eat itself as members such as zoophiles try to claim they aren't like the "zoosadist".
- What really got me was the "just get a snake of craigslist, fuck it, and let it go!". Its hard to wrap your head around the blatant disregard of life.
- Regarding Nelizar/SnakeThing however, not only is his Furaffinity account now locked-down, but he has also recently deleted his telegram account as well. Yes, full deletion, not just a rename.
- Not surprising however, that they would be such close friends with Sangie, the repeatedly-arrested child-chaser pedo that operates in the furry fandom as an oh-so-virtuous socialist "anti-fascist" secretly printing cub porn through his little business for pedo friends, in direct conflict with the business's terms.
- Dollars to donuts would say that Sangie himself is a filthy animal-fucker as well, given how many such degenerates he seems to be so close to.
- Ted bundy was atleast smart enough to not brag about it to the fucking world over social media, These people are seriosly exceptional
- Because not only is that instinct keeping the next generation alive, but keeping you from being a depressed, miserable, emotionally stunted husk of a human.
- God created humans to be stalwart curators of his animals and all that shit.
- Tl;dr- As a human, these people are Ted Bundys in progress and nothing of value would be lost were they to be found dead the next day, to be fucking honest.
- Aside from being your stereotypical "WOOK AT THIS WITTLE BEAN BOY, WHAT A GOOD BOY" type of animal lover, I work in animal care and let me tell you all something:
- I cannot fathom how someone can go about committing these...vile, depraved, inhuman acts - this is literally alien behavior.
- My pups recently turned a year old and I remember when I first got them when they were just 8 weeks. The things that makes puppers adorable (big paws, puppy breath, bright eyes, their wiggly energy, etc) turns on a biological instinct that tells you:
- "This thing is a baby and babies are nothing but cute, defenseless, fatty lumps that cannot and do not survive without something protecting it."
- So you, as a human (and as a cognizant being with high intellect), will go out of your way to make sure nothing hurts this thing that not only can't defend itself, but has been domesticated to a point where not even fucking death keeps a dog and its owner apart - it's fucking family and you better take great care of it.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Example Faked Telegram Message
- Sword Fighter Super I hope the princess made lotsah spaghetti!
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Ponder Sprocket's Comment I still want to know why the Kero and SnakeThing conversation screenshots look so vastly different from everything else. We've seen what telegram looks like on desktop and the screenshots look totally different. Now, if Kero was guilty then him posting about the hacking and showing that screenshot indicating that the person who supposedly hacked the account was using an older version of telegram, that would be an almost condemning fact against him. That would give a potential reason why the telegram screenshots look so different. But now there's the claim that he's lying about the hack. Okay, so... where did the screenshots come from? Why do they look so different? Is the implication now that Kero faked the hack and faked it using the same defunct version of Telegram that was shown in the accusing screenshots? And he did this all within the 24 hours from when the accusations were posted? It's a little ridiculous to think that a hacker can't fake stuff because it's too much effort and time consuming, but the defense that Kero would have had to have faked, based on these claims, would also be difficult and a lot of effort to make it look convincing. And he would have had to have put it together in a day (since the accusations came out on the 15th and his tweet about the hack came out on the 16th). Furthermore, what does that version of telegram look like? If he's guilty, proving that the hacker using his account was using the same version of Telegram that the screenshots showcase would be huge. And why do these screenshots in particular look different from everything else? Were all the screenshots taken by the same person? If so, why would they switch between versions of telegram part way through? If not, who took the other screenshots and how did they get access to them? I'm not even saying concretely that he has or has not been framed, I'm saying that the evidence leaves me with a lot of questions and therefore I can't outright believe it. Still looking into it myself (difficult to juggle that along with all the other shit I have to do) but people have sent me the .rar files that everyone seems to be going on about. I haven't looked at them yet but I was on a twitch stream yesterday where some people did look into them. The "Kero-Yami.rar" file, from what I've been told is mostly just images. From what I've been told they aren't screenshots from a conversation and they're not linked to any conversation that the people going over them can see. So in that instance, is it just a bunch of disconnected images that people are claiming came from Kero in particular? Because... that... You kinda have to prove that. Just posting a bunch of sick photos in a .rar and saying "these came from Kero" doesn't really work. As far as I can find there are two big files going around. The "Kero-Yami.rar" file and the "" file. (I've been told the latter is the telegram group archive.) If the Kero-Yami.rar file is just a bunch of disconnected, sick pictures, as I've been told, then I don't have a lot of confidence in the evidence as a whole. If, however, the file shows the distribution of these images within the group conversations and the Kero-Yami file is just to hold them for reference, then we'll have something to go off of. I wish people would stop trying to expose individuals online and would just go to the fucking authorities. The authorities would know what they're doing. They could go into telegram and get the original records. They could get the records of the supposed necro-pedo-furry group that is supposed to be being exposed here. People can actually screw up cases by posting shit about them online. If Kero is innocent, I want this evidence broken down and destroyed. If Kero is guilty, I want him prosecuted, but the online community can't do that. That's up to the court of law and that's who should be handling this.
- “If you do this, you’re a deviant. Please, oh please, be a deviant.”
- so i've been looking at his older tweets and god going through them is a pain in the ass. i wanna get to the oldest stuff but i'm not even done with tweets from this summer yet.
- anyways, here are some things i found mildly interesting.
- wearing fur is the worst and makes you the most disgusting human being on earth (tm) but fucking dead animals is a-okay!
- it looks like he asked his fans for vore art? not surprising, really, just thought i'd bring this up.
- and last but not not least-apparently his boyfriend died of drug overdose. it's not exactly relevant but what i find interesting is the phrase "you chose drugs over me", like he was trying to make an actual human being's death all about himself. yes, they were in a relationship but honestly? this is a rather odd reaction.
- "If you wear fur from dead animals, you're a dick."
- Literally has a photoset of someone wearing a dead animal on his dick.
- If you've started fucking dead things or fucking things to death you've gone too far. Old Yeller style is the only way.
- For the sake of the animals involved, I don't want all this shit to be true.
- One of the arguments made in this video in defense of Kero is that the Telegram chat images look photoshopped. I don't buy this. If someone had gone to this extent to frame Kero, they could have stitched together a better looking photoshop. I created a crude, faked telegram chat message as an example. When contrast is boosted, and brightness reduced (the same technique used in the video), there is very little artifacting.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Example Faked Telegram Message View attachment 545894 View attachment 545899
- The artifacting on the Kero chat logs are almost certainly the result of JPEG compression (as we all knew), plus further compression when they were uploaded to twitter.
- One of the arguments I've seen against the above is that the messages linking Kero were supposedly forwarded out of context, but the messages make direct references to Zoophilia, so that won't work.
- The only scenario that Kero the Wolf is innocent is a convoluted trolling/hacking plot even greater than the one proposed by the Quarry King, MundaneMatt. If someone is willing to go to these extremes to frame Kero, I go back to my previous point about crappy photoshopping. I see very little reason to doubt the accusations.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Regular Telegram Browser Format
- In other news, the most important opinion on the matter has come out.
- Don't discount it because it's Russian: Telegram was originally created by Russians as a way to avoid the government spying on their text messages. For some reason it ended up attracting furries, however.
- I seriously don't understand why people are acting surprised that furries are into this kind of stuff, I mean we've known what they are for a really long time. The only thing that would truly shock me is if a furry was only into vanilla stuff.
- It should be pointed out in regards to the logs themselves provided in the leaks (not the screenshots), and I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet, so sorry if I'm just repeating an earlier point, but many people seem to be claiming that the logs are faked due to appearing different to the kind obtained via the Telegram web version, as well as some pointing out that the lack of profile pictures in the logs points to the accounts/names being fake.
- It needs to be understood, however, that the telegram desktop program recently had a chat export feature added to it. When exporting a chat from the Telegram Desktop program, the resulting HTML files of chat logs not only look similar (albeit a bit different) to saved logs from the web version, but also removes all profile images from the logs as well.
- As far as I can reasonably tell, the logs provided in the full leaks (which aren't screenshots), were exported via the desktop version. The export allows you to export the chat, stickers, photos, videos, etc, and the resulting export format looks as such (I just exported these myself):
- This adds credence to the idea that the logs are legitimate, as yes the HTML chat files CAN be edited with Chrome developer tools, but would be an extremely time-consuming and tedious process, particularly given the quantity of chat logs provided in the leaks, which I cannot reasonably presume a person would be willing to sit through and waste the time doing.
- So, maybe it's just me, but I can't take any claim of the logs being fake or photoshopped seriously.
- As much as we could have a thread on this guy, do we have a complete set of dox before the inevitable DFE, and will he stick around long enough given he is going to haemorrhage subscribers?
- Ashley Zoe Fox is some YouTuber who is defending him enough that he made a stream talking about him and watching his subscriber count tank for 4 hours.
- His fanbase are quite adamant that it's totally HTML/screenshot editing at work here even though he's pretended to be hacked already.
- Im confused a little bit. SO this guy ran a zoofucker chat room and decided to out a bunch of zoophiles in his chatroom because they were worse than the average zoophile?
- Nobody likes to be reminded about the Fluffies thread, but this is a hundred times worse than the fucking Fluffies thread because at least the Fluffies aren't real animals being violated.
- How the fuck is it people without a soul can still walk on this earth and pretend they can be human or even other animals for that matter? Where's the fire and brimstone, I'm ready for the end times.
- I wonder if these people were just born fucked in the head or if something happened to make them this way.
- Remember when being a furry was just about jacking off to cartoon animals?
- If you are fucking any creature without consent it's sadism.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Spoilering to keep post size down
- I'm have a gut feeling Joshua is linked to other zoocows, but it's just a hunch until I can find some mutual modes of contact. That "community" seems too niche for there to be separate online congregations between the ones that rape and the ones that kill, then rape.
- Shit, I clicked on the archive out of morbid curiosity, and--
- I think it's funny that this is making a big splash when the furry method of dealing with drama was sweeping it under the rug and whining at the haters. Hell, I think it's interesting that the furry "news" sites (Flayrah and Dogpatch Press) are silent on this, while in the fandom literally every furry is aware of this. I've had multiple furry friends say they're going to quit the fandom over this. Maybe they're not covering it because of the loaded nature of these allegations and the fact he's not vanned yet, but I get the feeling they don't want to deal with something that makes furries look worse than any CSI episode or news report could show.
- And then comes in their excuses like their claim of "the dog liked it" which acts as a "claim of consent".
- I've seen a protester set a cat alight and swing it around by its tail and even that pales in comparison to the shit that I've read/seen here today and it blows my mind that the likelihood of any these degenerated getting meaningful jail time is slim.
- Ashley is back again with another interesting development.
- The image above was included in the tweet. I don't understand what is being said here. Did the police contact them through Telegram? Did somebody take notes of the conversation?
- Further down in the tweet thread things got more confusing.
- So the investigation is still ongoing and is not public yet, but this Z list furry Youtuber has a source that was willing to leak information from an ongoing investigation to them? Police 101 must cover that.
- Or the more likely reason is that it is just made up bullshit to tap into the market of weeping tweens sad about their animal fucking hero.
- Was Kero's address doxed yet? I read through the thread but I only remember seeing the PO Box address.
- Joshua 'Kerothewolf' Hoffman lives on the third floor but the specific apartment number is unknown.
- This is most likely Joshua Hoffman's address. One of Joshua's close Pennsylvanian friends, Ashley, is trying to get a twitter user to take down his dox. In the process, she unintentionally confirmed Joshua Hoffman's address. He is currently away from home with one of his friends.
- It'd be nice to know what's going on if these fucking furfags weren't throwing wrenches in the fucking machine every chance they got. It's almost like they're too stupid to figure shit out by now.
- Failing that she at least seems to have cow potential in her own right.
- Also "Dog Anus Cock Ring" is something I'd expect a grindcore band to call themselves, not something I'd expect an actual person to literally make holy fucking shit I want to die
- This guy actually called the police to check if his friend fucks dead dogs
- Ashley Zoe Fox was caught lying about a police report too:
- Connor claims he contacted Columbus Police over this:
- Hours later, Connor also claims the McDonald PD weren't familiar with the accusations against Joshua Hoffman and don't have the evidence in hand.
- He then claims that police are probably going to arrest Joshua Hoffman soon.
- LOL doesn't Connor Goodwolf pretend to be a rich dude so he can bang under-age furries?
- I started tweeking your image and did some basic vegas shit, and all I can make out is the second line of the top picture "Sexy beast"
- The second one is too far distorted for me to piece it together.
- Crush porn itself was made illegal in the US in 2010 with the passing of H.R. 5566, the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act.
- Edit: Video is now released and it's on page 22 of this thread! Grab your and a large coke and enjoy the show!
- Shit, I clicked on the archive out of morbid curiosity, and-- View attachment 545950
- If Kiwifarms has to give a legit trigger warning for shit like this you know shit is fucked.
- Ok, so now that the dust has settled a little bit, I have to know; was he a top or a bottom for the dead animal?
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Images that were in his thread
- ”Null's paedophilia has been well documented by Encyclopaedia Dramatica”
- >posts picture of himself pointing at his left nipple >right nipple not visible
- 2: Nobody said those videos were exclusively about you, you dense moron, they said that they INCLUDED you
- ITT: 'As a furry, me just remind everyone that not all furries are like this.'
- I'm pretty sure people know that, but don't pretend like your fandom isn't a breeding ground for zoophilia regardless of the positive aspects. The entire thing is about animals, and a massive chunk is about sexualising anthropomorphic animals. I hate to slippery-slope, but the two are pretty close.
- Their eye shapes are different (Kero's is more almond shaped, the video guy's is more rounded) and the chin in the video screengrab seems to have an odd shape that Kero doesn't seem to have.
- Not saying Kero boy is innocent from animal shagging (There are other screengrabs that are obviously of his deceased dog), but I'm not sure that they are the same guy.
- Joshua Hoffman is posting again. He's trying to debunk the evidence. I'll archive everything once he's done. Here's the first post for now.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Images that were in his thread View attachment 546021 View attachment 546020 View attachment 546019 View attachment 546018 View attachment 546017
- I looked into some of the other culprits from the logs. Kero should not be the only one getting notoriety from this. If I choose to go through this stuff more (and it's unlikely), I'll post more info. I'm not great at collecting dox, so all I have are links to social media. This is the only person I have a decent description of.
- Relationship: Keltus Wolf (twitter, furaffinity, xtube) Patrick is a photographer for furry conventions.
- In the logs, he beats his meat to murdered dogs, and he has mentioned he's raped puppies to death.
- These are some other names from the Telegram, some - if not all - can be found in the original .rar:
- I just thought of something. Why would the alleged Iranian hacker who spent years in deep cover posing as some mid level furry Youtuber in a hellish nightmare chat full of animal rape delete his account right when it was discovered and it all came to fruition? If this was an elaborate smear campaign, why would the perpetrator try to cover it up?
- He actually confirmed he was the bottom, now your doubts have been cleared
- The fact that he staged himself being 'hacked' is already reason enough to arrest this fool. I bet if police raid his shit right now, they'll find those exact devices in his apartment: a Windows PC, an iPad, and a Sony Android.
- ALSO, the fact that he removed those screenshots of his Android VPN running in the background is very telling. Good thing someone archived it before he went full-on damage control.
- So, that contact of Ashley Fox's? She didn't do a good job of blurring out that profile image and he's been pretty public in his commentary. Her psychologist friend is Harley Badger.
- Anyway, this shit is depressing. I just came here for laughs, but fuck this. This is a humanitarian issue, and I hate that a bunch of furries are only concerned with their PR while these psychopaths still hide amongst them.
- Found a short synopsis of the videos for people who are too pussy and/or sensible to watch the videos. I'm sure as hell not watching them.
- If even half of that shit is real he should be put to death.
- Yes, a doctor investigating a criminal case would definitely refer to someone as a furry in a professional context.
- I know this bullshit claim has been debunked, but that really stood out to me. Also hilarious they didn't even bother to think up a fake name for the detective, just "Detective." Nice.
- This is one of the few times I've seen the fandom try to universally kick someone out, and even then there are still some furries worried more about "muh image" while ignoring the bigger picture: that a popufur turned out to be rotten to the core.
- Kero isn’t even the worst offender. That title goes to Sephius “3 puppies died on my dick” Rivendare. If anyone, you’d think they’d go more for him. Just shows that having a name for yourself makes you more susceptible to defenders and attackers.
- You know, I've looked at a lot of fucked up shit online. I thought Phils stink ditch was funny as fuck, but I'm afraid to look at that archive. I might take a pass. These furries are the worst of the worst.
- At least life imprisonment. The only reason someone should be let out of prison is if they're reformed and these people are clearly incapable of that.
- Not all of it is Kero. Some is from the internet and some are from other people in the chat/friends of people in the chat. Seems to be a common misunderstanding.
- Iicr, the only video we know is Kero is the deer one.
- He's a part of the chat that jerks off to such material instead of trying to stop it. That's really bad by itself.
- Solely focusing on Kero is like letting the others get away with it, imo. Does he deserve to be shit on? Absolutely. But SnakeThing and the others do too.
- "It's ok guys I raped my dog to death but it's not like I filmed it or anything. That would be gross."
- Right nipple is visible in the photo, check edit 2.
- Every time I hear what is in those files I thank myself for not looking into them. Anyone who frequents the sub forum can tell you how the other threads are a speck of dust compared to the shit shown here. I’m not strong enough to look at the worst, and I have no issue admitting it.
- Slaughter You can't spell Slaughter without Laughter
- And there are plenty of people on this forum with stronger constitutions willing to comb through all this disgusting filth.
- >I use VPN to mask my IP address and pretending I got hacked by the Iranians >I was actually hacked two days ago
- 'You have to prove I am guilty, even though I am gonna deny it regardless and have my white-knight cub fans to defend me'
- People should have seen this coming. Just from looking at some of Kero's videos, his body language screams "insecure faggot seeking validation."
- That video where he "comes out" to his mom, and talks about how grateful he is for her supporting him, he looks awkward as fuck and just shifty overall. Screams "validate me." His defense of murrsuits (fucking other people in-suit) seems very heavy in projection too. The fact that he's trying to defend deviant sexual behavior and claims its "normal" is a massive tip that he's a closeted deviant himself. People with such a messed up psyche need to end up heavily sedated in a maximum-security cell, and that's being merciful.
- In an attempt to lighten the mood.... anyone else notice he looks and sounds drunk in most of his videos? Any possibility of substance abuse?
- Even if it wasn't Kero, some dude did this. For that matter many others are involved in these atrocities. The question comes back to who unveiled these vids in the first place and their connections.
- Also, stickying the thread lead to a surge of low effort shitposting from kiwinormies
- a few pages back claims someone into this did this to try to save his rep among furries since his roommate caught him jacking to this shit.
- From what we know someone in the group was involved with this, and then there was some possibly sort of fallout between members that led to this. It took a few days for these leaks to snowball into something huge because a YouTube celeb popufur was a part of this, and was worried about something he had to hide leading him to delete his Telegram. A screencap a few pages back claims someone into this did this to try to save his rep among furries since his roommate caught him jacking to this shit.
- A couple of those people whom he's tagged in that post I recognize, and not in a good way. I personally have no evidence whatsoever of any of the ones I recognize being zoos, but if it turns out they are then I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
- Can't confirm any details but I've heard rumors that the FBI has been forwarded this stuff. Not sure the truth of that matter.
- Is there even any chance of reforming people who participate in this behavior, or is this a "bullet is the only cure" type of situation?
- first, people who hurt animals almost always fall into two categories: mentally exceptional people (think Lenny from mice and men for one kind of example) and people with pyschopathy or intense cluster b personality disorders like antisocial personality disorder.
- you cannot cure mental exceptionalism, but you can limit a mentally exceptional person's access to animals.
- you cannot cure psychopathy. therapy for psychopathy is largely experimental. you cannot cure cluster b personality disorders either, and there have been many attempts. the closest thing to a "treatment" with any of them is trying to convince them not to do bad things by threatening them with prison time.
- Not that I know of, Kero is obviously the biggie but he wasn't even tagged in that initial post that's screenshotted in the OP. The ones I do recognize are mostly just people whom I've crossed paths with on social media before and got a weird vibe from them. A couple of them I'm currently blocking, also.
- edit: Apparently the post I am referring to was not an attempt to implicate any of those people, so the ones I recognized from the list are in the clear. Still kinda strange that I recognized a few for "dubious" reasons though.
- Looking at it in browser and attempting to archive it leads to a twitter error/non-existent account page, but here is a screenshot of zoodonym's alt, for what its worth. It seems like whoever it was went by the name Akela. If you twitter search @zoodonym and scroll past all the recent posts, you can see responses to them that must have been from when the account was a locked AD. Few, if any seem relevant, but I can go through and archive them and list who was interacting with zoodonym if you guys think it would be useful or interesting.
- ”I'm pretty positive that I'm asexual or at least sex-repulsed, and have been with my lovely boyfriend for going on 5 years now. He's supportive of my sexuality.”
- sorry if this is but i think the thing that upsets me the most is the chances of these people getting jail time, feels low. if they even end up getting the police's attention.
- i want to believe that this information will get them in legal trouble but i feel like i'm being too optimistic. the furry community just seems too full of people that should have been locked up years ago.
- I'm honestly glad they decide to broadcast their crimes like this. I'd rather face the truth of these people existing and have them face repercussions than live in ignorant bliss. I'd watch a hundred videos of men raping dogs as they decapitate them if it means their actions are brought to light and they aren't able to live their lives normally.
- I'm not sure if being zoosadism porn changes it (like Break These Cuffs pointed out crush fetish porn of animals is illegal) but unfortunately bestiality porn in general is legal.
- how many times do animal abusers just get slapped with a fine and court ordered not to have pets? who is honestly going to check up on these people and make sure they didn't buy a dog off craigslist or a stray?
- I'm in Europe and in my country downloading these stuff or sharing is illegal, but I maybe can just view them. Fuck >.Spoiler: Chat between Saphykitten and Nelizar
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Proof That It's Nelizar/SnakeThing
- I thought I was desensitized, until I was going through one of these furry Farms threads and saw a picture of a dude fucking a rotten dead cat. 15 years of internet, and of course it's here I see (no jokes) the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.
- There's a joke about digging up Patti in this mess somewhere, but I just don't have the heart to make it.
- ”my parents for a while refused to see my transitioning as anything other than a manifestation of my autism.”
- The first person to make a cartoon with a talking animal had no idea what horrors he was unwittingly bringing about.
- Piga Dgrifm Where are those good old fashioned values?
- I can't wait for all of the furfags to shut the fuck up when they say "Oh we don't create a foreground for zoophilia" when shit like this exists. I was wondering why the internet went soft on them for some time now, finally we can hate them again.
- He's also been on the farms before, but I'm too exceptional to find it.
- deviantart (of course) that I'm too weak-stomached to go into.
- There's a secret shitposting forum where we do nothing but shitpost. I don't remember the requirements, but it's some combination of time + positive ratings + posts I think.
- There's also the news forum, which is mostly shitposting.
- Joshua 'Kerothewolf' Hoffman is also confirmed to be following Nelizar/SnakeThing on FurAffinity.
- I can't archive the link because you have to be logged in to see it. The link can be found here if someone else wants to archive it.
- I can't remember if it was mentioned before (and I wish I didn't have to remember this) but Illone was a zoophile too. Yes. Not only was he addicted to drugs but he liked the idea of fucking dogs too. There are images of him raping dogs in the chatlogs. Screencap from the telegram is below (images are censored).
- I hope all of them get a zoonotic disease. Them catching leptospirosis, echinococcosis, or penile cancer would really make my day.
- Also PA has started cracking down hard on bestiality since a rather big case just dropped a month ago and people have been pushing for more stricter laws. I'm pretty sure if this goes any further Kero would be made an example of if they have enough evidence to convict him.
- This situation has made me stop lurking and make an account. Goddamn.
- The following is the pages of the bands listed on his facebook archive and if you go and look into the description of each of those bands, It matches up with what was in the "Hacked" chatlog. The music fits his tastes to an exact T. So for this hacker story to be plausible, he would have had to have known his IRL identity, which I highly doubt.
- Sorry that it had to be this that made you make an account.
- Men who regularly engage in intercourse with animals are about 45% more likely to develop penile cancer. Besides the three I mentioned they are also at risk for Brucellosis, Q Fever, and a host of other particularly deadly diseases. I hope it warms your hearts like it does mine to know that they are unwillingly killing themselves with each act of depravity.
- Praise Nurgle, because Kero/the others can literally develop crotch rot and that makes me sleep easier at night.
- And Nelizar was friends with Joshua Hoffman's dead boyfriend (Illone Sheppypaws / Colwyn Collie) on Steam.
- , I believe it may be of some value to this situation:
- A user of the late and renowned deepweb zoophilia forum "Animal's Dark Paradise", utilized the same PFP that Illone Sheppypaws uses here. I also recall a similar username that really rings a bell. Said user made regular posts that included videos of themselves forcing oral sex upon the family dog, to the point of said dog vomiting on the carpet as this prick made snarky comments for the audience - he was all over that forum. Possibly the same individual?
- I also recognised a lot of the evidence photos and videos from Animal's Dark Paradise - many of them are a good amount of years old and they're not even the tip of the 'berg. Either these cretins used and downloaded from ADP a lot which is likely, or they're the creators of the content.
- CP claims against RC fox, and Spark Dalmatian unrelated to chat post above.
- You know how the old saying goes. You lie down with dogs, and you're gonna get fleas.
- I like the "sounds like a witch hunt" comment in the middle of casually explicitly admitting to the crimes in question.
- Also, it seems like they literally cant stop typing with one hand as they jerk off to discussions of more animals they want to hurt and porn they want to watch even as the police close in on them.
- I'm trying to think of something more fucked up and degenerate than the shit I've seen in the archive at the beginning of this thread and aside of pedo shit I really can't think of anything.
- From reading the descriptions alone about the acts done by these absolute sick fucks, this here? Is going to mark furry forever.
- What I love is that while it's cool furries are trying to retaliate and archive the fuck out of this fuckery, they still do not try to contact the authorities to find these sickos the punishment they deserve from what these animals had to suffer from up until their painful deaths. This shit is sad mate, furry is cancel cause they don't know how to act, they can't police the right kind of idiots, they don't try to get rid of their problem children, and they got a fuckton of gullible fucks that will believe a few lies make in stacks of bullshit all because their too far up their asses in porn, each other, social media, or being depressed fucks to get any real shit done.
- It's always someone of the old guard that knows about this shit for years and never speaks up about it, cause they know it's sick, but they don't act, they'd rather join in on the "fun" these bastards are having and when they get caught, they make up any lie because their popular enough for a few hundred dumbfuck furries to believe in them.
- People keep trying to defend furries but on Twitter a lot of the people exposing Kuro have some pretty awful furry porn on their own profiles. Talk about the lesser of 2 evils lol.
- Finally chiming in after lurking since the PK/Marl/Glip shitstorm.
- Zoophiles piss me the fuck off like nothing else. Mere knowledge of their existence literally has degraded my quality of life and in the past has driven me to genuinely beg for apocalypse.
- As for the details being discussed here, there are few additions which could possibly make this any more disgusting and disturbing. I've had nightmares over this, and that's only having viewed the "censored" version of the archive, I'm not only deeply sickened by the suffering and torture of the animals involved, but am just as troubled by the absence of sympathy, and empathy in these people's thought processes.
- My experience as a human being is obviously limited only to myself, but I understand that I'd have to destroy fundamental foundations of my own being, hack and scour away at myself from the bottom up and put myself through the most horrific and painful transformation possible to get myself to a place where I could find pleasure in these images, let alone consider enacting these situations myself.
- To get myself to that point would be to take a chisel and hammer, crack open my own skull, and scoop away massive chunks of my brain until almost nothing would be left of what I understand to be the characteristics and capabilities that define my personhood.
- What I'm saying is that I can much easier relate to the prospect of firing a pistol aimed aiming it at my own heart at point blank range than doing what it would take to get myself to a place where I could feel enjoyment or excitement at causing the type of suffering described in these documents.
- The fact that I belong to the same species as these people and am therefore theoretically capable of somehow being like this were my life to have been diverted down a path to hell on earth and I lacked the judgment or capability to turn back before it was too late, is as terrifying as the thought that no matter what I do that I'm still going to die some day.
- On the tragically now defunct animal abuse resource, I will say that of all the law enforcement action I saw taken in regards to zoophile porn in the US, the actual investigations or arrests never seemed to be directly in regard to the zoophile porn, but merely mentioned their possession of zoophile porn as a 'coincidental' detail in a child pornography investigation.
- I also heard via word of mouth about a year ago of someone in New York State being vanned and locked up for animal crush porn and child abuse porn they obtained via the dark web. Though I didn't hear word of this, I believe there's absolutely no reason not to expect that this person happened to have "normal" zoophile porn in their possession as well, but somehow those details were never explicated in what I heard, and one could speculate that that either wasn't part of what the person was officially booked for, or that the evidence for the child porn and crush porn which were treated as more "severe" offenses were strong enough that the "regular" zoo porn barely even mattered in terms of the state's case against him.
- You guys are assholes, but all the supposedly good people are too busy trying to "stop the drama" to actually do anything meaningful to stop this from continuing to be a problem, so basically you all should never change.
- When things like this happen, the "popufur" getting exposed and the subjects own fans/supports come out with contradictory and antithetical explanations as to how or why the accusations are baseless, and then the fans accept both their own, AND their idol's contradictory stories.
- And then when the subject later changes their story to something else entirely, they just go with that too.
- These people get better than what they deserve even in just the fact that they attain people's trust who have faith in them even in the face of extremely troubling accusations, yet they continue to take the people they trust for a ride knowing they'll believe any story they tell them, like they don't even feel they owe the people who trust them a consistent excuse as to why they're supposedly innocent.
- The ice this guy is skating is getting pretty thin.
- Jesus Christ anyone able to link me to keros dox I know a guy who knows a guy who does that vigilante shit. Personally I would love to see this guy tourtured the fuck out of.
- Joshua Hoffman lives in an apartment (109 S McDonald St McDonald, PA 15057). He's on the third floor but the specific apartment number is unknown.
- And don't cowtip. Law enforcement will take of Joshua Hoffman. He's already doing a good job with digging a hole for himself. Don't scare him off.
- Looks like VenusAsABun deleted their twitter. I managed to grab one screencap before it went down, and literally a second later I tried to archive but it was too late. I'm sorry I wasn't quicker
- Oh there are in fact furries calling the cops on this and pressuring them to open investigations with the rar files in hand, but when you consider said furries also have skeletons in their closets (Connor with his LARPing as a richfag, allegedly raping minors, and having women issues, Chipfox starting a blocklist and being in Dogpatches clique, Saphy's drama above and the glory hole incident at RainFurrest) you also get the feeling that with this and some other high profile furry arrests that a lot more furries are out there hiding skeletons in their closet, and some are jumping on this to try to clear their name.
- I guarantee you everyone defending him also has skeletons in their closet, and some of them are sketchy as shit.
- With this connection well and truly established, there is only one scenario where Kero is innocent is if his hacking claim is true, and the chat logs are completely fabricated.
- There is more damning comparisons between the telegram messages, and Kero's twitter. The argument made against the validity of this is the possibility of faked telegram timestamps, which is becoming a less credible defense day by day.
- If we assume for the sake of argument that these chats are indeed faked, this means that someone dug through literal years of tweets, even something as insignificant as an All Star tweet, and create fake timestamps and replies. Were this the work of some weaponised autist, why would they use this tweet? There was already plenty of connections made between the telegram chats and his twitter in the form of personal life details.
- There is only one scenario in which Kero is innocent, given the current evidence:
- Kero had to have been hacked, and the hacker sent multiple incriminating messages on telegram while hacked from his account, and deleted the account at the end of the spree. At the same time, the rest of the chat logs must have been fabricated.
- If the chat logs are faked, not only did they fabricate years worth of conversations about fucked up shit, but is also complemented with innocuous conversations including 'All Star'.
- I return to a point made on a previous post, where either Kero is a zoophile, or he is the victim of perhaps the greatest trolling in internet history. We all saw how the MundaneMatt saga ended when he tried to allege everything was the result of a SuperTroll™.
- Alright. So I just watched Jim's video and I'm done. Line these fuckers up against the wall and have a firing squad unload on them.
- This is legit serial killer behavior. If someone gets sexual gratification from raping and abusing animals (and remember, a huge part of the sexual pleasure comes from inflicting severe suffering, humiliation, and distress on another living being) then they would absolutely get sexual gratification from raping and abusing humans. The only reason why these sick fucks don't have people chained up in makeshift sex dungeons and bodies buried in their basements is because they're self-aware enough to realize that they wouldn't get away with it. And of course, also because they're cowards. Why go after humans your own size who can fight back when you can abuse vulnerable animals?
- I'm climbing up on my soapbox to say that this shit is exactly why we need much stricter animal abuse laws. There is such a high correlation between animal abuse and felony crimes like arson, burglary, assault, and homicide that the fucking FBI has been tracking cases of animal abuse for the past couple of years and treat it very seriously. Inflicting pain and suffering on animals for your own amusement/pleasure is a gigantic flashing neon sign that says "This person has no empathy and is really fucking dangerous."
- Good, the people defending him have been the worse thing and he only shown more of how people in this fandom live in their own worlds than wanting to live in reality, they fall for the notion to look up the popular people as role models and then then when their "heroes" our proven to be worse than the scum of the Earth, they shut down in this defensive mechanism that will magically deny all the claims laid out for them.
- And issues like this is just one of the many horrid reasons this fandom shouldn't have gone mainstream, it has far too many skeletons in the closet to be considered loving, acceptable, or even comfortable.
- ”I may be numb over these SJW's, but there are times that I really feel sorry for being born as a male b/c of them.”
- Just remember, the one meme that is actually true! Keros interest in roadkill is not illegal, i think its funny that it is brought up so often when the other alleged stuff in the logs is way worse then doing a dead fox or doe whatever it was.
- Just remember, the one meme that is actually true! Keros interest in roadkill is not illegal, i think its funny that is is brought up so often when the other alleged stuff in the logs is way worse then doing a dead fox or doe whatever it was. View attachment 546308
- Oh man the amount of doubling down I'm seeing on twitter.
- "This isnt what the community stands for! These people were part of the fringe!"
- A well known YouTuber and con photographer does not sound like fringe.
- "This community is about acceptance and inclusion and magical fairy farts!"
- No, it fucking isn't. It's a bunch of speds who all like a particular art theme, half of whom are fapping to it. Nothing about liking furry art automatically makes you better than anyone else, but these shitstains seem to see their fetish as some sort of virtue that makes them better than everyone else by default.
- If the chat logs are faked, not only did they fabricate years worth of conversations about fucked up shit, but is also complemented with innocuous conversations including 'All Star'
- Are we sure it wasn't one of Ross's superhackers? They couldn't hack Jim so they decided to hack this furfag?
- All jokes aside I can't believe people actually believe that all this shit is fabricated. There's just way too much, who would go through this much effort for some fucking laughs?
- I don't even think 4chan as a collective would go to those levels of unmitigated autism for a joke.
- >I use VPN to mask my IP address and pretending I got hacked >I was actually hacked two days ago
- Someone who's innocent will defend themselves to the end but someone guilty will run straight to the lawyers at the first chance.
- Furthermore, nobody is laughing. 4chan doesn't find this funny, Kiwi Farms doesn't find this funny, furries certainly don't find this funny.
- Having caught up and read the entire thread to this point, I think I can answer a few general questions here and maybe give some insight as to what may be going on.
- While the idea that "Zoodonym" is throwing their pals under the bus to damage control after having been caught by a roomie as they jerked off to animal rape/snuff films is extremely plausible sounding, the fact is, even the given explanation that they were a "righteous" zoophile that was against the mudersome extremes the Telegram community had taken makes so much sense that I never doubted it to begin with.
- A zoophile would totally do something like that to other zoophiles to make themselves feel good.
- If you understand how these people work, the given explanation, while fucking stupid, makes all the sense in the world.
- Zoophiles, including both people who practice bestiality and people who fap to photos and videos of bestiality taking place, are people who have elected to occupy themselves in a way that they fully understand is considered reprehensible and thus have dedicated to engaging in antisocial behavior by their failure to divert their behavior away from this course of action.
- This isn't necessarily an easy thing to do. They realize that they are excluding themselves from the criteria in which they are considered eligible for participation in normal society.
- Humans are social animals. This is painful for them.
- They cope by constructing a reality in which they feel they are superior to someone else.
- Due to the nature of this scene, there are few opportunities for people to challenge their manufactured reality, so it becomes completely real to them.
- You might see zoophile circles that go APESHIT over child porn, or perhaps go APESHIT over human trafficking and even go through the theater of posting links to government websites where child porn can be reported, or have SUPER strict rules against mentions of rape or necrophilia, and yes, "zoosadism" is probably often defined as those "taboo" subjects to speak of, or post porn of.
- At this point my rant sort of crosses paths with the nature of the file names of all the videos that were uploaded to the platform the screenshots were grabbed from.
- I've seen people ask "why the fuck would underground people trafficking obviously unlawful videos just casually post clips with such blunt, explicit, and descriptive file names instead of being covert with generic file names".
- Well, this is a detail that makes me think the chat logs are real.
- Naming zoo porn file names like this goes back to at least the early P2P file exchange sites and other platforms on which files were uploaded without the ability to see a preview image prior to downloading so that the people browsing for smut can find content they're interested in as easily as possible without actually viewing the shit first, and the files generally keep their same names even after being traded and posted and reuploaded even years after their first appearnce on the underground exchanges.
- So we have people trying to feel superior by adopting codes of conduct based on their aesthetics. Someone who wants to see someone shag a dog might also get revolted by the idea of blood during sex, so they can be like "oh i'm against zoosadism i hate it when animals get hurt" and the circle of zoos in question might embrace that sentiment, but it has to do with "i cant fap to this" while they pretend its part of a moral code", same for sub-facets of zoophilia porn like possible cross over with pedophila and so forth.
- Another stupid "standard" an individual zoo or circle of zoos might have is "oh i hate polygymist zoos who cheat on their animals I only support people and animals that are monogomous with each other", or they might be like "we love animals in this community so any porn with sedated or drugged animals is BANNED cause we have standards and hate cruelty".
- See, they don't care about the kids well being, or the animal's, they just happened to see something their arbitrary sensibilities rendered them unable to fap to, so they expressed that by feigning moral outrage.
- Another exmaple would be a file getting uploaded as "", and people leaving all sorts of lewd comments expressing their satisfaction with the movie, until someone points out that the person banging the horse is OBVIOUSLY a small child who's probably still losing baby teeth, then there's a huge outburst of fake outrage of people being like "omg i didn't even notice that this clip is ruined for me now" and deleting the file from the server, only to reupload it as something like "" and with the new file name pretending that everything is now A okay and there totally isn't child abuse involved as long as no one points out theres a kid in the video.
- They can even freak out because someone uploads a video with a description like "guy bangs a horse until it comes" only to receive backlash like "how dare you disrespect a horse by calling her "IT" be respectful like a true zoophile and call her "she" you will receive a 2 day ban for this" and seriously think that this constiutes respectful behavior.
- They'll even declare themselves to be "good guys" for pirating tapes issued by an underground zoophile porn studio which was found to have abandoned dozens of dogs on the street after they finished using them for porn, claiming that they're sticking up the the dogs by making it harder for the company in question to sell their tapes and profit from the abuse.
- Basically they're so deeply deluded that they lose touch with reality. They'll post ted-talk like essays on how they love and respect animals alongside guides on how to forcibly condition animals so they they're receptive abuse. They'll talk about how much they hate zoosadists while uploading whatever zoo porn they want with the only guideline being "if there's no visible blood it isn't rape", they'll talk all aobut how they're against violent sex crimes and trafficking against humans, and against pedophilia, while posting content involving obvious human trafficking victims and sex slaves, including children, being forced to endure acts which can have no result other than putting those people in extreme likelyhood of physical injury, the spread of zoonotic STDs, and even aside from that putting them through some of the cruelest possible ways that a human being can be forced into sexual activity.
- This all to say, these people are broken. They constructed a world view in which there's no possible way they can be the bad guys in this situation, much in the way a man can build a boat on the rooftop of his high rise apartment building, a boat they can be proud of and have faith in, only as long as the waters don't rise and the seaworthiness of their boat when put to the test of real life application proves to be full of holes and they have no choice but to drown.
- They're incapable of regret until it becomes the consequences of their choices manifest in some form they're unable to avoid or divert, at which point they attain the sort of regret a person experiences between shooting themselves in the heart and the moment they lose consciousness.
- The people act this way because of their walls of denial as to possible consequences, they walled themselves in from reality and are like a lifelong chain smoker who thinks "no way, only OTHER people get lung cancer", or an airline passenger who thinks "no way, only OTHER people get into plane crashes", it'll never happen to them because they are the heroes of a world they made for themselves where they are the crusaders against (insert subset of pedophilia or zoophilia they happen to have distaste for).
- The same loss of touch with reality that convinces them that there's no way they can get caught until the day they actually get vanned or exposed by civilian peers is the same loss of touch with reality that allows them to rape murder and dismember animals and regard their suffering as a source of entertaining stimulation rather than a crime against nature.
- This isn't necessarily a "furry problem", and I'm not saying that to imply that the organized furry subculture doesn't have fucked up and alarming problems with it, I'm saying that to establish that zoophilia and its associated sadistic sexual behavior toward animals, and the organized fandom that concerns itself with cartoon animals and fantasy creatures, but in doing so has fostered a massive safe space in which anything goes lest one be accused of kink shaming, are not separate symptoms of the same disease, but separate diseases.
- One of these diseases might be remotely possible to cure into something benign rather than malignant, but the patient in question is more interested in finding ways to hide the 40 pound tumor and 110 degree fever and go out in public pretending their perfectly healthy rather than face the difficulty of admitting they might need to swallow some extremely bitter, gag inducing medicine, and an extremely painful surgery without anesthetic to have even a slight chance of eventually recovering.
- What I hope is that Zoodonym outing all these other zoos has a similar effect to the Mr. Hands incident where a bunch of zoophile circles saw Mr. Hand's friends literally dump his broken dying ass and flee leaving him to suffer and die, and realize "holy shit, the people I'm entrusting my safety to since we've gone undergorund to evade outside accusations of zoophiles being awful people with no integrity turn out to be really awful people with no integrity, and a lot of people at the very least get scared away from participating in organized circles of zoophiles conspiring to commit crimes against animals and kids and distribute porn of said crimes.
- If this at least scares some zoos away from doing bad shit even purely based on the fear of getting caught and not due to them actually realizing they shoudn't do bad shit, I can draw at least some positives from this horror, which is about as fruitful an endeavor as mining for liquid water on the surface of the dwarf planet Pluto.
- Not only that but the super-hacker managed to fabricate years of chat logs in a couple days. Or even less of a probability, the super-hacker faked the logs in advance before they hacked in just in the off chance they managed to succeed but that would require prior knowledge of the group participants, however this could be disproved with any other member showing their own screen-caps to falsify. The hacker is a really bad alibi, he really fucked himself with it.
- Doesn't help that he keeps flip flopping between "I WAS HACKEDJ:LSDFHIOEPNK:LSDFDS!!!!" and "IT'S PHOTOSHOPPPPPPED!" Often within the same tweet.
- And this thread's one tag is the only one it will ever need.
- Three sources have directly connected Kero's now deleted telegram account to zoophilia messages. The only way this evidence does not implicate Kero is if he was indeed hacked, and the hacker sent these messages, and followed up by deleting the account.
- At the same time, the rest of the chat logs must have been faked in order for the timestamps to match up, in order for him to be innocent. If the chats and timestamps are real, him being hacked doesn't prove shit, as the chats were active for years.
- Sure it is not a "furry" problem per se, but the Furry community has had a long history of people acting like subhuman shit heads, it is why they had the burned fur movement to try and clean up the community back in the late 90s. It is why furries are rather hated on the internet in general (well before bronies took their place) by a vocal group trying to say "Im here, I wear fur, its great" when there was no interest or reason for it in communities.
- It is this sub group that causes furries to cause issues at conventions (rainfurrist, and many others from open drug use, to open perverseness/sexual relations, etc) that get entire conventions banned from hotels.
- The issue with the furry fandom is that it seems unwilling, or unable to control this element of its fan base. Yes everyone has the ability to be a shit head, everyone has the ability to be subhuman, but most other communities are able to deal with these people in a way that marginalizes the harm to the community these people do.
- Sorry if this has already been asked but are the Telegram messages actually gone? I know other messaging services such as Discord keep even deleted messages saved for at least 28 days and they will supply them to law enforcement if subpoenaed.
- The lengths some people will go to deny reality is astounding.
- So now, not only do we have a hacker who can fake years worth of chat logs and is a dab hand at photoshop, but now apparently they're trying to rationalize him spending hundreds of dollars on a custom fursuit head to pretend to be the puppyfucker.
- Taken from this abortion I can't be bothered to watch:
- Psychopaths are calm, cold, and calculated; but they aren't infallible. Kero is essentially digging his own grave by continuing to play the 'I got haxed' card. The fandom might be filled with exceptional individuals, but at least some of them are using their brains.
- It's only a matter of time before reality hits them like a F40PH at maximum speed.
- Included are Kero's own screenshots, at no time was he using a VPN in the past.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: non-pornographic but NSFL clips For those of you who don't want to watch the bat video but still want to feel disgusted with the human race, this is the dog's face after being violently raped:
- Even though he wasn't in the leaks another furry I can almost say for certain is a zoophile is Damaron(NSFW) FurAffintiy(NSFW)
- Hopefully this will reignite the dormant disgust of furries online.
- For those of you who don't want to watch the bat video but still want to feel disgusted with the human race, this is the dog's face after being violently raped:
- In multiple of the messages, Kero claims to be into vore. View attachment 546733 On Kero's twitter, it's pretty obvious from many of his tweets that he is into vore. He mentions it very often.
- And whaddya know, Kero lives in Pittsburgh. What a coincidence.
- According to the logs, this message was sent on the 18th of August 2016.
- Just a correction for the 'Derp' video. He mentions it on the 13th of September, the same day it was uploaded.
- Here Kero talks about his dog who died of kidney failure. He mentions that the dog's name was Koda and that he is making a tribute video.
- View attachment 546741 View attachment 546742 View attachment 546743 View attachment 546746
- On February 7th, 2017, he tweeted a poll asking if he should do a tribute video.
- Kero makes a tweet 2 days later asking what to wear underneath a fursuit.
- On June 4th, Kero tweets asking his followers whether they'll be at Anthrocon.
- On June 22nd, Kero tweets pictures of himself so that people can find him at the con easier.
- Kero decides to show some pics of what appears to be him in a hotel room. Presumably, these were taken at Anthrocon.
- Kero shows off his cool new body pillow. Also from Anthrocon.
- More hotel room pictures. Presumably from Anthrocon.
- View attachment 546762 View attachment 546763 View attachment 546764
- View attachment 546759 View attachment 546760 View attachment 546761
- On July 17th, 2017, Kero makes an alt telegram account. yamithewolf
- View attachment 546766 View attachment 546765 View attachment 546767
- "Proceed" -> files -> /Kero-Yami/ (twice) -> messages.html Just in case you want to check for yourself.
- Sephius Rivendare is the guy who took the bat video, by the way.
- Imagine if in 1937 a bunch of airship enthusiasts decided to drop by Lakehurst New Jersey on the 6th of May to watch the Hindenburg make a routine landing.
- "Yay! Airships! We love seeing these! And they're even news crews filming and radio broadcasting the event! Everyone gets to see these wonderful machines we hope will be the future of air travel!"
- Now, the airship enthusiasts now have the option of either two responses:
- A) "Oh no, the ship exploded and crashed due to a hydrogen fire! Quick, call a fire brigade to put out the fire, and call some doctors to hurry over to help the hurt people! We love airships, but this tragic outcome is unacceptable and we must do everything we can to make sure that hydrogen is never used to inflate a passenger blimp again so that the airships we love so much can be better and safer from now on!"
- B) "Oh no, the ship exploded! Now people are going to think hydrogen airships are dangerous! Quick, tackle the news crews so they don't get news of this out to the public, even if hydrogen explosions have destroyed countless previous dirigibles, I'm sure that if we're extra super careful this probably will only happen two or three times a year!"
- And far too often furries tend to go with the equivalent of Option B of trying to just damage control and ignore the underlying problems to avoid drawing attention to the negative aspects of the thing they love rather than admitting to mistakes and making improvements since nothing is more important to them than growing the fandom purely for the sake of doing so regardless of what state its in.
- oh my fucking god. i have a rottweiler. whenever i look at her now, i cant help but think about that video. the dog definitely looks scared/distressed too.
- This is certainly going to end in jailtime, if not death penalty/shanking in the yard while serving time. But it's a matter of when at this point, not if. Either way, it'd be a fitting end for a corpse fucker like Kero.
- Every day my patience for furries runs thinner. There's just a constant stream of degeneracy, but every time, without fail you see them going "#notallfurries guys, just a few bad eggs, we don't deserve the bad reputation."
- I think that even the people who are saying "don't send them death threats" are just being too nice for the most part
- Seems the fandom approves of this sort of behavior or is just willing to ignore it.
- Fantastic detective work. People need to see this for sure.
- Oh and can't forget the death threats against people that get a lot of RTs on anti-Kero posts, like VenusAsABun
- for a channel with 107k subs he only get 5-10% of that watching his videos
- I downloaded the .RAR and had a look through some of the chat logs.
- The top message was exported on the 14th of September (as shown by the date modified on the right), 2 days before Kero claimed to be hack, and his account deletion. I'm using this message in particular as it has been confirmed by three sources that this is indisputably Kero's account (at least the bottom one is).
- Kero's account was deleted on the 16th of September, as far as we know.
- The Zoosadist evidence channel was exported on the 18th of September (as again shown by date modified), 1 day before Kero's innocence rant.
- For this, I'm making the assumption that the Date Modified properties were left untampered, as they correlate with known events, and would most likely be overlooked by a hypothetical troll.
- Furthermore, the timestamps match. With the three sources that confirmed that the bottom message was indeed Kero's account that sent it, the timestamp was not present. This matching timestamp, combined with the confirmation that the bottom message was 100% Kero, we can determine that the date of these chatlogs are likely to be accurate.
- In order for Kero to be innocent, a few conditions need to be met. The top message must be faked, and prepared in advance (as it was created on the 14th). Between the 14th and 16th, Kero's account must have been hacked, in which the hacker posted the exact same message in order to correlate with the prepared message. In order to correlate with the original accusation, and the account deletion, the account must have been deleted on the 16th of September, between 6:41AM and 11:27AM. Kero's evidence of hacking shows that the alleged hacking session started at 11:09AM. This narrows down the time of hacking from 11:09AM to 11:27AM. At the same time, the exported log from Zoosadist Evidence must have been edited in order to match up the timestamps.
- Kero posted this particular message on the 25th of July, 2018. The accusation of Kero occured on the 16th of September, at 6:41AM. Kero then deleted his account at around 11AM that day, using an Iranian VPN. A tweet before the accusation shows Kero tweeting at 3AM before going to bed, thus not finding out about this until 11AM seems likely if he was up that late. The message that was confirmed to be him places him in the zoophilia group, or at the very least connects him to zoophilia to some degree.
- I'm very sad the main thread by the twitter user VenusAsABun was nuked, they deleted their account. There goes a lot of good posts in that thread.
- It's all fake, it's totally fake stuff made by dang dirty trolls trying to make these necro zoophilics look bad. Also:
- Since yesterday, some guy with a godawful haircut is claiming everyone's been played like a fiddle and Kero is innocent.
- It always helps to keep shit archived. One should hope others calling out Kero and his group have their tweets archived such as the one mentioning Kero wore a dead deer with its blood on his legs.
- Just went and looked and see if furries have any decency.
- No, they don't. Kero lost a few thousand subs after this shit came out, but now he's actually gaining them again.
- Seems the fandom approves of this sort of behavior or is just willing to ignore it. View attachment 546406
- That goes for any personality, really, but furries tend to have diehard supporters. Maybe they consider attacks on other people for doing fucked up shit some sort of statement about their own personal character? Who knows. There's also the notion that there might just be an unsettling large amount of people okay with that sort of stuff, or even into it, if they can keep getting content. It's the reason making a callout when it comes to furries doesn't work when they're engaging in criminal misconduct. Unfortunately, this will probably end up like the (considerably more tame) Marlcabinet issue where the police have their hands tied, the people that still have the required evidence refuse to come forward because they don't want to be associated, and Kero slinks off with a ding in his reputation that the bulk of his fanbase is happy to overlook.
- I put some of the more "porny" images of Kero into TinEye and nothing came up with would suggest it's him
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: TinEye Images (Kind of NSFW)
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Context if anyone cares(Also kind of NSFW
- I've seen the video. The crux of the argument is the possibility that Kero may have indeed been hacked, and that the chat logs look photoshopped.
- I've proven in a previous post that the artifacting he mentioned was almost certainly the result of JPEG and twitter compression. Furthermore, the claim that Kero was hacked is extremely unlikely, given the quite exceptional circumstances that would have had to occur for things to unfold the way they did.
- Innocence until proven guilt, and all that, but I've seen enough to at least err towards him being guilty as charged.
- Whenever some idiot says "Oh furries aren't that bad" I'm going to refer to Yiffygate, aka The fucking reason why the internet hates furries.
- Honestly we've come to a point in our lives where the ones who used to be furry left because of degenerate shit, and the ones who are staying are essentially saying "I'm going to close my eyes and cover my ears and pretend this isn't happening to my sweet innocent fandom and here I am sitting here wondering why the fuck people grew soft to this bullshit.
- Said user made regular posts that included videos of themselves forcing oral sex upon the family dog, to the point of said dog vomiting on the carpet as this prick made snarky comments for the audience
- I’ve been watching this thread all day and I don’t know what else to say about this. Like Jim said in his video, whether this Kero guy was involved or not doesn’t change the fact that people are out there not only torturing and mutilating animals for kicks, but are uploading it to share with an eager audience. If there’s a silver lining to this, at least these monsters can’t rely on shoddy bestiality laws to get away with this should law enforcement decide to bring them to justice. They’re deep in animal cruelty territory, and that’s a felony in all 50 states.
- I’m gonna binge watch The Dodo videos until my soul stops hurting.
- Thanks for the shoutout on Twitter, Eden. In return, I post this for you
- Also, Kero the 'going 69 on every dead canine' Wolf
- Man this whole thing is fucked. Its hard to believe people would do this type of shit. This is like that one women who stepped on puppies heads times 10. I cant believe some one could be so mentally fucked that they think any of this OK. You would think people would start to drop any assocation with any one and everyone involved but nope every one is innocent everything is just a trolly hoax.
- A quick analysis of Kero's initial response to the accusations against him. It's not something I've seen a lot of people discuss.
- If you can't be arsed watching, Kero's very first sentence in response to these accusations was "Furries and drama.", where you would expect a more emotional reaction to a heinous accusation.
- Compare this to Donald Trump's response to the whole piss tape debacle, where he goes on an all caps laden tirade when accused of something nowhere near as disgusting. (I used this cause it was the first high profile twitter rant I could think of).
- worst possible image host to use, instead of uploading them to the fucking site where they won't be taken down.
- ”I'm the kind of guy who walks around my college campus, discussing grisly crime scene details into an RCA handheld voice recorder.”
- Some of the more exceptional members of his fan-base are saying that someone (the hackers?) stole the suit before giving it to him and took suggestive photos in it, or hackers hacked into a different account and inserted them into the chat logs.
- Furries can rant and rave all they want, but when and If PA cracks down hard on Kero, no amount of internet whining and threats is going to rescue him. I'm pretty positive that he'll be facing charges, or at the very least, put on a serial killer watch list.
- Furries have this thing where they see themselves as outcasts of society, so they MUST band together to survive. That means tolerating the very worst of the worst because admitting that such things happen breaks their constructed facade that they aren't like 'other' communities. They care so much about image that they are willing to shelter and hide pedo dogfucking necrophiles rather than care that the animals they claim to love so much are being tortured and abused. It makes me think back to the Chewfox incident when Neer banned her for bringing a bad name to the community, but then turned around and sheltered dog fuckers when the police came a calling. All in all, it's a race with other communities to see who is more progressive and morally good. It's not just furries too, but everyone in the community watch threads. People want a label that makes them feel good about themselves and feel like they have a leg up over everyone else.
- This is why they defend Kero, because the delusion is just that strong.
- I've seen so many claims of furries saying they called the cops but is that even true? Is there even a case yet?
- "private" chats are not the same as online, but if I was a sick fuck like this, I would never ever leave any evidence of it. Then again, being a 'person' like this seems to thankfully, in the sense that they'll eventually be caught, come with being a complete idiot on top of being completely evil.
- I think if you just rounded up all Twitter users and gassed them, you'd improve not just the human race, but all these sub-communities too.
- What the fuck compels these exceptional individuals to post this shit online is something I will never comprehend. I guess they think their "private" chats are not the same as online, but if I was a sick fuck like this, I would never ever leave any evidence of it. Then again, being a 'person' like this seems to thankfully, in the sense that they'll eventually be caught, come with being a complete idiot on top of being completely evil.
- The idea that someone would actually do that does not compute.
- I got A-logs for pointing out the that yiffgate is a full exceptional name but that's just an autistic irritation, if Woof's actually out doing that sort of stuff I can't say I'd be mad if he wound up smeared across I-81. Maybe his friends will get hit trying to recover the carcass for their sex dungeons.
- Double for me because I'm a furfag myself and it's really just terribad when you see that this is lurking in your fandom. Like I knew about zoophiles and shit but this is just....we're past the fucking twilight zone. past berestein and berenstain. I don't even know where the fuck we are. It's like, part of me hopes this is just some cruel joke or prank, but it's not. It's too painful to be a dream and too real to be a nightmare.
- Something needs to happen, and I hope these assholes get what's coming to them. Even exterminatus is too merciful for them. Shatter their souls asunder.
- The only thing that really bothers me about the chatlogs is that from what I've seen, all parties involved type and emote the same way. You adopt the way your friends type but at times it seems like the same person is speaking.
- Granted, I haven't been able to stomach reading the whole log. It could just be in the examples.
- That SnakeThing psycho is gushing at all these fucks, no matter what they do.
- I wonder how many of these will graduate to being flat out serial killers.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Summary of Woof's archives: Will make you angry. Page 1 - Pictures from Tor that Woof had downloaded showing a tied up rottweiler with buttons sewn over its eyes he was fond of. - Dismembered rotting dogs, especially genitals. - Tied up dogs. - Endless genital and penetrative shots of his own animals.
- nah 9th layer their asses. Ironic punishment is too good for them.
- "The people who are sent to the Ninth Circle are people who have betrayed the trust of someone or something close and special."
- Betraying the trust of your pets for sick gratification is some of the worst treachery humanity could ever imagine, let alone actually go through with.
- Not only that but the super-hacker managed to fabricate years of chat logs in a couple days. Or even less probable, the super-hacker faked the logs in advance before they hacked in just in the off chance they managed to succeed but that would require prior knowledge of the group participants, however this could be disproved with any other member showing their own screen-caps to falsify. The hacker is a really bad alibi, he really fucked himself with it.
- Also a lot of people seem to forget that this is not a piece of log that could be fabricated, there are years worth of conversation in there, that mean a ton of data to be placed into a single account, if this was gonna be done by any external meassures the telegram staff should surely have noted something going on there.
- That or whoever "hacked" his account must have been hacking him through years and years and talking on his behalf, and Kero must have been the most exceptionally stupid individual for not noticing it sooner.
- Fucking pice of shit poor excuses of human being I hope they rot in deepest and darkest corner of whatever abyss is below hell, because even hell is too damn good for them
- That being said though, the likelihood of that being the case is extremely low, given other pieces of corresponding evidence, as well as the overwhelming volume of conversation that would need to be faked in order for this to be the case.
- As for the hacking, if it is something that happened, I explained in a previous post that the hack must have taken place between the 14th of September and the 16th of September, if Kero is innocent (which he almost certainly isn't at this point).
- Here's a log where he talks about raping and mutilating a pitbull he found. It's just text but it might be NSFL, so I'll spoiler it just in case.
- edit: still haven't figured out how to add screenshots, but the tweets are still up.
- should also probably include a summary. This person is not only defending Kero like a rabid fan, they're also apparently... LGBTQP(edo)N(ecro)Z(oophile)
- Best case scenario, Kero spills the beans in a plea deal.
- What do we know about the other furfag implicated in this unholy and heinous rape group?
- I hope these fucks get bored and do something extreme, like fellatio from a shark. What is almost as disgusting as the acts themselves is the whole "-w-" camaraderie of it all. If they faced legal action they could have claimed being repentant, but the fact they fucking treat abusing animals with the same weight as eating a meal shows how unrepentant and mentally fucked they are. When I first saw the thread I thought it would come out in the wash that these fucks were just LARPing and at worst passing around old shit made by other people. Jesus Christ. This is one of those hard to not A-log moments, moralfagging aside.
- Do you have a date for this chat? It will be easier to find that way.
- In case you needed more convincing of Kero's guilt.
- i think my brain is trying to save me from this hell.
- Jesus Christ. How does someone turn out like Woof? This is some serial killer shit.
- I may not recover from having to wade through this shit.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Fursuiter in Question View attachment 546478
- SnakeThing claims to have two videos of this fursuiter fucking a dog. Woof claims to have spoken to him in the past, but has since left telegram. Not quite what we're looking for, but it may be something of note.
- The names 'Dobie', 'Hans' and 'Jade' are mentioned, but I can't discern who is who at the current time.
- I think based on the context of the quotes, 'Dobie' is the fursuiter, and 'Hans' is a dog. Not sure who Jade might be.
- right? Because you know they find and read these threads, right?
- Oh what a surprise none of you have archived anything.
- Oh my god, he was posting about necrobestiality at work. It's a damn shame his boss didn't catch him.
- That was from May 31 2018. But throughout the whole chatlog he's often asking the other person not to share what he's sending, so that may not be the only incriminating thing he posted.
- SnakeThing shared a lot of shit in the chat, but it's likely a lot of these images come from elsewhere, and aren't directly connected to the group.
- Woof's pictures are something else entirely. The only thing discernible from Woof's pictures (at least the ones I was barely able to glance at before running away in terror) is that he's white, and that hell is real.
- ”Why did i google my name on kiwifarms. Why, fucking why. It turns out my paranoia is true, im on there. Fuck.”
- i can already guess how many people would feel very uncomfortable with the video on the frontpage of a cute puppy running in the park being put right on top of a thread about degens shoving fire ants and baseball bats into animals
- Good find. Seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth. His telegram and FurAffinity accounts are dead, too. Regardless, we may have found someone outside of the original scope of this shit.
- You guys are archiving shit before you post it, right? Because you know they find and read these threads, right?
- His FA has multiple instances on for some reason.
- Possible person of interest (from Dobie's FA account):
- It's going to be interesting to see what happens after everything comes out. Guessing woof is going to put a bullet in himself.
- i never even knew how lax the laws on zoophilia were in the US. it’s disappointing. even if it’s not quite on the same level as child molestation, it’s pretty similar when it comes to the psychology behind it. not to mention the overlap between zoophiles and pedos is rather large. i wish we could just round em up and shoot em all. if only it were that easy.
- I hear rumors that YMS is the ringleader. Any confirmation bros?
- Possible person of interest (from Dobie's FA account): View attachment 546490
- "lucariossextoy1" seems to have a presence on twitter and tumblr as well. i've tried archiving both of those but i already feel like there's plenty missing from them.
- would this be more useful to use to archive every tweet?
- Ya, Twitter archives are pretty shitty. I'd suggest putting them in a paste bin though
- interesting to note as well that his first tweet right at the bottom says the dude got hacked and had to remake his twitter account. it's possible there might be something still lying around somewhere but the question remains under what alias.
- Screenshot_2018-09-22 Glowfox Artworks (GlowfoxArtworks) Twitter.jpg File size:
- Glowfox is one of the furries outed in the original accusation, and is present in the .RAR.
- So this Kero guy, is their any reason before this that someone would single him out?
- He surged in popularity after his interview with Shane Dawson. Jealousy has been one of the claims of the Kero defenders.
- He just jacks them off, gets rimjobs from them and pisses on them.
- ”i love how babbies grunt when they poop its super cute idk y”
- I wonder how this fucker (And others akin to him) became fascinated by doing such horrifying things to animals.
- But as there is little to no knowledge about their personal lifes as a whole (aside from the dog fucking part), it's a little bit hard to determine the exact cause/disorder that made them to think that raping and torturing animals was ok.
- I can only liken it to these people who were (and likely still are sadly) taking a syringe and shooting up a gasolione mixture as a crude heroin substitute even as their flesh melted away and left them with exposed bones and organs, only this is the PSYCHOLOGICAL version of that.
- As horrific and hellish as the acts against the animals are, the manifestation of self-harm in whatever process it took for them to get to the point where they'd want to do this something I feel like my own human empathy can't help but make me take pity on.
- Its like watching someone take a jug of hydrochloric acid and just start chugging it, its like, no like even the worse war criminals on earth wouldn't be sentenced to that torture, but they're doing it to themselves, and that's just to get to the point where they can actually commit the crimes.
- Now we're dealing with like a melted pile of human flesh that's now going around committing crimes, how do we possibly punish people who made themselves so numb that they can't even feel pain properly anymore?
- Yeah, you could imprison them, or even go vigilante and torutre them, but the effect would be like beating someone who after the beating understands only that they were beaten and feel sorry for it, but the facts of "why" they were punished or how that could related to them being restored to become capable of eventual limited re-introduction to society is beyond them.
- In spite of all my desire for retribution on the basis of anger and outrage alone, the most objectively constructive conclusion I could daydream of would be for them to just blink out of existence.
- The thing is, the perps in cases like these getting busted and having their lives and reputations utterly destroyed worse than that of literal murderers isn't enough of a deterrent, the overwhelming majority of those who remain dont see "i better seek professional help and unfuck myself before its too late for me", they see "uh oh, that idiot got caught, but I'm cleverer and can cover my tracks better so I'll be fine".
- My main regard with the furry scene in this is that they may not have control over whether or not these people exist, but they have control over whether or not to allow a culture where they can be accepted as long as they aren't excessively open with their sociopathic behavior.
- How I wish I could round up every stray and shelter animal, put them under my watch until all these sadistic fucks are dead or put in jail for life. I've always known the possibility that someone out there is hurting other people's pets, but to this extent and the way he brags about it is astounding. The scariest part is that the only way they get caught is if they're stupid or make a mistake. The third way requires someone to be trusted in their circle who can later out them. Even someone just going uncover would have to be desensitized to this insane shit way longer than anyone should.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: NSFL text. Not even reptiles are safe. In this portion of the chat, they rationalize that snakes are better to use.
- I found something interesting when digging through the Glowfox stuff.
- The above image is basically 2 desktop images sewn together. One side shows the Telegram where Glowfox was talking with SnakeThing, while the other shows Glowfox logged into his youtube account.
- The Telegram messages match 1:1, timestamps and all. The Telegram layout is fully loaded with contacts that make sense for a popular, active furry.
- Just more evidence to show that these chat leaks are legitimate, as if there wasn't enough already.
- takes down information on request. I stress again:
- and screenshots, screenshots preferred.
- firefox has a built in right-click contextual option to precisely screencap any content you need.
- Understatement of the fucking century. I'm quite surprised this wasn't already picked up here.
- A summary: Kero the Wolf, a popufur with over 100k YouTube subscribers, has been caught in the zoophile ring. The leaked chatlogs are honestly pretty heart-breaking: he talked about how he raped his dying dog, sexually abused newborn puppies and expressed his desire to have sex with roadkill. His response is that he was "hacked", and the years of chat-logs were all a part of an elaborate long-con smear campaign or something.
- Also something of note, this same guy appeared in a video with washed up e-celeb Shane Dawson last year, where he talked about how it was just an innocent hobby for him and the sexual aspect of the fandom was a dark depraved minority. The newest comments on that video are a treat.
- This sick fuck is making almost a thousand dollars a month on Patreon. Wonder if someone has told them this yet?
- This is a screenshot from Kero the Wolf's SocialBlade, on the 19th and 20th he lost subs (the first column) before slowly gaining some back. On the 19th he lost views (the second column) as well, which is impossible without removing a video, whether you private it or delete it all together. It could be nothing but I just thought it was interesting that we would choose to remove a video the same day as the allegations apparently blew up.
- Sorry for being a newfag, but could somebody provide me a mirror of that youtube video?
- This isn't about you though. It's about the crime and victims. Not people being mean to you on the internet because members of your communities are beheading puppies and fucking them. People being mean to your fandom is irrelevant.
- I'm currently sraying holy water on my PC, but I'm afraid that it won't entirely cleanse the taint left upon my hard drive by those extra heretical files.
- Did you even read what I just fucking wrote? I've told you WHY people in my fandom are reacting like that
- I get what you mean, don't blame the group for the actions of a few, etc. Again, sorry 'bout that. This thing is some seriously fucked up shit. As for what's happening with the fandom, to quote Jim, "Whatever side you're coming down on, it's going to be one hell of a shitshow, so buckle up," It's gonna be bad. For a while. Like that thing with the pedo in the brony community.
- I'm not sure if Glowfox is relevant, but I found his face on his Tumblr.
- Good god. Fuck, the goddamn NAZIS would be hard pressed to be this utterly evil.
- just a meme. The mainstream media actually wrote a bunch of gay hitpieces on this rubbish a while back:
- Stop uploading shit to Imgur. You literally cannot access Imgur from this site because they 403 incoming headers from The can and will delete your uploads.
- The main points from this discussion is that SnakeThing has had conversions with Kero, and that he admits that Kero 'once had a soft interest in zoo'. SnakeThing's main claim, however, is that Kero is a good boy who dindu nuffin.
- Compare this to a message that has been confirmed by three different sources to be directly linked to Kero's account.
- "Well even normal Z stuff. If there's even a roumor of me being one ... It could destroy my YouTube career", in response to the quote "Ofc', you don't have to tell him you're into roughzoo stuff. He's an extremely trustworthy guy, I assure yeh. c:"
- The contradiction is obvious. What this contradiction means, depends on the truthfulness of SnakeThing.
- If SnakeThing is telling the truth, and all of the chat logs were faked, that does not exonerate Kero. There is still a connection between SnakeThing, a known zoophile, and Kero. It also means that Kero has some degree of interest in zoophilia. While this is nowhere near as bad as the main accusation, it is still something that deserves tar and feathering right out of the furry community.
- If SnakeThing is lying, then the logs against Kero are true, and prove that he is one of the worst furries to ever exist.
- Alternatively, this whole conversation with SnakeThing is fake, in which nothing changes.
- I'm going to split these off into individual threads for maximum impact.
- If someone wants to do writeups on other names please do.
- niggas in the comments section on Jim's video already coming out trying to go damage control mode and just powerleveling like mad. why do they enjoy just making shit about themselves screeching "OH FAM I'M NOT LIKE THAT DOE INNIT". paigons.
- It's funny, it's almost like a group of people held together solely by their desire to fuck animals might end up fucking some animals.
- And this is just a small group that was caught and leaked. Imagine how many of them are still having these chats, still taking these videos, and still doing these unforgivable acts. Imagine how many are molesting or abusing their animals right now, and the people who know about it aren't saying anything because they want to be "accepted" by the furry community or are afraid that whistleblowing will harm the furry community's reputation.
- Furrys have been shown to be actual degenerates over and over again, from dumb gay shit like ruining internet communities and vandalism all the way to actual real unforgivible crimes like zoophilia and pedophilia. The furry fandom is comprised almost exclusively of sexual deviants with no social skills and an array of mental malfunctions. The fact that a community with all these wierdos has no self-awareness and cannot take criticism or bants is a fact that can only lead to more bad shit happening.
- Not all furries are literal dogfuckers, but the line between "wanting to fuck things that look like animals" and "wanting to fuck animals" gets blurrier and blurrier.
- No one here gives a fuck about constructiveness or optics. That's not going to change because you're personally bootybothered by the things people are saying. So I feel fully comfortable saying the following:
- Just a reminder... this thing called "Nazi furries" or "Nazifurs" actually fucking exist. It's not... just a meme. The mainstream media actually wrote a bunch of gay hitpieces on this rubbish a while back:
- And what's complete without "antifafurs" or "anti-fascist furries"...? Fucking hell, they even have the updated faggot pride flag with the black and brown stripes.
- I don't care what furs, let it be nazifurs or antifafurs, can we just exterminate them all?
- Pretty much finished reading the entire thread to this point. "This is fake" just seems implausible to me. To fake all this shit, one would have to make years of chatlog match up precisely with the timeline, whilst also somehow obtaining Kero's fursuit to fuck a dead animal, thus framing it on him, somehow, all for what reason? Just out of jealousy or something? The person also needs to learn the guy's typing habits and behaviour, this is harder to fake than one might fucking think. Moreover, some known zoophiles were found in the logs.
- To prove Kero is innocent requires an almost infinite enlargement of the burden of proof. One must come up with such exceptional rationales such as "someone stole his suit" or "superhackers fucking with him".
- Someone already posted it afterwards, I didn't want to double post it. Sorry =/
- His name is CoreyTWC or coreythewolf stated on some instagram posts, his furaffinity, e621 (apparently mostly feral porn), twitter (coreythewolftwc) and deviantart account have been disabled except his YT (Corey the wolf rules). Also look at the artwork similarities between the fursuit and the name of the person who uploaded the snapchat pic.
- I'm going to lose my shit trying to get this thread to actually archive stuff properly.
- (And before anyone gets on my shit for overmoderating, this is a very busy thread and people shitposting absolute fucking nonsense constantly isn't helping.)
- Over the years how many times have furries proclaimed "It's not a fetish!" or "We don't actually want to fuck animals!"?
- . He also got the episode name wrong, it's called "Fur and Loathing" not Fur and Damnation.
- Archeops Constantly screaming at the horrors in the world
- This is a bit different then liking some weird obscure 2D shit to be honest. I don't particularly care what random shit they're into so long as it's not this, paedo shit, or rape. If they're willing to help and not stand by their piece of shit buddies I don't see why not to let em'.
- I don't know if this tweet has been mentioned, but this is allegedly a conversation regarding these accusations from 'SnakeThing'/'Nelizar'
- I also posted that a few pages ago on this thread too. I've posted screencaps of the coversation in case you need them for archival purposes.
- Kero is/was following Nelizar on FA and Kero's dead boyfriend was friends with Nelizar on Steam (his dead boyfriend fucked dogs).
- Is it possible to at least have a summary on Kero and SnakeThing on the OP on this thread? I'm seeing things get repeated over and over again.
- I'm adding this to the OP because it perfectly sums it up.
- Have we been able to ID that fursuiter yet? Ive already checked the DHC gallery and looks like the suit is too old to be included.
- If you want to write a summary go for it. I'm trying to organize things now.
- apparently, this fucker knew about Kero all along.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: No dirty images, just morbid text
- His FA simultaneously states he's 21 in the bio. I'm not sure if that's meant to be the age of his fursona, or if he's actually pretending to be 14. I'll assume he's a minor.
- The first image is from Kero's youtube and the next is a picture from the ((((((hacked)))))) account
- Maybe my eyes are failing me but that looks like a dead match to me and before you say the chest colors don't match he has a different chest piece that he has been using for thumbnails that does and also both different chest pieces are posted later in the same chat log
- There's no reason anyone should be taking hyperbolic comments about furries on this Lithuanian basket weaving forum seriously.
- Furry isn't a thing you should be taking personally. Furry is not something you should be identifying with.
- Furry isn't a community, its a vague ass entertainment category.
- Saying you like cartoon animals and fantasy creatures shouldn't be any more of an "identity" than it is an "identity" to be be someone who enjoys music, to enjoy books, to enjoy television, to enjoy movies, or to enjoy video games.
- Sonic the Hedgehog fandom for example might be considered a community (not the best example given that Sonic the Hedgehog is now a multi-generational scene in which each generation was exposed to vastly different content).
- Video games are not a community or a fandom in any real sense any more so than people who watch television might be a fandom.
- Furry is a vague ass entertainment category that developed under the exact WRONG conditions of coming up alongside the internet before it attained a sense of what the heck it was trying to be, and ended up becoming an over-bloated scene attempting desperately to function as a unified fandom or community.
- Its like a big bus with no steering wheel where something like half a dozen conductors elected by chance and popularity and not by merit insinuated themselves to the front of the bus, and instruct all the chattering, gabbering, half-indifferent passengers to try to lean to the left or the right in a vague attempt to steer the bus, and whether or not their directions have any effect, their intentions in the direction they intended to steer weren't wholesome or constructive to begin with, regardless of how many people on the bus may or may not have approved of said direction or even were aware of it.
- There's no excuse for the apparent nexus of fandom activity, that being Furaffinity, to permit "bestiality" and "zoophilia" to exist on the site as valid search terms.
- On the old and now defunct Nintendo of America "NSider" gaming forums, there was in its later days an offshoot of 4chan wannabe high schoolers who made an alternative forum called "Outsider" where they made fun of the NOA staff that ran the board, targeted members for trolling, and allowed content that was against the rules of the NSider website, and naturally Outsider became infamous on NSider.
- NOA just added the fake word "outsid" to blocked search terms on their forum to prevent people from easily searching for mentions of the Outsider forums within their own website.
- Instead of preventing inquiries into content, even if purely fictional, which could be accurately described using the terms "bestiality" or "zoophilia", they not only allow those inquiries, but permit that content to exist and be tagged as such.
- This site, as I understand, allows CHILDREN to sign up and become members.
- The idea that a site that specializes in adults only content to such a degree as this would allow children to join is extremely troubling, the detail that they'd need to input an age indicating adulthood and then manually disable easily accessible adult-content toggles means nothing.
- A kid who finds this stuff, feels involved with the "community" and then finds that half or more of the material from their favorite artists is hidden from them is naturally going to be curious, and that's not to mention bullshit like people leaving inappropriate, fetish driven comments like someone dropping in uninvited on a harmless, "soft PG" rated piece of art of a fully clothed and tasteful character becoming a werewolf with something like "murr I want to do things to his pawbs >:3" or something like that which a kid would still get exposed to even when interacting with purely unobjectional art submissions.
- So yeah, those in charge of this place are gonna allow soft and hardcore porn, including art the artists themsleves tag as "bestiality" on a site at the forefront where they KNOW kids are signing up if even just for the ability to interact with the fandom, but then complain about unfair treatment when outsiders with only a passing knowledge of furry associate them with hardcore porn and bestiality and possibly luring and grooming kids to pick up antisocial sexual interests.
- And once again these deleniations on what they do and don't find acceptable are totally arbitrary, they'll allow artwork which is very obviously an artistic depiction of the sexual abuse of a non-anthropomorphic, non-sapient animal by a human being (something that even arguments like the "harkness test" or "its just a fantasy critter" can't be applied to), things which can be replicated in real life, or allow art depicting furries engaging in acts of rape or muder which can be replicated IRL, but then blow a gasket over artistic depictions of incest, and STILL allow artists to post the same piece across multiple sites in which on one site the piece is tagged incest and the artist describes the characters as siblings or as parent and child, but on Furaffinity insist that they're just similar looking friends or have an age difference, its a total farce.
- And then Shaun Piche, when not engaging in his degenerate lifestyle of transforming into a digimon baby and pilfering bags of cheetos from french owned convenience stores, has the nerve to ban a user from the Furaffinity for "demoting the reputation of the fandom" by daring to appear on a television show and be honest about the most benign and harmless (though still obviously ridiculous) elements of the adult aspects of furry, while Piche himself has commissioned tons of adults only artwork of their original characters.
- This is the behavior of someone who doesn't care about being family friendly and keeping a clean environment (something that needn't be necessary if he established FA as a proper adults-only space with strict codes of conduct), but of someone who cares about APPEARING 100% wholesome, about being "marketable" without actually earning that reputation.
- This wouldn't be a problem if some dumb ass's website and a handful of others with similar poor enforcement of standards didn't become the forefront of the entire furry universe, but they did, and nothing meaningful has been done to even attempt to reverse it, because to do so would be to dismantle the community and face some painful realities such as "hey, maybe this fandom shouldn't be structured in such a way a homophobic neo nazi white supremacist and a transgendered gay jew are said to belong to the same community based purely on the fact that both might have some form of interest in toon critters".
- As has been said, this false sense of community has sheltered bad people, and enough people are out there who care more about mitigating damage and trying to combate the APPEARANCE of their house having Termites and mice, as opposed to stipping their house down to the timbers and destroying the infestations at their source.
- But because of the way the "fandom" or "community" is structured, a large number of the people who would be able to collectively make a difference or force improvement and hate living with a house with termites, aren't the landlord to their own house and can't call an exterminator, and have the choice of either putting up with living in an infested house that while having pests in the walls don't necessarily cause TOO many daily problems as long as they keep the house as clean as they're able to, would rather put up with that reality than move out and try to eke it out in a tent city that appears to be the only alternative.
- Furry isn't something that makes sense to adopt as a sense of self or identity any more so than books or video games. Those may be genuinely important things to you, but they aren't who you are, they're a vaguely defined entertainment category, and even more so when that entertainment category has essentially been managed in its near entirety as though it were a trademarked commercial brand by a handful of people who refuse to act like adults and enforce standards of behavior, and care more about the appearance of being good people than actually being good people, and this culture is reflective of enough people that a video defending Kero's activities gets THOUSANDS of positive ratings, either from people who assume his innocence based on their unwillingness to change their mind about him, or based on the possibility of them supporting zoophile behavior.
- Piche literally contacted Ian Dettmering and advised him to be more low key about his participation in the underground bestiality porn circuit. This isn't even a matter of some guy who filmed home video tapes with his dog in their house, though that would be bad enough but Ian is a guy who acted in the pay of a company that set up actual studio sets with proper lights and cameras and pressed DVDs of people being sodomized by trained/drugged dogs, among other things, and Piche being aware of this decided the conversation to have wasn't "get the fuck out of our community absolutely right now for sure, your activities will be forwarded to the police", but "lol please stop bragging about starring in dog porn it makes us look bad".
- When someone here says "fuck furries", or describes obviously hyperbolic acts of violence against furries in general THAT is what they mean.
- Don't respond personally to something that can't possibly be taken personally unless you make it about yourself.
- If you aren't doing fucked up things or apologizing for fucked up people, don't worry about it when people complain about a scene that has actual fucked up things wrong with it.
- It would be like a man on top of a hill watching a train with a sign bearing the words "Please beware the train." attached to the side, travel along a railroad in the distance and the man upon seeing this sign pointing to the bottom of the hill as the train rolls uneventfully by, and screams, "How dare the driver of the train taunt me with that sign, he's cleary making fun of me! How dare he insinuate that I'm not careful around trains!" and then run down to the bottom of the hill, onto the tracks, directly in front of the oncoming train, shaking his fists in anger at the engineer, demanding him to apologize for placing the offensive and insulting sign on the side of his train.
- I'm new here in terms of being an actual member, but according to the rules I read I'm EXTREMELY sure this qualifies as NSFW/NFSL content that should have been hidden behind a spoiler tag.
- Also, make your posts legible, no one reads that shit.
- I erased a lot of my original commentary on this because I found out this guy is 14 (or at least claims to be) midway through this post. I'm still grossed out, but in a different way. I'm disturbed because he is a real example of someone young enough to eat up whatever shit someone like Kero feeds him. His journal page on FA describes that he's already attempted to be at a furry meetup.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: No dirty images, just morbid text View attachment 546506 View attachment 546507 View attachment 546509 View attachment 546512
- He also appears to be a self-professed drug user. Do his parents have any idea? They're against fursuiting, judging by his FA journal.
- His FA simultaneously states he's 21 in the bio. I'm not sure if that's meant to be the age of his fursona, or if he's actually pretending to be 14. I'll assume he's a minor. View attachment 546624
- these are the type of people who would still defend and sub to Kero.
- Found his wattpad account and his deviantart account. His previous twitter account was @LoquaciousCake_ (later changed to @MineSheppy). If he isn't a 21 year old larping a 14 year old, please tell me that his parents don't own any pets.
- I won't dig for his dox since I'm not sure about his age either and he's not tied to Kero's zoo circle. But he goes by the John Fitzgerald on DA and Taylor Fitzpatrick on Whoozfur. At least he's smart enough (maybe) not to his full name on every website he joins. And he just changed his current twitter account to @notmyplaces.
- I guess the real takeaway from this are how dangerous echochambers are.
- Would these fucks still get up to this seriously depraved shit on their own? Maybe. But without the constant assurance from fucked up folk like them that this is okay/excusable/sexy, maybe they would've had some notion of "uhhh this is fucked up" and seen a professional
- Probably not that Wolf guy, though. That fuck's a straight up sociopath
- Oh so all you have to do is add the letter Z to his letter jumble and that proves that Kero is innocent of wrongdoing?
- I honestly can't tell if the people defending these guys who don't distinguish between between zoophilia and zoophilia+murder+dismemberment are more or less horrifying thatn the people defending these guys who DO distinguish between zoophilia and "violent zoophilia" and thinks one is acceptable while the other isn't.
- I don't know if this angle has been covered yet by any other forums but I found another weird ((((coincidence)))). This "hacker" sent pictures out that I can't seem to trace back to any website of a fur-suit with identifiable markings that for some reason perfectly match up with the identifiable marks on Kero's fur-suit.
- The image in question is from his public instagram page, and the other images of Kero's fursuit are publicly available, to my knowledge. That angle isn't conclusive, I'm afraid.
- You're still using a dog's dick as a sex toy asshole, the only one getting gratification is the fucked up human being causing this situation to happen when the dog would otherwise be sleeping or chasing squirrels.
- This is the logic that comes right before people start hurting kids and being like "but they physically sexually responded that means they liked it i'm not an abuser I swear.
- can't be real. Are we sure this dude isn't a troll..?
- That shit can't be real. Are we sure this dude isn't a troll..?
- If this one account was just some ass being "ironic" there are a dozen others saying this that are dead fucking serious.
- I found something that has more recent post for coreythewolf:
- Can somebody explain to me why everything was posted the same minute?
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: non-pornographic but NSFL clips For those of you who don't want to watch the bat video but still want to feel disgusted with the human race, this is the dog's face after being violently raped: View attachment 546387
- Here's the face of another one getting raped by the same guy:
- Also has anyone contacted any of their local humane societies yet?
- Do you see the part where it says "Forwarded from"? That's the timestamp of forward's receipt.
- Found his wattpad account and his deviantart account. His previous twitter account was @LoquaciousCake_ (later changed to @MineSheppy). If he isn't a 21 year old larping a 14 year old, please tell me that his parents don't own any pets. I won't dig for his dox since I'm not sure about his age either and he's not tied to Kero's zoo circle. But he goes by the John Fitzgerald on DA and Taylor Fitzpatrick on Whoozfur. At least he's smart enough (maybe) not to his full name on every website he joins. And he just changed his current twitter account to @notmyplaces.
- Supposedly a few people have watched the videos. Some claim they aren't Kero since the necro rapist has a tattoo, something Kero has supposedly never had, no freckles on his hand which Kero does have, and the few scenes where they see his face aren't Kero. However, a few other claim the nail in the coffin is the dead deer vid where some say Kero's fur head is in. Not going to verify the that however.
- “You sent me a Facebook message back in early December screaming in my face that I was part of a Kiwifarms conspiracy that outed you to your mother.”
- Ahh, so it's the time the message was received, not sent, gotcha.
- I have a strong stomach, I'm offended by this, but sadly I've seen too much gore at this point, does anyone have the deer video?
- The problem is that we have let them for this long and look back at cons like RainFurrest and Confurence, babies furs with a side of criminal activity ranging from drug use, property damage, grooming, etc.
- The old furries have been covering this shit for years cause they know it's fucked up, they know that if society caught wind of it, they would rather die than live with the consequence for those actions. When you've been labeled by that shit, your life is ruined. They are willing to help with one thing and that is definitely cover for each other until one thing causes one of them to blow every one of them the fuck out for doing shit they shouldn't have. Furries tend to be highly hypocritical or have an ego that far proceeds how pathetic they are and they know it, they will not change it either. Kero would rather beat around the bush than ever coming clean about his actions.
- The detective work on this shit has gotta be hard to do. Mad feels for cops and detectives who do this on the regular. For everyone looking to find proof of who has done this shit, good on you.
- Had the original timestamps been included with the forwarding, Kero could be proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, and we could have done it days ago.
- 27 second video of a fat guy with blood smeared on one of his legs shoving his dick into the orifice (oral) of a deer carcass.
- 3:00 - It really isn't that weird that this person would private their twitter account after making these accusations. They just called out a popular and presumably well liked furry youtube for fucking dogs. Which a very serious accusation that goes against the entire image the furries try to make for themselves. It is reasonable to assume that they were getting some amount of harassment over this whole situation.
- 5:08 - It really isn't that strange that someone from fucking Oregon wouldn't know that PA is Pennsylvania since they're on completely opposite sides of the country and most people don't memorize state abbreviations for states they have probably never been to.
- 11:38 - That doesn't seem that weird to me. I've seen plenty of instances like that where people would denounce something and then go back to doing again soon after. It is very common in people with addictions.
- 13:14 - The person brings up those specific messages of him bragging about subscribers because it helps to further prove that this is in fact Kero.
- 14:15 - I don't blame this guy for being skeptical since he did only see cherrypicked screenshots.
- 20:06 - Parker that is what you call jpeg artifacting. It occurs because of the image being compressed which is very common in jpeg format images. It having been uploaded to Twitter would most likely make that compression even more noticeable. It is not unusual to see that at all. It is very common. (fucking dumbass)
- That is as much as I want to watch this video. The rest is just him calling other people stupid for thinking Kero is guilty. All in all the evidence this guy brings up to prove that Kero was hacked and the screenshots faked is shitty at best.
- And more about this PKrussl guy. It's pretty clear from some of his other videos that he is a furry or at least a furry defender. He's also one of those people who make cringe compilations despite being an obnoxious cringelord himself. He also loves shit talking other youtubers and making videos about drama.
- Is it just a convenient way for zoophiles to identify each other?
- "Sephius Rivendare" got put onto a 'beware furries list' 11 months ago for this. Looks like he's been known about for some time and nothing has been done about it.
- I don't know where the fuck this map came from, but I'm definitely calling bullshit on it.
- It's known that things vary from state to state where there's weird situations sometimes where possessing zoophile porn is treated more severely than actually banging animals, or situations where the repeal of generically worded laws intended to abolish criminalization of homosexuality accidentally 'technically' legalized bestiality as well, but this map where apparently zoophile porn is legal in almost all of the US is at best EXTREMELY misleading.
- Take New York for instance, a 5 second Google search can take you to the New York State penal code, and another 30 seconds scanning through that will provide you with the information that pornographic footage and photographs depicting bestiality are very plainly classified as criminal forms of obscenity along with child pornography, who's possession and distribution is punishable by law.
- So I have no idea how the source of this map determined that its legal to possess zoophile porn in New York, but yeah, if that map can fuck up that bad with the basics of the obscenity laws of one state, I wouldn't trust this as a guideline as to the obscenity laws of ANY state.
- Question. Does anyone have the screenshot where Kero was talking about a video he was working on? According to the messages, both the message and the video were uploaded the same day. If someone could figure out what time of day the video was uploaded, it could either be the nail in the coffin for him, or possibly outright vindicate him.
- Sorry if any of this is late, but I just spent hours looking through the logs and here are the things I found. There is no doubt in my mind that this is Kero.
- In multiple of the messages, Kero claims to be into vore. View attachment 546273 On Kero's twitter, it's pretty obvious from many of his tweets that he is into vore. He mentions it very often.
- In the messages, Kero claims to live near Pittsburgh.
- Telegram Kero also claims to be part of this other chat. If anyone else wants to look into that, be my guest.
- Now here's an interesting one. Telegram Kero talks about how he just finished filming a video where he "just derps around in a fursuit."
- That appears to be referring to this video that Kero uploaded.
- According to the logs, this message was sent on the 18th of August 2016. View attachment 546282 And Kero's video was uploaded on September 13th, 2016. Less than a month later.
- Here Kero talks about his dog who died of liver cancer. He mentions that the dog's name was Koda and that he is making a tribute video, but I couldn't find anything about this anywhere else.
- So more importantly, Kero in his messages mentions that he is getting a bodysuit in a few weeks. This message was posted on June 6th.
- On YouTube, Kero uploads a video unboxing his new fursuit on June 22nd which is a few weeks later. And what a surprise! It looks just like the one in the chat.
- On June 8th, 2017, Kero mentions that he's going to Anthrocon in a few weeks.
- "Raping animals is fine, but killing them? That's just too far."
- Kero decides to show some pics of what appears to be him in a hotel room. View attachment 546369 View attachment 546370 Kero shows off his cool new body pillow.
- On July 14th, 2017, SnakeThing posts a link to the now deleted Shane Dawson interview, which was uploaded on July 6th.
- On July 17th, 2017, Kero makes an alt telegram account. yamithewolf View attachment 546382 View attachment 546381 View attachment 546383
- On December 23rd, 2017, Kero goes to his parents' house for the holidays.
- So yeah, if you had any doubts that this was Kero, here's all the proof you need. Now if you excuse me I'm going sleep since it took me hours to get all this shit. I hope this fucker burns in hell.
- Edit: Here are the logs I used btw (the .HTML files). Just in case you want to check for yourself.
- He actually mentioned it on the 13th of September, the same day it was uploaded.
- Was this the same video as the black dog with a docked tail over a log?
- Really makes me wonder. If a subsect of retarded internet furries can (almost) get away with this level of depravity, what kind of horrendous bullshit is being carried out by sociopaths that are actually competent in covering their tracks? I think that notion is almost more unsettling than all the .gifs I've seen of people beating dogs to death with shovels while jacking off to the corpses. Somehow.
- There are only two mentions of bestiality in the New York penal code:
- Bestiality is considered "obscene" along with the disgusting and fucked up acts such as masturbation or lewd exhibition of the genitals, and
- describing sexual conduct in reference to child porn (as in anything depicting these acts with children is illegal).
- Nowhere is bestiality porn described as being illegal. It is "obscene" in that it is considered porn, but it is not illegal unless it is paired with the crime of being child porn.
- ”Of the £10,000 sought, £9,000 reflects hurt feelings and £1,000 sought is aggravated damages.”
- Wow. If those screenshots are legitimate, he's in a VERY tight spot. One thing though, the pictures of his suit in the logs I've seen were screenshots, as evidenced by the txt in the bottom-left corner. Why would they be screenshots if Kero had the source images?
- In addition, why would his account omit the profile picture, and a name he has never used on Telegram, yet also somehow be 'his' account according to ID checks, which currently stands on the word of a single person? Something here doesn't add up, and this was pointed out to me last night by a normie.
- The link to his account, with ID, has expanded to three different people who knew Kero.
- With the fursuit image, I heard someone say it's likely it was just easier to find on his Instagram. The source picture could have been on a different device, for instance.
- These are the three sources that link Kero to Zoophilia.
- Sorry for replying again but now that I'm actually at my computer I can actually answer your question, which is that no, they are two different dogs.
- Both images are taken from the dump. The first is of the puppy described, and the second is from the video. Obviously, the dog in the video is a full grown dog while the puppy is very young just like he said.
- Twitter Furries are still standing with these people, pretending they're innocent.
- Jail is too good for them, but its a start. This better trend that way.
- The venacular is upsetting, all these cutsy emoticons and shit.
- Equally upsetting? We have no clue who Woof is and dude is probably doing this same shit as we speak.
- Imagine being one of these people and realising that now everyone knows what you are.
- I've used @sergeantshinypony29's post for an OP on Hoffman.
- Edit: and holy fuck stop law sperging no one cares what some uneducated fucking neets on kiwi farms thinks about the law
- Well the first problem is that you can't actually kick anyone out of the furry fandom. There's no damn fursona non grata list that everyone can reference.
- The second problem is that if you kick out the pedos, then kick out the zoophiles, then kick out the furries who groom minors, then you wouldn't have much of a fandom left. Covering for each others' degeneracy has been the central fucking problem for the furry fandom since day one. Hell, the earliest reference I could find the term furvert used was in 1985. You cover for them because you're likely doing something just as bad, if not worse, and you don't want anyone to clean up the fandom because you might be next.
- Furries are all sailing together on the good ship degeneracy straight into hell. It's going to become increasingly untenable to "identify" as a furry (whatever the hell that means) as more stuff comes to light thanks to social media.
- So its okay to make a pitchforking thread where people are collecting evidence that hopefully leads to legal action against these guys for their crimes, but discussion how the actual laws in effect may or may not play into possible prosecution is sperging?
- The police aren't going to do anything anyways unless the media gets involved. If you want people to care, contact the media. Stop sperging.
- If your primary source is Wikipedia chances are you don't know what you're talking about. Everything in this archive is animal abuse whether or not there are corresponding laws to animal sex.
- The police aren't going to do anything anyways unless the media gets involved. If you want people to care, contact the media.
- I never cited WIkipedia, I did the exact opposite in warning people not to blindly trust Wikipedia and I cited NY State Penal Code to do so.
- EDIT: Excuse me, I was only skeptical of the map because the map in question came from Wikipedia, and zoophiles have been known to manipulate articles related to the legality and hazards of bestiality to suit their agenda. I'll say no more on the subject.
- This situation reminds me of Ross. That pedo Metokur did a fucking series on. He only got outed because of how fucking exceptional he is. Admitting on livestreams to being a pedo and what not. This Kero guy using his normal oc and name in relation to the fetish shit is pretty similar.
- So are all threads about killers, pedos, animal abusers, etc from now on going to be like the ones in Shots Fired? I'll make a mental note of that.
- Everybody on this forum is on the same page: animal torture is bad. It's really bad. Trust me nigger, we're there. We crossed that bridge. Now on to step 2.
- And bro, I appreciate you're now cropping your quote to not be the entire post, but now you're removing the information in the QUOTE tag so it doesn't link to the post you're replying to anymore and it doesn't give notifications to the person you're replying to. This is not difficult.
- This thread has attracted some really fucking shitty posters.
- Well I went through all the videos a second time and I can't find 1 that genuinely confirms Kero, I couldn't find any videos of his Fur-suit or head, I even downloaded the needed programs to check the few videos that were made in weird formats and the WEBM's too and I got a big fat 0 on the videos, Someone said earlier in the thread to expect more leaks and that is what I am going to do as far as Kero. you guys can dig through the other sicko's lives but I am focusing on Kero specifically and if I do find something genuinely damning, I will nail him to the fucking cross.
- In addition, I don't think Kero will ever see any sort of legal punishment for his actions. In his home state, beastiality is a misdemeanor offence, with significant concessions for first-time offenders. Others involved will likely face severe punishment, but Kero himself, if proven guilty, will potentially walk free, if the cops don't render any case against him specifically outright impossible to bring forward due to all the sperging out from both sides.
- The definition of obscenity including bestiality in S 325.00 combined with:
- 1. A person who promotes or wholesale promotes obscene material, or possesses the same with intent to promote or wholesale promote it, in the course of his business is presumed to do so with knowledge of its content and character.
- 2. A person who possesses six or more identical or similar obscene articles is presumed to possess them with intent to promote the same.
- Seems to imply that possession in of said material in said quantity constitutes a legally recognized act of wrongdoing, not that it's only illegal in the context of child porn.
- Alright quick question if you've seen all the stuff in the rars, is the dog from the picture on the first page of the thread the same dog as the guy with the tattoo above his nipple?
- Oh Ok Yeah That's Cool not spiderman but man-spider
- At this point, we've passed the entire "maybe this is Kero in the videos" part. The thing we're getting from this from what I've been reading is that even if the faggot wasn't in the videos doing it himself, he still had them in the first place and confirmed liking it to the point he actually expressed that he might be ruined if people found out. If he's not in the vids, he's still guilty of possessing them and continued to let that zoo shit slide as an accomplice. The real fucks are these other assholes, SnakeThing, Woof, etc. Kero is just a low hanging fruit thrown under the bus.
- I don't think there will be anything gained from the videos except for the urge to repent, and eternal mental baggage.
- The primary evidence against Kero is his account's proven zoophilia post, in connection with the zoophilia. The only defense against this is that his account was super-hacked, and made to post the incriminating message.
- Kero's primary defense was his assertion that he was hacked, and that the chatlogs were faked. Proving that either one of these is false will prove Kero guilty, without a shadow of a doubt, of at the very minimum being interested in zoophilia, and associating with known zoophiles, which is crime enough to justify recreating my profile picture IRL.
- Unfortunate focus there is Kero's own wording is that his YouTube career MIGHT be ruined.
- He seems very self-aware that him getting outed as a sociopathic animal rapist is as likely to be a mild nuisance to his internet career as it is to get him jailed or under the wheels of a train he dived beneath to escape the consequences.
- "Unfortunate focus there is Kero's own wording is that his YouTube career MIGHT be ruined"
- Ehmm, excuse me? I think my brain might have derped out.
- And even if he didn't do it, that doesn't explain his even more disgusting "friends." I'm sure that he's going to turn on them to save face.
- they can't prove that i am not a psychic unless i tell them
- Chatlogs can be faked. Screenshots can be faked. Forwarded messages on telegram can be hacked. You can NOT prove that I wasn't hacked.
- this is something i would say or think if i thought i could get away with something, to me this is an admission to a crime.
- Does anyone have a list of Kero's online aliases? I an doing some basic Google Fu and it just dawned on me that I have only been working the 1 alias, He using a different one on Furaffinity and probably different ones on other platforms
- I grabbed the archive of the thread where they state that they were being sent death threats over this whole thing, so I wasn't surprised when they turned off their page for a while.
- Kit Killovarras is asking for proof, but it seems like they are just going to claim said screen shots as fake no matter if Venus provides it or not.
- Here you can see that kero's twitter clustered with his messages, meaning that statistically the two are more similar to each other than any other people. I need to go somewhere (ugh sorry)), but I'll be adding more people to the data, improving readability, and uploading all the raw data I used tonight hopefully. Basically building on this. Just wanted to let y'all know preemptive results as early as possible, and it looks BAD for Kero.
- EDIT: Any other twitter accounts we think link up to people? I can add them to the analysis to confirm the dox?
- That character is from a somewhat known and commonly mocked North Korean children's cartoon used to indoctrinate children with the state ideology of militarism and ultranationalism, so its not entirely out of the question that his exposure to the character was through that.
- So basically this guy's suggesting that an organized effort to expose extreme behavior and hopefully provoke the fandom into abolishing its safe space for predators set up the conditions for this leak?
- I'll spare everyone the 'oh god i am so upset/shocked/traumatized' rant. There are a lot of people saying how blown away they are that anyone can be this depraved, or how it's the worst thing they've ever seen. I can't help but think about all the little blurbs of testimony from various child trafficking survivors I've heard in the media throughout the years. Shit about satanic blood rituals and murder via rape. No concrete evidence of that stuff has been uncovered, yet.
- Really makes me wonder. If a subsect of exceptional internet furries can (almost) get away with this level of depravity, what kind of horrendous bullshit is being carried out by sociopaths that are actually competent in covering their tracks? I think that notion is almost more unsettling than all the .gifs I've seen of people beating dogs to death with shovels while jacking off to the corpses. Somehow.
- basement rape dungeon. I always just think “Oh my God, how many people are being held captive in someone’s basement right now that we have no idea about?”
- As disgusting as this all is, I’m glad it’s out in the open now. Dox these cunts, publicly shame them, and make it impossible for them to get hired anywhere.
- Mutant Broth please be autism with me i have patience
- Nah, Akela's a fucking moron. I ran into him a few times. He's not part of any secret cabal and he's certainly not capable of faking any chatlogs. I assume somebody didn't want to uwu him and that's why he leaked this shit.
- He's been seen in both groups as recently as mid-august, but is not currently in either group.
- As much as I would like to put on my top hat and be upset on the online, all I can think of when I read this thread is the Barb/pig fanfic and all the old jokes about/from @Judge Holden and then I laugh at the absurdity of it all becoming real.
- Can't wait 'til next week when the next batch of puppy eaters or kiddy diddlers or whatever gets outed and the chorus of #notallfurries starts anew.
- back in 2014 I took a joke photo of my (then new) puppy and uploaded it to the farms
- Ya know.....because the idea of some disgusting internet creep sexually abusing fucking dogs and puppies was something so unlikely and ridiculous none of us ever thought we would fucking see on such an industrial scale on the farms and was thus seen as a harmless joke and not the fucking forshadowing of the nightmare horror show we have going on now
- I miss when the fucking smurf thread was the most disturbing thing on this forum.
- I miss when my autistic edgelord jokes were not based in tangible reality, nor forshadowing something godawful further down the line
- I miss when I wouldnt fucking dread to visit certain threads, not because of icky photos, but because I just dont want to know the fucking details
- The original deer video is still in the OP RAR archive, in the folder video_files.
- If you can find Kero's fursuit head in there, and post evidence, it will be the undeniable final nail in the coffin.
- this is the only shot of a face in any of the deer videos that i found, and it only pops up for a second. for any masochists out there who want to confirm, this video is fawnfukkopia.avi and it's in files, not video_files
- sorry for the shitty quality, took me forever to get this with how fast his face moves out of view again. this guy doesnt really look like kero to me but make of it what you will
- angelic trumpets brb pewdiepie i gotta do my chores
- premades, so that might not mean much. chances are it was commissioned instead.
- looking at the site for that company, it doesn't seem that they offer a fursuit with the markings on Kero's as one of their premades, so that might not mean much. chances are it was commissioned instead.
- He apparently comes and goes from both groups rather regularly, primarily due to his presence often inviting some manner of religious/moralizing debate and fighting, as well as some other manner of fussing. His connection to both groups is concrete, albeit a bit paranoid.
- He's been seen in both groups as recently as mid-august, but is not currently in either group
- Hello. I am investigating the fursuit, from that video, my current leads are saying might been made as a pre-made by that company, called don't hug cacti.
- Kero has stated that he will be looking into Defamation charges.
- I dunno how well that is going to work with the net being the way it is. Either that or he's trying to be an internet tough guy.
- Seen this happen many times before when a tard panics. Threatening to sue everyone who says anything about the allegations is almost a flight/fight level primal response when the heat gets turned up for them online, and I dont doubt Null will be recieving some very serious very angry emails forthwith
- Other than get mad on the internet, but you don't have to pay a lawyer to do that.
- Even if it's not Kero in those videos, the fact that he's getting so jumpy over the whole ordeal means he's sitting on something he doesn't want the world to see, and in my years of watching dipshits fucking around online this is the exact behavior these types usually exhibit before they royally fuck up and reveal all of the decrepit skeletons in their closets. Wolfboy here is hearing the beating of the telltale heart, and I'll put my chips on the table and say he's going down pretty soon.
- I found a furry defending him and he made a video saying Kero is innocent because the evidence could have been faked.
- Even if it's not Kero I'm those videos, the fact that he's getting so jumpy over the whole ordeal means he's sitting on something he doesn't want the world to see, and in my years of watching dipshits fucking around online this is the exact behavior these types usually exhibit before they royally fuck up and reveal all of the decrepit skeletons in their closets. Wolfboy here is hearing the beating of the telltale heart, and I'll put my chips on the table and say he's going down pretty soon.
- Attempting defamation legal action is the stupidest decision Kero could possibly make, as it would likely lead to the veracity of the alleged evidence against him being examined in the course of actual legal proceedings, even if those happen to be civil rather than criminal.
- To anyone wondering the validity of his claim that he was "hacked," I would seriously doubt it if I were you.
- I'm pretty sure "Kero" got the idea for making it look like "muh iranian haxxors" by reading this article without reading the actual content.
- It took place in 2016 in Iran and you needed access to the verification code sent via SMS. I don't even know what Kero is claiming from the hack exactly, all I know is he's saying that he WAS hacked. What, the Iranians went in and changed all of the messages or retroactively created messages in the database to frame yourself and a bunch of your dogfucking friends? None of this makes a bit of sense and I have found no evidence of recent Telegram hacks, especially nothing in the way of login information (which is probably hashed and salted anyway). Obviously, I've seen nothing at all targeting Americans either. Just some hack in Iran. This would either mean:
- 1) Someone bruteforced their way in by repeatedly connecting and sending login requests to the server, which would not only be impossibly time consuming but would also probably trigger a lockout after too many requests
- 2) Kero fell for some sort of phishing/trojan thing which is beyond unlikely since android software is curated by the google play store to prevent fakes and fraudulent shit like this
- 3) Kero is a fucking moron and told an Iranian his telegram login credentials for some reason and turned off/failed to use 2-factor-authentication
- The only potential vulnerabilities I've learned or read about have nothing to do with account theft/login vulnerabilities, and it's all potential vulnerabilities in MTProto, which is their encryption scheme for encrypting messages. As far as I know, if this were to be hacked, all it means is that now your ISP or the NSA or whatever could read the content of your messages and now they're no longer really private.
- I like that he went the "hacked" route. It's such a bullshit excuse by scared guilty people as some last ditch effort to get out of trouble. The far better excuse would have just been the "Shaggy excuse" aka "it wasn't me!" That one actually holds a lot more plausibility. "Muh hax" always smells like utter bullshit from 50 fuckin miles away.
- That's the excuse of not only every degenerate popufur and their white-knights, but every deluded sperg who thinks that they are far more important than they actually are or ever will be;
- Oh yes, I'm so very jealous of a sadistic animal fucker and possible pedo being outed to countless thousands of people all over social media. Oh dear, I have been discovered.
- These people and the ignoramus that blindly defend them really are too big for their britches.
- And now people are claiming that someone may have faked half of Kuro's stuff because they may be jealous of him or some crap like that. There are already videos of people debunking the official story. At least half the videos that supposed to show Kuro fucking dogs and Deers. May not be him. I know he's a YouTuber. But you have to be very petty just to claim that he has a bigger cock than you because Shane interviewed him on his channel. lol
- I never even heard of Kuro until MM made a video about him.
- Niggas always bitch online. Unless Kuro has dog fucking porn on his PC? He probably already deleted them. So the FBI can't get to them unless he trashes his PC and everything online.
- The problem with this claim is that it implies that from all the people they could envy, there are people that chose to envy a niche Youtuber with average-ish following. Because reasons.
- Perhaps the issue is that it's far too accepting and it allows certain types of people into the fandom that shouldn't be there. However, to my knowledge, the only people who knew this shit was going on were the people involved. I may be wrong on that last bit, so if I am, please tell me so and show me some evidence or proof.
- To me though, this isn't even a furry issue. This could happen in any fandom and in any walk of life. The fact that they're furries is irrelevant to me, and it should be to everyone else. Nobody should give a shit about what fandom these people were in or what have you. What matters is that some suck fuck subhuman spawns of hell committed some of the most heinous acts imaginable and they need to be brought to justice. They deserve all they did upon those animals and more, and should be seen as the hideous monsters they are. Anyone who makes this about how it makes their fandom look bad or uses it as their excuse to feel superior to a group of people that didn't have anything to do with it is a piece of shit, and needs to stop being such a selfish cunt only looking out for their own agenda.
- This whole situation honestly reminds me of what was happening with SRHButts (Sarah Nyberg). He was constantly denying at first, along with the rabid friends of his, that the chatlogs were either heavily edited, or just outright faked. But in realty, the chatlogs were actually proven to be legit and showed that he was an actual pedophile. Now he just goes with the defense of "me being an edgy teen back then" not realizing that pedophilia is a lifetime disorder and not something an "edgy teen" does.
- Which I honestly think is what'll happen soon with Keno. He'll crack under the pressure and make up some defense of "I learned a lot after those times, and I will never ever do that again."
- I think this photo of Sephius's dog getting hugged on a bed by another furfag is worse
- A good chunk of the accounts related to this are dead or not popular
- I felt I ought to do more dot-connecting because Kero is doubling down and resorting to Jake Alley levels of using out-of-context images/videos from the archive to debunk the evidence.
- To be clear, Kero/Yami in the archives never claimed this video to be him. The video, which appears in the archive as fawnfukkopia.flv was uploaded by Kero. But this is typical -- like all illegal content distribution rings, these images and videos are passed around by members to people they trust, who then reseed the content. A lot of the stuff Kero posted was not stuff he created.
- There are a few reasons why I believe this data dump is completely genuine and untampered with. The sheer volume of content aside, the timestamps of the exported files are preserved within the archive, and I cannot see any evidence that the files were modified after export. While there are ways to fabricate timestamps on files, I really doubt the tech literacy skills of zoophiles to do this in a way that would look plausible (the dates on the generated files within a minute of each other, and in chronological order).
- Speaking of literacy, I thought it would be neat to analyse the grammar quirks.
- Both accounts share the inability to differentiate between their, they're and there:
- They tend to abuse ellipsis, the formatting of which is never constant:
- Then there's the oodles of references to things that happened, and the four pics Kero took of his dog, Koda. There's also several other pictures from the SnakeThing log that were clearly taken by him and can't be found on his other social media. If these logs were fabricated, we are talking weeks of effort cross-referencing events and having autistic levels of charisma to manufacture over two years of fake chat logs. But there are no blatant mistakes, and as far I can see this data export has not been modified in any way.
- Kero's only saving grace is that he wasn't as bad as some of the other users in the archive. He didn't like the necrophilia aspect and left the group over it, according to the SnakeThing log.
- I suspect Kero has a Beastforum account somewhere as he mentions it a few times, but I suspect he's tried to cover his tracks by now.
- Glowfox doesn't fuck dogs, at least... View attachment 546495 He just jacks them off, gets rimjobs from them and pisses on them.
- So I'm gonna tell you the story of a fandom that has been ridiculed for decades.
- That fandom, having constantly been made fun of, having been equated with dog fuckers and everything, and forever scarred from that CSI episode (Fur and Damnation, if you need a reminder), have grown to be extremely defensive to criticism. They will stick together for the most part because that's what they evolved as a fandom to do when shit was thrown to them.
- That fandom, always bracing for people out to get them, suddenly finds itself in a situation where many of its own are now accused of doing stuff so horrifying it defeats sanity. This fandom, having never had to deal with anything close to what has unfolded before their eyes, have no idea how to react. The accusations and evidence is the stuff of nightmares, something so insane it defies belief. Late-night /B/ shit.
- Is it any surprise that the default reaction of so many of the people in this fandom is to huddle together and defend the accused?
- I'm not defending them, they're fucking exceptional, but when you take into account everything that's been thrown at us over the years, it becomes a foregone conclusion that this is how any fandom would react to something like that. Can you blame us? You will because that's how you roll but we don't want to believe this insanity was happening behind our backs, that it went undetected for so long and that it happened under our noses.
- And you might laugh at the people who are acting like this is gonna be bad for our fandom's image, because this is on a completely other level than what we're used to and it's particularly sensitive because it happens to involve actual animals. This is the worst case scenario, and after everything I just wrote, I ask again: Can you blame the people who are worried about the fandom's reputation after something like this?
- That shit could've happened in any other fandom but it happens to be coming out of ours this time and that's what makes it worse to us as a whole. Equating all of us to this flow of subhuman garbage is the same as equating (and I'm not invoking godwin's law lightly here) all of germany to nazis and their atrocities because they're german and thus genocidal white supremacists. And we know that the moment this hits the news, not if but when, this shit'll stick to us longer than Fur and Damnation ever did.
- I love the stuff you guys do, there's horrible people everywhere and documenting and ridiculing them is the lord's work, whatever the lord is to you, but there's nothing constructive to equating an entire fandom to the acts of people who had no business being in it. You will do it anyway, I can't stop you, but knock it off with the "LINE THEM UP AND SHOOT THEM ALL ASDKFASDFJASJF" autistic shrieking, it's not helping anyone and it only makes all of us on this very site look unhinged to outside viewers.
- here but I am a furfag myself (was? It's been a while since I've done what I can to stay distant from the fandom and honestly this is the straw that broke the camel's back) So I get where you're coming from.
- But none of this things are being directed specifically for you or your personality or whatever, they won't until you decide to make them a personal issue, but yes, it is sure directed to our shitty fandom, and yes I'm placing 99% of the blame on the fandom itself, for allowing such degenerates to have a space to coddle in for starters.
- You might go and say "But we're not the same as them~ uwu" but what did you expect to happen in a comunity centred around sexualizing anthropomorfic animals? of course this poor excuses of human being would think this is the place for them. easily half of the fandom is either into that stuff and the other half just turns a blind eye on them, because whatever reason, or just because "they're not like them".
- So stop lamenting about this horrid fandom, it has always been this horrid, we just wanted to believe otherwise because well, we were on it.
- But different to Bambi's friends, these psychos actually have to be hunted down and displayed as wall trophies.
- EDIT: Also is that fursuit manifestation is really going to happen? I haven't seen any of this on mainstream media yet so it sure would be fun to see these autistic folks burn themselves down
- Oof. hearing Jim read those chat logs legit made me fucking nauseous - and I've seen some pretty disgusting shit regarding animals. Probably because he went hard with the voice acting - great job Jim, you now make people sick, lol
- Anyway, getting up-to-date with the thread made me think:
- Okay, by most American state laws, beastiality isn't illegal unless you're...making it or something...but can't people be charged with animal abuse? Pretty fucking sure tying a small animal down, utterly destroying it by carving out its anus with a tree branch and chopping up its body constitutes animal abuse.
- Please correct me if this is wrong as I'm going off what others have said to have seen, no way in fucking hell am I scarring my mind by my own hand.
- Tell me how a human - something twice its size - committing beastiality on a dog wouldn't cause serious physical damage, which wouldn't equate to animal abuse.
- Tell me someone wouldn't be charged with murder if the animal was a human instead.
- But it's okay to harm animals like this, though - it's not a human, and it's not like there's a known correlation between people harming animals and serial killers or anything.
- Also, holy shit with kiwis bringing up the chance of zoonotic diseases, I never would have thought of such a notion. Imagine the implications if something as lethal as rabies evolved another way of transmission, or mutates into something more heinous altogether...
- Once saliva is dried, it is no longer considered infectious. The virus also is readily destroyed by bleach, ultraviolet light, and/ or heat. Live rabies virus will not survive for more than 24 hours in dead animals when temperatures reach 70oF.
- You know it really would be the fucking capper of this godforsaken timeline that the doomsday super-plague that wipes out humanity winds up claiming its patient zero when it gets passed to one of these sickfucks during a livestream of them sodomizing a fruitbat or some shit
- The most common malady among zoophiles seem to be urinary tract infections, which is wonderful, cause severe forms can lead to sterility and thus remove them from the gene pool.
- It seems highly unlikely that someone could get rabies from a dead animal unless fate and karma align just right. It would mean getting saliva in an open wound, so most likely, shoving your dick in a dead animal's mouth and getting scratched might be enough to cause an infection.
- Remember, AIDS was primarily a wild primate disease found in gorillas and chimpanzees and jumped to humans in the late 19th - early 20th century. It's speculated that it spread due to bush meat and conflict with hunters, but we all know that probably some sick asshole fucked an ape and became patient zero.
- Funny thing about this kind of situations is that it is like when you hunt for rabbits or birds (I have never done it, mind you, but I had a an acquaitance that used to until a deer atacked him...good times..) at first you only see one catch, but once the shot is fired every single one goes out from their hiding spots running for their lives, and then you realize how big the den actually was.
- If these guys are networking together, who knows who all they are associating with. I wouldn't be surprised if they could be linked to someone who is at least e famous in the community. What if someone with power within the community has access to kids and associates with people like this?
- consider that the dog fuckers are watching this thread and maybe take any investigating somewhere private
- You really have to stop and wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes
- just archive your shit, it's not that fucking hard
- Nigga why you use THIS figure of speech on THIS goddamn thread?!
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: never gonna be able to look at this mayme the same again
- They're more likely to delete things if they know ppl are poking around.
- ”Your penis is a weapon. You must ejaculate in a woman”
- I bet these guys blow their loads during RDR's horse skinning animations
- purpleboy Ginyu turned into malware like a niggerfaggot
- Update: resolved IPs to hostnames of the super iranian haxxorz:
- This one is coming from which is a subdomain on what appears to be some university web server? I'm guessing this is another proxy or VPN or something. Colocation or some kind of shared server? (I don't know what's up with the school domain at all). That's what I'm wondering but I'm ultimately uncertain.
- already have a fuckton of evi - at this point we're trying to find out how deep a hole to drop them in.
- Problem right now is we have ourselves a Feeding Frenzy situation.
- That is to say there is blood in the water, all the sharks (i.e. us and others trying to archive and expose shit) are tearing into absolutely fucking everything we can with zero subtlety or restraint, and all the seals are fucking fleeing and trying to erase any and all evidence of themselves ASAP, and before long a fucktunne of evidence, info, and leads are going to be gone forever unless shit is all archived fast
- I know) will be deleting shit if there's a chance it will get them dragged into this. So if you come across a tweet/account/screencap/whatever that's relevant, archive all that shit before you post about it here.
- Update: resolved IPs of the super iranian haxxorz:
- It's coming from which appears to be a hosting company. Every time you see a "personal IP" coming from a hosting company and not an actual ISP server, in my experience, that always means VPN or proxy. So I'm 99% sure on this one.
- This one is coming which is a subdomain on what appears to be some university web server? I'm guessing this is another proxy or VPN or something. Colocation? That's what I'm wondering but I'm ultimately uncertain.
- The former almost sounds like someone was buying a VPS or using something running on one to act as a VPN.
- I actually had a chance of learning about Mangcho sometime ago, he is pretty involved with altfurry and was in some other crusades, namely against some spergal artist whose name I forgot. Apparently he's an extremely autistic Christian fundie with personal crusade to purge all deviants from furry fandom, thus committing ultimate furry genocide, and is more than willing to have every gay furry dumped in prison.
- Now that you jumpstarted my memory, isn't it really ironic that a dog fucker latched onto hacker news from an area of the world where fucking animals isn't a rare thing to hear about?
- Furries are just terrible and embarrassing. I've been told about the private "cuddle parties" that people randomly get invited to. Must be hard to tell a 15 year old from an 18 year old under all that carpet.
- Add "Archive Everything" or something to the fucking thread title or the weekly roundup on the mainpage before any more evidence is lost because of people too lazy to read the synopsis on page 1. The furfag community is responding fast.
- GeneralFriendliness General of Dokar's Soy-Slayer Regiment
- The only time they react this quickly is if we call them deviants or prove it.
- you know, upon seeing this thread and the jim video, i couldnt help but hope it didnt awaken anything in me, but i guess it did.
- Add "Archive Everything" or something to the fucking thread title or the weekly roundup on the mainpage before any more evidence is lost because of people too lazy to read the synopsis on page 1. The furries are responding fast.
- Why furries keep doing that is just...beyond my understanding. Hurr Durr i'm going to use my name in a chat where I talk about raping my dog hurr durr.
- Does craigslist have archives? A few of these guys talk about picking up dogs from Craigslist.
- Narrowing down Woof's location could narrow down the rescue the puppy was sourced from. If we do find Woof's identity, I feel like it would be important to notify rescues in his area about him.
- might be a subdomain run by Hotspot Shield and the IP might be part of their IP range. I didn't find them publishing this information publicly, but I did find this:
- Iran is listed as a location on the list. I don't know if Kero used the free version, a paid version, and I don't know what the differences between the two are, and I don't know if he perhaps used something else other than Hotspot Shield, but we may be able to find out.
- Hmmm, wonder why the furry is trying to deflect this as "oh this could happen in any fandom".
- I'm pretty sure that while the SU fanbase is bad, they are not centered around wanting to fuck animals. That Voltron fanbase is stupid, BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO RAPE PUPPIES.
- Oh you know, wanting to rape 4 month old puppies, I remember having that weirdo in the Jojo fanbase, what wacky characters we have.
- Also, you can tell this faggot is trying to deflect people to call him out for being part of this with that: "Oh but I also hate this guy too! He needs to burn! But also #NotAllDogFuckers". What a snake you are.
- You are currently claiming that there's no link between a fandom that's all about wanting to fuck animals, and the act of fucking animals.
- I don't know what you're smoking, but keep it away from me.
- Tell me what the difference between furries worried their reputation will worsen and people who use it to further their preconceived notion of superiority to a group that didn’t even do what they’re accusing them of. They’re both sociopathic and selfish mindsets that use a tragedy such as the horrid things that were done to these animals for their own gain, and it’s fucking sickening. It just shows me how little they care about what actually happened.
- If anyone ITT uses this VPN or would like to install it, try to keep connecting to Iran servers and see if you can get an IP within the ranges of the two IPs I posted like a page ago. If you can get a similar IP, and if the IP resolves to the same hostnames, these are VPN servers run by hotspot shield and it's now almost positive that Kero used this VPN to "hack" his own account and blame Iran.
- Website says the available countries might vary depending on what client you're using, so I checked also the Android and the Chrome extension, no go. Probably have to actually pay or something.
- That fag couldn't even do research into doing it at the right con (Rainfurrest), much less the right furries to target, dude.
- I can't select Iran in the free trial (used an empty prepaid debit card)
- This question may be off-topic but why would he pick an Iranian IP out of all places? Did he think it was "foreign" enough that nobody would bother looking into it? Did he think a (for example) German IP would be too close to his fanbase to accuse?
- Not sure but I know they talked about obtaining puppies from Craigslist. Craigslist these days...
- Kero gushes over “boss” videos multiple times in the chat log. For those who don’t know, those videos were created by a man going by k9bitchlover who was known for creating a lot of zoosadism videos with his two dogs, a male German shepherd named Boss and a female dog named Ronja. The Boss video includes a scene where Boss’s genitals are burned with a lighter and various screenshots of it were posted on /b/ for a while.
- All furries are verboten. No wrong targets when purging soulless degenerates. That'a like saying a group of no contact peds should be tolerated. All deviants are bad deviants.
- Dude, your first link is dead, and the second guy is in a wheel chair; I don't think he's even relevant. If they are related, don't tip them off, for the love of god.
- First link is not dead. It won't tip anyone off. I was sinply if his name is actually that, they likely are related; he advertised that person (it may help locate him). I should be more careful.
- I found a facebook relating to the baseball bat guy.
- Tell me what the difference between furries worried their reputation will worsen and people who use it to further their preconceived notion of superiority to a group that didn’t even do what they’re accusing them of.
- What actually reflects worse on the so-called community than that it contains some sick fucks is that it contains a much larger group of people more concerned about the harm to the reputation of the community than the actions of the sick fucks themselves. It's one of those situations like the Vatican covering up pedophiles. Every religious group is going to have some predators. The problem is when by covering it up forever, they create a shelter for the predators and amplify their ability to get new victims.
- And visibly caring more about some nonexistent reputation (the reputation of furries is basically a bunch of perverts) than the victims is EVEN WORSE for that reputation than the scumbags themselves.
- So, you're just gonna post these random people without providing any evidence in which to how they are related to the videos and images provided?
- Geez man, it's almost like you're a real detective!
- ”There's a lot more dicks than I thought there would be.”
- If you want to fall into the “guilty by association” game used by SJWs and other radicals throughout history, be my guest. Just don’t be surprised when people tell you you want a hugbox.
- That fb page is obviously related if you were following along. I am not doing detective work, I actually want some other people to scrawl through that page (people with more ability). The other person is related insofar as he was shared on the fb page. There is photo evidence of him at that going to faaker see, corroborated by his furry page from elsewhere.
- Maybe structure your post better so people don't have to read the entire thread of what they mostly already know from videos, Twitter, etc. and instead can just hop into the thread without needing to catch up on so much.
- And just something else from the above article: "An analysis of data from the Furry Survey suggests that one in six furries self identify as zoophiles". "If the answer is limited to non-zoophiles, the number reporting "negative" or "extremely negative" feelings increases to 54.3%"
- I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, at least try to be fucking subtle about it. Or don't, makes our lives easier.
- So, I've been trying to identify this license plate. This guy rapes puppies to death, I don't think he's gonna get away from this.
- He must of sold a hell of a lot of Zoosadist porn to afford that car! (Yeah they sell it, if nobody knew already.)
- (I probably can't say why because I'm on mobile and not seeing a large version)
- Was it Woof that talked about picking up pups from charities? Minor but its relevant information-- I work at a shelter/rescue charity and we do short background checks on people before adopting out, and keep records of every dog that comes in and the contact info of who adopts it out. I would assume this is standard for most dog rescues.
- Narrowing down Woof's location could narrow down the rescue the puppy was sourced from. If we do find Woof's identity and all evidence is secured, I feel like it would be important to notify rescues in his area about him.
- With that said, please no one jump the gun and start contacting shelters now with no sufficient info.
- Do any of the discussions mention how/where they dispose of the animals? If they're dumping and not hiding the bodies, there's a good chance of an online mention, especially if the state of the body was noteworthy (or horrifying). Might be able to narrow down locations that way...good luck with those search terms though.
- Local rescues, animal control, sheriff's offices seem to report cases of abuse more often than other outlets. Usually shared on Facebook and other social media looking for tips.
- Of course this is what brought me out of lurker mode.
- All I can find now is a pastebin with what is known of the guy as well as an old reddit post with comments with similar information. The information is super old at this point but I just wanted to chime in with this information in any case because it goes to show the depth of what sick shit Kero is into.
- Dude, yall are debating about whether some psychopath can afford a Mustang Cobra instead of actually trying to identify the license plate... the license plate could be photoshopped, though.
- That image looks fake as shit. I can't place why but I'd bet my left lung it's photoshopped (I probably can't say why because I'm on mobile and not seeing a large version)
- God dammit!!! “Oh, Kero Hippo will be a fine username” I thought. “Oh, Kero Hippo is funny” I thought. Well now it partially makes it look like I’m associated with a Furry dog rapist that I had never heard of until now. God. Fucking. Dammit.
- I have a friend who happens to be a full on suit wearing furry(distant friend, I assure you) and they spent an hour telling me that apparently the entire community is in shambles trying to figure out ways to save their image from this. And then told me something about some weird fursuit protest march that may be in the works because of this leak...getting to watch that could potentially be the silver lining in all of this.
- On another note, is there any possible way I could have my username change? I would gladly let someone else pick whatever it is. I just want the “kero” part gone
- He said he was totally hacked by Iran when he still had the VPN icon active on his phone (seen in the caps he took) then later made a post and deleted saying that he could have definitely faked the IP addresses with his VPN and that he used VPN frequently, but he totally didnt do it. Cap of this tweet somewhere in the thread, i dont have it on hand.
- Good catch. The background, at least, is fake -- it's a wallpaper. No hits for the car or for him, at least not from that picture -- all 11 hits are just on the background image.
- I honestly can't comprehend what I've seen and read...but let me try to put something together.
- So furry Kero is being accused of horrible acts on animals (dead and alive) because someone tied his account to some posts. He claims he was hacked, that the posts are photoshopped, and then claims he's hacked again. Some of his posts, chats, logs, and videos prove there are other shitty people involved who are also either doing these horrible things or are asking others to do it for them...
- The other the fuck are all these sickos literally KILLING animals and no one is noticing.... you'd notice if your neighbor kept getting random pets but then other pets were disappearing... and where are they putting the dead bodies?? It would be easy to say that the people just chatting about what they did/do are liars... people exaggerate on those types of forms all the time... but there are videos and pictures of the other people doing where do the bodies go?
- What they've done to these animals is beyond words...but the scary thing is that this shit escalates to humans. If the people doing this shit aren't found and put away (or killed...), they will undoubtably turn on humans one day. Probably not anyone that can fight that leaves kids, elderly, and mentally/physically disabled. Fucking horrifying.
- Fucking Christ. I take a couple of days off from the farms and I see the one of the only things that can make me livid to the point of tears. Even when censored, those pics got to me. I own a rescue pommy and the thought that she could have been one of these monsters next victim makes me sick.
- How would this group be prosecuted and what is the current progress on being thrown in the human version of the dog pound? Is there any law that convicts people of 'guilt by association' out there in the US?
- I'd guess that the rest of the picture is real and mostly unaltered... you can see his right hand reflecting in the hood of the car, and you can even see his fursuit head reflecting on the fender. That would be hard as shit to photoshop. You can also see his shadow on the door behind him, and you can even see the shadow of the fur on his hand.
- The license plate looks shopped to me, so that part is probably fake.
- ”Dynastia has found out where I Live, and I'm really scared now.”
- So I've got that down. What I don't get is the VPN part. Some people are saying it proves that it is him... how? Someone on a VPN doesn't mean they're a POS animal abuser.... or even that they are doing something horrible. Unless I'm missing something here... was there something connecting Kero to the VPN that was used?
- - Using a VPN means you have something to hide - Using a VPN means everything about your session is secure and nothing can be "hacked"
- Depending on the situation, the latter could be partially true and relevant, and the former could be a useful heuristic. But while the nature of some of the VPN accusation was inaccurate, the real point remains:
- He posted the screenshot of his Telegram sessions to show his account was compromised. Why is he seen using a VPN? As we know, it can be used to appear to be coming from another IP in another country. He claims that he uses VPN routinely, but it is not active in his other screenshots taken when he wasn't trying to do damage control. That suggests he was actually only using the VPN for this situation, making it more suspicious.
- On a more hard evidence angle, if we can prove that the IPs shown are owned by a VPN provider, then we can demonstrate that the Iranian IPs are most likely Kero on VPN pretending to be hacked, and not Iranian hackers on his account while he happens to be connected to an unrelated VPN.
- Maybe we could be seeing the attacker on the account via VPN while Kero is on his own VPN, but the rest of the evidence makes this not a huge deal.
- I wonder how deep this goes. I bet S n a k e T h i n g is in a lot deeper than this stuff.
- Kaleshep (Has put all of his accounts on private/deactivated, I wonder why.)
- And really, when you think about it, humans are a kind of animal too. Just not one furries are usually attracted to. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if one of these chucklefucks attempted human rape at one point.
- Does anyone know if the Twitter account by the name yamithewolf1 is some kind of alternate account Kero had for the zoo stuff? The tweets are protected but it was created around February of last year, so I don't know if it could coincide with the time he created an alternate account for Telegram under the name of yamithewolf too, that he mentioned somewhere in the logs.
- Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it could be more good evidence seeing as how the description apparently has that symbol that zoophiles use to identify each other (ζ).
- The other the fuck are all these sickos literally KILLING animals and no one is noticing.... you'd notice if your neighbor kept getting random pets but then other pets were disappearing
- I'd really like to know who this Woof motherfucker is.
- I'm on my phone, dealing with an IRL thing, so I'll do my best to keep this somewhat logical.
- Here's the previously mentioned Patrick Pauger AKA SephiUs Rivendare:
- Go on his About Me, scroll down, and you'll see his hometown is located in Austria. Patrick Pauger, PP for short, has German as one of his spoken languages on his FB, along with multiple check-ins based Austria.
- As far as getting more info on PP, I'm not sure what the next steps are as what's the Austrian version of People Fonderor White Pages?
- I'll let that URL speak for itself, btw. Not the first to archive it, so likely.
- Edit: Looks like #furrybeware is a thing on Instagram currently.
- I'd much rather he didn't exist in the first place, or at least done the world a favour and made it so.
- Damn, got played. This guy is smart, there are no other tracks except for the people he's friends with. I doubt they'll rat him out.
- Just an update on this. According to the logs, the first mention (creation date is unknown) of 'Yami the Wolf', is the 17th of July, 2017. 'yamithewolf1' on twitter was created on the 15th of February 2017. I think the dates of creation are close enough to establish a connection. The Zoosadist Evidence archive directly links the twitter account.
- Just an addition as well, 'yamithewolf' on twitter belongs to a pretty much dead, completely unrelated account created in September 2016, which is why the account needed the '1' at the end.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: the account belongs to some jap
- He does, but it's set to only be viewable by registered members of the site.
- Here's the Watchlist too if y'all wanted to see it, like the rest of the page not much on it
- But the truth is that he does still exist and is not spending time behind bars right now. I would like to see this "Woof" jailed and punished to the full extent of the law before rotting in hell, but that's being optimistic :/
- At least the burning in hell part is definitely going to happen
- At this point the man in question has probably locked down and deleted everything in connection to this, more for good measure if he's smart. When it comes to psychopaths they are actually very intelligent, which is what makes them so evil when they go 'bad'. I'm pretty damn sure if he was tested, he'd rate on the scale somewhere, especially in regards to lacking empathy and harbouring a respect for life.
- Why would you want to focus on a larger group than those who perpetrated the atrocities other than to set some agenda?
- Friend of mine sent these. Mangcho, a guy who insists he's not a furry (even though he's got a cartoon mouse avatar, lol) claims the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper. He associates with a lot of trad/right groups, apparently, so this could be an operation run by those groups.
- View attachment 546850 View attachment 546849 View attachment 546848 View attachment 546847
- Here's the posts he made in a comment thread about this, calling it the "worst animal abuse I've viewed on the internet by far":
- It seems to line up though considering that he has a Zeta in his profile, showing he is in fact a zoophile hanging on cringe subreddits (a classic case of trollshielding):
- And had posted before to a subreddit called "Zoo_IRL", think like /r/traa or those "me irl" subreddits but for dogfuckers.
- He also seemed to have a history of making a joke of himself on /r/drama.
- My point is that is the overlap between furries and sexual degenerates is far from coincidental. If you base an entire community about fapping to animals or at least animal-like creatures, the there'll be quite a few people who fall down that slippery slope and end up at dog rape. If you think these guys are the only furries doing it, you're delusional.
- You can call that an agenda if you want, you're not going to dissuade me from this sentiment.
- No point in going on anymore than this, though. The thread is getting derailed by our autistic squabbling.
- Firstly, a better resolution of the photo would be needed to actually identify the ants. People mistaken all sorts of ants as "fire ants": Oh they look scary they must be fire ants. Usually? No.
- Secondly, I have serious doubts on that map. Fire ants are said to originate from the Philippines. They have invaded basically the world. It wouldn't be hard to find fireants outside of those areas marked green. These ants travel by mere human activity. They can crawl into trucks and stuff to be carried to other areas. They also breed like crazy.
- That being said though... fire ants are rather common. IF the ants in that photo aren't fireants... but rather a far more specific type... it could lead to narrowing down the sicko's locality.
- The data in the article comes from the US Department of Agriculture mapping the locations where fire-ants are reported with certainty by federal inspectors and are also quarantined. If you look at their data including uncertain and accidental migrations it increases slightly to include coastal areas of California and goes slightly more inland from the south but not that far as Fire Ant's require tropical conditions; a high baseline of heat and moisture. It's not very potent information but info is info and someone may find it useful.
- Allison Reed (aka JAVA or Bird), the person behind Wild_Life, is a known zoophile who used to post photos of herself sexually abusing her dog on BeastForums.
- I've seen some talk earlier in the thread about identifiable fursuit heads in some of the videos.
- Amy chance someone who is viewing the videos could screencap them for those of us itt who can't bear to look at the evidence? All the furfags here might be useful at IDing some of them.
- holy fuck I browsed craigslist a lot when getting my pets and noticed a LOT of listings for large breed & pitbull related dogs with owners who were afraid they'd just get euthanized at a shelter. That seemed reasonable if sad back then, but shit, now I know there's a chance they would've been way better off being put down humanely.
- FYI in case anyone forgot, Emberwolf was one of the Babyfur Bandits who went nuts on bathsalts at BLFC 2017. What a perfect way to make a cameo appearance.
- I also wanted to add in that Ember's husband is also a member of the Air Force.
- He just put his husband entire career in jeopardy TWICE.
- This really brings up the question if his Husband knew that the dog rapes were occurring. Its still absolutely disgusting.
- "Zoosadists." The longer I spend on the internet, the more people I discover who need helicopter rides.
- I can see this turning into a more fucked up version of Shia's capture the flag..
- this was in that 8chan thread (only image that didn't make me want to pour bleach in my eyes):
- Sephius/baseball bat guy up there on the left side spreading fabulous prizes amongst the animal abuser community?
- He originally went by Nelizar there but changed his name.
- Nelizar/SnakeThing on e621 (archive). no photography, just art, but this might be useful for wanted posters, fursecution-themed art therapy, etc:
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: spoiled for sheathed mutant dong
- If you post in the thread without archiving first, you're getting banned. You have been warned enough times.
- Noodles = Kevin Allen Richards, released 2/22/18 per King County inmate records Cupid = Matthew John Grabowsky, released 11/03/17 (spent a whopping one day in jail) Nacho = Nacho Clumsiest Puppo? Also the dog owner in the story (that got her dogs back!)? It sounds like she was part of this group as well. What was shared in the first picture?
- "Hey Snakething here's the photo of Kevin fucking my dog. I'm mad he didn't ask my permission, but I figured you'd enjoy it."?
- This article has more details about the charges, though it seems like it might have some dates wrong:
- ”Kirby: i have been completely vindicated of being a pedophile nothing you say matters anymore”
- Found Nelizar's InkBunny account. He goes by "Buttne" there and has blocked non-members from viewing his account.
- Nothing of note save for his only friend on the site being convicted pedophile James "Sangie" Hoyt.
- Is anyone working on making a thread for this guy?
- Did some creeping and apparently he is still active on InkBunny. This was his latest favorite and this was only posted 6 days ago, there could have been others but his stuff is pretty much nuked.
- That incident with the guys threatening the chick who's dog they fucked was mentioned in the chat logs, wasn't it? This alone does a great deal to confirm their authenticity as far as I'm concerned.
- Fuck, can we send this shit to Metokur? I'm pretty sure he'd LOVE to get more furries outed for this shit.
- The way SnakeThing quotes Nacho Clumsiest Puppo (I've seen this name on other posted chats) and says it was Nacho and her dog that were threatened - sounds like the woman in the story is part of this group. It sounds like there was a lot of abuse towards her and her dog by the two men, but it also sounds like she may have been involved in this shit. Snakething frames it that Nacho only reported because of the threats to her and risk of losing her dog(s?). If this is the case, she might be identifiable from the November case.
- I'd love more Metokur videos on this if they help out these bastards.
- I think what disturbs me the most in terms of the furry fandom in general before the zoo shit, is the hive mind. It's like a cult and these "popufurs" are like cult leaders who have a fan base of 15 year olds who will blindly stick up for them no matter what happens.
- What I noticed is on facebook furries will post "bewares" on zoophiles and provide some sort of evidence, the reactions are mixed. Some will roll there eyes, keep scrolling and say its just drama, others will try and lynch the person the beware is on. HOWEVER, this blows over within a day and doesn't nearly get as much attention as popufurs like Kero. (fucking hate that word btw)
- Because of Kero's popularity, people REFUSE to believe this shit is real but no one bats an eye on any other furry being accused of being a zoophile, they don't ask for "proof" they don't try and dissect it, none of this shit.
- My point is we wouldn't have the mob of fuckboys saying this shit is "fake" and Kero is "innocent" if it wasn't for the YouTube popularity. I can't wait until he nukes his channel or Google shuts him down.
- Why can't furries crack the case down on all people accused of being zoophiles? Why wait until its a "popufur" to play crime scene detective. :/
- OK so I was sent these, I've heard lots about this guy including bullying a guy who killed himself.
- He's also the kind of guy to go around and pretend to be all cute and loving. He's friends with Ruffles Ridges/Steven Stark another Zoophile apologist that screams "ZOOPHILES DID NOTHING WRONG" Both profiles are mostly public so have a gander.
- Kyro has an unhealthy obsession with foxes, in one post he stated "foxes are like family to me" and nuked anyone in his friend's list that likes taxidermy.
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- You see, I wish there was more laws against this kind of shit. The laws (in the US at least) are piss poor as they stand since in most states none of these people stand a reasonable chance of ever going up the River.
- But then again some government folks have fought anti-bestiality laws for a very long time, so I'm not holding my breath.
- you literally uploaded fucking gore screenshots to imgur, the worst possible image host to use, instead of uploading them to the fucking site where they won't be taken down.
- According to the logs Woof shared stuff that mig I wonder if another popufur is a member someone like mijiara strawberry which could end worst than kero.
- Who's suit is this? It's the dogfucker from one of the archived videos with a tame screenshot, looks like an older DHC suit.
- While Googling Sephius Rivendare I found this related material. Warning NSFW!
- wayback machine to archive it but since its wayback deletes archives I've been trying to archive waybacks url on and but I'm internet is running slow if anyone could help me out it will be a big help to this thread
- Oh boy. Time to look at ice cream stores from multiple states. The table design might help a lot.
- This does not shock me, disgusts me quite a bit, but the "furry fandom" has been pure degeneracy since the internet let the niche spread. This guy here gives a pretty good rundown of how this heresy bred.
- TL;DW: Weeb artists from the 70's grew their 'zines into a regular 80's sci-fi con fetish orgy into a 90's "queer/vegan/otherkin " meetup. Late 90's fandom element attempted to purge, got drowned in murrsuit musk. And, yes, the dog fuckers have been "out and proud" the entirety of this degeneracy's existence.
- I was trying to make out the text on the mats. It seems like it must be in a smaller area and definitely not a chain considering they use random dishes instead of logos and paper cups etc. Definitely a hole in the wall diner type pie and ice cream place. The decor is unusual though, if I could find another person's social media depicting it. Doesn't seem like the type of place to have a website, which is probably why he felt comfortable enough to share those in the first place. Made sure to strategically use the bowls as to not show the full text on the placemats too, which leads me to believe that is identifiable to some degree.
- The plates are strange. Reminds me of something you'd see in cheaper parts of Europe or North America.
- The 24hr timezone you see in this chat log also makes me think Europe.
- The kind of people who do this give off a strong creep aura and usually aren't very social IRL. Their neighbors probably don't even know who they are besides the chubby guy who always smells like old socks.
- We all know how fucking horrible this shit is and that furries should be gassed, you bitches are officially cut off from posting about it. Contribute or get out.
- 've used wayback machine to archive it but since its wayback deletes archives I've been trying to archive waybacks url on and but I'm internet is running slow if anyone could help me out it will be a big help to this thread
- Wärring Ornac When you reverse "LOVE" It turns to "EVOL"
- dont underestimate the ability of predators to hide in plain sight. It's true that you can often spot a creep from far away, but the truly dangerous ones are the ones who can blend into society like normal people.
- ”This forum is packed to the brim with dipshits and attention whores.”
- However, as I worked this angle I did also come to the same conclusion that he is almost certainly in the states below Virginia, specifically Florida and Georgia.
- I'm still working on getting through the current evidence, but my next move was to attempt to hear echo on videos they claim to have made and determine the distance the echo traveled by multiplying the delay by the speed of sound.
- It can be reasonably assumed that any human hearing sustained cries of agony from our most ancient of domesticated animals will recognize it and investigate it.
- Using the approximate distance given by any echo in the outdoor recordings, you can attempt to establish a broad estimate for how far he would be from his nearest neighbor as a lower bound. By using this information in conjunction with census data about population density per-county, location can be further narrowed.
- Sidenote: it helps to note here that Florida treats claims of bestiality as a misdemeanor. If it is assumed that these are adults living on their own, this criteria could have been paramount in selecting a residence. The cruelty present in this case has elements of planning, preparation, the execution takes a long time which means any outdoor videos of abuse are done in relatively private areas.
- In case anyone wants it, I've created a summary of the people and evidence relevant specifically to Kero on the other post.
- If anything here is wrong, let me know so I can fix it.
- This stream is just weird. He starts off by saying Kero is slandered and what not, then shoots off a 30-plus-minute tangent on yellow fever which he has himself, and also various other unrelated autistic shit. Anyway, I will sift through the tsunami of autism and try to summarise.
- 1. The self proclaimed journalist frog says "zoodonym" didn't prove anything. He didn't prove that Kero was in the leak.
- Well no shit, he merely dumped the motherload and disappeared.
- 2. Frog suggests it could be sick people framing it on Kero... okay, that's a new argument not.
- 4. Frog says the screenshots came from the app telegram, and goes on to state that Telegram is "ridiculous" because "it cannot be installed on a PC".
- I don't know about journalism, but I typed into my browser and found links to download Windows, Mac and Linux versions.
- Not sure if this is CNN level of journalism or just an average youtube sperge.
- 5. Frog's philosophy tangent and then some dumb shootout tangent, then of course sex, boring and unrelated.
- 6. Frog goes on again about his journalistic credentials and states that he questions the validity of those screenshots, stating it can faked. And oh no he's allegedly a victim of faked screenshots too, won't someone feel bad for this feminist? He wants proof that the screenshots come from the accused person's IP.
- This is just fucking dumb. Pretty sure Telegram protects these things and pretty sure WHEN FUCKING SCREENSHOTTING, NO IP IS EMBEDDED. His criteria of evidence cannot be possibly met.
- 7. 27:43, this is gold. He claims that Zoodonym contacted the "Metokurs of the world" for his mastertroll plan, and if he had contacted the Frog, it would be a brick wall. Why? The frog is a journalist! Loser trolls like him will be blocked!
- Does he not realise that the photos are real and videos do exist...? If anything, this Zoo person is a whistle blower.
- 8. 29:00 The pervert finally brings one interesting point:
- Before the leak, Kero claimed that his telegram was hacked. This inevitably adds validity to the screenshots.
- If Kero expected the leak and acted in such a way, then he is exceptional (eh I mean, he's a furry...). Him being hacked before the leaks adds credibility to the leaks.
- We all know it's very likely that Kero used a VPN to change his IP and forgot to get rid of the key icon on his Android ribbon, thus the hacking narrative is fake.
- 9. 41:18 He goes on to "reprogram a white guy with yellow fever by showing him a photo of a white (looks like a mutt to me) woman in a wheatfield, and analysing it". This has to be one of the most autistic things I've seen coming out of his frog mouth.
- 10. Frog says there's no direct evidence that Kero was in the group, screenshots can be faked, videos are unrelated.
- This guy seems to not get the point at all. Kero is being brought out because he happens to be the most famous one. The people featured in the group are all real, many of which already has a thread on this site.
- 11. Frog rejects the vpn key icon argument above because "he could be using a VPN and also he was hacked from Iran".
- 1. Zoodonym provided a vital piece of evidence in the form of a forwarded message, that three furry friends of Kero's was able to confirm originated from his account.
- 2. With this argument, I'll keep asserting that the sheer volume and perfect correlation with Kero's life events indicates that this possibility is less likely than being true.
- 4. What a fucking exceptional individual. I have telegram on PC, both desktop and web version.
- 6. I've been through the 'faked screenshots' more than I can remember. The artifacting is JPEG compression, and you can cross reference the screenshot with Zoodonym's chatlogs.
- 7. You can look at the archive of Zoodonym's post. The people he tags in there are an assortment of semi-popular furries, obviously in order to get the message out. None of the tagged individuals can be compared to Metokur in the slightest.
- 8. What this fuckhead doesn't get is that Kero posted his hacking bullshit several hours after the initial accusation from Zoodonym. Zoodonym's accusation went out on the 16th of September at 6:41AM. Kero's hacking tweet went out that same day at 11:26AM. Moot point.
- 12. Conclusion: He is innocent! Screenshots can be faked blah blah. Timeline lining up? Could be fake too! Our superhacker troll aligned all events perfectly and doctored the screenshots blending it with real screenshots! It seems that the alt-right at this moment is not only about yellow fever, but yiffing as well. Some in the chat say they are a furry. Maybe those MSM smear pieces weren't exactly off the rails.
- Conclusion: He is innocent! Screenshots can be faked blah blah. Timeline lining up? Could be fake too! Our superhacker troll aligned all events perfectly and doctored the screenshots blending it with real screenshots! It seems that the alt-right at this moment is not only about yellow fever, but yiffing as well. Some in the chat say they are a furry. Maybe those MSM smear pieces weren't exactly off the rails.
- 11. Kero himself stated that he uses a VPN often, after these leaks were publicised. He could not have been hacked from Iran, as telegram is blocked in Iran.
- (2018-05-31 at 07:12:55-05:00) We had a blackout last night
- (2018-05-31 at 07:13:47-05:00) A powersurge turned off the internet lastnight ;(
- The power outage was not reported to the Federal government. (I would think this very unlikely.) EDIT: The power outage may have been too small to be reported.
- The US Department of Energy attempts to keep a federal record of all major power disturbances in the US.
- "W" makes mention of a blackout in "messages2.html". At least according to this report, there was no significant power outage reported on the date associated with the timestamp.
- (Timestamps are presented in original UTC with tagged -05:00 offset for EST.)
- The closest outage reported with respect to 2018-05-30 was 2018-05-26 at 10:00:00-05:00 in Texas, Harris County. It was reported resolved on 2018-05-27 at 16:00:00-05:00.
- This brings to mind a few possibilities that I hope may inspire others to pursue different assumptions as the bases for new threads of investigation:
- He lied about his time offset. (He was smart enough to blur details in his home when posting his content.) He lied about the power outage.
- The power outage was not reported to the Federal government. (I would think this very unlikely.)
- The report you're citing only deals with events that affect 10's of thousands of people. His blackout could also be a local disruption; for example, we had a brownout here that lasted overnight, but it only affected a small part of our zip code and is not listed here. I live in NYC so the population density is large enough to take note of power outages.
- Suddenly, Tom Green's dead deer bit from Freddy Got Fingered doesn't seem all that funny anymore.
- Not sure if this has been posted yet or not but there is a furry on Twitter that apparently talked to Kero before he became famous on Youtube. He forwarded chat from his personal conversation to a bot to check the user ID, then also forwarded chat from the Zoo telegram logs getting the same ID back from the bot. This would show that the user in the Zoo group is actually Kero. Emery Snowtail is the furry making these claims, thought I would get it out there, if this is real its pretty damning.
- Also, is it kosher to post bs from Kero defenders? Some of this shit is pretty damn funny. Like people sharpie-ing "I Stand With Kero" on themselves.
- True, especially if he really does live within a rural or very expansive suburban area. I will attempt to dig deeper into power providers for the suspected regions at a more local level.
- The literature on psychopaths suggests that they're a little less intelligent on average. And, while "psychopath" is kind of a complicated term and category, the literature on related categories of people (like serial killers) suggests pretty much the same thing.
- It's neither here nor there, though, as even really dumb people can get away with heinous shit.
- Social intelligence or simple plain cunning declares them to be absolute chameleons, as they learn to hide in plain sight really well, typically picking communities that suit their preference and can mask who they are.
- In other areas concerning intelligence then yes, I completely agree that this subject is a broad spectrum, so perhaps I should have been more specific. (I mean prior to this, has he ever been convicted or admitted guilt of any crime? I'd bet my bottom dollar that he wasn't.)
- He's made a stupid decision in that he let his guard down. I would likely chalk it up to being an arrogant little shit, holding the belief that he wouldn't get caught until inevitably, he does.
- TL;DR I think we all know that ego does wonders to grease your vocal chords, look at every YouTuber as my reference. Doesn't mean they were stupid, otherwise they would have never become successful in such a competitive market.
- Zebedee Providing mental diagnosis to e-famous degenerates
- hmm interesting, looks like 8ch cant be archived properly on, even with
- To be honest this situation should have been given to the authorities first before it was leaked online. The authorities find its easier to collect evidence when the perpetrator doesn't know they are being watched and won't go into delete fucking everything mode.
- You could try doing a time-restricted search of twitter and other public sources for reports of power outages at that time. It might be too localized or only his residence that was affected, though.
- I know a guy who used to subscribe to feeds and collect data on power disruptions. He would correlate it with IRC and Skype logs to geolocate people. Dude was pretty intense. Had access to police and law enforcement databases, fancied himself as a one-man intelligence agency. I'll see if he's interested in helping.
- Last I spoke with him he was talking about getting into ENF analysis and camera attribution through CCD imperfections.
- EDIT: I think I can just accomplish what I need through the web interface by modifying headers. Thought Twitter would fuck with me if I tried that, but I guess not!
- Hello guys. I found another person who is sperging about how Kero is innocent.
- Another dogfucker's fursuit for identification. It's gray, black and crimson in color. The crotch area is crimson with gray on the inside of the legs, the tail is gray on the underside with red center and black on the top, the chest appears red down the center with a gray outer area.
- Wow. I’ve legitimately gotten more feels for these two posts than I did when my father died three years ago.
- It's gray, black and crimson in color. The crotch area is crimson with gray on the inside of the legs, the tail is gray on the underside with red center and black on the top, the chest appears red down the center with a gray outer area.
- Well, I feel kind of cool now. That's exactly what I'm doing. However, Twitter's web interface for searches sucks and they don't let you directly filter for arbitrary user locations as far as I can tell, just whatever your current location is. I'm looking into the Twitter search API to automate some of this. If I can pull down enough tweets and user profile information per-tweet, I should be able to very quickly narrow down any outages in the suspected region.
- Another thing I was working on before realizing the power outage mention was determining plant species in the photos "W" allegedly created. I believe I identified one of the leaves as belonging to a tree common to that region, the "Cornus florida", but I can't seem to identify the vine leaves. Before getting distracted by this new rabbit hole, I was going to crop out the leaves only and try to enlist some help from reddit's idle botanists.
- "W" claims in the logs that the puppy was brought to a wooded area.
- While not well documented, the web search does support a number of time and geographical operators, such as since, until and geocode. The operand to the last of which takes the form of lat,long,radius. I believe location is matched against tweet tags but in their absence will fall back to the user's profile location.
- For example, the following query will match a number of self-explanatory keywords (AND is implicit) within 500 miles of the given lat/longitude (Miami, FL) for the month of June, 2018.
- outage OR blackout OR "black out" OR "no power" OR "no electricity" since:2018-06-01 until:2018-07-01 geocode:25.7738889,-80.1938889,500mi
- As promised, sorted data on everyone from the leaks. Done semi-automatically (python script included! — sorry no docs), so may be errors and need manual sorting. Author attribution currently gives wildly varying results based on settings because a) I don't know advanced statistics and b) I learned R in less than a day, so if anyone more proficient in this wants to take over, feel free.
- Of course furries who know their shit called him out:
- The whole thread is just him being called out, furries going "he dindunuffin antifurs are at it again", and Kit showing off he knows about as much about tech as the producers of TV shows do.
- Finished reading the thread. I'd drink to help dull the pain but it's like 9:30 in the goddamn morning.
- Like @Scrotus I am very, very interested in finding out Woof's identity. I also think @Null 's suggestion of contacting the media is a solid idea worth pursuing. Since that fucking rag Dogpatch Press can't be counted on to cover this shitstorm, I'm wondering if an online publication would be better to contact or a local news station. I'm leaning towards local news station. We know where Kero is but unless that image of him wearing his fursuit head gets circulated, it might be tougher convincing the local news to go with it. Online publications tend to be more eager to break stories involving crime with a heavy internet community involvement.
- And Sephius is German, right? Anybody in Germany that could make some inquires about him?
- Pardon if I sound kind of all over the place, I've not slept in 26 hours and now I feel like I couldn't even if I wanted to. The idea of a dog anus cock ring is going to haunt me for the rest of my fucking life.
- Been searching FL area maps for the last few hours trying to find any shop images that match, and haven't found a thing.
- God knows how many times I've been fighting back tears when one of my pets has jumped onto my lap for affection today.
- They claim that this was all an attempt to smear Kero, when there are other furries with solid accusations and connections to the logs, particularly Glowfox (at the time of writing). I bet the majority of them don't even know that there were furries other than Kero that were accused in the original tweet.
- I think the most telling of all is the fact that these defenders go out of the way to say 'KERO IS INNOCENT' with 100% conviction, on the basis that the evidence COULD have been faked. Whereas throughout this whole debacle, I have never stated that I knew Kero was guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, and still now believe in the possibility of his innocence, despite how unlikely I think that possibility may be.
- Nowhere on the internet is there a better understanding of this case, and the evidence backing it, than Kiwi Farms.
- Were these Kero defenders smart, they would look through the logs, and find evidence that the logs are faked. So far, none of them have pointed out any contradictions in the logs, or anything that even suggests that fakery occurred. We are the only ones that have actually found a contradiction, though flimsy, in the form of Zoodonym linking the wrong furaffinity page to Kero.
- And I'm apparently not the first to archive his Voat account.
- sergal thread OP (scroll down to the #saveoursisk part). The story goes is that a sergal artist was busted for trying to sext minors, so he makes up a story about how he was saving her from her dad or some shit like that and then he got busted, had his computer taken away and whatnot. After getting busted he troons out and gets to make guest posts for Dogpatch.
- He might just be reposting what he finds elsewhere.
- I did some digging into Mangcho last night and found a segment from an article he wrote, talking about a sergal who ran a gofundme-type scam a year ago.
- Somehow I don't think we're dealing with a giant autist here. He clearly knows what he's doing and with what CIA Nigger posted, I suspect there are operatives working from within to undermine the sadist network.
- The scissors icon next to the Zeta symbol doesn't fill me with a lot of hope.
- Shadowwoof speaking about "zoo" and... animal consent...
- So, Shadowwoof had a very brief stay in a bestiality forum, in which he apparently only made 2 posts from a guest view of his account page. There, he lists his location as Outside US/Canada. I know there's no reason for him to be honest regarding his location on that forum, but if I take the Canada thing at face value, that means he's probably somewhere in Ontario. I say this because while the classic sonnuvabitch fire ants are found in the Southern US, the species myrmica rubra (European Fire Ant) is a similar-looking "fire ant" that is native to Europe and had become an invasive species throughout the northeastern US and southeastern Canada.
- I think we got his Telegram. It's got the Zeta symbol and everything.
- JF always argues that people are innocent regardless of evidence. I think he does it because multiple people have took him to court for being scum in one way or another. In his warped mind since he was never convicted for these, eg coaxing a young mentally exceptional girl away from her family to make baybeez that means he was completely innocent, and even though the judge said he could've been charged he dindu nuffin and the entire legal system is corrupt instead. If you've accurately described JF's arguments he is a massive dumb dumb when it comes to tech.
- Telegram is no longer blocked in Iran, the ban only lasted for 7 weeks from April until they lifted it. From what I've read Iran bans it whenever going through hard times, usually a few times a year to prevent protests but they usually lift it a few weeks after. I agree with all your other points though, JF's should stick to biology.
- Is there a way to find out any other times Telegram was banned in Iran?
- I think we should have a community watch on these people.
- CoreyTheWolfTWC real name is Steward Nichols so it appears.
- Woof/Shadowwoof would be in his mid-twenties by now. There's a (private) steam account that's gone by Shadowwoof for years, but shadows and wolves both are in the same sort kid/teen demographic so that username might not be the most unique thing in the world. Without being able to see the profile in public mode, I can't confirm it's the same person. Other (empty) accounts by that name all seems to share the US as the listedl ocation, though.
- Do you have a source for this? I can totally believe it, and I would be surprised if this fucker DIDN'T have a mental illness. I'm just not sure if this is used as an identifier at all.
- this r/zoophilia archive: u/shadowwoof (
- younger brother (who is heavily allergic to animal danders) from the United States in 2015 him being 14/15 was "a few years ago" He also posted a google survey to r/zoophilia (that one of you people must have archived a few minutes ago; sry for stealing your content) but afaik there's no way to glean his google account from it, is there?
- Older posts of his also seem to be saved at this r/zoophilia archive: u/shadowwoof (
- younger brother (who is heavily allergic to animal danders) from the United States in 2015 him being 14/15 was "a few years ago"
- So could this mean that Shadowwoof and Woof actually are two different personalities stuck in one man’s body?
- What else did Woof say about Shadowwoof? Has it been posted earlier in this thread?
- Only anecdotal evidence from watching tumblrites pin their badges on themselves. It's either DID or shadowwoof is advertising that they are a sumbissive in their community. Judging by their comments archived in the previous pages, you could probably flip a coin and be half right at this point.
- But, yeah, it's (s) as in plural(s) or (s) as in (s)&(M).
- I'd wondered about posting that archive; it lines up with his age in the two posts made on beastforum as well.
- The facebook I don't feel confident about - there are other people using the handle after all (the vrchat one, probably also the fanfiction one) - and whether shadowwoof actually is Woof is something I don't know as I have no intention of looking at those message logs).
- Why not? it does seem to be the same shadowwoof as everywhere else and there's no reason to assume that archive to be faked.
- The facebook I don't feel confident about (and whether shadowwoof actually is Woof from the logs is something I don't know as I have no intention of looking at those message logs).
- So far we have a name Steward Nichols and D.O.B. April 11th 1997.
- Looking through the chatlogs 'Woof' states that 'Shadowwoof' is a different person, and is supposedly also 'Extremely Dangerous'. That judgement, coming from Woof, is absolutely terrifying.
- I sincerely doubt Woof has real DID. He strikes me as somebody using it as an excuse for his psychopathic behavior or trying to come across as edgy and mysterious.
- I wanna see if he has the balls to try and argue that in court.
- Hello, I don't know if this will provide any leads to CoreyTheWolfTWC.
- Hello, I don't know if this will provide any leads to shadowwoof.
- But these are the picture of the places he has been to, pictures are 8 years old tho.
- Edit: No correlation between image and shadowwoof. Claim is incorrect.
- Puppy fucker CoreyTheWolfTWC's Steam page from Google's cache. Page has since been deleted. He also uses the online moniker Puppy Fenrir. Is it possible to archive Google archived pages?
- u/PuppyFenrir (can't use as the profile is marked NSFW)
- There is a way to view the logs without the images, thank fucking Christ for that mercy.
- While I think there is a connection between Woof and shadowwoof, I'm fairly certain they are two different people based on the context of how shadowwoof is mentioned in the chat logs.
- Also it may be pertinent to give the "NSFL/may be illegal in your state/country tag.
- Looks like he has a RP FB account LMFAO. It gives a probable location, too.
- It's because google with google search I get this. And this link takes me to this user.
- They still show up as attachments. Thanks. Thanks for the dog vagina.
- But now we got a new name, Coates. Possible last name?
- This may also help. It's the Telegram group link to remaining members of the zoophileforum mentioned in the Google Forms survey.
- I don't think so. This was the full quote: "I know shadowwoof. I have talked with him on alt acc and he is extremely dangerous". The mention of an alt account is what makes me think they are two different people.
- ( and its other domains are shitting themselves on my end so I'm providing screens)
- I'm not entirely sure. I'm working the shadowwoof angle as well, and I think it may be a ruse intended to fool.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Spoiler to condense, also NSFW photograph First, I came across the tumblr with a "Zoo Community Survey" that mentions "zoophileforums" as a possible referral to have reached the survey.
- Then, I hit upon a myspace page with the "shadowwoof" handle and photos of a Rottweiler. In the Telegram photos, he says he raped a Rottweiler with chili and provides an image. The dog in these photos is female.
- It says he's over 36 years old? Has he been posing as a kid?
- His idea of dangerous might also mean "more likely to rat." But the possibility of this other dude predating on adult humans is still concerning.
- Double spoiler or hyperlink that shit nigger. I don't think anyone else in this thread has embedded actual dog vagina and you don't want to be the first one.
- Hi, just a tiny thing nobody has mentioned yet I think.
- Theres a Twitch account called "WooferDoggo", might possibly be Corey as well, but not much on there:
- Possibly more interesting: that account changed names in May from "amercerbfc". Another username maybe?
- ”I may have to start taking things even more seriously despite it being at max level.”
- It says he's over 36 years old and a member for over 7 years, his FA says he's 19 y/o and D.O.B. on another sites is shown as 1997. I guess he signed up to Gaybeast as a minor. No wonder he's fucked in the head exposed to that shit at an early age.
- His idea of dangerous might also mean "more likely to rat."
- I'm not so sure how to interpret these chats, but we do have another confirmation for Florida.
- What I'm saying is, I think he's some 40-year-old with an alter-ego. How he types like an idiot, like a kid, it's just an act. There's got to be more dirt on this freak.
- It's because google with google search I get this.
- I stumbled upon his pinterest account (thought the tattoo ideas might be a good thing to save in case his has gotten any of these)
- Not sure why it has him as over 36 on this site, but yeah. At the end of google results, wasn't expecting to stumble upon this kind of stuff. I cropped the picture early, then figured it would be better to get everything just in case.
- Edit: Someone beat me to it while working up the courage to post, sorry bout that
- If "woof" and "shadow_woof" are the same person, and the dismemberment videos are actually produced by them, then this guy is definitely not a kid. His hands are way too big. So I think him being older is more probable than a kid pretending to be an adult.
- Though it is interesting that the potential birthday for Corey puts him in the age range shadow probably occupies.
- I guess more searching is required, he's been dumb enough to use the same monikers for his online activities so maybe he's posted his real details somewhere.
- His FA, there was another CoreyTWC but it's been deactivated and is not cached on Google.
- I must have missed something. Is there a connection between Corey and Woof?
- I'm getting confused about this too. Was thinking Corey is someone completely different, but woof/shadowwoof might be the same person
- My understanding is that Corey's fursuit is featured in one of the dogfucker videos in the RAR archive, according to Sockpuppet of Doom. He can correct me if I'm wrong. He didn't say who uploaded it to the telegram, though.
- 2017: Safety Harbor, Florida (thanks @John Wick) 2015: Oldsmar, Florida (thanks @Kurtains) before 2013: 5 Galley Ln, Ocean Pines MD - see this post (thanks @zedkissed60): picture (thanks @Analog); corrobation (thanks @sadpope) Possible family (don't take this for more than educated speculation):
- Corey trying to groom some kid and being not very successful at it in 2012 (thanks @John Wick):
- (Not sure where I can upload the MP4 of the video)
- This is getting confusing, here's all information I've seen in this thread on
- @Kurtains found is from 2015 (Oldsmar), and the Pornhub I found is from 2017 (Safety Harbor). I think he lists somewhat factual information on porn sites, because he wants to fuck around (meet locals) by using them as a proxy.
- Safety Harbor, West coast florida.. Nice place to watch the sun set over the ocean.
- I'm really disappointed that image searches on his profile pictures don't yield better results, he uses the same ones everywhere.
- There are some deleted CoreyTWC accounts that still show up in search results but have been purged from the google cache:
- In any case its a bit odd your very first post was "friend sent me information about Mangcho" and most of posts so far are about him in one way or another, are you yet another altfurry sock? What do you have to gain from shilling some tradfurry autist?
- Has anyone noticed yet that Woof appears to have Firefox set to Spanish language mode? He's not using the Tor browser, either, so a record of his real IP is probably present in the server logs.
- It's photo_1.jpg in woof.rar (Woof/photos/photo_1.jpg) found in Woof/messages.html (attached, SFW.)
- ”Christian is a cool guy and a great friend, and he needs your support and guidance. Don't abandon him.”
- that does match up since florida has a big spanish speaking population.
- Not convinced that the twitch account is him, sorry @SamSong - but he is very consistent in his profile pictures and that one doesn't match at all.
- Spanish speaking population. Looks like this is his personal email. His friends circle consists of seven people, two people with the surname Magana. Mom and brother? One guy named Trey Bourne. I think I'm onto something, he's not even white.
- Had to use a sceenshot capture program and then archive it from there
- I found a soundcloud account under the name wolfboi but the location is listed in dallas TX don't know if it's him or not just posting it to be safe.the guy even looks hispanic but archives hates the url so I cant archive it sadly
- So, I found a second Google+ account (Wolf Boi) and in its circles there's some guy named Enrique Magana who has a conversation with Corey on his youtube:
- (I saved the video but don't know where to upload it - help?)
- I've already checked these so far. None of these match up with the cheap bowls and metal spoons, if it helps.
- Think it's safe to say if there's any other branches of the ones below, they will have the same bowls / spoons etc..
- I'm starting to believe the place is mostly a food shack near the coast. Latino populated? Seems viable, Woof might even speak spanish if he has his Firefox settings on that language.
- Wolf Boi icon on google plus matches with Corey icon on steam.
- Corey definitely has an adult voice in 2012 (also: "whatever they call it nowadays"). Super creepy but it's kinda satisfying to see that no matter how much he tries to get the kid interested in mature fanart and his "crazy" friends, the boy only cares for bad memes. Can't even get him to ask about Corey's artwork despite baiting super hard.
- There's also a guy he's connected to who goes by psman14123 that's friends with Enrique as well.
- (... in contrast to most of his friends, that is.)
- New Can't find any Steward Nichols on facebook. But this guy was on Corey's furry fb and it looks like he is also friends....with a totally locked down Steward Nichols. Lives in Maryland
- Don't know if this has been posted with CoreytheDogfucker, but
- Can't find any Steward Nichols on facebook. But this guy was on Corey's furry fb and it looks like he is also friends....with a totally locked down Steward Nichols. Lives in Maryland
- The other friend who posted in the group was Akreon-X and Corey drew his fursona in his FA account.
- His idea of dangerous might also mean "more likely to rat.".
- Edit: at one stage in their conversation, Woof sends Snek/Nith/Zoodonym a set of four videos and stresses that they must not be shared publicly because his face is visible in one of them. Presumably Zoodonym still has possession of this video. Perhaps he could be persuaded to release this image?
- Also lived in Maryland. The only son of steward o nichols lived in Maryland and has quite a fucking court record. Basically all assault or assault/battery.
- His current address is listed on white pages as being in Oldsmar, FL 325 Fairwood Court Oldsmar, FL 34677
- Absolute speculation at this point, but possible this is his grandpa or dad(nope), depending on which age is correct. Also lived in Maryland and Oldsmar FL during timeframes that match up with the dogfucker's story.
- EDIT TO UPDATE: steward moved to oldsmar, florida in 2012 with kathryn nichols and donna kay nichols, whose address is easily accessible thru public record.
- It says he's over 36 years old and a member for over 7 years, his FA says he's 19 y/o and D.O.B. on another site is shown as 1997. I guess he signed up to Gaybeast as a minor. No wonder he's fucked in the head exposed to that shit at an early age.
- There was another furry who was out of his mind who claimed to be nineteen. Though my assumption for Woof it’s less being delusional and more trying to throw people off. It’s not working.
- So is woof the same person as CoreyTWC or are they friends?
- Well, I've found an obituary for a Steward O Nichols with 1 son, multiple daughters, and tons of grandkids and great-grandkids.
- Also lived in Maryland. The only son (and the one who would retain that last name for his kids) lived in Maryland and has quite a fucking court record. Basically all assault or assault/battery.
- Absolute speculation at this point, but possible this is his grandpa or dad, depending on which age is correct. Also lived in Maryland and Oldsmar FL during timeframes that match up with the dogfucker's story.
- Gale F Nichols seems to be the mother, late 70s, still alive.
- May you please post the original image URL? I want to try something.
- I'm trying to match up the interior, I think the place he went for ice cream at, was somewhere in Florida. Blue tables, blue table-cloth anyway. This seems to be the only ice cream place in Ocean Pines.
- Game over. I'm going to find his place using maps.
- I probably missed it because so much shit is going by each second in this thread, but what’s the evidence that CoreyTheWolfTWC is Woof?
- Wonder if Sephius, the bow-hunter, has much of a taste for venison.... Or a tattoo.
- There is if you download it from the source rather than Kiwifarms. Then it only displays info related to the host.
- You can also see how the house in the distance is the same.
- Do be careful though, the image was published in 2010. 8 years is a long time.
- screenshot) and have Oldsmar as a location for 2015. This is just one piece of the puzzle.
- No worries, we know from his deviantart that he had moved somewhere else by 2013 (screenshot) and have Oldsmar as a location for 2015. This is just one piece of the puzzle.
- In the glowfox thread we discovered that glowfox had used the real name of his boyfriend lipe in some places. I wouldn't exclude the possibility that Steward Nichols is a younger relative of Corey.
- The source is a Telegram conversation. Any pictures sent through Telegram are re-encoded, destroying any metadata in the process.
- The current owner seems to be a guy named Steven Clairday... So, they're definitely in Florida. Oldsmar or Safety Harbor. Need to find an ice cream shop, blue tables, maybe a blue exterior design.
- No, the owner is Steven Wayne Nichols, Jr (age 70). His primary address is in Laurel MD.
- Steven's sister, Donna (age 69), lives in Oldsmar FL.
- The email address Steward uses on Flickr ( is associated in people search databases with one of his relatives.
- but what appears to be the original leakers(?) have made a new Telegram channel and are steadily releasing more files on more individuals involved in this shit-show along with answering questions through a burner account.
- What I've noticed is that mats in Woofs ice cream photos have a mountain on them, so either the name of the shop is after a mountain, or it has a mountain theme.
- But if Woof is Corey, then we are probably looking for a shop in Safety Harbor or Oldsmar, not Ocean Pines.
- If you have social engineering chops, I think it's time to trick the elderly mother into giving away her psychopath son's home address.
- Some possible reinforcement for location being in Florida. On his associated soundcloud (one of many accounts he's clearly emptied sometime ago), he has a single follower left. They're in Florida.
- I have no clue if Kaittycat is in any way linked other than some friendship of undiscerned amount and a few art pieces they did for each other, some of which involving cock vore, if you want some funny degenerate stuff that isn't just some horrific shit. I say this because I have nothing to connect him to Woof. Kaitty seems to have a decent-sized following to my knowledge, but I don't know much about him other than a cutesy art style and some weird but harmless fetish art. The only incriminating things I could find were his connection to Lamiaaaa, and even then, I have no clue how close the two are. Lamiaaaa, however, while probably uninvolved with this zoosadist shit, is honestly worth a thread, however anemic it may be considering their only shit worth discussing I've found is their artwork and extreme fetishes. I don't have anything connecting them to irl heinous acts.
- Not sure if this is in any way connected to this zoosadist stuff, but figured I'd lay some groundwork just in case.
- Is there a time and date for Woof's power outage stuff? Maybe it would be easier to figure out if he's in Florida or Maryland that way. It seems like Ocean Pines seems to keep a pretty decent record of their power outages.
- ”I might actually look back at my days on here and empty a 12-gauge into my mouth.”
- Been a lurker for a while, and this thread compelled me to finally sign up. Jesus.
- Have gone through the entire thread and haven't seen this mentioned (unless I'm being a fucking idiot and missed it), but what appears to be the original leakers(?) have made a new Telegram channel and are steadily releasing more files on more individuals involved in this shit-show along with answering questions through a burner account. They are currently even forwarding more messages to this channel that can actively be traced to Kero's deleted account now, like right at this moment in time.
- I'm not going to download anymore of this putrid shit myself, but there may be information pertaining to more of the pedos involved in this now. I'm not sure what the Mr.Bitchtits and Sangie Nativus rars contain, but I figure that it's likely as equally (if not more) disgusting as everything already known and obtained.
- View attachment 547596 View attachment 547597 View attachment 547598 View attachment 547599 View attachment 547600 View attachment 547601 View attachment 547602 View attachment 547603
- Tell him to get over here and post his evidence where people without telegram can see it. I can't be arsed to make an account
- Don't get me wrong, this has been really funny to watch unfold, but I am curious what you guys are gonna do if you find the ice cream parlor. Stake it out?
- here is everything I could find out about Sephius Rivendare AT
- Proof is in the Sephius.pdf along with all the archives (including his whole furaffinity gallery) I wrote everything down as I investigated (that's why I wasn't sure at the beginning with certain relations, so I connected them there)
- just noticed that one empty site slipped between the sephius.pdf so don't wonder about that
- All right. So to summarize the degenerates in this thread so far -
- Sephius Rivendare - dog rape and sadism, doxxed CoreyTWC - dog rape in a video uploaded, ?woof Emberwolf - dog rape Kero - dog rape, doxxed Glowwolf - dog rape, doxxed SnakeThing - cheerleader?
- Those who went through the archive can fill in more details
- A confirmed approximate location can be used to eliminate and focus our search.
- There's a very good chance that our quarry has been keeping himself apprised of this very thread. Null could grep through the server logs for any guests with an IP from that area who have taken a particular interest in this thread. Or we could examine all of his known associates' social media accounts for any friends or friends of friends in that area, with special attention given to any recently deleted profiles.
- In addition to the power outage on the night of 05/30/2018 and the EST timezone, we also have mention of a "big thunderstorm" on 07/30/18 at 18:05 EST.
- Unless I'm missing something huge there's no reason to be treating wolf and corey as the same people. Why are we looking for wolf in Corey's locations?
- The address has me a bit puzzled because Imst is really not that big and the street he lives in seems to begin with an ascender then 1-2 other letters and then two identical descenders (almost certainly "gg") and I haven't been able to find anything that matches so far (e.g. "Langgasse" or "Laggersweg" would be pretty good matches for the first few letters but is way too short). The house number seems to be a "4".
- I can't open the second archive (the guy is implicated to be a pedophile in those logs if I read it right) for some reason. Anyone else?
- Here's archives of his pages, just in case (most of which have been archived in the past at some point anyway and not really changed since):
- Hey, we need separate thread for woofer. This thread is becoming clusterfuck.
- There was something earlier in the thread about weapons, so I have this bit to add: Coreythedogfucker posted something about guns in 2012 through his DA. He sold them around 2015. (Edit: he traded the black and white for a&k m249 SAW and 3 m4 mags. He mentions as well about soldering, which kind of confirms the blacksmith thing)
- He also has a Planet Minecraft account, which also confirms that the WooferDog YT account is his.
- And his Twitter bio did say something about him being a blacksmith. Idfk, here, have this pic of him being cringy asf.
- I just want to inject some brightness into this thread because I for one and feeling hopeless and sick. If you want to do something to help animals, I recommend donating to your local animal shelter that helps the animals in your own community. You don't even need to donate volunteer time or money, you probably have items lying around your house that an animal shelter would get a lot of use out of.
- 1. Pet food and treats– A lot of the shelter’s money goes towards buying food. Think about how many animals there are to feed there. You can really help them out by bringing in a few cans or bag of food. It goes a long way. Search online for coupons so you can get a good deal.
- 2. Towels and blankets– Shelters are often cold and animals like to have a blanket to curl up on. Towels are a big help to dry animals off after being bathed or if they come in wet. Towels can also be used to line the bottoms of cages. The towels or blankets don’t have to be brand new or in perfect condition. The animals won’t mind., as long as they’re usable.
- 3. Kitty litter and cat boxes– Cats go to the bathroom- a lot. Shelters are constantly using bag after bag of litter. Their supply runs out fast.
- 4. Puppy or kitten formula and nursing bottles– Sometimes there are situations where a young puppy or kitten who is not weaned gets separated from their mother. In these situations they need puppy or kitten formula to survive.
- 5. Old newspaper– When you’re done with your newspapers you usually just throw them away or recycle them, right? You could help animals at no cost to you if you just save up your old newspapers. Newspapers are used in the bottoms of cages. They get soiled quickly, so they’re in constant demand.
- 6. Collars, harnesses, and leashes– Dogs who are taken out on walks need a leash and collar or harness. The shelter loses some because adopted dogs often go home with their leash or harness.
- 7. Grooming supplies– Grooming supplies can include shampoo, brushes, combs, haircutting scissors, etc. Dogs and cats often come in dirty or end up getting dirty. Grooming supplies can keep them fresh, clean, and adoptable.
- 8. Toys– You would get bored if you had to lay in a crate alone all day, wouldn’t you? Animals in shelters get bored, too. It keeps the animals from being so lonely and bored and allows them to get exercise. You could go out and buy new toys, or you could donate toys your pets or children may have not gotten much use out of. It’s as simple as that.
- 9. Crates and carriers– Animals need to be transported somehow, and the cost of multiple crates and carriers can add up quickly. You can donate ones you stopped using that are still in good condition or you could go buy one for a decent price. This helps the shelter tremendously.
- 10. Paper towels and cleaning supplies– There are a lot of situations that get messy, so paper towels are a big help.
- 11. Hand wash and hand sanitizer– People who work at shelters need to keep their hands clean for their and the animals’ health.
- 12. Laundry detergent, fabric softener, and bleach– Towels and blankets get soiled often so the washing machines are being used a lot.
- 13. Dog and cat beds and dog houses– this can offer the animals a soft place to lay instead of a kennel or cage floor.
- 14. Flea and tick treatment– A lot of animals go through the shelters and they often have fleas or ticks.
- 15. Heating pads– Many animals come in cold or are young and need warmth. Heating pads can replace a mother’s warmth.
- 16. Copy paper and pens, pencils, post-it notes and staples– You can’t forget about all the paperwork that has to be done. Donating these items makes it so the shelter doesn’t have to buy them on their own.
- 17. Garbage bags, mops, brooms, and sponges– The shelter uses these every day and clean up supplies can get expensive.
- 18. Food bowls– As new animals come in, the shelter needs new places to put food. Having an adequate supply could mean life or death for an animal in a shelter.
- 19. Rubber and latex gloves– A lot of messy stuff happens and gloves are necessary to lessen the spread of germs.
- 20. Plastic shopping bags– Plastic bags can be used to clean up dog mess and to store things in.
- Cosmos Soldier of Love and Bitching on the Internet Supervisor True & Honest Fan
- Alright, first interesting finds from the Mr. Bitchtits logs.
- Once again puppy rape images. Not gonna look at that fucking shit They talk about some "Aussie" friend of Snake catching and raping foxes (fuck this fucking scum shits). Probably referring to the Austrian guy here, but isn't that term typically reserved for Australians?
- Most importantly, Bitchtits seems to be another ringleader/group admin. They also talk about shadow as a leader, I'd guess this refers to shadowwoof.
- Right now Glowfox is trying to clean his name in his thread. In case you might want to also tackle that situation too.
- A French potato masher who calls himself a journalist made an hour long dreaded stream:
- Shep nuts phone number, would be great if someone can possibly verify it, (775) 434-8283
- He can come into this thread and defend himself. He's over 18.
- A small tidbit about Patrick Pauger (Sephius) that wasn't explicitly mentioned in the PDF. His boyfriend (Keltius) mentions in the youtube video that he trains with BSV Avalon in Kirchberg (about 1.5h from Imst; the club seems to specialize in 3D archery) and one of Sephius' FA posts is promotional material for Bogensport GIGL in Kirchberg (the shop also has an indoor 3D range).
- Not especially useful information as far as I can tell but as archery is such a huge theme with them, I thought I'd write it down.
- ”The last time they pull something like this I wound up in a mental hospital”
- The doxxing efforts in this thread are next level. Kudos guys.
- That there seem to be two g in the name and the only one remotely resembles it is Langgasse
- I even tried to play with contrast and saturation etc... but couldn't really figure anything out beside that it seemed to me that the last part is "Top 4"
- but all in all not enough to identify, now I tried again and bingo!
- Marco sold something online and thank god google cache had it still:
- I also found a real estate agency that sold a flat in the same building, but I halso had to save it from google cache, so pic details and format is lost...
- Been looking into Kale a little bit, and it's possible that he has a Kik - Kaleshep. I'm sure it's him because of his connection with white shepherds and shit.
- Corey seems like he also has one, but I am not sure if it's him yet. Will update if it is him.
- Marco sold something online and thank god google cache had it still
- Since we're on the topic of Craigslist, never put any animal for adoption on Craigslist ever. Dog fighters like to get their stock from Craigslist because the owners are dumb normies who don't have the whereabouts to consider the person they're handing a puppy off to might just feed it to an agitated Saint Bernard and it happens all the time.
- never just give away livestock, it just makes it cheaper, easier, and more appealing for horrific people like this to acquire them. Always give a large fee, yes I know you want to give the animal to a loving home but when you attach a fee it will scare away the degenerates more. There is a reason these chat logs recommended craigslist. The more of a fuss it takes to adopt a dog the less likely a degenerate will give the effort for it.
- The (s) stands for someone with "others"/multiple personalities/DID
- I am unfamiliar with how craigslist operates, but is it possible to try find dogs that look similar to those abused in craglist ads? For example, we know the date images of these animals were uploaded, and if we have a general idea of the state that the abuser was in then we can look through the craigslist ads in that state around the time it was uploaded; possibly this could give us leads? Though it would take a lot of effort.
- (Dog postings on Craigslist also have the bothersome habit of often not stating what kind of animal they're giving away in the subject line. Something like "sweet boy" is common in the pet postings. So filtering posts that specifically say "dog" might mean you miss a lot- making the search even harder)
- Other content from the Bitchtits logs includes mention of raccoons, deers, and drugging dogs. There also seems to be another pic of glowfox' boyfriend in there, but I won't dare to look through the photos.
- Bitchtits also seems to have been in a relationship with someone called "Cupid" around June 2017, and a guy named "darkfox" was rejected from their group in July 2017 and stirred up some drama against Bitchtits following that.
- There's also mention of some guy called "SireWoof" being into this shit, who is a friend of Bitchtits and added to the group:
- Sadly, timestamps don't add up and this does not seem to be Woof, who was introduced into the group two months earlier.
- I also just realized: the earlier mention of "shadow" in those logs was from 2017. Woof and SnakeThing, according to the logs, got introduced in February 2018. I.e. assuming shadow = shadowwoof, Woof and shadowwoof can't be the same person.
- They also talk about booking a cabin in the woods for a big Zoosadist meetup, as well as Bitchtits living "close to Cali" and not far from SnakeThing. There's also mention of some sashabelle/SethPup, but it is not clear if that's someone from that group or not. In either case, the log has nudes of that person.
- EDIT: Other posters placed Ember in Colorado, but in this chat he's showing SnakeThing a dog on Seattle Craigslist to "share" in a hotel room. Blegh.
- No, "✄ζ(s)Ⓐ" shows shadowwoof's sense of humor: not only does he modify the vanilla zoophile ζ to indicate zoosadism by adding an "(s)", he makes a reference to the Riemann zeta function in doing so. I wouldn't jump to conclusions rgd him having a maths education but he sure likes to show off.
- Seriously, these people deserve only bullets, they'd jerk off to anything else.
- Edit: This degenerate actually has alt-twitter, with fursuit porn, archived too.
- And I wouldn't be impressed if he does some sick shit
- Christ... imagine your dog being stolen and while searching for it in the woods you find its mangled and raped corpse.
- that low on the ladder. Imagine getting off to something so much that you near enough give yourself away for the sake of nutting. Can't be that worth it.
- If I had to guess, probably something to do with castration/neutering. You know, snip snip - scissors.
- Rottweilers are exceedingly common on Craigslist, and it's hard to distinguish individuals within a breed unfortunately. The screencaps that have been posted here look like a lot of dogs I've seen on craigslist honestly.
- If you want to try this it's going to be a lot of work. If that archive data is even still available, tons of dogs are listed on Craigslist per city every day. You would be best off if your scope is narrower than a whole state- a state's worth of dog postings would be an incredible amount of data to go through.
- Hopefully it will give more clues to who and where woof is and where he lives. It'll be easier to make sure if this is who he is. This guy needs to reported to the authorities or the media once sufficient information is collected, if anything can be followed through with. At least I hope that's what happens with it.
- ”Users of Kiwi Farms have no agenda other than to dig up more information on active social media users and laugh about it.”
- He went to meetup in Seattle and listed his hometown as Seattle and his current location as Aurora, CO. That's right next to Denver.
- His location is Kirkland, WA which is a suburb of Seattle. There's Emberwolf Films in Denver but not convinced it's related.
- While looking into stuff on Kale, it looks like he's been mentioned by a shaddy VPN service called ZPN. Probably not a link to anything, but I'll post it here if anyone is interested.
- His Weasyl is a dead end besides a couple of related people that he added. Kinda figured since he's been in full lockdown mode like digivolve.
- isn't that term typically reserved for Australians?
- Emberwolf deleted his Twitter but poked around a few other places.
- Userpage of emberwolf -- Fur Affinity net.jpg File size:
- Having visited Animals Dark Paradise before it's closure, I can say that many of the videos in these archives are many years old. The dogs weren't just craigslist buys either, as stated by the users: some were kennel adopts or merely stolen.
- Speaking of Animals Dark Paradise, if anyone has an archive of it (it's a .onion for anyone wondering.), perhaps it's userbase and posts can be scoped for relevant accounts that may belong to the culprits? It's very clear that they used it, with a good number of their videos coming from there; perhaps posted there by themselves. Never thought I'd see that site have a possible place in's a small fuckin' world. Of course, they may not provide valuable info besides more knowledge of their escapades.
- drunk "Jedi master" B grade hero from a B grade video game
- has a backup of his Fur Affinity page from 2015 that has a bunch of other account names:
- It's possible we have an old photo of his on ebay:
- If he graduated in 2013, that means he'd be about 23 now which is what is in his Twitter bio. So he graduated high school in Nebraska, went to college in Seattle or Kirkland, and now lives in Aurora.
- Also adding this tweet thanks to @Warsmith Kroeger
- Could you add a short pointer how you arrived at that conclusion? Thanks.
- Also can't just one of these guys be straight... (at least as far as humans are concerned)
- In addition to that, some of the chat cap in this thread have censored caps from crush porn videos. Crush porn itself was made illegal in the US in 2010 with the passing of H.R. 5566, the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act. I'm no suit dummy lawyer, but I don't know if that could get the feds sniffing around this shitshow.
- I am so glad to hear that it's illegal on the federal level, but nauseated to know it's considered pornography.
- Managed to open the Sangie Nativus archive. There's about 50 files of logs in there, spanning about three years. No images, though
- It does not seem like there's a lot of animal torture in there, but instead pedophilia. Some excerpts from messages48:
- Are there more usernames in this? If so, can you post a list of them?
- Why? I'd love to know! How though, I made the mistake of exploring these kinda sites some time ago out of autistic curiosity. All comes back quite easily.
- Never know when such weird knowledge might become useful.
- ”Should a portion break, put it back together with KrazyGlue.”
- Looking through the chats and threads, it looks like SnakeThing is the pivot man for a lot of this. Almost every chat we see SnakeThing instigating or upping the ante on everything.
- In this convo it sounds like the friend knows SnakeThing personally (approved friend to visit by family) which lines up with the new chat where Sangie mentions talking to SnakeThing's mom. Also said he sent the friend photos of his sister's kids. I think there was another mention of a friend that had been to prison for CP by Snakething that could be the same person, but I don't remember where in the thread right now.
- InkedFur, a wesbite that sells prints of furry art, body pillows, comics, and books. A portion of sells go to creators. They have a yelp page too.
- I still haven't found the shop yet but the table mats seems to be mountain themed and looking at the letters that we could see there is an "H" which could spell out the word Himalaya which would fit with the theme.
- Sangie is the creator and lead admin of InkedFur, a wesbite that sells prints of furry art, body pillows, comics, and books. A portion of sells go to creators. They have a yelp page too.
- InkFur's address is PO Box 140423 Austin, TX 78714 United States
- Inkedfur also had some allegations of infringing on works awhile ago, too
- LinkedIn page. Not sure if it archived but here's a link to the page. He worked at BioWare.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: LinkedIn Screenshot View attachment 547992
- I also found his other twitter account. It's @djnativus. He hasn't used it since 2017. Archive of twitter is here.
- disgusting - I've never felt this nauseated just reading something before, ugh. The icing on the cake that this whole scenario with the 9yr old (unless it was all just a bs fantasy, which I really hope it is) happened right under the mom's nose. It makes you wonder how many lives this zoo ring has fucked over just for the sake of getting off
- Double Dragon a streetfighting beat 'em up, but much nastier
- Edit: Added spoiler because post takes up too much space.
- Fucking disgusting - I've never felt this nauseated just reading something before, ugh. The icing on the cake that this whole scenario with the 9yr old (unless it was all just a bs fantasy, which I really hope it is) happened right under the mom's nose. It makes you wonder how many lives this zoo ring has fucked over just for the sake of getting off
- I think I agree with the previous posters who mentioned it might just be "We're Hiring"
- I do see it but you never know hopefully we get the big bad woof we've already found the others.
- Record #3 is all the way back in December 2006, he spent a year and got out in November 2007.
- James 'Sangie Nativus' Christopher Hoyt, twice convicted pedophile, lives by Reagan High School in Austin, Texas.
- I never planned to go to Spain anyway, JB porn is illegal there.
- It has to be a bs fantasy. If I saw James Christopher Hoyt, I would be scared of him. No nine year old wants this. Nobody wants this.
- James 'Sangie Nativus' Hoyt lives in Austin, Texas. His address is 7108 Creekside Dr, APT C Austin, TX 78752-2159.
- While the sadistic cruelty against animals represented by the practice and philosophy of zoophilia is sickening and haunting to the core, its easy to forget that there are a lot of human victims of this stuff as well, as there are deep links between zoophilia, and abuse against humans involving pedophilia, sexual domestic abuse, and sex slavery, with all three of those categories often leading to the production and distribution of zoophilia porn featuring human abuse victims being made to perform degrading acts with animals, which is why I'm so deeply relieved the unidentified person who was targeted by Marl and friends was able to avoid being dragged into the underground extreme porn industry, as teens lured to remote locations by "friendly" adults are often targets of this.
- I've only gotten to message file 5, and what I've read is sickening, SnakeThings was grooming his 9 year old cousin FOR Sangie because he liked him, making him look at pictures of Sangie, and the like+Snake grooming a 14 year old, and Sangie meeting up with a 17 year old when he was 35. Don't know why he hasn't gone into hiding, he's still active on twitter. This sicko seems to think he's safe, but hopefully after this he is dragged in the dirt.
- Yeah. Have been looking through countless Yelp photos of interiors etc but the main problem is we haven't narrowed the location far enough.
- Looking at sources, it looks like he (James pedo Hoyt) has lived in more than one state. Inkedfur also has a Yelp page as well, somewhat showing how they do some of their prints.
- Does anyone know any more info on SnakeThing? So far from what I've read, he does/at one point lived in Myrtle Point Oregon with his grandparents, there's first name confirmation, and a picture of his fugly mug. Even finding out a last name would be incredibly helpful.
- Color me moralfag but I'm trying to compile as much shit that I can (as if there weren't already copious amounts of evidence already) so I can report him to local authorities.
- Also, this. Last I checked the sneaky fucker dirty deleted the whole post.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Sephius claiming he wasn't involved, then gets his balls exposed
- I won't be surprised if it isn't on any map due to the tableware, must be an incredibly small business. It might not be solely an ice cream place either, it sells some kind of cake or pie.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: From his chatlog with SnakeThing
- They're trying to tag every popufur for attention.
- I did a little more digging and found 3 records on him, all with the same court case listed. Here's record #1 (the one posted above but uncensored and with the case number):
- Record #2 is a few months back in February of 2008:
- Don't wanna sound autistic but If people are looking for the ice cream shop angle, please take note to prevent false leads.
- It's not a chain like Baskin Robins. It's a low rent joint, possible a mom and pop place.
- Chains use plastic spoons and styrofoam or paper cups /bowls, usually with their brand on it. This place uses metal spoons and what look like dollar store plastic bowls.
- The Tables are either a very dark blue or black. The blue is the table mats.
- The bowls are probably the strongest giveaway. Check photos of the shop and their product in google maps / facebook if they have an FB page.
- I posted the ones I checked on post #925 I'm gonna try again for a few hours shortly.
- When I started checking cafes, I noticed that a lot of cafes and diners also offer homemade pie and ice cream. The ice cream you see in the photos seems to be custard based, and the presentation and construction of the pies leads me to believe that they are not the "bread and butter" of the restaurant serving it. It's most likely an american style restaurant that focuses on cheap food.
- here's something I picked up about the snake guy. evidently the locals "are made aware" of him.
- ”This site is on a doxxing rampage so we don't want to draw attention to them.”
- I've been searching yelp photos for matching tableware in several different geographic locations. I've noticed that dessert oriented restaurants all have tableware to match the services there. (i.e. nice plates and bowls, because that's all they serve.) When I started checking cafes, I noticed that a lot of cafes and diners also offer homemade pie and ice cream. The ice cream you see in the photos seems to be custard based, and the presentation and construction of the pies leads me to believe that they are not the "bread and butter" of the restaurant serving it. It's most likely an american style restaurant that focuses on cheap food.
- TLDR; check really shitty cafes and diners for that weird plastic tableware and advertisements on the tables.
- Agreed, however once you have chain stores knocked off the list it, reduces the number of spots to check on the peninsula by a large factor.
- Another thing to consider is the bus story may be false if he is pretending to be a kid. He may have access to a car, if not all the time, maybe at weekends, so it may be further away from the neighborhoods acertained so far.
- Can we get some volunteers to start breaking these guys off into their own threads? Starting to get pretty messy in here.
- Jesus Christ, isn't this faggot only supposed to be like 21-22? Why does he look like a burnt out 40-year-old meth addict? No child wants this creature to fuck them.
- Though the Twitter thread suggests that there is no confirmation that Nelizar is Zoodonym, it's not going to come as a surprise that it is this meth granny.
- So SnakeThing now goes by another name, according to this twitter user.
- Apparently he goes by Nelizar and has been a lot of low-key in recent memory. Going to check a few Coos Bay directories, see if I can find something.
- Internet Wayback Machine has his furaffinity profile, since he's put it as inactive. That picture of him with the blanket is on it.
- 22 pictures come up on a site called "e621" which looks like some kind of weird furry fuck photo fest site. Not sure if I should it or not.
- Hopefully this isn't too bad for my first digging attempt.
- I found his Steam account. Says he lives in Oregon. His account name on Steam is rs_valentine.
- His account on the Hearthstone forums. He made a total of 13 posts, but there's nothing relevant. I have everything screenshot just in case, though.
- Found his old deviantart account. He goes by the name Levi Simmons. Is there a Levi Simmons in Coos Bay?
- Same name is showing up in a Reddit comment by Nelizar
- So you'll get shit where like a insane situations like where bunch of these people will be fapping to a video were two grown men put a female goat in a headlock and force a 12 year old boy to rape her vagina as the goat obviously struggles to escape, and these fuckers will post all kinds of obscene comments about how hot the video is, but then see another clip where the same two men lay the same goat on a bed, this time with her being obviously unconscious, unresponsive, and drugged, and talk the kid through acting out with the goat in different positions like a man would with a woman in bed, and THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE with throw an indignant hissy fit about what a shitty video it is and how the kid involved in the abuse should be "ashamed" for their act of raping an unconscious animal.
- Levi 'Nelizar' Simmons attended North Bend High School. He graduated in 2013. Scroll down the list. I highlighted his name. is not working for this website, so here's the link to it.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Levi Simmons Graduated From North Bend High School
- It seems like he lives in North Bend and not Coos Bay?
- That old picture of Nelizar that's going around is from 2015. I might have found updated pictures of him. I archived the facebook pages of his potential relatives, but before I link them here, does look like Levi? Eye shape and eyebrow looks the same. It looks like he put on some weight. so that's probably what's putting me off.
- "Nelizar suprised me as I regularly tease him" "And maybe Neil is cute... a little.."
- First time posting, apologies if I've gotten anything wrong.
- I'm amused by how many people in the furry fandom defend dogfuckers when they're not puppy splitting.
- Yeah, that's him. The giveaway is the expression. Same head tilt, sleepy eyes, nervous almost-smile. His hair is a little coarser in the second pic but that's just because he's older. The color is exactly the same, nose shape is the same. I flipped and cropped one of the pics to make it easier to see.
- Alright. I've archived all facebook links of the family members and their photo galleries. I will make a separate post for that later.
- Mom mentions taking him and his sister to the Tall Ships Display in Coos Bay. Mom has two grandsons. Jason & Logan might be the boys Levi was talking about in the chatlogs. Really makes you think!
- Jason is the one he was specifically referring to with Sangie.
- Mother's facebook page. She's very active. Last post was from nine hours ago.
- Jennifer Williams is his sister. Her facebook page is here. She was last active on September 22nd. None of her posts are public, except a few.
- If needed, I'll go back and blur out the faces for the kids.
- I wish they could separate the furries from the people who just like stuff like Looney Toons or Zootopia.
- I saved a turtle off the road today. At first I was worried about it being hit by a car, now I'm worried about what would have happened to it if it was hit by a car.
- Shit like that makes me wonder if cruelty isn't an innate behavior and if empathy is taught/learned.
- "I really hate animal abuse haha no way you could think I'm into it now" -Kero
- Conversation between Levi and Sangie indicates Levi's mother knows he's a pedo and still lets him hang around her grandkids.
- Here's the magnet link for the torrent if you guys wanna sift through it yourselves. There are uncensored pictures lurking in there however, so proceed with caution.
- magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6a0d37d8bce2a55e9590f31171bf8b0c3517b409&
- Psychopaths are calm, cold, and calculated; but they aren't infallible. Kero is essentially digging his own grave by continuing to play the 'I got haxed' card.
- Levi 'Nelizar' Simmons has another sister named Beth Williams (facebook here). She has a daughter too.
- She has no friends in her friend list. It could be set to private.
- This is really upsetting. Levi shouldn't be around these kids.
- So there was a torrent I had recently downloaded which included literally hundreds upon hundreds of messages from chat logs, and I decided to Ctrl + F for some key words.
- Found some rather incriminating shit, but this one... Have fun, fellas.
- Against my better judgement, I took a look at the chat logs for the first time. There are literally thousands of messages; I only took a glimpse at a drop in the bucket.
- Let me tell you right away, this shit will warp your mind. This fucker is sick beyond all comprehension, I am simply speechless at this point....
- These are just a few screenshots of chat, but fair warning, it has the potential to damage your psyche.
- View attachment 548212 View attachment 548213 View attachment 548214 View attachment 548215
- More pedo stuff coming out, this time from Glowfox
- That smile is not real, look at the corners of his eyes, there are no creases. When a person smiles, their eyes will squint. Any time you see him smiling, take notice of the expression in his eyes. He is faking that smile. He is so putting on a "kind hearted bearded Jesus" front.
- Maybe he'll get scared off this shit for good if the backdraft is big enough. We'll see.
- Clearly he's not a sociopath because that hacking ploy was a panic move and not thought out well enough to edit out his VPN.
- Yet you are in here asserting, with full confidence, that she knew about his pedophile activities.
- I dont know where to put this but I think akaela is yago....
- yago is defending zoophilia in this post, while saying he hates puppy splitters...
- dogpatch is saying he has "a lot of information he cant leak"
- yago said that he was there "at the start. on the first day"
- This thread got locked because you all were out of control. You need to remember that you are not internet vigilantes, and this website is not a place for you to discuss mass contacting (aka harassing) people. You do NOT know the context of this conversation. You do not know exactly what happened that made SnakeThing's mother lose trust in him before. Yet you are in here asserting, with full confidence, that she knew about his pedophile activities. There's been a lot of comparisons made in this thread to Nick Bate, but even at the height of Nick Bate's thread, people weren't going after his mother.
- ETA: I'm opening this thread back up, so try to keep your collective 'tism under control.
- I think the rules in animal control were pretty lax on those things for quite a while. iirc, there were some other threads in here where people doxxed family members and were talking about contacting them.
- overall, the whole animal control subsection is pretty cancerous.
- No smoke without fire, so what do you think it was, m'lady?
- I don't know, and I don't particularly care right now. Also there's no need to address me like a faggot.
- Jesus mate. You're gonna tell me this shit doesn't get you pissed? I took a few days off go through and read and now see moderation? Yeah mate this does get people pissed. And yeah many people here feel like they should be arrested at the very least.
- It's Paedophilia, Zoosadism. You could likely gun people down and not get as much of a reaction as you would for shit like this.
- Charge: Renton man accused of sexual assault against therapy dog (archive)
- This fucker needs to wake his ass back the fuck up. He got some work to do.
- Somewhat unrelated, but at one point SnakeThing relays a message from an unknown person (pic below) who says he is going to make a thread on KiwiFarms on a guy called Anthony Shepherd. Did he ever follow through? The video they're talking about is HungBitch0498.avi, but what's depicted doesn't completely jive with the newspaper reports.
- Edit: From reading some more, I'm pretty sure that the deleted account is one of shadowwoof's alts.
- @Kurtains idk how well you now this guy but if any outed furry have videos on this content and need to be archived, you can archive them yourself (suggested) and PM me to archive them. I've archived that video.
- There seemed to be some confusion yesterday with people conflating shadowwoof with "Woof". From what I've gathered, and as the excerpts below suggest, Shadowwoof is apparently a zoophile, albeit a non-violent one, who has been pursuing and trying to "out" the sadist bestials.
- While this was going on Woof was sharing with SnakeThing his recently-recorded animal snuff tapes. So I'm pretty confident in saying they are not the same person.
- Snugglebunny just uploaded this as unlisted. Apparently trying to give his "hot" take while trying to be 'supreme psychologist'
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Snugglebunny real talk (15:01-17:10) There are people by the way into rape fantasies who have not raped; there are pedophiles who have not messed, ahem, molested children. We can't just play the thought police and assume that just because they've experienced those thoughts, that every single one of those people are going out to do it one day and they're all like working together as this evil hive-mind: it just, that doesn't gel, that's not how we work.
- You know, some people are able to withhold those feelings back and they absolutely fucking hate that they get it, as well. I've looked at some of these articles on pedophiles that are growing up and they realize they have these urges and they absolutely fucking resent themselves for it, they're aware of just how, you know, they shouldn't be doing it but they have the urges there and that is an indicator that it's from deep within and, you know, it's an indicator for more psychological research into the human psyche.
- You know what some of these people do by the way to make sure that they don't carry out that in real life? they fucking jack it off to the real-life porn, the fake porn, the stories, whatever gets their rocks off. But you'll find that more often than not that it's these people, you know, the people watching, they're the ones that get shot down, the actual content makers they're getting away - but you know they're the ones going the extra step further, they're the zoosadists, they're the ones actually doing these horrific things to animals.
- So yeah, as long as somebody's getting punished, though, we're dealing with the problem, right? yeah...
- I guess this rant, it's been a way of saying that shit's complicated. Going back to the black and white notion, there is no black and white and to think so, I believe, is discredit to our species. Not only that, it's discredit to all the other animals have died in the name of zoosadism.
- Education, research, awareness, we can overcome the problem in a much more efficient way if we'd resorted to less pitchfork mob mentality and understand each other more.
- Like, a lot of this is probably upbringing, so consider yourself grateful if your upbringing circumstances haven't left you with, you know, conflicting inner thoughts.
- If SnakeThing is right, this probably reflects how Snugglebunny sees himself.
- The other the fuck are all these sickos literally KILLING animals and no one is noticing.... you'd notice if your neighbor kept getting random pets but then other pets were disappearing... and where are they putting the dead bodies??
- Daniel George Strickland choose to live in the stix on several acres instead of a regular house in the 'burbs.
- I'm surprised that the Austrian kraut doesn't have his own thread. This is a whole subforum worth of degeneracy.
- SnuggleBunny is a name I've seen before on the old RicoTiger HIV chart. It's already been pointed out that Sephius was also on this, but that's the second time I've seen his name come up now.
- Cupid comes up in discussion a lot, especially towards the end of Tane's logs. Turns out that Cupid aka Matthew Grabowsky is already infamous on the online for being outed as a dogfucker and getting arrested for it:
- View attachment 549655 View attachment 549673 Charge: Renton man accused of sexual assault against therapy dog (archive)
- Searching through the tweets to see if he has this humvee and I found the pic that matches with the profile one used in the TG account
- Further digging revealed his friend's field trip photo at Shenadoah River in Milville, West Virginia and Blackwolf golf course in Kohler, Wisconsin
- Manually searching through FA reveals that some of the artworks commissioned to him and photos from AC 2009, 10 & 11. I came across this image Jace stood on left side. Although the photo is quite blurry but you can see the word 'staff' written on Jace Sheperd's badge which provides us a clue that he used to work/still working at AC
- Currently, there are still information missing that can lead us to Jace identity and so I am requesting users on this site to assist me in searching
- the fuck are all these sickos literally KILLING animals and no one is noticing.... you'd notice if your neighbor kept getting random pets but then other pets were disappearing... and where are they putting the dead bodies??
- The police might want to check the area for buried roadkill. Or worse.
- Can't find old relationship pics. Looking through Emberwolf's husband. He's in the Air Force and graduated 3 years before Emberwolf and they were married in 2017. Depending on who you ask either one or both has a diaper and drug fetish.
- I was supposed to post this to the megathread but got busy with works. Here is the available information I gathered
- I began investigating this Jace Sheperd fellow via his profile pic and I came across his (now deleted) Twitter account.
- Searching through the tweets to see if he has this humvee and I found it.
- Currently there are still missing information to uncover Jace identity and his other social media accounts so I am requesting users on this site to assist me in searching for more
- "Portland Oregon". Of fucking course. It's always Portland.
- Raptor Red might be this guy. Seems to be located in Western Canada judging by con attendance and previous employment at Air Canada (?).
- Yep, looks like it's him. Doesn't seem directly involved with this particular ring, but he's still a dogmongler of some kind. There appears to be a video out there of him committing bestiality in his suit.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Logs where he's mentioned.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Screenshots of the rapey messages
- Edit: Here's direct copy and paste from the chat logs for the full convo. While it doesn't explicitly say whether "she" is a human or animal, to me this implies a human with the way they mention a house party and with the sentence "well we'd just need her, preferably in suit, ass up passed out on the edge of a bed."
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Conversation about the rape 19:50 Tane Ooooohhhhh 19:51 I see~ 19:51 Very interesting indeed S 19:52 SnakeThing™ I know right? What do you think?
- Fucking hell. I was on an Amino voice chat and I had one hell of a chat. This guy was defending Kero like he was framed.
- so special that when everyone else has been doxxed (and confirmed), he just *happens* to be the exception?
- Yeah, there's a shocking amount of people rushing to suck Kero's dick in his defense. It especially seems prominent on Twitter and furry groups. But they need to ask themselves, why is Kero so special that when everyone else has been doxxed (and confirmed), Kero just *happens* to be the exception?
- I think it’s because kids on Amino are quite exceptional and they want to be/ meet a popular persona. Hence why people sucking Kero’s Dick is inevitable. Plus he’s quite a popufur on Amino.
- knooowww him, he would never do that!" Next they'll say they were only pretending to be a bunch of hard R's.
- Backlash91/warlight91/Denma Warlight - Grants Pass, OR (true power word is somewhere on this page under HVHS most likely)
- Facebook (private/not much info) Voices DeviantArt Instagram (can't seem to archive for some reason) FimFiction Patreon e621 InkBunny
- Thanks to SnakeThing for providing a list of zoophiles that can be outed, one of them already has a thread on here as well.
- Christ, those twitter golf photos...can you just imagine 60 year old grandparents just going to play a round of golf in their retirement, looking up and seeing those furry fucks? How can you not be ashamed with how you let your country get so degenerate as you did nothing to stop it?
- Typical lurker/first time poster here yadayadayada
- I have information on Jace Shepherd. I know what city he lives in. Is there any other information you guys would need? Name/city/age? I'm new to this entirely, but if I can help somehow to put these sick fucks away, I absolutely will.
- Here's more pedo talk involving SnakeThing and Glowfox. This time they're talking about slaves. It just doesn't fucking end, does it?
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Chat logs of more weird pedo shit
- Here's pedo shit involving our good pal SnakeThing eluding to kidnapping a kid and a puppy with Kero. The reason I believe he's talking about a human kid is because he wouldn't say "let's grab ourselves a real cub *and an animal*" he would have just said puppy. Plus, they frequently refer to children as cubs as well as puppies. Now, it could just be worded weird and they really are talking about a puppy, but given SnakeThing's track record of being a raging fucking pedophile, I wouldn't put it past him.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Chat logs between the two
- Someone named Devin is involved this time. Poor kid. (Another direct copy and paste btw)
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: SnakeThing and Tane discuss a child 19:16 SnakeThing™
- Not included, change data exporting settings to download., 33.3 KB 19:16 *Nuzzles affectionately* 19:16 When do you plan on havin' fun with that Devin cutie?
- He's been having issues as of late sadly so he's probably vented to you a bit, hah. He can get pretty attached pretty easily.
- I just did clarify our relationship though regarding attachment 19:17 Was gunna try to see him next Thursday probably 19:17 I just have to dip out of a class to do it xD S 19:17 SnakeThing™ Oooh Naughty. I like. :3 19:17 *Hugs tight* T 19:18 Tane Hehee 19:18 So is a car blowjob S 19:18 SnakeThing™ Will you be fucking him to? :3 T 19:18 Tane I'd like to. See how first time goes 19:19 Gotta get him back to my place sometime for suit fun 19:19 Just harder when he's an hour and a half away in the middle fo the day but I'll see what I can do S 19:20 SnakeThing™ Yeah, it can be quite hard. ;=;
- Though, do keep in mind, if you do bring him to your place, somehow, he maaaaay not want to leave. He get's attached easily as I've said, and well.. with his home abuse situation atm, he REEEEEALLY want's someone to kidnap him and take him away.
- Yeah I've talked to him a bit about that, and yea 19:23 Best case scenario he just visits every so often S 19:23 SnakeThing™ *Holds onto you closely*
- Just making sure you know Spoiler: Disturbing beast account shit associated User: Horslvrfang Possible age: 40
- So, this is some of the stuff that could give better leads to hors, but here's a picture of his face (somewhat) exposed AND his car. Edit: Add as attachments
- I looked up the account, and this is what I got, don't know for sure but it may be him, also says he was on there recently.
- It's fascinating that Sangie can be discussing the offensive nature of Eminem's lyrics one minute while happily discussing CP the next.
- Overall it's obvious that SnakeThing isn't as stupid as he makes himself out to be, he's rather good at manipulating furry smoothbrains.
- I heard mention of someone named Shepnuts, so I want to make sure that's the same person before I go log scrounging. It's getting hard to keep track of all these sociopaths and their usernames.
- Thanks to whoever combined my post, I'm trying to get the hang of it here. Thank you.
- I was supposed to post this to the megathread three days ago but got busy with works. Here is the available information I gathered
- I began investigating one of the zoosadist members, Jace Sheperd, and I came across his (now deleted) Twitter
- Manually searching through FA reveals that some of the artworks commissioned to him and photos from AC 2009, 10 & 11. I came across this image View attachment 549762 Jace stood on left side. Although the photo is quite blurry but you can see the word 'staff' written on Jace Sheperd's badge which provides us a clue that he used to work/still working at AC
- Currently, there are still information missing that can lead us to Jace other social media accounts from whatever sites he signed up and to uncover his identity and so I am requesting users on this site to assist me in searching
- Right now all I can verify about Jace Shepherd is that he's from Virginia Beach, Virginia. I'm working on getting his name, I refuse to download the rar on my computer though as it's illegal in my jurisdiction.
- However, if anyone has the logs, could you Ctrl + F anything that could pertain to Jace?
- If you need anymore confirmation that he's into tying up dogs and fucking them, here's his fursona fucking a non-anthro dog in bondage.
- If anyone else wants to dig through his FA, you can view it through the wayback machine. I can't look at anymore. You can find more dogfucking and diaper art in his gallery and favorites.
- And also a picture of his face. He's the guy in the very front. The people behind him are lana86 and flintnightwolf.
- Anyone surprised by this is fooling themselves. Let's look at the situation shall we? We have...
- A subset of which is sexual -- Anthropomorphic cartoon animals fucking Further, a related subset involves dressing up as the animals one identifies with and fucking others who are similarly dressed as their animal of choice Another subset who are clearly somewhat deranged and think they "are" the relevant animals in the same way that a transgender individual is the other gender. Put all this together, and there is just going to be some furry nutcases out there sexually abusing animals. This fandom could not be better designed to attract them if it had been scientifically designed to do so. Obviously the overwhelming majority of furries are not sexually abusing animals. But the overwhelming majority of those who are would be naturally attracted to this fandom.
- My point is that is the overlap between furries and sexual degenerates is far from coincidental. If you base an entire community about fapping to animals or at least animal-like creatures, the there'll be quite a few people who fall down that slippery slope and end up at dog rape.
- “The past couple years I've been working on unjewing myself.“
- Found pictures of his Mustang from 2015. He had it painted. This can be found on his twitter (view it under cached). He put a watermelon sticker over the license plate. I don't know if he's parked at his house and I don't know if he still drives that car. I believe the car is a 2005 model.
- From piecing together the parts visible in the first photo and the one with the bike rack, his license plate is "SHEPPY".
- That is some seriously shitty logic. The accusations are that you're a disgusting perverted fuck that likes to stick his dick in dead dogs, and the evidence is not insignificant. Instead of providing contradictory evidence or even attempting to discredit the current evidence provided, you went straight for the fallacious shifting of the burden of proof, and you made it an attempt to prove a negative claim.
- You've pulled a page out of the christian apologist playbook: "you can't prove god doesn't exist"
- I'd tell you to go choke on a dick but you'd probably would literally do just that.
- MarvinTheParanoidAndroid This will all end in tears, I just know it.
- I did find another picture of his car in his scraps, though.
- I dug through and Ctrl + F all of the 33 chat logs, and it seems that Shepnuts is in Nevada (they mention briefly a furry convention called BLFC which is apparently in Reno), and Jace Shepherd seems to be in Virginia, so these aren't the same people.
- However, I did find some other things. Whether they're helpful or not I don't know, but I figured to post them anyway.
- The first being someone named KlausD as another potential zoo. I don't remember if he's been mentioned before.
- Edit: Illonesheppypaws / white shepard is the dead boyfriend apparently. So this bit is probably not too relevant anymore but I won't dirty delete it.
- Guys please archive everything. We don't want these people scrubbing their shit clean
- Now that my trail to Raptor Red has run cold, I've been trying to find a database of specialised Virginia license plates. To no avail.
- The second thing I found is someone named "Illonesheppypaws" on Telegram also being "white shepard" on ADP; SnakeThing claims to be close friends with them so it's only safe to assume this white shepard person is probably just as fucked up.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Sheppypaws / white shepard
- Barnes & Noble, 701 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Located in Lynnhaven Mall
- May not be very helpful, since it looks like there are two B&N's in Virginia Beach. It's a guess he lives closer to that one than the other, but he might also have been going to any of the other stores in that mall.
- It's also nearby the "Driver's World", which can be seen on the bumper of his car.
- Found another twitter account belong to Jace (@JaceShepherdGSD). It's deleted now but it's still viewable in cached mode.
- He drives a new car now. I'm unfamiliar with cars so I don't know what he's driving. Anyone knows what it is?
- I have a strong stomach and am normally capable of recusing myself from condemnation, but then I took a look through Woof's content. I shan't dwell on what I saw, but what he's done is probably some of the most egregious and vile stuff I've had the displeasure of seeing in my life. He tops out any priority list.
- I should have mentioned that picture was from 2013. License plate could have changed since then.
- Foursquare account. Last time he used it was in 2012.
- Illone Sheppypaws is Joshua 'Kero the Wolf' Hoffman's dead boyfriend. He fucked Joshua's dog, Koda, and shared pictures of him doing it with the group.
- 1609 Forest Fern Circle. Might be an old address though. One vehicle is still there, but no sign of Jace's car. Unless that's it on the side of the road.
- One of the places he liked was a Shepherds Sanctuary.
- EDIT: Since @Alice Springs found the address, it's registered to a "ZINN KEITH W":
- I've looked through all 63 properties registered to a "Shepherd" in Virginia Beach, and it doesn't match up to any of the Google Maps street views.
- EDIT: Since @Alice Springs found the address, it's registered to a "ZINN KEITH W".
- New car checks out, face checks out. Looks like him. Same guy as in the pics earlier in this thread.
- Gotcha, fucker. I feel confident that Jace Shep is Zachary Zinn of 1609 Forest Fern Circle, Virginia Beach. Now I'm screencapping his FB before he nixes it. Already archived.
- I hate to be lazy, but the thread has exploded and I've been poring over the archive. What do we have on Woof?
- I have a strong stomach and am normally capable of recusing myself from condemnation, but then I took a look through Woof's content. I shan't dwell on what I saw, but it's what he's done is probably some of the most egregious and vile stuff I've had the displeasure of seeing in my life. He tops out any priority list.
- I'm pretty set on putting my time into tracking him down. Do we have anything?
- On Woof's thing I went back and flicked through and this is a brief summary of that. Not worth reading unless you're utterly desensitized.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Summary of Woof's archives: Will make you angry. Page 1 - Pictures from Tor that Woof had downloaded showing a tied up rottweiler with buttons sewn over its eyes he was fond of. - Dismembered rotting dogs, especially genitals. - Tied up dogs. - Endless genital and penetrative shots of his own animals. - That screenshot I posted early regarding the sharpened wooden stick covered in ants.
- - Snakes, these pictures include full body shots of a white man. Not sure if that's Woof. - Decapitated puppies being fucked.
- - What appears to be a knife and choker collar inside an orifice.
- - Woof links to a LiveLeak video of a decapitated snake in boiling water swimming.
- - They're talking about adding someone to "the forest".
- I'm dying to know who the fuck this person is and how they became this mentally warped. This is some abnormal psychology if I've ever seen it.
- Here's Woof talking about raping, mutilating and killing a puppy he got from a charity:
- According to the logs Woof shared stuff that might identify him. It's possible we could dox him with it. View attachment 546446
- The Woof guy posting the fire-ants image actually could narrow down his state quite a bit as they're only found in a few states.
- this, Woof is likely located in GA, NC, SC, TN, VA, FL, or *potentially* KY/MD.
- This is a long shot but "Woof" is always going to the "ice cream shop" and posted several images that could be potentially identifiable. I saw someone mention earlier that there is a photo where his face is shown? I really can't bring myself to look through a bunch of animal torture to find it. He also takes a bus to work which is probably irrelevant.
- View attachment 547227 View attachment 547228 View attachment 547229 View attachment 547230
- It could be the NOW HIRING text as previously mentioned.
- It definitely seems like it's "HI" which could mean "HIRING" or something shorter like "HILL" possibly.
- Approximating the font and the kerning shows that it could be "HIRING" as it would end underneath the bowls. There's just not enough visual info to extrapolate any more on it.
- The place mats are definitely home made as you can see the cheap school textbook style lamination film peeling off the corner of one of them. More than likely not a chain.
- The font is odd as it's not some standard PC font at least. It actually looks like it's been re- outlined in white to achieve that extra bolded look with rounded corners.
- There's no EXIF data in those pics apart from a Motorola byte order. I don't know if the uploads get stripped of EXIF, is there anything in the originals?
- That's how I read it too. It's clear from the context that they're concerned about him exposing them. woof/warg (former telegram name) and shadowwoof are plainly two separate people.
- View attachment 547560 View attachment 547561 Edit: at one stage in their conversation, Woof sends Snek/Nith/Zoodonym a set of four videos and stresses that they must not be shared publicly because his face is visible in one of them. Presumably Zoodonym still has possession of this video. Perhaps he could be persuaded to release this image?
- In @Scrotus’s post about the ice cream shop, there was also a post about taking the bus to work. If he doesn’t have a car then the limited route that the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority runs through Safety Harbour may help narrow down home and work locations at some point.
- Yeah, I was mainly focusing on it because he is clearly a regular there, and they sell an unusual flavor that he says is his favorite.
- So woof takes a bus to work, visits a forest frequently, does some kind of electrical work, and claims to not have internet at home. So where the fuck does he upload this sick shit from? I already know he was sending things to SnakeThing from his job.
- View attachment 547893 View attachment 547894 View attachment 547895
- Does anyone know who this 'deleted acct' in NJ is, or is Woof in NJ? There are too many of these freaks to keep track of.
- I've never heard of apple ice cream, and as dumb as this might sound, it could be a lead. For all of you with the time to sleuth around, check places on East Coast states that have apple ice cream. (As a side note, if he gets doxed by apple ice cream, I'm going to die of laughter.)
- Not to derail anything, but while searching for info on Woof, I found a link Ember sent of a OneDrive folder. I don't know what's on it, and quite frankly I'm afraid to find out. Will edit this post if I find more info.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Screenshot of the chat log which includes the link
- ”That's one way to make friends in highschool: Negotiation!”
- Shepherds Sanctuary is 1609 Forest Fern Circle. Might be an old address though. One vehicle is still there, but no sign of Jace's car. Unless that's it on the side of the road.
- We might have a last name, if this is accurate. There are a bunch of other Zinns, but these are the only ones that could possibly be around Jace's age.
- Here are some updated pictures from September 1, 2018. There's were posted by a friend.
- Pictures came from these tweets 1, 2. Jace is the one not wearing sunglasses in the back.
- A year old, but more recent than his picture from 2013. Jace is the guy in the dark green shirt. Archive.
- Zachary Zinn has posted one note in August '11, in which he mentions a vacation to the mountains:
- Looks like it. The car in one of his facebook posts looks like his new car that he posted on his twitter!
- Archive all of his Facebook profile if you haven't already (photos, friend list, about page, and so on).
- Does 'electrical work' and. My suggestion is that we look at the flora in some of the pictures to see if we can identify particularly local plants - if we can pick out more specifically where the 'forest' may be, I think we'll be in a much better position. I'll take a look as soon as I get up tomorrow.
- Combining the information about coastal access, relative timezone to Snake (now that we have his dox), and where fire ants are indigenous in the US, we can limit Woof's location to Florida, (eastern) Georgia, (eastern) South Carolina, or (eastern) North Carolina
- Edit: False alarm. They were referring to SC as secret chat around the same time they were posting Craigslist links.
- I remember seeing something that had the initials "SC" in it when they were talking about locations. I'll go back and dig through the logs again, but if I had to make any kind of guess, it's South Carolina.
- Adding to possible Wolf info, wasn’t it Wolf who grew up in Ocean Pines, MD but now lives in Safety Harbour/Oldsmar, FL (possibly with his Aunt)?
- Happy to delete this if I’m wrong to avoid muddling up the thread even further.
- Well, sorry I couldn't get the info to you before you all solved it but I'm happy that we got his full doxx. He's in for it. Has anyone reported it? I'm doing so now.
- Tane was in NM and last listed location is LA. Found a Wayback of his FA.
- If anyone can access linkedin, Dylan Pleskac's comes up via Google. Tried googling with keywords Nebraska and Seattle, and they both come up along with it.
- We still don't know who Woof or Corey is. Corey and Woof were careful about revealing who they were. Woof moreso than Corey. There's speculation that they might be the same person but for now I'll say that they are not.
- We all thought Corey's name was Steward Nichols but that's the name of his grandfather, who passed away in North Carolina. It could be his name but nothing shows up for a 21 year old living in Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Florida.
- While looking up his family members, I noticed that Tampa, Florida is listed in other locations for Donna Kay Nichols. I don't think he's living with his aunt (?) but I won't rule it out either.
- Corey made this thread on r/tampa two years ago. He needed scrap metal for a welding project.
- It's possible that Corey could live or work in Tampa. If we're still going with Safety Harbor, Tampa is a 25 minute drive from Safety Harbor. And Oldsmar is a 25 minute drive away from Tampa.
- Wonder if it's worthwhile to check inmate rosters in their local counties in these coming days/weeks... hmm...
- Thanks for the compilation on Woof, @Scrotus. Very authoritative.
- Here are a few deductions and restatements I have from the data we have so far. Forgive me for if any of this is basic:
- Combining the information about coastal access, relative timezone to Snake (now that we have his dox), and where fire ants are indigenous in the US, we can limit Woof's location to Florida, (eastern) Georgia, (eastern) South Carolina, or (eastern) North Carolina.
- Has regular access to some sort of forest where he does his depravities.
- Does 'electrical work' and also has no internet at home. My suggestion is that we look at the flora in some of the pictures to see if we can identify particularly local plants - if we can pick out more specifically where the 'forest' may be, I think we'll be in a much better position. I'll take a look as soon as I get up tomorrow.
- EDIT: Also, on the forest angle, it may be useful to keep in mind which counties of the states we've narrowed the search down to are particularly forested.
- How do we know this guy is American? Why couldn't he be in Mexico?
- They are talking about Kai Fuchs in relations to the photo in which a German Shepard has a flashlight shoved up its butt. They were discussing how he is friends with the individual who did it, and that person in question is not a zoosuiter (allegedly). Here's is the conversation Rall, and the Group Admin had about the photos.
- Looks like Tane had a GitHub and Furry Network account.
- High school in 2012 so he's in his early to mid 20s now.
- Can't pull up the cache but he majored in EE and confirms he's in LA
- I think I might have found one of Corey's accounts on a Zoo website but I don't want to check for myself. I don't have the stomach to do it. If anyone wants to look at it, please PM and I'll send you the link. I don't want to mention the name of the website on here just in case but I believe it confirms where he lives.
- This kinda confirmed my speculation that Corey was into some type of metal work. And the bear skulls he has (one "from a neighbor") were also made into weird shit, too.
- Here's another post Corey made about metal work on reddit.
- More talks about getting an anvil from craigslist.
- The link is dead and nothing on Google Cache and the crowdfunding product didn't have this name but it could be his powerword
- Can someone check this in the logs to verify? Looks like infamous dog fucker Kintari was found in the logs using an alt.
- Even more confirmation that Tane does/at one point lived in LA
- Not sure if this should go here or if it's late but, it looks like now @BoozyBadger is affected by this:
- I'd hope Boozy would learn a lesson from all of this and back his way out of the dumpster fire that is the furry fandom but, he won't. Even with this horrible revelation, and the likelyhood of many more, he can't go back to being a nobody on the Internet. He'd never survive it.
- Can confirm from an app that his latest location is in University of Southern California.
- I found a mention of North Carolina; it doesn't say who they're talking about though unfortunately, but it's at least something.
- Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.
- Then they gathered the farms together to the place that is called Furmageddon.
- Telegram has worked with authorities before in investigation so they could do it again. Maybe they could help identify the others like woofy.
- NC fits the potential criteria to narrow woof's location - have any of the others got a connection to NC instead that I missed?
- Eta: I haven't seen anything about Woof's "fursona" if he even has one, but if he does, it might be a fox.
- These are censored to the best of my ability on mobile. They can possibly be used to identify plant life in the area. Don't click if you can't stomach it.
- I'm not sure who this owner of is exactly but apparently, he shows up in some of the logs that were released.
- somebody involved in the fursuiting community would recognize him.
- Guys, there are actually people who believe everything was faked.
- nobody is autistic enough to fake this large amount of chatlogs to slander some literally who furfaggots.
- Because I believe that would put them two hours apart max
- tiny part of Mexico, above Belize, that uses Eastern Time, but I doubt he's outside the US anyway.
- I had the same idea about any unique plant life we may be able to identify.
- 1) Woof is white, he posts his own "material" frequently
- I'm Just A Human Bean Product of the Evil White Man
- There is just one tiny part of Mexico, above Belize, that uses Eastern Time, but I doubt he's outside the US anyway.
- Don't let pale skin tone single out his race. He might be white or mixed race, but there are latinos that can easily pass as white. I'm assuming he doesn't keep many parts of his body in view, either.
- Light exposure can easily make one's skin look paler.
- Special mention to Lewis CK who is white, but knew Spanish as his first language because of where his parents lived.
- James "Sangie Nativus" Hoyt. He's a twice convicted pedophile.
- Damn, just imagine BoozyBager coming into the fandom and on the euphoria rush of all this attention and love, and he hooks up with Inkedfur to sponsors his Furry Friday’s and he’s probably so proud of himself at how fast a ‘recognized’ furry vendor works with him.. and then this.
- The reality is that at least some of them are probably complicit.
- Elenazilla is a French furry. Her Weasyl and Trello list her name as "Eléna Percy."
- If he takes a bus to work and back it's probably somewhere along the same route. We don't know if he actually has a vehicle though. Nelizar is the one who says he can never drive due to and eyesight.
- I haven't seen anything to suggest he's pretending to be a kid. He is clearly an adult, maybe with some kind of learning disability or just lower IQ than the autistic Nelizar. I think he probably lives in a rural area which would explain the bus, the forest, the no-internet-at-home, assuming any of the things he said are even true, of course.
- Coincidentally, guess what the official flower of North Carolina is? Flowering Dogwood.
- EDIT: I mean this to be vigorous agreement that in the case of Woof, this is a possibly good lead. I was taking a similar approach with social network graphs, trying to see who *isn't* described or involved despite being in these peoples' social sphere. Finding NC mentioned with no one attributed is a great move in this kind of process-by-elimination. I've now begun looking through countless Yelp and Google Maps photos in NC to help further narrow it down. Unfortunately, there are a lot of coastal areas in NC that could see a sunset over the sea.
- EDIT 2: I'm leaving this here as a tentative clue that might give someone else a nice place to start, because it's a little too unique to have plastic, multi-colored bowls like this that are similar to the ones in Wolf's ice cream photos.
- This whole shit caked rabbit hole might need a seperate category, let alone thread.
- I was going off the telegram chats VS the military forum questions.
- You should totally do a Drop Dead Cynical episode on this.
- Now that I look at it again, he makes so many typos that I think "buss" could've even been "boss" so that might be a non-thing.
- And yeah, it seems his social media is primarily these zoo sadist groups and places like ADP so he's going to be a lot harder to connect to anything than the furries who broadcast their lives to the world.
- He mentioned listening to this disgusting furry song called "take the knot" so I combed through comments thinking I may be able to find a YouTube or something for him, but didn't.
- ETA I will not watch any videos, but in pictures of his "content" he once wore sweatpants, other times some kind of blue collar clothes,possibly his work clothes, and sometimes rubber gloves when he's doing extra despicable things.
- Yeah, I thought it may have been key lime at first but that seems more accurate. Perhaps the Hispanic angle is correct, with the spanish firefox settings, the shitty typing, and the Aztec puppy beheadings.
- ETA could be Cuban - lots in FL. Could be Puerto Rican as well.
- So has anyone identified this fursuiter? I feel that somebody involved in the fursuiting community would recognize him.
- In this video, he forces his dog to deepthroat a Bad Dragon, then makes the dog suck his dick as he fingers his anus.
- The fursuit has black and white furs, green eyes, and he wears a Bob Ross shirt in the video.
- People do change decor and for all we know the place could be defunct, but the furniture/decor is different and they use plastic spoons instead of metal here.
- Btw this could just be me reaching/confirmation bias, but I just thought of the blue ridge mountains in NC and it made me think of those blue mountain placemats.
- Glad he might have a more narrowed down location. In the case of it being NC, I thought this would be helpful in narrowing it down more:
- In the kero thread I brought up that the cake in the picture looks a great deal like something called cassava cake with custard topping. So maybe that will help if someone else is also looking at these shops menus as well. Also hit on that the ice cream place is going to be on a bus route or within walking distance to his job.
- After posting last I also started wondering, if this guy doesn't have internet at home, how likely is it that he's going to have a great deal of social media. I haven't looked at the chat videos (I will gladly look down the east coast at every ice cream shop/market simply not to have to watch that shit), but is this guy in a suit at all?
- Maybe, considering Woof doesn't have any internet access at home (or so he says) and it's a forest around, it might be in some rural area of NC.
- 1. This psychopath couldn't murder dogs loudly if people were nearby
- 3. He's probably poor af going by how claustrophobic his non-woods video is that appears to take place in a backyard
- This map of Greyhound routes may be of interest, as it seems most of NC's public transit is centered around cities and suburbs, but Greyhound specifically has routes across the state.
- To all the brave souls that sacrificed their sanity to bring all this information out.
- It looks like coconut flan cake to me. Didn't expect it to be that shitty
- Once I started wondering about the social media stuff, I wondered (probably a long shot, how else would this guy get into this telegram group), but what if he's not a furry?
- If he doesn't exclusively kill animals he "adopts", you might want to check for rural areas with an unusual number of pet disappearances. But even if that's not the case, you should also check for reports of people finding mutilated corpses of animals. He probably hasn't moved on to humans yet, but that is also a possibility.
- I have actually looked for reports in many different areas regarding animal mutilations. I wonder if it even gets reported though because a lot of the dogs he tortures are mangy emaciated strays. He is Jeffrey Dogmer, keeping dog heads and genitals in his "frizzer."
- If he is actually in FL maybe the gators just eat them and no one bats an eye.
- Latino, black tables, plastic plates, near the coast in Brunswick, in the middle of nowhere (almost rural area) and the cakes look A LOT like the ones in the pictures.
- EDIT: There are two ice cream shops near, Back Porch Ice Cream Shoppe (the reviews say the place is cheap, haven't found a menu) and Calabash Creamery.
- Speaking of Brunswick county, there's a Facebook group dedicated to missing and found pets.
- I did some correction of the levels and overall color balance, this is what I get:
- 5. Got caught, person who caught him took out the trash.
- Excellent! I wasn't sure how many places would have that kind of cake. Glad there's another name for it, thank you.
- I've been kind of wrestling with the thought it could be some kind of Hispanic market.
- I did a brief Google search for the cake with flan on top and it revealed to be creme caramel. Browsing Wikipedia shown two varieties of flans
- If I am not mistaken, it has to be the Puerto Rican flan as it matches the description from Woof's picture (coconut flakes covers around sponge cake)
- So far I have thought of four possible choices Woof may have already taken. These are just theories, he may have done something else or done nothing at all so far.
- 1. Fled the area. I have no idea how far he might have gone.
- 2. Gone into hiding without fleeing the area. I have no idea where he might be staying.
- 3. Committed suicide. I don't know enough about him to make a guess about how likely this is.
- They care more about their stash than anything else. That's really all that matters to Woof, his stash and his "productions." It's an addiction. Levi and Woof discuss in their chats how rather than nuking the material on compromised telegram groups they just remove people so they won't have further access. Woof did delete his first telegram "Warg" after some type of scare, but came right back with a new one after things died down, and he certainly didn't perma delete any material - just people's access to it.
- They talk about how the videos etc are the most important thing, and they have more stuff from these telegram groups than 4+ ADP type sites combined and how SAD it would be to lose such "valuable" and rare material. Especially Woof's OC.
- I'm guessing none of the above tbh, when shit hits the fan he just goes dark until he can make his next account to trade sick shit again. He's probably a bit sketched, but going about his normal routine. He's been doing this for years and as far as I know he's probably had a couple scares before. His friend "Muddy" who he sent really depraved shit to and seemed to trust was compromised and he still kept talking to SnakeThing/Levi about it.
- Someone photoshop skilled could maybe enhance or contrast or whatever it's called but I doubt itd be of much help he seems to be wearing a ski mask as well
- Re Woof: maybe cross reference wifi hotspots with cafes, and bus routes?
- ”In this material the Claimant is accused of being a “KNOWN CHILD MOLESTOR”. It is said that “…his salivating lust for young ass is apparent”.”
- That is actually possible considering all of the manipulation and almost blackmailing for more and more material going on in those groups. Every time someone says "don't share this" Levi (in particular) does, to multiple people, and does a little "hehe don't tell :3" I bet they're all doing it and they'll do anything to cover their asses if they know it's about to go down.
- He's probably had a couple scares, but never on this scale. Add in that apparently Levi (and anyone else Woof or Levi sent it to) has videos with his face in it, and that members of the chat could flip on him to get the heat off them, Woof is probably shitting his pants harder than he ever has.
- Did any of them ever meet Woof in person, or did they only talk to him online?
- . I don't know if Woof ever met Muddy irl. Woof did talk about how he had plans to meet with the dead bf(?) iirc. The only people he mentioned meeting in person were other snuff makers, the producer of "hungbitch" and obviously he didn't name them. He seems much more discreet than the others in the chats.
- If Woof doesn't have internet at his home, it might have delayed his ability to react to this. So at least there's that.
- Well, there is a photo in the Woof archive and is mentioned in the chat as being him, but I can honestly only think about this thing for a few hours at a time before needing to watch things that remind me people like Woof are extremely rare, and people with uncontrollable urges always make mistakes.
- Even if all the other dogfuckers get convicted, if Woof gets away, it won't feel like a victory.
- I was wondering if those were him because they didn't really address it in the chat and always share random shit they've acquired with each other. Usually Woof is proud to talk about his work, but he didn't really indicate this was him, or it was just missing from the chats.
- Wait - where in the chat did they say it was him? Can you post it? Hope I didn't miss that.
- Some information provided by 8channers about deer video.
- Was Woof in the chat from the beginning, or was he added at a later date?
- Has any German speaking Kiwi's contacted Austrian animal protection and police regarding Sephius yet?
- New here but Woof has motivated me to make a account. I found a possible lead for that apple "ice cream" assuming he is talking about legit apple and not apple pie, apple caramel etc... Paolo's Gelato. Is a shop that has two locations Atlanta and Charleston. They have a sorbetti that is called Mela (apple). The place seems on the nicer side but maybe it's something he get's everyone once in a while.
- I can't post the screenshot because it's vile, but in the file messages2.html for Woof, search "I have something special for you."
- He also mentions in messages2.html+messages3.html that he is looking for a snake on craigslist. He mentions being interested in a boa. What's weird is that these messages come after the "special surprise", which is primarily the puppy content.
- Usually in the chats, when he dumps his psychotic productions into the PMs, it's all in a block without unrelated material.
- EDIT: He's jumpy and paranoid. In messages2 he also says that he created a new account and messaged SnakeThing from it. He could have been trying to cover his tracks by claiming he didn't have a snake, but wanted the one in the photographs which I think is a boa.
- Clarification: I'm going with "he said" in this case because I believe it's the subtext of that section of conversation. Reading from top to bottom, you can see how Woof is trusting him with more and more original content.
- Edit: lmao Levi advertising one of his alts while soliciting snake porn comes up immediately
- This thread is like a very fucked up version of "Clue" ("Cluedo" for the Brits), where the murder weapon is either a bat or a furry cock.
- Not sure if this helps but Corey/Woof's fursuit looks like it was made by Fursuiting (yes that is the name of the makers). I think it would be good to contact them about this. Fursuiting doesn't seem to have images of his fursuit in their gallery but it could be either they took it down or he asked them not to put it in the gallery. They do have some black and white fursuits but non of them look exactly like his.
- The closest one is this but the eyes and nose are wrong.
- Not sure if this helps but Corey/Woof's fursuit looks like it was made by Fursuiting (yes that is the name of the makers). I think it would good to contact them about this. Fursuiting doesn't seem to have images of his fursuit in their gallery but it could be either they took it down or he asked them not to put it in the gallery. They do have some black and white fursuits but non of them look exactly like his.
- The closest one is this but the eye color is wrong.
- did someone say sephius' facebook was set to private, because I can see it here..
- Is there a compilation of evidence linking Corey and Woof?
- what's the best method to do an entire FB page? Sorry about this.
- Null made a guide. There are precautions you have to take when using facebook.
- When I read that I just assumed snake pics for Levi, since they just exchange random shit as well.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: archive for 8chan thread in Scrotus' post View attachment 8chan-zoo-woof-snake-face-debunk.jpg
- Is there any other clearer photos of Woof's "forest" that include the actual trees?
- Western NC is mostly mixed hardwood (oak-hickory being the majority but at higher elevations theres spruce, fir, and some sad remnants of hemlock) whereas out east there's fucktons of loblolly where all the longleaf pine was cleared out and oak, gum, and cypress.
- NC has pretty distinct ecoregions, so if Woof is in NC with a few clearer pictures it should be easy to identify at least what third of the state he is in.
- I've heard that these 2 names are/have also been active in the chat:
- Can anyone confirm these names in the logs? I've already gotten basic archiving out of the way (twitter, FA, instagram and potential city Dox) but don't wanna post it nor go further untill I got a confirmation.
- here - should be everything up to the time of my last edit.
- Where did you hear this? Because both of these people are mentioned in Tane's log (messages10.html, messages7.html respectively). Maybe this will help you confirm your dox:
- Has pretty much abandoned this identity, it seems.
- This guy might be elusive, he's deleted stuff before in the past.
- Slowly but surely, someones gonna end up doxed because a group of autists managed to correctly identify a species of fire ant and tree.
- It's just like the HWNDU CTF, but with way more puppyfucking
- Woof's not having internet at home makes no sense to me. It must have been a temporary inconvenience because he is frequently talking to SnakeThing long after returning home from work and mentions going to bed a few times. He also leaves uploads to Telegram running overnight and specifically says at one point that a "power surge" turned off his Internet.
- Unless "home" means not his habitual residence but "hometown" or home with his family.
- Also, to corroborate the Spanish angle, he refers to at one point, a primarily spanish-language beastiality video sharing site. Granted, a lot of non-spanish-speaking zoophiles probably use it, but it's one more piece of evidence pointing in that direction.
- As others have noted, it doesn't appear as if Woof is much of a furry, if at all. Like @permanently_depressed, I decided to look at their social graphs, so I scraped a bunch of friends lists of his known friends (niklo/illonesheppypaws (illone introduced Woof to SnakeThing), "Muddy" (possibly MuddyTheFurry) and Nelizar), and then scraped those for any instances of NC/North Carolina/Warg/FL/Florida/Ice ?Cream (lol), but I think it's a dead end because he's not part of the furry scene.
- This is all such a mess that I'm not sure where to post, but I ran a filter through all the chatlogs and it picked up all of these usernames:
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: usernames by appearance (chronological) Illonesheppypaws yamithewolf VladimirI HourlyFoxes YourMainParadox blondedog DasFoxy kintari Rawrrene XyroTR1 Anthonyshepherd BlooWuff anubisyote Phillysatark Psychedelicsaber Ruffa stormyfag KaleShep Meekrat45 svxkitty DobiePincher korsaitofolfsky stormwolf77 KnottedDog Zeta0mega XyanideFusky digivolve Greskilvulf JollyJackal OzoneColfpup DogIsLove Ueki_Regulator Everestdragonfist Wolfknighttwc FlooFDog Foyote ninott Cubby_wolf Reline Samtpfote MurrsuitGifsAndVids IsoShota isoshotabutts JaceShepherd Relaane Omegawolf sephius NapalmDrolphin Kerowolfmanhoomenthing floofyboop zombiehyena reline RandomFur eMeerkatfun kokoko3 Lukeisadog Demitri2009 modogx2 lovealwaysallways Glowfox Sephius PakytoDingo KibaPawsome Emberwolf horslvrfang GoodWolfie ShepnutsDD Svadilfari
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: display names by appearance (chronological) Kero Wolf SnakeThing™ SnakeThing™ via @gif Deleted Account Shepnuts Ember EliteKnight Sibertiger Sephius Rivendare Glowfox-Lipe Rinehart KimpZe @MFF ToonCat The InkCat Kanehei Nakado DurrBootyLicious (Working) Chicky Peas Spots Cupid HourlyFoxes Gunslinger Naughty Dogs 18+ Golden Retriever Fursuit Booties/Crotches Tane Borkbirb the Raven Monster Blue Wolf @ Home Huskers @ MFF Raptor Red questionable ibex Tiger the meerkat Rall ζeta 0mega Nacho Clumsiest Puppo dev Anonymous Forwarder 2.0 Grumpy Buck Mr. Bitchtits Elfasi OreoPaws Felix/Tarin Salty The Depressed Idiot K2 K2 (No spoilers please.) Leon Puppy Rauwr Faintest ❤️PAKYTO❤️ @FBL Akela Dirty Doge (PM friendly!) K not so Benji Xen Panda Triss Winterdusk R3dpit Celementine Shadow @DFD Castian Badgerpup Blackie Wolf Ruffa Husky Ponyfox Anubis Coyote WPAFW Kale Axel Foxclaw Rattie The Rat xenwolf Jackee (Ashton) Kai Fuchs Lone Wolf/No Club Shadow Wolf Elena @Fluufff Sir Fluffytails FoxB | #Animalz #Gdakon #NFC Remco ζ Asher Le Blaze Affy Knot Intentded Darek Wingo James Baxter NaCl Bri humacyrnus Blitzz Victor Tiger @AZFC p3x52 Monty MickiTheFox Steve Master Vig'sYiffChannel Nightwolf pes Buck A cute dog monster /f/ ~ furry Moonshine Fox Sangie Nativus Xenatharax ^.≡.^ Moose (MHWAP) Foyote Pauly N.O. Woof @Mr.Fil Tekkita Dart @ Moon Moon Zarah Mallow Bunny Černý Vlkodlak Arzt Metzger n z R3DRUNNER Glowfox's Naughty Den Kyle Foxx Group Admin Xyro Leon James Wülfe Illone Itachico boop! Wolf Mawther T Tai Jones Seth Pup Havelock Winters Alex SnowCat (@ab2525) CANNIBAL Pills Control Cubs Galore (18+) Synx FEMB♡T Husker Yeardley Nymphus ShagsterP, the Rad Raptor Alexander Klein Zoosadist evidence Reawrer Snek™ Zoosadist Evidence Rustlenova(internet issues) Bigg (open PMs.) Kiba Pawsome oblivion Jace Shepherd
- Someone should join these if they haven't expired and dump the logs and the usernames, display names and avatars of all members. I would do it myself but Telegram won't accept numbers from my country. I'll see if I can get a VOIP number, but usually services block those too.
- TG zoosadist_evidence dropped some files for Jace and Pakyto. The two videos concerning Pakyto include a video of a dog being raped bloody in the ass, and the other video shows Pakyto jerking off to the first one.
- He conveniently proves for us that it is him, by uploading a clipped version of the same video to his Xvideos, removing the few seconds at the beginning where he shows what video he is watching and then pans away from it.
- I guess he made another suit with the spot on the other eye, or maybe it is someone else's. There's a video where he fucks around with someone else in the other suit so I'm not sure if the other one is usually someone else or what.
- I have the videos also but they're quite large, what's the protocol, upload somewhere and get Null to save them?
- Was that county hit by Florence? Did Woof's power outage happen during Florence?
- ” being called shit is not "mentioned positively." ”
- Yep, it was hit by Florence. One of the worst affected, iirc. I'll go check the logs and see if I can verify when the outage happened.
- PSA. If you want to look at the logs, without the horrifying images, delete the photos folder before opening the logs.
- Unfortunately no, but the Austrian guy, Ember, and Jace have. Enough for a thread on any of them?
- Key points are the dox, pictures, their behavior, and evidence of all of the aforementioned. Don't just lay out dox, indicate how you got it so people can check your work. I don't want a bunch of randoms getting fucked and some of you are so desperate for an answer you'll accept the wrong one.
- Has anyone tried looking through places that serve ice cream in Onslow County, to see if any matches Woof's pictures?
- Yep. Most places don't quite seem to match in terms of decor and deserts. However, I have identified two possible places that serve (or almost certainly served) Flan, even if I lack the decor deets.
- The first is a restaurant/takeout joint called La Cocina Del Coqui, (here's their Facebook). It meets the criteria of being a bit cheap and tacky, and Puerto Rican. And look at the bottom right of this menu. However, this is all speculation: I don't have any shots of the tablemats or cloths that Woof shows on his pics of deserts. Also, they don't seem to serve straight Ice Cream - which may be problematic.
- The second is a closed Puerto Rican joint named El Tropicana. There are no interior shots, but if you look at the google maps images its exterior has a blue/turquoise colour scheme that the interior might have somewhat matched. Like the first, it is quite cheap-looking.
- I'll keep looking, but most of the straight ice cream joints don't seem quite a match so far.
- The plates appear to be made of porcelain and the table is brown, not dark blue/black.
- Did we dox CoreyTheWolf? Is there a big post I can split off into a thread?
- La Cocina Del Coqui confirmed for not being the place, just to rule that out.
- This is exactly what we need to do to confirm this shithole shop - All it takes in one owner to have a vague idea and suggest where it could be..
- >When Woof says he needs to use your garage for a couple hours
- There's a vast number of sites. But I think this brute-force method may be the most viable we have at hand. The more people we have working on identifying candidate stores and DMing owners the quicker this will go; if anyone has a spare few hours, this could be very useful.
- Here's some search terms I've been using for the last few hours. They help people casting different nets locate other potential sites across the south-eastern states on Google maps:
- In that case we really need some kind of collaborative log sheet as to prevent treading areas other people are checking - any ideas?
- In progress - I will also archive any human images at max res for watches / tats - this will take a while.
- I also NEED to know if his FB is not visible to others, if it Is not, there’s something odd happening in my part of the world.
- He also has a post where he's crying about receiving death threats on it, which is just rich imo
- ”And my arse don't go cheap, being an anal virgin.”
- Jackee (Ashton) is a One Fur All fursuiter, so narrowing that down I was able to obtain his fursuit/maker, twitter, and furaffinity. He links many personal things on it, I will dig thru later but give you guys a running start.
- Sorry if I'm just being exceptional, but is Monty an alias that Jackee uses, or are they two different people? Because it says in the twitter bio you linked that Jackee lives in Colorado.
- Oh, whoops. Oversight on my end. Edited, theyre two different people. Sorry bout that.
- It's all good. What else do you know about Monty? Does he have a thread here, or something?
- As far as I was able to tell no one's dug anything on him yet. I just wanted to see the Telegram screen so I can make sure that my information lines up. I have an "in" with furries in that area who frequented meetups, I just don't want to call out the wrong person. Although he's shitty and terrible, and a zoo, I guess it wouldn't matter anyway.
- Did they ever mention him knowing spanish, or being an electrician/good with electrical work? Did they mention him not owning a car?
- Howard Stern's Toenail "Well, first of all, I'm worth every penny."
- We were able to debunk that, so far no. I'm asking if they remember anyone talking about those details. I'm working on getting his information now. By the looks of it though I don't believe it's Woof at this time.
- The more I think on it, the fact Woof explicitly identified the venue as an ice cream place suggests it's better to focus on desert-orientated venues than full meal places. To any who are willing to help on this end, I'd suggest getting out Google maps and just poring over images of ice cream and desert joints on the Floridian, Georgian, and Carolinan coasts/midlands. My hunch remains centred on NC and Onslow County, but I don't want to risk casting the net too narrowly.
- I' m also going to take a look and see if I can find anything on electricians in Onslow County, especially Hispanic ones.
- From the earlier identification of Flowering Dogwood in one of the pictures and the mention of NC in the chat, I'm narrowing my search for Woof to there. If anyone wants to follow along and see if they can shake any leads out of what I'm looking at, do have a go.
- In NC, one of the most likely counties for Woof to be residing/operating in is Onslow County. Why?
- It's one of the most densely forested counties in NC, thus giving him access to lots of areas to conduct his depravities.
- It's a coastal county, thus allowing him coastal access (and it is the ONLY coastal NC county with >75% forest cover).
- It has a population centre (Jacksonville) that is big enough to provide demand for an electrician and have strays that he can exploit, whilst having enough rural areas in close proximity where he may reside/conduct his depravities where he wouldn't have wi-fi access. Here's an image of some of Onslow County's flora near the coast. You have the dense and narrow-stalked plant life we saw in Woof's snuff imagery.
- I genuinely do not think he is Woof, as Monty has a large media presence and made himself easy to find. Woof isn't that dumb, unfortunately.
- Is there any evidence that the two have interacted, given that they (we think) live somewhat nearby?
- EDIT: Now that someone did do that, I have to say: jeez. You had to go about it in the most autistic way imaginable, didn't you?
- Sorry if this is double posting but I'm gonna go a bit ahead and look for ice cream parlors and dessert places in the area, what are our areas to investigate so far?
- EDIT: THIS IS NOT IT, sorry. False positive. Damn.
- Oh, and they're hiring. At the bottom it says "we're hiring", just like the table mats did in Woof's pictures.
- EDIT: Apple ice cream is a big limiter. We're dealing with a good chance that this may be the place.
- Very good lead. May be the strongest so far, and it fits in the area of highest probability.
- But I'm not going to be certain unless I see confirmation from them or pictures that they have table mats or surfaces that fit the pic. Spoons and granite aren't unique enough identifiers, sadly. I'll get in touch and send an enquiry.
- Beat me to it, great job my man, someone give this fucker a beer.
- ”that video being gone was vital to my salvation! I waited and worked for years to rebuild my online reputation! And you just RUINED IT!”
- I have been looking through Google maps stuff for most of the day, part of me is really starting to hate ice cream. If he is in NC it might be a good idea to look into the cake part a little more. There is A LOT of ice cream places but very few places where this cake could be.
- Those bowls have just been mocking me all day too. Any place I've looked at has either paper cups or just normal plastic clear containers. After a certain point I just typed in ice cream and let Google take me around the state, looking at all the pictures and trying to make any kind of link between cake, ice cream, and table, and just feels like I've gotten no where.
- Is there any way that anyone can go through the rar and find Monty's telegram screen? (It's illegal where I live to possess it)
- There is a furry named Monty that lives in NC that is known for these behaviors and acts and we want to verify before we spill the beans.
- One course of action we could take would be leaning on Nelizar for those doggy snuff tapes in which Woof's face is visible. We're going to need those if we're to see any action from law enforcement anyway. Honestly, LE are kind of impotent when it comes to dog torture. Notifying his family, co-workers, friends and neighbors of his demented hobby might harm him more in the end.
- This isn't exactly relevant to the search, but I'd just like to say how astonished and impressed I am by everyone here. This is some CSI level detective work. If I could I'd buy you all a beer. We'll get these fuckers. Not matter how much autism it takes. Heil Kiwi Farms!
- Check out the menu, boys. Green Apple flavoured ice cream.
- Pic related would make it a place a furfag would go if only for the Fox.
- Sent via email about Ponyfox. Full context. Cannot verify.
- Two more restaurants/bakeries ruled out. One that I thought looked promising up in Clayton, named Nancy Jo's.
- The second is Liliana's Colombian Restaurant & Bakery in Jacksonville. I don't know how useful or true the observation they made that it was a tres leches and flan cake was, but if that adds more specificity to the desert then we may be able to narrow the net somewhat.
- Observing google maps, the closest forest would be Francis Marion National Forest, here is a list of deaths and injuries that may be relevant that took place in that forest:
- Do any of the videos and images contain any kind of landmarks? There are paths with street view in the forest, it may be possible with some combing to find confirmation. If I wanted to hide a body I would avoid any main trails, just above the Awendaw road seems to be a large area with no trails. If someone is in the area and was willing to do on the field research I suggest start there.
- Getting a list of electricians working in the area (say within 20km), with an emphasis on those with Hispanic names.
- Looking at animal charity listings and incidences of animal abuse.
- Narrowing down any small rural communities which have good transport and public transit links with Charleston, preferably near wooded areas. Hopefully the noose is narrowing on Woof. Hopefully.
- That's been my life for the past several hours. Agony.
- i'm giving this an achievement so you guys stop sperging about icecream
- We have confirmed he does not own a car and does not own a computer right? So that means he'll need to go to the closest heavily wooded area possible. He cannot go to a regular park because there would be no security. The image where he shows the fire ant stick implicates he is in an open outdoor area of a private place, possibly an open garage? I find his lack of ownership of a computer interesting, registered sex offenders are not permitted to own computers in a lot of cases, perhaps he has been caught offending?
- Bus stops nearby that have a way to get him to both the national forest and the autistic ice cream place we spent 50 pages to find Possibly someone on the Sex Offender Registry
- Animal shelters that have frequent adopters or craigslist adverts.
- What are you using to filter out the usernames? You're missing a lot. I hacked together my own script which yielded these lists.
- Note: Many of these people have no involvement in this at all. Please don't indiscriminately pluck names from the list and dox them. This is merely an investigative aid.
- I looked for people that spoke in the logs; from the text file (copy pasted from actual logs), when someone sends a message it posts their initials, then their username, and I looked for that pattern. I could post the script if you want to verify it (my coding is admittedly poor), but all the people I posted _should_ be directly involved.
- Which leads to my next question, what do you mean when you mention that "many of these people have no involvement"? Are you referring to people who were mentioned or tagged? Or are there people in the chat who didn't participate in the madness?
- ”Wtf... Why would anyone sign up there? I've got to be missing something.”
- Paolo's Gelato, 41 John St Radcliffborough, Charleston SC.
- We have confirmed he does not own a computer right?
- They might have tagged someone who wasn't in the chat.
- Edit: My script picks up on forwarded messages too, so there are some people who didn't directly speak in the chat involved. Triss has messages later on that mention this. Check time stamps, be holistic in your approach. Don't faildoxx.
- Looking around the Wando river (park land) this place caught my eye since it goes along a bus route (bus stop nearby) along the way towards the park.
- edit: Nvm, while the francis marion park is a great place to do the business, the dog place looks too far from the actual bus stop.
- You might be right, it's hard to tell though. It would be too bad, since everything else about this place fits coincidentally.
- Someone may need to get in touch and turn the screws on him.
- Would be worth going through these and see if any of these animals appear in the evidence. I'm not sure if it is considered cow tipping but would it be against site rules for anyone to join the groups and post cropped images of just the faces of living animals to see if people recognize them? I would feel heartbroken if someone recognized one of the animals as old fido though..
- Yeah, that would be a good idea, if we want to avoid following a false lead.
- Just do a google search, there's a lot (as you'd expect for a city). The difficulty is if Woof works for a larger company rather than as an independent contractor that would have his own business card and listings.
- Here are some local animal charities and sanctuaries. I'll chase these up to see if they've encountered any dogs or had any strange stories:
- It's possible that they have tables that aren't in the yelp photos, but maybe somebody could ask the restaurant if they recognize the "help wanted" mat or anything else in Woof's photos.
- About the Ice cream shop I guess our biggest lead there would the FUCKING APPLE ICE CREAM, that is a really uncommon Ice cream flavor and I can bet my ass there are very few stores that do sell it.
- Second the thing with the trees it's also a very good lead, that might narrow to an specific climate to look out for.
- And lastly, the biggest lead of all of them is to figure how the "victims" look in any of the evidence where he participated, that way we could also look for previous adoption posts or missing pets, as well if we happen to find a potential suspect we can look for confirmation on photos or posts, people like this are prone to sharing but not as much as the average furry, they might want to show their new "friend" if it was ever adopted before making the final blow (no pun intended).
- I try to figure how dense their families (if they have any) have to be, how they can't figure out how this bastard keeps losing any dogs?
- EDIT: While writing this out I found that Great Value does make apple Ice Cream, so it doesn't even have to be "home made" just some place that sells it
- In all the pictures from Woof that I had the displeasure of seeing, the dogs were mangy emaciated strays.
- If he keeps dog heads in his freezer I'm going to assume he has a lock on it, lives alone, or keeps them at some place other than his main residence.
- I'm not convinced on Paolo's. No matching place mats, no matching cake. (That cake looks a lot like a flan cake, or "flancocho" in latino cuisine btw).
- They apparently redecorated and reopened earlier this year, but the place in those pictures looks a lot cheaper and simpler.
- A thought on reporting this stuff (or getting a meaningful response from authorities): In many jurisdictions poaching is punished more harshly these days than animal abuse, zoosadism, sodomy, call it what you want.
- Thinking about our Austrian friend here. Bow hunter (not legal there), lives in an area that is notorious for poaching, the hunting association there may be interested.
- There's a bus stop right outside of Paolo's (again seeming to reinforce Woof's no car claim). Once my computer stops acting up I'll see if I can follow where the line goes.
- Besides we can't tell if the pace was recently renewed or something. it looks like it by the look on teh tables, tehy don't look nearly as used as a, lets say, 10 year old place would be
- Long-standing staple Paolo’s Gelato has reopened as Paolo’s Gelato and Gourmet. Changes to the 41 John St. storefront include a total makeover of the dining room and the offerings.
- There is a single bus line that partially traverses the national park. Has few stops.
- “There is no Joshua Moon. If you think very, very hard, you will actually know who this is. I know you think I'm a tosser, but trust me. You will KNOW.“
- A few missing and one found black puppies, if anyone had the misfortune of seeing the infamous base ball bat puppy image then try comparing a few of these dogs to the one in the image:
- I don't think Paolo's is the place that would be the location since I don't see any of the same bowls in any of the woof pictures, but it's a good lead.
- I wonder if anyone has tried searching for "my real name" or something along those lines in the chatlogs. If Levi was dumb enough to do it, I'm pretty sure there's gotta be other people who might have done the same.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Woof's Jaw (Nudity Cropped)
- Woof did not create the bat video which involves a rottweiler, he just likes it and claims to have met one of the men involved in making it.
- Who wants evidence of Jace Shepherd and Pakyto Dingo? It's pretty disturbing.
- Unless I am completely missing some info and context from earlier in the thread. Feel free to correct me. They didn't exactly signpost when they were posting OC and when they were not - you have to infer based upon the context of the conversation whether it was them or not.
- As said: electrician directory/listings (emphasis on Hispanic names), animals shelters/charities/incidents, and looking for possible communities that Woof can be based at.
- Just a thought: is it possible that the place with the pie and the vanilla (?) ice cream is NOT the same place as Woof's "ice cream shop"? He might have posted the images in the chat of an unrelated place he happened to be at at the time.
- I haven't (so far) been able to match up what we have of Woof's face from the snake fucking pics with any local registered sex offenders - especially none with Hispanic names or ancestry. You are all welcome to try cross-checking.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Woof's Jaw (Nudity Cropped) View attachment 550651
- He posted it himself as a "something special" for SnakeThing. I assume that means OC, as opposed to a repost. It was also bundled with the almost definite OC of him sodomizing and butchering this dog.
- Good chance this could just a repost from another freak.
- A thought on reporting this stuff (or getting a meaningful response from authorities):
- In many jurisdictions poaching is punished more harshly these days than animal abuse, zoosadism, sodomy, call it what you want.
- Local gamekeepers may know more and may have an open ear to this, possibly more than police.
- Any old photos of the restaurant, news articles, social media, etc.?
- Every time I see that dog it makes me cry, she would have grown up to be a beautiful healthy dog. The hairloss always confuses me though, as she looks very patchy, I'm curious if he stores these animals for a while before butchering them?
- Does anyone know what his eye color would be from the leaks? Or scars? Might have something, but I'm not sure if it's him unless those details are provided.
- Also, since it's behind on the bottom of the last page, I'll just make sure everyone atm knows.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: I actually feel bad about making this meme
- Since a lot of the water seems to be getting muddied, I'll just link back to, the hard data we have on Woof. There are a few conclusions we can draw from that:
- The fact that he has his Firefox set to Spanish language setting suggests he's of Latin-American descent (not uncommon for the region), and may be a first or second generation immigrant.
- He has regular access to some sort of forest where he does his depravities.
- He is an electrician or at least does a lot of electrical work. As for the Ice Cream Shop, he claims that he took the pictures of his dessert whilst there. Hence, the images of his dessert must be of a parlour or shop that is relatively close to his residence or place of work.
- I also believe that it makes sense for us to follow up on the forested land area - he's more likely to live in a more forested county than a less forested one. I suggest considering the relative forestation of a potential county of residence before embarking on a search.
- No longer should the search be confined to North or South Carolina - the only reason we strongly suspected NC is because nobody else in the group seemed to reside there and thus by process of elimination we thought Woof may be the resident. Now that we know that Monty lives in NC, we should cast the net wider.
- Forgot to post this earlier, but I also ruled out a place near the NC Mountains that looked promising called G&H Concessions. That is if they're not lying, which I doubt they are.
- Searching and contacting dessert stores is key. If you want to make any progress on Woof, go over the aforementioned target states - zoomed in close - and search for possible stores that could fit what we have above (that is, tacky, cheap, and almost definitely independent) and contact them with the three pictures to ask whether they recognise these dishes.
- This is my first post, and Cupid has been my personal lolcow for a long time. He isn't as bad as some of the others, but he's still a dogfucker. Sorry if any of this late, but I saw some confusion about it earlier in the thread and this might clear it up.
- A few years back Cupid/Cupidthedeer went by Bluetooth/BluetoothHusky and was unanimously hated in the Seattle community. He has always been fairly open about being a zoophile. 5/6 of his roommates that I know have confirmed that he was raping his dog Shadow when he lived with them. He got in trouble in 2012/2013ish for filming a video with Shadow that got spread around. In 2014, logs appeared of Cupid bragging about being able to have sex with 5 horses in one month while he lived in CO and went to college, but I haven't found anyone who still has them.
- Once Cupid moved back to Seattle and got his deer suit and abandoned his old name of Bluetooth, he started getting invited to parties again. He's been accused of intentionally giving people STIs and is known double down on sexual advances when he's been told no. This dude will absolutely loose his shit if he finds out you dislike him, and had slowly been getting put back on the "fucking awful don't invite them" list in a few different groups. Early in 2017 he was caught sexting a minor (age of consent is 16 in WA, so this kid was 15). The child didn't want to press charges if I remember correctly, but information was sent anonymously to the police.
- She originally went to court saying that she hadn't seen the video until September and made statements about both of them assaulting her, failing to coerce her into having sex, and a few other domestic violence claims about Noodles. It is absolutely in line with Cupid's behavior to threaten her, and the original story was that Noodles (the man Nacho was dating at the time the video was taken) was the one who filmed the video. This is the most in depth article about it.
- Cupid's parents paid his bail, his dogs and his car were taken away. Noodles stayed in jail, until eventually investigators were given access to his phone, and his bail was dropped from 400,000 to 25,000. Noodles was at a house party at the time the video was taken, and claims that Nacho was the one who took the video of Cupid.
- Cupid's case number 17-1-07782-4 and summary report Noodles' case number 17-1-07826-0 and summary report
- Cupid's boyfriend, Raiden A Dolen, also shows up at that address.
- 1) Why are people assuming Woof is not active in the furry scene or a loner in general?
- He mentions meeting friends several times, as well as talking like this:
- Of course he might be lying about his friends and that's somewhat likely, but I think it would be a bit strange for him to fake that way of speaking so consistently.
- 2) I have not seen anybody mention "White Shepard"/"whiteshep" yet, another common friend of Woof and Levi mentioned a couple of times:
- Is the ice cream shop really the only lead we have on identifying Woof? Because this is getting pretty exceptional.
- Uploading script#2 (way better at filtering than my first shitty script), along with all the data. "Sorted" folder has what everyone said saved in a file under their abbreviated username (read the README in the folder). Easier for doxxers to sort through if they want something on one specific person.
- As stated earlier, if someone can identify any particularly specific plants then we may be in business. We need people who know their geography/botany well enough or know people who do to potentially limit our options. I've cropped the following pics of plants from Woof's content as best as I can; there's no other OC by woof that I can make out substantial plantlife in.
- I don't think it's the place. The pattern in Woof's photo isn't as coarse or dense and it's of a different hue.
- Someone called "Mr. Bitchtits" has claimed to have been in a relationship with "Cupid"/Matthew in one of the leaked logs from around June 2017:
- I don't think he was identified in the thread yet. Can one safely assume that Mr Bitchtits = Raiden, or have they not been together at that time?
- So, I have a couple of updates of what I've looked into:
- Kintari, the infamous dog fucker, is 100% confirmed to be in the logs stating that he is using an alt in the chatroom (possibly going by wolfknighttwc)
- Also, I found the face of Horslvr, one of the other users that was confirmed to be in the zoo chat. I was trying to find a full face yesterday, but here it is. I am not surprise he looks this fucking ugly. His other information can be found back in the thread.
- I'm going to on a limb and also say he might have an arrest record in TX. From multiple sources, it also says he lives in Brenham as well.
- ”we have an Italian OP telling us about an all Asian film crew interviewing an autistic tranny. Say what you want about this part of the internet but its damn diverse.”
- We need people who know the geography/botany of the South-Eastern US well enough or know people who do to potentially limit our options. I've cropped the following pics as best as I can; there's no other OC by woof that I can make out
- Haven't seen anybody mention this yet, so sorry if this is just some pun or phrase and going over my head (non-native speaker here)
- But isn't Woof implying to have a fox fursona here? (messages.html)
- This was posted today in one of the evidence Telegram channels, in case anyone wants to dig into some more potential pedos.
- I don't have much to add, but kudos to the people in this thread digging up this stuff, I can't stomach even reading about this stuff.
- Is it really that important we find Woof? It seems to me that there's enough solid information for law enforcement to start unraveling this network and they actually have the means to acquire additional data whereas we are stuck with the few bits we have.
- Looking at these location efforts I keep thinking about Sephius/Patrick Pauger - 3D archery seemed to be his main hobby and if he hadn't revealed his location otherwise (video about his boyfriend at his place of work, insufficiently blacked out address on a photograph of a letter he received), that's probably where we would have started looking: but turns out that the archery range he trains at is actually 87 miles from his home. That distance would have made finding him practically impossible.
- Looks like Woof knows someone named Nith. Nith's alt is in there, and I'm assuming he and Nith trust each other enough to give their real info.
- That's a fair point, though I don't know how much the authorities would be able to even do that we aren't already capable of. There's also the above post; it seems Woof might be the lichpin of the awfulness, in which identifying him leads to him blowing everything else open one the jig is up.
- Looking at this, it looks like Woof doesn't have any snakes at home. Might disprove that picture that had the big ass snake is him in it.
- Good work. That is odd though. It makes me wonder if this dude isn't even making any of this stuff and the gorier material is taken from some unheard of snuff group.
- Woof compared himself to Dahmer who exaggerated his murders to make himself seem scarier. Woof is a sick fuck but a lot of his shit is from other places.
- Another important way to limit down the location of Woof is to look at the geography/botany of the South-Eastern US.
- As stated earlier, if someone can identify any particularly specific fauna then we may be in business. We need people who know their geography/botany well enough or know people who do to potentially limit our options. I've cropped the following pics of plants from Woof's content as best as I can; there's no other OC by woof that I can make out substantial plantlife in.
- View attachment 550715 View attachment 550716 View attachment 550717 View attachment 550718
- Could he be the same person as Woof? Doesn't seem very Hispanic.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: For example Guillermo del Toro looks like this and he's from Mexico
- Combining the information about coastal access, relative timezone to Snake (now that we have his dox), and where fire ants are indigenous in the US, we can limit Woof's location to Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina. If he's not in Florida, he probably resides near the East Coast.
- In case you're wondering, Woof is the really bad one.
- Where's the fire ants thing coming from and is it confirmed they're actually fire ants? Because most people usually assume all red ants are fire ants or all fire ants are red and that's not the case.
- You are right to notice that he may be wrong in identifying them thusly. If someone could check the species of ant it would be appreciated.
- Bottom pic looks like Philodendron gloriosum, but I might be wrong. Looks really similar.
- what I think is an alt angle on the plant. Still think it's Philodendron gloriosum?
- And it looks like there's a reason why his @ isn't in the leaks
- He also mentions something about how he has two step verification on every account he has, meaning it could be inferring that he has more than just one TG account. I'll look into more of the logs later to see if any of them mention anything about Woof.
- Is there a bigger picture of the ants? I'm far from an expert but I'll ask around.
- Fwiw, the snake is definitely a colubrid and not a species typically found in pet stores (corn snake, king snake, tard cum snake, bull snake, or garter snake). It looks like it has lighter colored ventral scales, reddish/rust/orangeish bands, and a black-gray or gray-green color and along with the heavy body leads me to guess it's a banded watersnake (Nerodia fasciata) which are endemic to the southeastern US. And you guessed it, prevalent on the North Carolina coastal plain. It looks a little big, but some of that might be forced perspective, and they can get over 3ft anyways. Their colors are pretty variable but here is some close examples.
- My second guesses are some other water snake subspecies or maybe Eastern indigo, which is a stretch. It just looks too heavy bodied to be any kind of racer or rat snake imho, and the eyes look too forward set for a rat snake.
- The Great Chandler "Pickleless girls don't marry virgin boys"
- Screenshot_20180925-150004_Samsung Experience Home.jpg File size:
- We currently believe that isn't Woof in the picture, but thanks anyway. Every bit counts. What exactly are we currently focusing on, anyway? Are we still on the ice cream?
- And I had nothing to do with any of this. You know how common a generic name like Monty is?
- You go on my telegram, find my phone number and look up my facebook....
- And now my picture is on here of me walking my dog.
- I repeat... I have nothing to do with any of this shit. I didnt even know this was a thing.
- Do you have any ice cream stores near you or have you or anyone you closely interact with put your foot in either a bush or fire ant nest in the past few months?
- Nearest ice cream place is a Cold Stone about a mile away.
- The fox fursona of Woof is mentioned another time by SnakeThing ("red fox").
- This is only mentioned twice, so I'd assume SnakeThing knows this from some external source and did not pick up this detail previously from Woof. Especially the "red" detail is mentioned nowhere in their conversation before this point, but of course that might just be random and not mean anything. But maybe it's possible that's how (as a red fox fursona) Kero's dead boyfriend also knew him?
- It also seems like Woof does not own a Fursuit, but this is just interpretation from that being part of a "fantasy" for him (NSFW).
- So, we can probably lock down the profile a bit more. There can't be that many furfags on the east coast with hispanic descent that have a """"normal"""" red fox fursona, even less so that work as an electrician and have connections to Kero's boyfriend.
- Thought you could walk your dog and get away with it motherfucker
- you all are fucking terrible at this. is it possible to fuck up any harder? I hope every one of you is suitably embarrassed to be such a failure.
- Who would have thought trying to dox someone through fire ants and ice cream parlors could have gone so wrong
- The dox on Monty wasn't a result of the efforts we've been making on Woof.
- Here are the relevant logs from July 2017 (mentioning a long-distance relationship - did those two live at the same place during that time?) (NSFW-ish):
- View attachment 550739 View attachment 550738 View attachment 550737 View attachment 550736
- There's another mention of Cupid in February 2018, but it's not too interesting and only mentions some argument that went down earlier that year, during which Snakething was seemingly blocked by Bitchtits.
- Unless Cupid has two "serious" open relationships, it seems very likely that Raiden is Bitchtits. If not, who else would be a possibility that you know of?
- And sorry to say, but it's not "only" zoophilia with this guy, but also the zoosadism stuff. I summarized some stuff discussed by him and SnakeThing here:
- Seattle furries especially have a lot of fucked up individuals, but I can't think of anyone who would be Bitchtits.
- Has anyone tried messaging them (the leakers) and tried to ask for any additional information on Woof? Or just any questions about him? Could be a longshot, of course, but the account is still active along with the new 'Evidence' channel. It does appear to be the original leakers seeing as how they're continuing to release more files and have released more on Jace Shepherd and Pakyto Dingo this morning.
- Would be great if someone can contact them, especially since Woof explicitly says that one of his shared videos can be "be easily used to identify me in rl", which would end this hunt quite easily.
- Also can someone share the new leaks here on Jace Sheperd and Pakyto Dingo as well? They might also have more stuff on people not identified yet.
- Is there any way I can get my info off of here please?
- No offense but I'd rather not have a potential employer looking me up and finding this thread.
- It's being looked into by the staff, something is gonna happen very soon
- If anyone has a telegram account, contacting the leakers for stuff specifically about Woof might be useful.
- This is backseat moderation. It is what people with no power and nothing to say do to get attention. Please don't do this.
- please stop trying to 'help' montyc. the staff is already looking into it, you're just confusing him and being retards
- Hey you dumb faggots, have you tried calling your local entomologist to see what ants are in different parts of the United States or maybe try calling up ben and jerry HQ to get the lowdown on all the popular dog fucking ice cream spots?
- Anyone actually get in contact with the leakers yet?? That's literally a better place to start than analyzing fucking ice cream ffs.
- ”I asked my mom to lend me the money but she refused after hearing that i intended to purchase a gun.”
- Plant sperg here. The vegetation is likely from Florida. Last pic is of a common house plant that is now growing invasively across florida.
- I'll be working on this off-site, I'll post again when I have something substantial. Open to correspondence on this by anyone who wants to go over it.
- I'll be working on this off-site, I'll post again when I have something substantial.
- Ok I thought you were being funny, but I think the joke's kind of dead now.
- Can someone add me to the doxxing PM chain, if one has been made yet?
- Lol. And how long did you think it would take for the farms to dox some unrelated rando in its autistic fervor for vigilante justice? Im suprised it took this long. Good job
- Really? Yes its common, in fucking Florida. This Woof guys fits the Florida man type. Anyway those are fire ants too.
- Princess Tinkle Panties 0 volunteers on call now...
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: plant indentification View attachment 551004
- blue:elephant ears are water loving plants that grow in zones 9-11
- These people are trying to help you guys since you can’t dox your way out of a paper bag. But all you’re doing is heckling them in chat where they can’t see it
- Hey guys, so I have been sitting back and watching this thread deteriorate from dog fucking to faildoxing and frankly, I don't know which is more embarrassing and mortifying considering the consistency at which you people fail to follow through with even the most basic of doxing protocol. You idiots have been sitting here trying to publicly dox ice cream for days, but alas, all we have is a fuckton of failure. I cannot tolerate this shit on a site that I admin anymore. Let me tell you a short story. We had a faggot here, @Derp Potato, who went ahead and just pulled the trigger on anyone that he thought could even plausibly be the doxing target. THIS ASSHOLE GOT SIX DOXES WRONG! SIX!!! But he still didn't embarrass himself as much as you people have brought collective shame on the farms with this exceptional bullshit the past week.
- Also you tards are publicly naming the people who you want to go after. Do you think that there is no one lurking to warn people about this? And when you faildox, all you do is show them what vulnerabilities to cover before the actual people who can gather fucking content get around to this shitshow. You inhibit the ability to collect content when you do this shit.. YOU'VE FAILED TO CATCH THE FISH FOR DAYS BUT YOU STILL CAST THE LINE IN PUBLIC. You've turned the task into a public, tedious embarrassment. He could give you his Facebook. Post his license. He's like teflon to you people.
- Listen. If you exceptional individuals cannot collectively dox this asshole, then maybe its time to quit. Why are you not taking this shit to PM chains? Why are you posting it in public? Basic Doxing 101 says you gather all you can then drop it all. Why? Because they know better than you where they hang out and they will cover their tracks with a click of a mouse. Once you post, the race is on for you to gather all you can before they notice and begin deleting and locking down. How is this difficult to figure out? You know what? From now on, the policy is if you wanna pull this bullshit you can get the fuck off the site. We're gonna start banning faildoxers because you ruin the flow and cultivation of content with this trash.
- A quick tip to any newfag lurkers out there who want to be "proactive " about this lolcow. There are plenty of other people on this site that are good and much better at it. So do what 90% the rest of do:
- Sit back, watch, and laugh (or in this case be completely mortified at this horrendous shitshow).
- EDIT: Read back at some post, did we just get raided by a group of 4chan autist? Because this the only group of people I know who are that autistic about innocuous and absurd details like fucking fireants and ice cream parlors holy shit. Either that or we are dealing with some literal children who are trying to dox for the first time. Either way this is fucking entertaining.
- So I went through the Woof logs completely again, trying to pick up stuff that might have been missed and to summarize things a bit. God have mercy on my soul.
- Woof's main account used to be "Warg" before some leak occured with him and Kero's boyfriend. Considering he calls it his main account and the other account is one of the main handles of Kero online, this name might be much more of an identifier for this guy than fucking Woof.
- Kero's boyfriend and Warg/Woof were close friends, and were even planning to meet. Warg/Woof brings it up several times and also talks about his involvement in their differen groups. This probably also implies Warg/Woof does not live close to where Kero's boyfriend used to live. Here's everything about that guy that is currently known, to my knowledge.
- People keep claiming Warg works as an electrician. The only mention of electricity work I can find is this, which literally could mean anything from actual electrician work to replacing a fucking printer. Or am I missing something?
- Same for "no internet", which seems to be bullshit - he even seems to upload larger files overnight several times. There was only once instance where he had no internet, on the 30th of May 2018.
- Warg/Woof has a red fox fursona. This is mentioned twice in the logs, once by himself and once by Levi. It is also at least implied he might not own a fursuit, which would match up with the impression of him not actively attending cons.
- A screenshot of Firefox in Spanish was posted by Warg/Woof, implying he is a native Spanish speaker.
- Warg/Woof claims twice to live somewhere with Eastern Time. He typically is up/messages Levi first around 7-8am, leaves work around 5pm-7pm and seems to get home typically a lot later around 9pm to 10pm (both log pairs are from the same day each, he mentions a gap of 3-4 hours between finishing work and getting home as well as 5pm being before he gets home). Based on this, I doubt he is lying about his time zone, which would seem way too elaborate considering he also sent Levi videos with his face at the same time and planned to meet up with another furfag RL.
- He mentions watching a sunset on the coast ("sea") once on a weekend, i.e. not a place he would commune to on his way to work.
- A previous leak involving some guy called "Muddy" seems to have further logs on Warg/Woof. I tried to find something on this, but so far failed - any clues what this even might have been and if log files are publicly available?
- A bit of a stretch, but besides the previous electricity outage, it also rained at Warg's/Woof's place around 8pm on the 28th of May.
- Lastly, considering he has an editor for his "creations", he probably is not very active as a creator on FA and other websites, and does not know how to use those tools properly - which is again a bit of a stretch.
- I already tried to match up some data, so far without success or a clear lead.
- So any info that could pretain to his ID is in there.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: plant indentification View attachment 551004 View attachment 551013 red:palms grow in zones 7-10 blue:elephant ears are water loving plants that grow in zones 9-11 View attachment 551010 red: mimosa trees grow in zones 6-9
- So, since you guys could not get in contact with the god damn leakers when the thread was locked, I decided to.
- Currently, I am still looking into desert stores in Southeastern US...
- guys don't worry I'll get to the bottom of this, I have Ben on the phone, Jerry is on line 2
- Currently, I am still looking into desert stores in Southeastern US that sold both cake and ice cream rather than only ice cream parlors. Will get back if I found the match
- You guys are right. I am so unbelievably fucking stupid to do this
- I am gonna sit back and let the professionals do the job
- So I went to some bakeries and cafes in my area and ask about the cake in the photo and it turns out that I was wrong.
- Currently, I am still looking into desert stores in Southeastern US that sold both cake and ice cream rather than narrowing down to only ice cream parlors
- It doesn't help that most of the information we have on Woof is actually about CoreyTWC. The only people who know Woof's identity are the leakers and Levi Simmons. Levi is currently being investigated by police. Levi was dumb enough to share his ZS account with someone he thought he could trust. I believe he will out Woof eventually. If that doesn't happen, law enforcement will take care of it. Levi is a special case because he shared CP and bragged about abusing his nephews.
- Good luck to anyone who's still willing to look at pictures of dead dogs so they can identify plants and read Yelp reviews for ice cream parlors. Corey and Woof are sick fucks but at least they know how not to get doxed by NEETs on an Autism board. Good for them.
- I found the dox of someone recently outed as a zoosadist.
- It appears this shit show has run its course with the info available at the moment
- I'm not letting you delete this post about the time you bothered your local baker about a cake you misidentified on the internet in order to find a person who fucks dogs.
- Anyone else find it suspicious how many ice cream companies are associated with animals? Blue Bell, Blue Bunny... and this commonality with the color blue... what does it mean!?
- Could you upload the zips on the other two guys that have not been posted here yet (Jace Sheperd and Pakyto Dingo)?
- > confirms that Shep was associated in sending Zoo porn through his account on Telegram (can be checked with account ID). The video he shows is a man doing heinous shit to a German Shepherd.
- > 2 videos associated to Pakyto, one labeled "Pakyzo fapping on the..", while the other associated to what he was fapping to.
- And pizza joints are to pedophiles as cupcake shops are to necrophiliacs! It all making sense now
- Is flowering dogwood, like someone else said earlier. Example of flowering dogwood leaves(which pop up on a plant identifier when you upload this cropped screenshot):
- But it doesn't narrow the search at all. All we have to objectively go on right now is that the dude is in the eastern time zone. Here is the region for flowering dogwood.
- Are we for sure Woof lives in the US? He could be living on the islands or South America for all we know. Wild dogs are common in these areas as well.
- Since ice cream and flora is out the window now, let's now try to dox Woof by inspecting each individual chest hair on the leaked image that may or may not be him.
- The ice cream place, I mean let's say they actually do get confirmation he was there, the police could look through the receipts and get Woof's credit/debit info if he paid with a card, but that depends on him having been the one paying the bill. The whole thing is too little ROI.
- We need to focus on connections and uproot as many zetas as possible from the Kero/Levi/Woof's circles. Find out who's in league with these freaks. Move fast, find out where the links go, who knows who.
- Translation: the info I provided is less than useful
- Ice cream shops are to furries as pizza joints are to pedophiles?
- When are you autists going to stop sperging about cakes and leaves? Spend your time finding the rest of these degenerates before they lock and nuke their accounts.
- Hey guys, I tried to get some answers from the manager at my local Baskin-Robbins. I showed him some photos and was told "What the fuck, please leave before I call the cops."
- I've also got some woods near me, maybe tomorrow I'll go ant hunting before hitting up the Carvel.
- pure autism breed further autism... and icecream apparently.
- This was posted today in one of the evidence Telegram channels.
- Edit: Sorry, just saw that the first image was posted before.
- Another disturbing thing I found while searching those logs: it seems SnakeThing and Tane are talking about drugging and raping a person this time, which if I remember right, SnakeThing said she was in Portland. What a shocker.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Conversation about the rape 1 Tane Hmm 20:24 Maybe a few actually S 20:25 SnakeThing™ Hmm.. *Hugs* Really? Who? :3 T 20:25 Tane Probably miskas S 20:27 SnakeThing™ Miskas? Whose that? :3
- To all the baby accounts that just got banned, you tried your best. Unfortunately your best was still far below everyone else's average.
- over the last 3 hours i have personally gone to every location where ice cream is served within a 3 mile radius of leaves in the entirety of north america. i placed a large cardboard box supported by a twig near the entrance of each store, and placed a dead armadillo underneath each box.
- the second this motherfucker drops his scoops and cupcakes in order to harvest that sweet, sweet, leprosy pussy the box will come down and we'll finally be able to hold these ice cream motherfuckers responsible for serving to a dogfucker
- this is why you leave it to the professionals, kids
- In less then ten days we are now doxxing leaves. Life is truly wonderful
- I wonder what it takes to make another thread for an individual person? I feel like Sangie Nativus/James Hoyt should get one eventually. His pedophile convictions were pretty much swept under the rug, but some folks now know about it because of the leaks and are jumping ship from InkedFur.
- Apologies if this is but I feel like getting this out there would do some good.
- Presumably that's the roadkill garage (north side) mentioned in the logs. I'll start working on the others now.
- Here's a few news articles about large-scale animal killings that seem to remain unsolved. For those more familiar with exact crimes in the chats/videos, see if any of these line up. I'm not fully caught up with the thread, but I'm assuming everyone is still sperging over Woof. I am NOT saying the Crosby story is related, but it sounds like the perfect set up for him. The area had a high rate of breeders and people abandoning pets. It sounds like the killer(s) were both dumping animals they stole and preying on pets that were abandoned along the highway.
- Tried to archive, I failed on all but one. A few articles ask for 1-2 survey questions to view, sorry about that.
- Dozens of animals, including 9 dogs and many coyotes and foxes, found dead in Ann Arbor, MI. One female rottweiler decapitated and feet bound with duct tape found March 16th, 3 more decapitated dogs found in the same month:
- Puppies killed and mutilated found in dumping area for abandoned pets:
- In 2012, a dog was decapitated in the same area - believed to be a dog that was abandoned alive that rescuers had been unable to catch:
- They disappeared in our neighborhood. We live on Harvey Road. A neighbor’s dog was butchered and left for dead but she did survive. A lot of dogs have come missing in this neighborhood. We are always afraid.
- For those dead-set on North Carolina - Ten dogs found dead dumped in trash bags in Wilson County Feb-April 2018 - says no signs of trauma but still one to keep in mind:
- dead dogs in garbage bags is more PETA's calling card (not even kidding) if they turn out to have been euthanized beforehand.
- Is flowering dogwood, like someone else said earlier. Example of flowering dogwood leaves(which pop up on a plant identifier when you upload this cropped screenshot): View attachment 551059
- But it doesn't narrow the search at all. All we have to objectively go on right now is that the dude is in the eastern time zone. Here is the region for flowering dogwood. Aka, the entire east coast.
- Unbridled autism has likely hit the limit with this dude right now. Think we've got way more luck looking into other people at the moment
- ETA for perceived: I'm saying even with a positive id of fuckin local flora this is pointless because all it ever leads to is "east coast" and never anything specific. The info people are looking into real hard right now for woof is useless as we will never find the dude with just "he's on the east coast somewhere", so we should move on
- has Kero's dead boyfriend, someone called "Muddy" who had logs leaked a few months ago and Levi as common contacts, the first one as a very close one is a native Spanish speaker most likely lives directly on the coast or very close to it had rain on the 28th of May 2018 at 8pm at his place probably is known as "Warg" or something similar online with his main account There really can't be too many hispanic red fox furfags living on the East Coast within those social circles. I have no idea why the fuck you people still dickride flowers and ice cream instead.
- Dude travels at least one or two hours from and to work daily and we don't know his line of work at all (the electrician thing is complete bullshit), this shit is pointless at the moment.
- Comment on Metokur Video A Man And His Dog.PNG File size:
- ”I won't respond to questions about KiwiFarms. KF is a terrorist website.”
- Ketamine is a common illegaly obtained tranq originally used for horses, became popular with ravers from the mid 90s, you wouldn`t need much for a small animal. It can be orally ingested.
- Animal rescues and / or vets are organizations with logs, and usually groups of people. I doubt he could do it that often with noone with a genuine concern for animals noticing something.
- There`s usually hotspots for animals to get dumped, such as forest trails leading to woods etc.. there are rescue workers that check a lot of these specific spots for dumped animals, often daily. He could be taking advantage of one of those kind of places.
- If you look at the overhead map on the suspected house that Corey lives/lived in, there`s a trail that leads to the woods North of the house that is a textbook example of a dumping spot.
- Assuming some of the animals could have been (hopefully heavily) dosed with Ket gives me small consolation they didn`t know much about their final hours..
- Okay, does anyone know who this person is? I was rewatching the Metokur video on this situation and saw this guy going for the #NotAllFurFags shit. But he said he knows Kero and was in his hotel room, along with several others. Does anybody have any info?
- He could be encouraged to come here if he or his friends actually know anything important about him though.
- On the zoosadism megathread, information is requested about Ponyfox.
- He is confirmed, and he has been on Dutch National TV:
- His 'fake name' in the episode is Stefan (with the blue shirt)
- - A screenshot of him with the crew of said episode in the same shirt, without the censor bar.
- he's obviously from the panhandle, we probably went to school together
- I do like how this entire thread is just about woof now and not the 5 other people not doxed.
- I was reading the OP, and I had a really dark, bitter laugh at the idea a zoophile ratted out zoosadists.
- That's like a rapist having no trouble with rape, but being morally offended when someone not only rapes an animal, they then kill it then rape the corpse.
- Frankly, both regular zoophiles and zoosadists are evil, so if the zoophile wants me to think he's a better person because while he might cornhole a dog, at least he doesn't kill it then rape the corpse when he's done, then as far as I'm concerned both parties are no better, though I can have a sort of twisted "respect" (and I use that word very lightly) for the zoosadist, at least they aren't trying to assign an ethical qualifier to acts that are unethical no matter what degree they are practiced.
- also, i use telegram pretty frequently. it's linked to your phone, you need to verify via text message to get access, do i agree that its not easy to hack. However, messages can be easily edited after posting and deleted with no notification to anyone in the chat. Just stuff to keep in mind.
- Messages can be edited, but the option goes away after a while. The messages are too old to be edited.
- The guy then told me to "buzz off" and doubled down on whiteknighting.
- BINGO. Our ice cream search is over. Himalaya located at Y118, 120, La Habana, Cuba.
- BINGO. Our ice cream search is over. Himlaya located at Y118, 120, La Habana, Cuba.
- i have a hot question, who's to say some of these new niggers trying to participate in this arent actual targets trying to throw misinformation to gum up being found out?
- Edit: This makes his internet issue claims and being an electrician more believable now.
- To think it took this long to find a water spic ice cream shop
- No wonder the great American ice cream search gave absolutely nothing when the munter doesn't even live in the United States.
- Sadly Cuba is a fucking shithole compared to the rest of Central America.
- Zoo fucking is legal in Cuba. Harming animals is however in a limbo.
- article (Spanish) the Cuban ministry of Agriculture is currently working on an "animal welfare law" which "includes the idea of "animal protection "". Hopefully it will pass and eventually lead to him getting caught and ending up in a nice Cuban prison cell
- Lol, you all sound a little disappointed that they aren't next door.
- ”Does the trans community know you run around on kiwi farms doxing and harassing trans women?”
- Cuba does not have private internet access, but only hotspots around the country. Some quick information on this:
- This also matches up with some of the logs, which implied he has no mobile internet but uses Wifi even for Telegram when on his way home, as well as not having internet directly at home.
- Going from this, he has to live at some place close to a hotspot because he seems to upload stuff overnight.
- Judging from his seemingly long travel time to and from work, I'd assume he does not live in Havana.
- EDIT: also IF he has any internet presence, finding a Cuban furfag with a fox fursona that knew Kero's boyfriend should probably not be too difficult.
- They usually fail hard by trying to say something like, "We gotta look at it from both sides" or some other spiel.
- Even if the ice cream place had been in the US, you would still be in the same spot you are now, with barely anything left to go on. The best course of action has always been to dox as many of the other furries as you can, and hope they'll turn on woof. Even if they don't know his name or exact location, they may still have other information that could be helpful, that's not found in the logs.
- Would you rather be jerked off or have your nipples and genitalia cut off and fed to you before having your limbs severed and being decapitated?
- I doubt you'd have the same aloof attitude given the choice.
- holy crap - well, just remember that miami / florida has a huge cuban population.. is there a chance there is one in somewhere like hialeah or similar cuban concentrations?? it's a long shot, but either way I have ppl to ask..
- of course. All it takes is for him to illegally come. Ain't that hard.
- Theres a journal posted a few pages back detailing the kind of damage even just "jerking off" or otherwise "harmlessly" sexually stimulating an animal can do. Microlesions, bruising, gas accumulation in the uterus (given the animal is female ofc) among others, not to mention its pretty well documented that animal abuse (sexual included) creates severe psychological issues that manifest behaviorally, usually leading to the animal being put down. (Isn't that what happened to Wild Life's dog?)
- Yes, definitely, of course. All it takes is for him to illegally come. Ain't that hard.
- Allison Curtis’s dog was given away to some furry because it started becoming aggressive toward her ex-boyfriend who had no interest in that shit apparently. Her fucking the dog basically made it more aggressive to the point it was becoming dangerous. I remember her ex showed up on dramachan to say that wasn’t the case which was laughable.
- Point still stands: animal sexual abuse leads to behavioral issues.
- hialeah's a cuban neighborhood in florida. There's a lot of tiny branches of stuff there that you can usually only find in cuba.. But any ways, it was just my last shreds of hope taking flight..
- EDIT: Since the plants seen on the background of the poor mangy puppy is Flowering Dogwood - that species doesn't grow on Cuba
- EDIT 2: Although, is there still a possibility that it wasn't Woof who produced the video with the taped puppy?
- Oh Christ. This guy's going to be our Bin Laden, isn't he?
- I know you said to stop talking about it, but i would just like to say that i personally prefer rocky road.
- This is fucking absurd. I am completely done with the icecream shit. Anyone talking about woof from here on out is getting threadbanned. I don't care where you take this but take it anywhere but here. Make a new thread. Make a discord channel. Make a Telegram channel. Make a PM and start inviting people. I don't give a fuck. Just stop shitting this thread up.
- We've got 3 names, 2 pending review in Proving Grounds, and 3 other people who aren't woof who can potentially be doxed. There's absolutely no reason to continue this discussion another 50 pages.
- This whole thing is deplorable because of the animal abuse, remember that. Woof did some shit but atm, there are others to dig up before they go demestos the shit out of everything they use.
- It seems extremely likely that Mr. Bitchtits (who also used to be group admin and also loves him some deer and dog raping) is Matthew John Grabowsky's (Cupid) boyfriend Raiden A Dolen, details about him here:
- Postal address (same as Cupid/Matthew), FB, FA are linked in the post above.
- But the good thing is if this guy is that reckless in the first place, he's probably on the road to getting vanned for something sooner or later regardless of any civilian armchair sleuthing.
- I'm guessing he thinks his "overlap" between the zoo and 'normal furry' community is limited enough that taking recognizable photos of his bedroom wouldn't be a problem, but can we really expect looking into his publicly visible contacts and associates is going to pull up anything new and THAT interesting we don't already know?
- I mean that in terms of something substantial and actionable of course.
- Disappointed I read through at least 40 pages of Ice Cream Autism. Disappointed that I kept reading anyway. Good memes out of it at least.
- well this guy's pretty degenerate. and the videos on his timeline are all gay porn of him getting fucked in the ass. i didnt watch enough to know if there is anything else.
- EDIT: Oh, excuse me, my browser showed me the wrong image, yeah fuck this guy.
- This seems to be another FB of Kiba Pawsome ("Marvin Sonntag", also from Dortmund, has the other "Kiba Pawsome"/Marvin Sonntag account on his friend list, mentions "HKS" like his other profiles) that's still up:
- Since I don't see Kiba Pawsome information being posted yet, I shall post what I gathered
- after reviewing pictues of the dogs that woof had access to....
- 2) he has access to anaesthesia (iirc he's the one that anesthesized the puppy beforehand)
- 3) a pregnant dog or a fetal puppy. (the decapitated one looked like it was a newborn) 4) black dog that was tied up looked like it had gotten a haircut? the legs to be tied up pretty well, like he's done this before. that is also a very specific muzzle. looks vetinary.
- and we know where snakething lives right? at least which state... so woof is 3 hours off from snakething.
- Just curious. I like snakes. I just cant have any at home."
- I friend had a boa once. he was a vet and loved animals. 18:47 He still does but doesnt have any snake atm.
- what if the "I" was a mistake but he meant himself? that he was a vet who had a snake before... because how else would he get anesthesia?
- not only that.. but if people dropped off animals at the vet clinic, then he would have free reign over them. or people could bring in their animals to be put down, but they wouldnt stay with them, so he'd just take them home.
- it would explain why the other dogs were in such bad condition.
- if people in here are compiling stuff in a telegram chat or such, please pm me so we can compile things faster and easier.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: some stuff found on anubis' twitter (somewhat nsfw)
- from looking at the other people tagged in this picture i'm sure he's the guy in the back with dark hair. one older tweet pretty much confirms it.
- he used to live in cleveland, apparently. moved this year.
- this isnt really important but holy shit, having a display shelf for bad dragons is fucking exceptional.
- Here are some verified Telegram ID #s and usernames for multiple zoophiles/zoosadists (14) involved in this along with accounts of theirs, although some have been locked and deleted. The IDs could be used to verify more original messages if they're forwarded to the new 'evidence' channel by the leakers and to verify any suspect Telegram accounts. Could come in handy.
- WolfyDNA, who now goes by Tuskyn/Tuskyn Wolf/MuskieHuskie is also on that list of "RLC" enthusiasts.
- View attachment 551136 View attachment 551137 View attachment 551138
- Location: Plano, Texas (Which Horslvr is also located (IN TX, not Plano), btw. Can be confirmed through many of the links provided)
- But let's look at this for a second, because this might reveal his ID. This was one of the banners he had on one of his stupid accounts
- This is what I get when I look it up, and look what we have:
- Evidence of the rename is still in various google search results but see e.g. and not very useful scrape of the old profile:
- Info about XyroTR1 below in spoiler. Also has some picture of some guy named "wolff", but this is just a coincidence than anything. XyroTR1 is an alt for Zentrathefox, which is said in the zoosadist evidence chat. (THE BELOW EVIDENCE COULD HELP FIND HIS IDENTITY.)
- Let's the one year I've used this site I've come to know the existence of real life cannibals, people who deliberately want to either contact or spread HIV and now of people who literally rape animals to death. Why do I hate my sanity so much that I keep reading this forum?
- Bum Driller Cultural Appropriator & Cowboy Chemist
- This one might be going DFE - anyone else have more info on him?
- Been reading the thread, and scanning through the chats between SnakeThing and Tane, and man this is really a rabbit hole that goes far deeper than I could of imagined. I hope to god these people get rightfully charged because the apathy towards the discussion/viewing of animal abuse/rape, and CP is absolutely vile. Anyone who is coming to the defense of Kero, or those involved needs to be checked out, because they probably have some skeletons hidden in there closet as much as the cretins they're protecting/defending have.
- Also, glad to know we managed to get a lead somewhere in this tism train.
- I'm unsure if this is allowed (and mods, if it's not, please delete) but there's a telegram chat now, meant for investigating and compiling evidence on the zoosadists. It might keep the autism in this thread from spilling out and keep it less cluttered with pictures of pies.
- Anthrocon profiles (confirming Baltimore MD and that tuskyn = muskiehuskie):
- Evidence of the rename is still in various google search results but see e.g. View attachment 551561 and View attachment 551565 not very useful scrape of the old profile: View attachment 551564
- edit: also "Nathan" is just what puts in place of whatever account name it uses to access facebook.
- edit: in one of the posts on the archived twitter page he mentions working in Cockeysville, MD
- Should be careful, I think because telegram requires a phone number, it's easy to accidentally dox yourself when using it.
- If people are looking for this guy in a PM, tag me please.
- its absolutely impossible to get someone's phone number from the telegram, otherwise we'd already have these guy's phone numbers, and if you're concerned, you can use textnow to make a burner number to activate telegram.
- It seems that they're already contacts in my phone, so the app matches them based on that. Like, I've had friends who have signed up for telegram after the fact, and I'll get notifications in the desktop client that they've joined based on their phone numbers. Telegram does make use of that data and it worries me.
- So I should correct myself and say that it's somewhat unlikely to dox your number via telegram (because you'd need to already have them as a contact), but it'll surprise you sometimes.
- I'm just worried when apps like these try to be too "smart" behind your back. It's a useful feature if you're not interested in maintaining multiple identities. Like I'd be very concerned about random telegram links on kiwifarms if the link handling on my desktop wasn't so broken, because I'd worry about accidentally joining a room under my real identity.
- If you're using the desktop version of Telegram, does it still require a phone number? If not, it's no wonder you can't get some of these fuckers' phone numbers.
- Everyone has a phone number on their Telegram account. The @ name is the optional part. The number can be VoIP, if this is detected they just restrict your account and you have to email support before you can PM people.
- My eyes have melted from looking at this thread too long and now I'm blind. Typing this post from muscle memory.
- Yeah you could be compromised in one way if one of your phone contacts happens to get on Telegram. Though usually we already know the username and need the real contact info. Discovering through Telegram the phone number of a user not known to you should be impossible, barring an unknown and major vulnerability.
- Telegram is my least favorite chat program by far. If anyone has your phone number in their contacts, and if they let Telegram see their contacts list on any single device, they will automatically see your Telegram account populate in their Telegram contacts on all their Telegram platforms (desktop or mobile). It's basically like a reverse dox trap. Instead of random strangers finding out your real name, the real people who have you in their contacts will find out your chat name and see how you represent yourself there.
- And god help you if you used the same handle on Telegram as other platforms.
- The logs also mention Felix/Tarin. Decided to give his stuff a look, and this is what he says about Spark Dalmatian:
- "Don't feel like it's my place to put it out there" - dog fucker defender quote of the year.
- I don't know if this has been repeated anywhere else, but I don't want to go through 40 pages of ice cream tism to see if it's been posted about Cupid fucking some "cops" dog.
- Looks like we have a name of someone else working with the leaker, Zoodonym, to sort through the shit
- I also found a list from 2014 as that gives a list of accounts, including Shep and Zoodonyms, along with 20+ other usernames. I'll leave it here if it helps anyone:
- I thought that tweet was in reference to VenusAsABun, or no?
- Lol, you all sound a little disappoint that they aren't next door.
- Sounds like some mixed facts about Cupid, noodles, and nacho. We have names for Cupid and noodles because they were charged for the video, which was discussed by snakething and tane. Pretty sure nacho is the women from context. Somewhere else it was mentioned that Mr bitchtits dated Cupid. I posted about some of it here:
- I'm surprised not to see more on the Seattle folks yet. There's quite a few members living in the area or at least they were during some of these chats.
- Is that actually the same person though? I would imagine "zoodonym" is a very common pseudonym for weird dogfuckers who think they're clever.
- Honestly, if furries are willing to be dumb enough to keep the same tag everywhere they go, I don't see how this dude wouldn't.
- Regardless, this doesn't reveal much, and he's a zoo himself according to the Zoosadist chat in TG. So even if this isn't him, it wouldn't come as a shock if he wants to fuck dolphins.
- But yeah, this guy probably wrote fanfiction about that episode of KoTH where Hank was raped by the dolphin.
- An anon on /snow/ is posting screens of the memorial page of Kevin Perlstein / Sheppypaws. The name Warg Schwarz comes up. A few people have noted Warg was a name Woof was called a few times. This could be him or somebody else. In German the name translates to Black Wolf so no doubt he's using an alias if this is actually him.
- Yea, it mentions Venus. But I've never heard of someone by Misseewolf work with Zoodonym (unless that's some ambiguous name for Venus)
- Speaking of which, I've looked into Zoodonym, and oh boy. Don't let him near the sea
- Got reports that said people have continued to discuss this "Woof" character even after big boss papa Null declared that nets a threadban. I've handed out several temporary ones with notes attached explaining the situation for those that missed out on that announcement.
- Doxing attempt in the open, where the dox target can simply view this thread and be on alert.
- Now clarification on my end: All the people from my list have posted in the chat. Take from that what you will.
- Absolutely not! I'd have rather burnt the house down.
- Someone on Twitter requested that SnakeThing/Nelizar/Levi's Telegram User ID from messages he sent Saphy recently (he posted them to Twitter) be cross checked with other old messages to see if they match. I took some screenshots doing that and posted them to my Twitter tonight. This shows his messages confirming that he was SnakeThing, that he was in "damage control" mode, and trying to claim he never had those conversations with Kero but that Kero was "in to soft zoo", were indeed him. Of course his answers were bullshit and he was covering. Not too useful at this point for you all, but there it is. Pretty sure the conversation log from Saphykitten was posted earlier.
- Been following this thread for awhile as I'm helping compile what info I can to track these sick fucks down in other places. Decided to make an account and respond to this. I'm the Triss you have in your list, and I wanted to clear something up. You are absolutely incorrect, I was never in any zoo chat. I'm mentioned in one spot in one log where SnakeThing -forwarded- something I said a year ago from a west coast furry shitpost chat he used to be in that I'm an admin in. We booted him out quite some time ago because of how disgustingly unashamedly open he was about being a dogfucker.
- In fact you can see a screenshot of my twitter much earlier in this thread someone posted where I was confirming SnakeThing's identity as Nelizar.
- My forwarded comment was just an anecdote of me being squicked the fuck out because I went to a Halloween house party while visiting friends in Seattle, and some rando just walked up to me and told me he fucks dogs in his fursuit, and then walked off. No idea who he was. I immediately relayed the tale in the shitpost chat, which SnakeThing was still in at the time. Relevant excerpt from the log in the spoiler.
- Would it be possible to get my name removed from these lists? I'd recommend verifying the involvement of anyone else on that list before acting.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Relevant log excerpt S 20:58 SnakeThing™
- Not included, change data exporting settings to download. 720x1280, 116.5 KB 20:58
- Not included, change data exporting settings to download. 720x1280, 122.9 KB 20:58
- Not included, change data exporting settings to download. 720x1280, 120.8 KB 20:58 This was talked about in the group(that I'm no longer a part of sadly) like a few weeks ago. October 28th. Was in Seattle apparently.
- I'm at a party and on acid, and within like 15 minutes, someone comes up to me and says he let someone's dog there hump him in fursuit 21:00 Totally unprovoked in like introductory conversation 21:00 S SnakeThing™ 29.10.2017 05:42:04 Oh, and if you find out this, tell me.
- But, was wondering if you knew more, hence me asking. 21:00 NC Nacho Clumsiest Puppo 29.10.2017 15:14:35 Yea its fritz party S 21:01 SnakeThing™ Saphy is interesting. He's the one that threatened my life cause of the Nacho drama. Not sure about triss. He's interesting.
- Your best bet would be to get in contact with a mod.
- Do you remember any specific interactions with Levi in the shitpost chat? Anything he said that sticks out in particular?
- god, that was arguably the worst way to spend my last few hours before heading to bed.
- as i was waiting to make an epic idea about contacting one of the main zoofur's (snakething if i recall.) friends on warframe's forums about 60-70 pages ago, but id rather just wait and watch the shitshow get even bigger honestly.
- wish i could offer more on this, but i'd rather not fuck up royally.
- maybe contribute with shitty oc memes on the topic soon(tm.)
- "People have died from anaphylactic shock due to dog cum"
- Now, I imagine that allergy to dog semen isn't covered by your standard allergy test.
- Lioness I have a vagina, uterus and ovaries, you freak!
- The only thing that gets me to sleep at night after discovering this horrorshow is the fact that an army of dedicated autists is working tirelessly to bring justice. I love you guys.
- Pretty much all furries should be eradicated; however, if I could choose which ones, it would be the diaper furs first.
- I'm at a party and on acid, and within like 15 minutes, someone comes up to me and says he let someone's dog there hump him in fursuit 21:00 Totally unprovoked in like introductory conversation 21:00
- Thank you, but I made a topic, waiting for approval!
- Anyone who asks for removable fursuit teeth for sucking dick has to be a bit unhinged anyway.
- This is the part that the script picked up. Sorry for posting you if you aren't involved I'll update my post. That being said, does that mean there were multiple chats, only one of which was involved in zoosadism/zoophilia?
- The formatting is a little hard to tell in the HTML log jumble, but that's him forwarding my messages on Telegram a few weeks after I said that in an unrelated public chat, rather than me speaking directly in the conversation. You can see my timestamp doesn't match the date and time of the conversation it's nested within, and several lines in the log above my mention he says it was a few weeks ago from a chat he's no longer in.
- I believe all of his logs are actually private message logs, rather than logs from an actual telegram chat room. I have no idea if he forwarded content from any other public chats from anyone else, but that's possible. I know where he forwarded my stuff from has nothing to do with zoo anything.
- Hey all, I lurk every now and then, but since I have something to contribute I decided to make an account.
- I know Ozone. He's notorious in the UK Fandom. I know his name and general area as to where he lives. Same with Snugglebunny.
- I have reported both him and snugglebunny to the police.
- screencapture-uk-linkedin-in-callum-whyte-69b79699-2018-09-27-19_51_46.png File size:
- After reading through pages of this thread, I'm totally not surprised a wild__life/java fursuiter was found out to be a zoophile...honestly an overwhelming amount of wild__life suiters must be dogfuckers.
- I have also been told that's where he also lives but I couldn't confirm
- Tyson Allen, I've heard sometimes goes by the name Stuart.
- This is all I know about him, However twitter does have a picture. Sometimes he grows a beard out.
- Just as an example, it looks like Nelizar commissioned a sticker pack. The artist signed the sticker pack as one of the stickers (also common practice). That artist is on FA, drawing exactly what you would expect. Feral animal porn.
- I recommend we check every alias for more clues. Some people are stupid enough to put their own photos in these sticker packs, treating them like a fast-share photo album.
- I have to wonder... did Snugglebunny deliberately take his name from Bloom County?
- Also his rabbit suit has fuck-me eyes, which makes it worse.
- You're not wrong, actually. Animal abuse is a known feature of psychopathy, and is also a known early warning sign of a potential future murderer or serial killer. Murderers often practice methods and body disposal too on animals before they move on to human victims.
- In fact there's an animal killer in Canada that is being given the same probation they'd give a murderer because she's flagged as high risk to be a future serial killer. Her name is Kayla Bourque.
- Can't say too much without doxing myself but theres a lot more to the story. The reason her sentence was harsher than the average animal abuse had nothing to do with fears of her going Jeffrey dahmer. It had to do with child porn found on her computer (which the charge was dropped due to a plea deal), and because she was actively planning a homicide
- Was going to post this before you all got this thread locked again.
- This individual and his wife are big fans of feral, vore and non-consensual. He goes around Telegram acting as a female to the point where he'll lie about his identity and send a woman's nudes as his own: Basically, catfishing. His wife knows of this behaviour but defended it with hostility when once approached. She uses multiple accounts without any indication that they are related, to the point where ref sheets are in hidden galleries. She sells shoddily shot homemade fursuit porn via cancerously moderated Telegram group for stupid money. Yes - they own a dog.
- All of Jolly's accounts that I know of - FA, Twitter, etc - are shut down. No idea if this was a recent or an old act, as he's been off of Telegram for a while.
- Probably not relevant, but seeing this name rang a bell. They're definitely so exceptionally autistic that him being a zoophile wouldn't surprise me, so I'm posting this in case his name comes up again.
- Seems to be in lockdown but that's him working at the Flapper and his banner image is the rooftop bar at the venue in question. It was going bankrupt and in fact had hosted its "last" gig a few months ago, but its website says its not closing now, without further information as to how:
- The Birmingham metal community (the Flapper hosts metal gigs almost exclusively) is a very close-knit one. If it turns out there's a dogfucker/paedo in their midst there will be angry biker types who will want a word with Mr. Whyte. Is there any direct evidence linking him with any of these activities, or has his name just appeared on a list?
- He appeared in a quote by snake thing mentioning he's into kids.
- A close friend of Sephius Rivendare & Keltus, they traveled to Scotland earlier in the year to stay with him. I believe he's called Scottishbeef.
- A tranny too, how come these people always come in a full set?
- ToroidalBoat Token Hispanic Wacky Delly Friend True & Honest Fan
- Kit Killovarras/@Kitthesoulless is a perfect example of the "muh image" furry, the kind of furry more concerned about their PR than what led them to get the negative PR in the first place, or about cleaning up the issues.
- View attachment 547350 View attachment 547351 View attachment 547352
- Slightly off topic, but I wonder if Kothorix will make a video on this
- I could imagine it already "Sure he's fucking a dead animal, but is Necrophilia really that bad? It's a dead carcass, it can't feel anything. Nobody is being hurt. "
- I'm mostly disgusted that they're going to try and set this up in a way where he can try to make a come back.
- Like were all supposed to believe that this guy who talks about fucking his dog, who has taken a multitude of sexual pictures of his own dogs mouth, who talks about fucking roadkill, etc ... Never did that. He's the BEST dogfucker out of all these other dogfuckers.
- He lied to his fans for a week about NOT DOING THOSE THINGS, only to realize the evidence was too much and now he's trying to gracefully dismount from this situation as best he can.
- Give up YouTube, it's not your career anymore. You can't come back from this.
- Delete social media. Go to a psychiatrist. Seek help. Get a day job.
- Not serving jail time is the best thing you can hope for right now.
- #1667 Corrosive Motherfucker, Sep 28, 2018 at 10:34 PM
- While the details of the behavior described in cute-calling terms in the chats, and the content of the photos and videos shared are disturbing, I'm really sorta honestly baffled by the idea that "zoosadism" seems to have the buzz of a newly discovered strain of an already infamous deadly virus.
- I say this because in my experience, the most widely discussed or reported form of bestiality, including news reports, or passing references in movies or whatever, is the idea of an unhinged guy sneaking into a property where animals are kept, raping an animal (typically a goat) and murdering it afterward.
- And in the course of atrocity tourism and screencaps of stupid shit zoophiles say, I've seen many statements lamenting how vigilantes target the animals owned by zoophiles as a form of "hate crime against their orientation".
- The thing is, these statements seem to regard apparent properties zoophiles own or have access to, places zoophiles have covert meet ups with to get together and sex up animals.
- Therefore the people who best know the security measures locations of the animals are the people who get invited to these evil gatherings, its probably in the know zoos in their own circle who are coming back in secret to rape and kill animals as part of their fetish who are doing these killings, to the dismay of the zoophile animal owner who's interest is to keep the animals around as long as possible so they can continue abusing them and getting the most milage out of them.
- Any member of the public who learns of this activity is most likely going to call the cops assuredly so they can save the animals, not just target the animals out of spite.
- All this is to say, these guys are morons and "zoosadism" is surely far more rampant than the zoos who aren't interested in deliberately killing animals are aware of or willing to admit to themselves.
- I can't seem to keep up with this. Too much going on maybe. No matter how many times I read this thread, I can't figure out how someone came across these chat logs.
- Maybe we should just let law enforcement do its job. In the meantime, don't go to cons or support the cult. Because that's what all this shit is. A cult.
- I’ve heard plenty of stories about this dude being an alcoholic and General cunt to people. It’s interesting to see this come out about him, though.
- is a bit old, coming out 4 months ago but the common thread I've noticed with the zoosadist shit is that it's caused a lot of old scandals to be brought back into the light. Drama tends to fade quick when you're a popufur with art that brings in the dollars in this fandom.
- Drama tends to fade quick when you're a popufur with art that brings in the dollars in this fandom.
- Why does this planet suck so much that zoosadism is even a thing?
- #1675 Your_Fairy_Wish_Prince, Sep 29, 2018 at 4:15 AM
- @CaptainuWu already typed out the thread and it's still under criteria assessment. You can help by contribute any information on Kit
- Kit Killovarras's thoughts on us. When is he going to get a thread?
- Just replace "hate" with "laugh at", and replace "people" with "autists" and it's pretty spot on.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Furries deserve to be gassed.
- ”Normally we would use lemons but this time we will use a stick”
- This guy is stupid if he thinks that anyone is going sympathize with him being a zoosadist.
- Looks like Metokur will be making a sequel video tonight.
- I'm pretty sure he's referring to tonights killstream
- this tweet. My bad for not posting it in my earlier post.
- I can't find the news story at the moment but I recall a situation in which an inflation fetishist tried to inflate himself by sticking an air pump into his mouth that was meant for tires. He ended up blowing his jaw off, losing an eye and suffering extreme internal bleeding as his stomach was expanded beyond normal capacity and partially ruptured and I think maybe one of his lungs burst as well. Anyhow, it didn't feel as good as he thought and it damn sure didn't go how he imagined it would. I think that may be the case for all these assholes. It looks good on paper but in practice, I don't think they would enjoy it.
- More Kero defense sperging from Kit Killovarras, along with him XD'ing over obviously fake tweets of Connor Goodwolf. I can't tell if he really believes them or if he's trying to make some point.
- I have collected comments and tweets of people defending Kero, defending Zoophilia, or both. For the record, all of these were made after Kero began to admit guilt, meaning these people know that he comitted these acts.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Furries deserve to be gassed. View attachment 554128 View attachment 554129 View attachment 554130 View attachment 554131 View attachment 554132 View attachment 554133 View attachment 554134 View attachment 554135 View attachment 554136 View attachment 554137 View attachment 554138 View attachment 554139 View attachment 554140 View attachment 554141 View attachment 554142 View attachment 554143 View attachment 554144 View attachment 554145 View attachment 554146 View attachment 554147 View attachment 554148 View attachment 554149 View attachment 554150 View attachment 554151 View attachment 554152 View attachment 554153 View attachment 554154 View attachment 554155 View attachment 554156 View attachment 554157 View attachment 554158 View attachment 554159 View attachment 554160 View attachment 554161 View attachment 554163 View attachment 554164 View attachment 554165 View attachment 554166 View attachment 554167 View attachment 554168 View attachment 554169
- So I may be extremely autistic and dumb for saying this, but if there's this big network of "virtuous zoophiles" ready to doxx "the bad ones", why haven't they done it already? This isn't like a sting operation, where you need to keep the suspects in the dark so you can nab a confession. The zoophiles with supposed intel are ALREADY part of the problem. They already know who's in the circle. This is like a corrupt cop ratting out his fellow corrupt cops in the hope of witness protection. The excuse of "we're compiling" doesn't hold water when you're already in the goddamn network. It's the people on the outside looking in who would be saying that.
- These freaks need to drop what doxx they've got and quit leading everyone on.
- So along with zoophilia, pedophilia is apparently okay in the fandom too as long as it's ...."done with consent" too. Slippery-slope anyone?
- But it may well be the first earnest, genuine confession of any kind to come out of this shit show.
- The fact that it took outside circumstances to get him to this point, assuming his feelings and words are real, shows he lacked the judgment to hop off the train on his own terms, so really even if he's 100% legit with what he's said, theres no reason to feel good about him in any way.
- But just maybe there's a 1% chance of him being able to unfuck himself to the point he won't dive headfirst into this shit again once the hubbub dies down.
- "I was tricked into being evil" stops being a sympathetic excuse once you continue to consciously and repeatedly do the wrong thing.
- 1) Assuming this is genuine, very well, but you don't get a medal for deciding to stop being evil once you get caught doing it, you're already supposed to not be evil.
- 2) You still deserve consequences more severe than online disapproval from the handful of furries who actually disapprove of zoophilia and animal abuse activities.
- 3) I hope your claims of contact with a mental health professional are genuine, even if they are, they can't help you if you're too full of shit to actually improve yourself, which requires you to dismantle everything associated with your destructive obsessions, and that's merely the mere starting point, so I have no "hope" for you personally, just in the ability of the therapist to contact authorities if need be.
- Kudos to Corey for coming clean and admitting it, instead of 'I was hacked' and using a VPN.
- I understand that Corey had been a member of Gaybeast since he was like 14, so I guess he really needs psychiatric help.
- I wonder how old he was in that video because he looks kinda small.
- Ah yes, the entrapment defense... let's see how well that works for him.
- Entrapment would be like, if a bunch of trolls contacted someone with genuinely no zoophilic tendencies, deliberately fucked with him and pushed him and eased them into giving an incriminating reaction, and then leaking the chat logs.
- The "if you were a sheep would you fuck another sheep?" trick is an unfortunately accurate example.
- Entrapment isn't the same as saying he was seduced into it.
- Maybe I misread him but it sounded like he was saying that some person seduced him into doing a lot of bad shit and then that same person leaked all of the information just to ruin his life. "I wouldn't have done any of it if the guy who exposed me hadn't lured me into doing it", basically.
- The sense I got was "a guy i trusted seduced me into doing it, then the ring got exposed and me along with it", not that the guy who supposedly seduced him exposed the logs.
- Either way, take that version of events without about a cup of Himalayan rock salt, because while its a plausible explanation as to how someone can get like this, its not an excuse, and it happens to serve well as to put him in an even vaguely sympathetic light, so don't take too much stock in it.
- The only detail I might believe is the existence of a therapist, which is actually the only possibly "good" news out of all of this since they will act to protect if they think a dangerous crime is being committed.
- What the fuck.... a child can't consent, that is the whole point of age of majority...
- lmao “i only jacked off to raping and killing puppies because i wanted friends” okay
- CoreyTWC has posted a journal to his Furaffinity page admitting his involvement in this.
- More people defending/supporting Kero and Zoophilia:
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Actual subhuman trash View attachment 554947 View attachment 554948 View attachment 554949 View attachment 554950 View attachment 554951 View attachment 554952 View attachment 554953 View attachment 554954 View attachment 554955 View attachment 554956 View attachment 554957 View attachment 554958 View attachment 554959 View attachment 554960 View attachment 554961 View attachment 554962 View attachment 554963 View attachment 554964 View attachment 554965 View attachment 554966 View attachment 554967 View attachment 554968 View attachment 554969 View attachment 554970 View attachment 554971 View attachment 554972 View attachment 554973
- The absolute state of the furry fandom. It's funny that the people who were saying shit like "not all furries", "most furries are digusted by Kero's actions", "zoophiles are only a tiny minority of furries", etc, are all suddenly silent. Get fucked. Furfags deserve to be hanged.
- “The Fuck people, do you want to take down the Farms or not?”
- Ones of the videos looks like its recorded on VHS tapes.
- LOL the guy you're defending, a person who definitely knows more about the subject at hand than you do, can't even confidently say that he's innocent.
- He can't decide if he didn't rob the bank because it was robbed on Tuesday and he only visits the bank on Friday, or if it was because he does all his banking online and never goes to the bank anyway, or if it was because he was at the bank on Tuesday but doesn't own a handgun, or if it was because may have been at the bank Tuesday, but he left his handgun at home locked up in a safe, or if it was because he was in the town next door buying a safe to keep his handgun in, or if it was because he has so much money he wouldn't need to rob a bank anyway, or if it was because he was on the other side of town applying for welfare at the time of the robbery, or maybe some of his friends chatted to him in a private room online about possibly robbing a bank, but he just thought they were all roleplaying and he never actually took part in it, yeah, ALL of that is true at the same time.
- Also, you don't have fucking paws, if you did, Kero would have fucked you to death by now and invited a bunch of strangers who never even knew you to attend your online funeral.
- To be fair he did preface by saying he only likes the idea of fucking dogs
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: "nothing more than a ridiculous outrage campaign"
- It's like it's incapable of understanding morality, put thing should be put down now before it causes some harm.
- #1714 yawning sneasel, Sep 30, 2018 at 1:08 PM Last edited: Sep 30, 2018 at 1:17 PM
- Just throwing this out there because there has been a lot of faildoxing in this thread.
- Do your due diligence when you are doxing people, especially those that you are accusing of being dog abusers. You aren't accusing someone of being a goofball in a fursuit here, you're accusing people of crimes that a lot of people view as being close to sexual assault on a human. If you identify the wrong person because of sloppy doxing, then expect severe disciplinary actions in response.
- We have a few great doxers sort of watching these threads, but they aren't interested in the content or moralfagging it up. They probably aren't going to help you, but from time to time they may decide to audit the doxing you did. Don't be an asshole if someone decides to do you a solid and reach out to you to say "eh this was wrong". Listen to what they say and you might learn a thing or two.
- Here is a PM chain from last night. I edited out some unimportant stuff and wrong dox, its not useful for the conversation
- View attachment 555213 View attachment 555214 View attachment 555215 View attachment 555216 View attachment 555217 View attachment 555222
- Useful people like @zedkissed60 shouldnt have to go to these lengths for the useless.
- ETA: If you see cases of faildoxing report them or PM me about it. Please link to where it was dropped. Thanks guys.
- Also the ice cream saga was super autistic and yet oddly compelling and I kind of just wanted to see what stupid places that could go.
- It's like it's incapable of understanding morality, poor thing should be put down now before it causes some harm.
- Since so many of them think animals can consent, it means they don't actually understand that consent requires full knowledge of what will happen, the mental capacity to understand what is happening, and the ability to say no and stop at any given moment. I think that's reason enough to forcibly castrate them.
- ectoplasm got banned? I made the mistake of adding him to the AshleyZoeFox PM group and he was a complete tool
- Most of the people involved in the leaks are barely worth a thread. I focused on AZF because he is a content fountain, and it's the first time I've documented a cow who didn't immediately delete everything and hide. Everyone else in these leaks bar Neli and Kero is a boring hermit and produces little content for cow watching. woof in particular is supposedly a Cuban with limited internet access due to living in a totalitarian shithole, so what is he even going to produce.
- Regardless, shitting up the thread with cryptic crossword clues over several posts then not releasing any content is still lame.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Not all heroes wear capes.
- ”What the fuck does @Null have to gain from making a lolcow thread about me? Piece of shit.”
- I love how their rationale for defending these fucks is "Well it's not a felony!" and "It's not like super illegal...probably nothing will happen". Or my personal favorite, "They only said they liked the thought of holding down, raping, and killing a dog..not that they did it themselves".
- So what?... doesn't mean it's not extremely morally/ethically wrong. People like us here at kiwifarms aren't mad because of the legality of the actions... we're upset because the actions are beyond horrific.
- If this is the same JollyJackal I know, he also had shit come down on him a few years ago when he was still JollyZJackal on FA for raping a minor; the victim came out about what happened in the old defunct LJ community FurryDrama_2 and supposedly reported the incident to police around the time they posted in the comm. I don't know what's left of the incident, as I know the initial post from the victim was deleted and the comments on any posts made discussing it all afterwards were wiped when the comm owner threw a shitfit and shut everything on lockdown later on, but I'll see what might still be kicking around.
- There was one whiteknight (whose name I can't remember, unfortunately) all up in that shitshow trying to call the victim a liar and defending Jolly by saying that everything was consensual and the victim lied about her age and seduced him or some shit. Jolly's psycho wife was all over FA flipping her shit and trying to claim it was some "jealous bitch just trying to break up our true love" or something, and then logs got leaked shortly after of Jolly basically admitting that he knew she was underage, and that he'd pressured her into sex she didn't want. The whiteknight mysteriously vanished after that but Jolly and his wife just kept publicly denouncing everything and then pretending nothing happened. Not sure what came of things after that; I honestly had forgotten about all of it until I saw this post.
- I'll do some digging and see if there's any scraps left over from all of that-- assuming this is the same Jolly, of course.
- ::edit:: apologies if my post is rambling a lot or tl;dr or whatever, I've barely slept since this zoosadist shit started and I'm fucking tired and words are hard
- "They only said they liked the thought of holding down, raping, and killing a dog..not that they did it themselves".
- At this point, anyone defending the Zoo-Crew is probably an animal fucker/murderer themselves and should be doxxed.
- It's definately the same JollyJackal. He often put a Z in his name, though I'm not sure why.
- Hearing that his wife - Senka Vixen - defended this is no surprise. She defended his catfishing on Telegram when he was caught out.
- If you have any info in regards to this minor rape stuff, please share it with me. If he fucks minors, he sure as hell fucks animals - why else would his name be mentioned in the zoo leaks?
- Why do all furries have little dicks, am I onto something here?
- > tfw you get excited to see a new Metokur video but then realize it's more about sadistic furfags
- It's always funny that these "alternative" types think they are just expressing themselves just like normal people. Pretending to be a anthropomorphic animal (also being fat and ugly) and LARPing on the internet is not normal. It's not surprising that behavior like this is in this community, and this is only what is leaked. You don't have to imagine how bad things really are in groups like this, and yes, I'm including all alternative types, not just furries.
- ...Well, I got a good tip for you if you're daring enough. Go to a anime/manga convention, walk towards a girl with a furry tail and pull it hard: if it's a butt plug, you can be damn sure she's a furry
- TFW Kiwi Farms is better at investigating sickos than the Government and all without wasting your tax dollars...
- are you certain those are actually women and not men pretending to be women?
- Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2018 at 9:26 PM
- ”listen, null. trolling and calling someone a wrong pronoun are different things.”
- How about this winner? "The quality is too low" -> "Well it could be someone else" -> "It's not even illegal!"
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: "nothing more than a ridiculous outrage campaign" View attachment 555175
- I feel like whenever Kero tries to step away from this Drama he should be pinned to it and yiffed harder then that poor dog of his, but I'd also be interested to see the spotlight shine on some of this other disgusting fuckers, including the tranny that just looks like a guy in foundation.
- im glad to be amongst this group of autistic individuals
- Dude, you clearly have not met animal rights activists. Or even a regular, not fucking degenerate animal lov...enjoyer. Whether or not there are legal repercussions, there sure as shit would be a campaign to make sure a) every shelter, rescue, and breeder knows not to sell to you and b) you can't find a job. Also c) that you wouldn't leave your house without knowing what filth you are via picketing and media presence. Especially those old cat ladies. Not even joking. They're retired so animal rights are their new job.
- Looking through the stuff posted here, just wanna say thanks to all you who are sifting through this awful stuff to find who's responsible. The stuff bothers me too much to really look into it, so I take solace in knowing people with stronger stomache's are on this. Sure are a lot of good people on here despite all the trannies we kill.
- This is probably the few featured threads that I’ve been genuinely hesitant to even read comments or summaries on because it makes me want to cry/go full vigilante justice and willingly take the jail time. The only other one I recall that made me actually furious was that one about the mom keeping her dead daughter on life-support. Regardless of how gay this sounds, I have nothing but respect for everyone that actually dig into this awful trash heap.
- I don’t know how y’all did that, and I would buy you all (several) beers if it were possible
- The guy in the whiteknight video has more fucking meth sores than Eden fucking Belmont. That's sad. That in itself is an achievement.
- Also the people who apparently have more evidence on Kero but bait in the thread saying they don't want to release it anymore because it'll hurt a dead dog's feelings are just wasting everyone's time. Post it or go away.
- If the person who claims to have the video is being honest about it, they said it was a crushing video. Distribution of these videos is a federal crime, under 18 U.S. Code § 48.
- Apparently it goes deeper though. There may or may not be worse on Kero other than the missing videos of him facefucking his dog, but there are still RARs of the actual zoosadist group chats that haven't been released. According to Zoodonym it's even worse than anything that's already been released. I think that was initially why they don't have his other Kero videos yet because they couldn't stomach looking through the logs.
- I'm seriously horrified at what could possibly be worse but I don't think Kiwi Farms will be seeing it. Everything else is just going to be sent directly to authorities.
- MOD EDIT: Google Doc is a potential security risk in several ways. Click link at your own risk.
- How do you rehabilitate an animal after experiencing this sort of shit? *Can* an animal ever learn to trust people again after this? I want to believe that time will make it seem like a distant nightmare, but that's likely too optimistic and naive of me to think.
- I know this dude was already mentioned a couple pages back, but after a long back and forth arguing with his autistic brain dead ass, he is just dead set on Kero being innocent, and flat out defending animal rapists and telling everyone we have no place to judge and that he actively looks away and is ok with people fucking dogs. He's also certain no one will doxx him because he's "a nice person" or whatever. A bunch more "I'm not defending it, but-" bullshit. His replies were all over the place and not in order so these screenshots aren't all of it. /madontheinternet
- That account is most likely a burner account. It was created 2 days ago, there's less than 100 tweets, and all of them are defending Kero. Whoever made that account knows exactly what they're doing, knows it's wrong and doesn't want their main account to get shamed to hell for it.
- Oh absolutely. I even tell them in one of the screenshots to stop hiding and put their real account on the line. Of course they ignored that.
- After cutting its head off and skullfucking it? I don't think so, I'll go show the video to my local vet and come back with an answer though.
- If you are logged in to a Google account of any sort, you will appear as a viewer of the document live to other people also looking at it at the same time. I believe the person who uploaded the document can also see who has accessed it, or otherwise control who can and cannot see it. If you are always signed in to a personal Google account then your name (real or otherwise) could be visible to other users.
- (If you're not logged in then you will appear as "Anonymous (name of animal)" in the online list.)
- I meant for animals that do manage to survive these sorts of tortures without dying, obviously.
- it's really hard to rehouse and rehabilitate them. most of the time a typical family household with kids won't be able to handle a traumatised pet, the best homes for them usually end up being with people who work with belligerent or disturbed pets, because they have the most chance of fully rehabilitating them. hyper vigilance and paranoid attachments (snapping at anyone who enters the house who isn't the owner, etc) are the typical kind of behaviours you'll find.
- someone more informed will be able to give a much better and updated answer, but this is the little bit I've learned and had my heart broken over. a lot of abused pets have to be put down because there's no home than can manage them, and shelters can only afford to keep them so long.
- Edit for clarification: sometimes they can rehabilitate, it just takes years and an odd caveat.
- In regards to woof, and the idiotic furries fucking with him on Telegram and bragging about it publicly on other websites:
- Watching people on Twitter trying to defend these sickos is astounding. Even saw the lame excuse of "zoophilia is just liking the idea of fucking animals, not actually doing it." Then you have the "not all furries" argument, but I think most would agree too many have already been caught up in this and too many are acting like this twisted shit is completely normal.
- Someone might recognize the r,etarded furry character or art style though.
- You idiots are not police officers and should not be doing this. While I've skimmed the dox and am inclined to believe it's correct, there is literally nothing concrete tying 'woof' to it besides a cuban tablecloth and an offhanded mention that he used to go by 'warg', and the fact that you've been bragging about it on multiple public forums where woof can see it means that any 'confirmation' you got from him could be a deliberate attempt to run you harder down a botched dox.
- Have you morons had a grown-up check your work yet?
- I think a lot of them do it because there is woman in these groups and they tend to be fairly easy.
- Have you gone through the full kero archive? theres pics of chicks sucking dog dick. Ill post a link to the archive here in a bit.
- Annnnd... The eagerness to share pics is a little off-putting.
- AltisticRight Goyland for the Goys, Furnaces for the Furfags.
- I love how the morons who doxed woof and who are currently extorting him posted publicly anyways that they intend to dox him anyways, which sort of defeats the purpose of extorting him. I'm sure he's already seen it by now.
- We've got a thread for Sephius Rivendare in the works but it needs to be tidied before I move it out of Proving Grounds. Is there anyone left from the Zoosadist leaks?
- And a bunch of people spent numerous time doxxing fucking ice cream, trees, spoons, plates, fucking table cloth and fireants, in Florida. I get it, people hate these fuckers. I don't think extortion is the right way though. Isn't Dox 101 about not making shit public, collecting as much stuff as possible and then drop it all at once?
- As for Woof, I'm skeptical of anyone claiming to have his dox given that he's easily been the most careful (or the one who has the least access/online presence) of all the zoosadists.
- If anyone knows who the users are on here who are trying to extort this sicko, please PM me with evidence. Thanks.
- Unfortunately, it cannot be used as definite proof to determine Ace's identity, as there's a plethora of cartoonists in DeviantArt who make commissioned avatars (if Ace just didn't steal from some gallery). I doubt he would be dumb enough to use a personal creation... I'd say, it's a lead as good as any other, but don't place any delirious hope on it.
- I also like to lurk and delve into matter but unlike the 4chan clowns I certainly won't draw peremptory conclusions from conjectures because of a hateboner for the furrydom. Considering dubious circumstantial evidence as undisputable proof is exceptional confirmation bias. Winners take everything with a pinch of salt.
- I meant more like if it wasn't their art personally the person who drew it for them may know who they are.
- Online or not, an investigation is full of dead ends.
- Okay, why is PA such a hotbed for dogmonglers? He's not a sock because I found his SoFurry and he's apparently from New Staunton.
- CIA Nigger someone anonymous who calls themselves CIA N Supervisor True & Honest Fan
- Didn't someone post a list of something like 50+ screen names from telegram. I assume that this ended up not really mattering?
- Police have been dispatched to pick up James Hoyt/Sangie.
- Waiting on call back from officer about Levi Simmons/SnakeThing.
- As much as I dislike Deo personality, the shade being tossed at moonface here is all but too true:
- That's also a terrifying threat, what if the furries see "Anonymous Deer" and wants to fuck it?
- I downloaded a PDF version and converted it to jpeg.
- View attachment 555977 View attachment 555978 View attachment 555979 View attachment 555980 View attachment 555981
- I knew I didn't like that guy as soon as I heard his voice and saw his stupid, hunchbacked wolf avatar.
- Taking a look at their twitter account, they seem to be.. *reads notes* ..trying to justify bestiality by saying they were raped by a Golden Lab at age 1.
- What, did this rapist dog tear off his diaper? Like... how?
- if vick got 2 years for fighting dogs all these fucks should get at least 10 or more. is snakething the only one we know for sure was into pedo shit/admitting that hes done it?
- vick also had the nations top paid lawyer I doubt these broke fucks could pay for even a bottom tier one
- They deserve more than just ten years. If they do this to animals they'll do it to humans too.
- I did my own digging on this Miskas fellow, considering how he may be both the wonderful combination of being a Pedophile and known Bill Cosby enthusiast.
- So far I can only confirm his last name being Taylor. His DoB on FB is listed, so take with a grain of salt.
- What can be confirmed is that the guy used to be a 68W in the US Army. Why is this so important? If there's someone who really knows how to sedate people, it would be a combat medic.
- From the chatlogs and his FB, it is confirmed that as of 2016 he was living in Arizona and attending ASU. Def would be someone to look into, considering how he is Tane's go to guy for raping people.
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: Reminder why his name is bad
- Fuck it. This might bite me in the ass but I don't give a fuck.
- I've met this asshole and I hope he finally goes to prison and gets thrown in genpop for all the bullshit he's pulled. His REAL first name is Timothy. Alyx is just another made up name of his. You're welcome.
- I'm only obscuring the last bit of the number because the text is from five years ago and I don't know if he has the same number. If I knew it was still his number for sure, I'd let y'all have it.
- I do know for a fact that he has had sex with minors and adults who are intoxicated to the point where getting consent is dubious if not outright impossible. The statute of limitations has NOT expired on what he did that I'm aware of but the clock is ticking.* Another six months I think? Supposedly a tip was already sent to the police before all this shit blew up but this being AZ, they failed to do anything.
- If he goes to trial, I'm willing to testify against him.
- They deserve a long stint in jail and a fuckton of psychiatric care, look up serial killers and you'll see a ton of them got started torturing animals like this.
- Ok, some I'm a furry in the Pittsburgh area, a pretty involved one two, the kind of guy who always attends the meetups almost every month. This whole controversy has divided a lot of people here, and people I once respected are now doing everything in their power to delude themselves into believing this is all an elaborate hoax. I've met Kero several times, even partied with him at WPAFW. We weren't close friends or anything, but still, it's hard to imagine someone you have had direct contact with has into this kind of depravity.
- Ruffa being on that list fascinates me. Ruffa is another furry from the area, and one that always was with the cool kids, so to speak. He always seemed to be pretty close friends with Vix, and for awhile I thought they were a couple. I don't think Vix knew about his depravity, considering just how she in no way rushed to Kero's defense when the accusations were made.
- But back to Ruffa, that's really interesting if he's involved. Has he been mentioned anywhere else except this post?
- Kero The Wolf/Joshua Hoffman - pedophile, zoophile and necrozoophile Sephius Rivendare/Patrick Pauger- zoosadist SnakeThing/Nelizar/Nithilack/Levi Dane Simmons - child molester, zoosadist Woof/Warg - extreme zoosadist CoreyTWC/Coreythewolf/Puppy Fenrir/Steward Nichols - zoophile Emberwolf - zoophile Glowwolf - zoophile, child molester ZOODONYM/Akela - This is the guy who leaked the logs. Zoophile against sadism.
- Shadowwoof - Zoophile. Is helping Zoodonym leak things.
- what i want to know is, how far does the extended network actually extend? is this just an isolated group or do they have connections to other dogfuckers? like that todokara person or marl?
- I mean, i've seen this uh.... travesty described as a zoophile ring so there's no reason to not disclude marl, because we simply just don't know if he's in contact with anybody involved or somebody we haven't investigated yet. i'm mostly just wondering if my gut feeling is true.
- more e: his name was jayson tylor (tyler?) garcia but its now lycus argent woods, he's gone by avolonte (i'm not 100% sure its like midnight here excuse me), marlcabinet, marlkitty, and penny.
- ”I have doxxed people though, including an autistic 8-year-old who really fucking deserved it.”
- Hold up gimmie the run down on this Marl individual, i may or may not know details about them if its the same person I've had contact with in the past.
- Glitchedpuppet. He's a known zoophile, but anything being done about it sort of fell apart when the police intervention met a dead end. It's known that he previously fucked his dog, and was in contact with a zoophile community in his area. He even knew the addresses of at least one individual, as he paid to get his dog trained to have sex with humans.
- My brief digging does not corroborate them with the other individual I've come across who has a similar name and is tranny zoophilic diaperfur.
- EDIT: Nevermind, I may be mixing this person up with someone else. I'll double check what I can and repost it if necessary.
- Edit Edit: I mixed Marl up with Marlo who was mentioned early on in this thread, who IS from Seattle and is a very likely target, as Levi claims in the log.
- as he paid to get his dog trained to have sex with humans.
- Zoo BDSM telegram export from shadowwoof the "Chaotic evil woof that likes learning new things ✄ζ(s)Ⓐ".
- The only hope god is alive, is if these zoo sadist go to prision.
- just curious......especially with the minors why have you never reported him?
- I do appreciate the info tho. spill everything you got
- Can we add this to the OP? It's a list of the people implicated in this. Feel free to add to it or fix mistakes. The thread is a bit of a clusterfuck so I'm bound to have missed stuff.
- Kero The Wolf/Joshua Hoffman - pedophile, zoophile and necrozoophile Sephius Rivendare/Patrick Pauger- zoosadist SnakeThing/Nelizar/Nithilack/Levi Dane Simmons - child molester, zoosadist Woof/Shadowwoof - extreme zoosadist CoreyTWC/Coreythewolf/Puppy Fenrir/Steward Nichols - zoophile Emberwolf - zoophile Glowwolf - zoophile, child molester ZOODONYM/Akela - This is the guy who leaked the logs. Zoophile against sadism.
- Illone Sheppypaws /White Shepard/Colwyn Collie - Kero's drug addicted ex boyfriend who committed suicide. Zoophile, possibly zoosadist.
- Sangie Nativus/ James Hoyt - zoophile, convicted pedophile Cupid/Matthew Grabowsky - convicted zoophile who used to be in a relationship with Mr.Bitchtits Spark Dalmatian/Jamie Lee Joyce - convicted pedophile currently in jail Tane/digivolve - pedophile, zoophile Jace Shepherd/Zachary Zinn - zoophile Ponyfox - zoophile Kiba Pawsome/Marvin Sonntag - zoophile Eliteknight/Good Wolfie - zoophile horslvrfang - zoophile Lukeisadog/Snowy Dog - zoophile Svadilfari/hortus zoologicus - zoophile Zyro/ZyroTR1/Zentrathefox/Jimmy Faryewicz - zoophile
- Bloowuff - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes Phillysarark - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes Psychedelicsaber - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes Ruffa - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes Stormyfag - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes Kaleshep - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes Meekrat45 - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes svxkitty - Nelizar said he went to cons for dogfucking purposes SireWoof - friend of mr.bitchtits, was added to a zoophile group darkfox - tried to join a zoophile group and was rejected, stirred up some drama around mr.bitchtits after that WolfyDNA - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Miskas - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Candor - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Telim - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Ozone Colfpup/Stuart/Tyson Allen- Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Keeney - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Snugglebunny/ Callum Whyte - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Yuuki - Nelizar said he was into RLC (real life cubs), AKA pedophilia Backlash91/warlight91/Denma Warlight - Nelizar said he fucks dogs and horses Elenazilla/Eléna Percy - Mr.Bitchtits said she's a zoophile
- Why I didn't report my own experience with him: First, while I'm not willing to share the full story here I didn't think my own shitty experiences with him were worth turning into a court case at the time. I was an adult, there were no kids or animals involved. He didn't drug me, I just couldn't stand being around furries and their BS without being fucked up and he took advantage of that. I just wanted to forget about the whole thing.
- Regarding him and minors: I didn't learn about him fucking a 17 year old until some time after he had already left for the military and the person in question had already become an adult. We've talked about it at length and while I've encouraged him to press charges he doesn't want to go through a trial and have to talk about that shit on the stand. It's pretty horrific shit that I won't share here but I can't say I blame him for how he feels about it. I can't force him to testify but an anonymous tip about Miskas was at least sent in to the authorities, which seems to have accomplished nothing.
- So yeah, what I can do is give y'all his real first name since y'all had it wrong and confirm that any mentions of him being a pedophile/dogfucker sure as shit aren't made up.
- Looking at the logs of the Zoo BDSM chat that were just dumped above, it seems the absolute worst offender of the bunch is this guy. There are a couple of other people who's account names are given away in the text, but their accounts seem to no longer exist mostly. Almost everyone in there is clearly not a native english speaker. I'm also sure a lot of those are/were burner accounts.
- screencapture-t-me-max125xxx-2018-10-02-01_34_48.png File size:
- Ok, that's 3 in a row. Are you proactively looking for the most fucked up shit? LOL
- "Loyalty instinct" is such a load of horse shit lol. It's bitterly funny how these people claim to have The Ultimate Relationship with their dog but don't grasp the most basic concepts of animal psychology
- .SpoilerTarget">Spoiler: dog training sperging if anyone is interested The most widely accepted method of training now among animal behavioralists and professional dog trainers is LIMA-- least intrusive, minimally aversive. Positive reinforcement to make the animal associate completion of a task with a reward and motivate the animal to obey for its own self interest/enjoyment at its own pace with. Conversely, aversive training is what these people are doing: "do what I want or get even more hurt". Think shock collars, misused prong collars, and physical punishment. This results in an emotionally scarred, fearful, and volatile animal only following orders out of fear of even worse repercussions. If you can condition a dog to take it in the ass, god knows what the horrible alternative punishment was.
- Hilariously, a lot of people still do not believe in LIMA. And do continue the secondary practice in southern states. It's considered a more blacker practice in other states, but still continues as the norm for people who raise their dogs.
- That's absolutely true. It's a fucking shame honestly. The shelter I work with in the south gets loads of paranoid, skittish, reactive, aggressive, angry animals for that exact reason. Many cannot be rehabbed.
- I kinda wonder what the statistics of correlation between animal sexual abuse and aggression related euthanasia of canines are. It seems like its such a taboo and relatively uncommon topic that no one wants to research it. If anyone's interested though, I can comb proquest and jstor for anything that might be related.
- Edit: Haven't been able to find anything so far. Someone do your doctoral thesis on dogfuckers.
- However, from what I found rehabilitating a few animals myself, you can recoop them into LIMA behaviors, just no one wants to take the time with them.
- So, Noan has a fetish for chickens. View attachment 556755
- The title under my username makes a horrifying amount of sense now.
- This might be relevant because I found this post on a chicken forum where shapeshifters and the name Noan are mentioned:
- Pistols for Pandas needs to expand. Crack Stuntman better get in on this.
- Chickens have cloacas, which are big enough for a chicken egg to come out of and that means they're big enough to fit oh god i dontwanttofinishthissentence
- Decided to go through a few of the names that came up in the chat in my spare time.
- Kaleshep: Owns a Wild_Life fursuit, makers are known zoophiles
- yourmainparadox: murrsuiter. Real name shawn. Lives in Jacksonville, FL
- phillysatark: murrsuiter, partner (also murrsuiter) is HIV positive
- Ruffa: Lives in PN, youtuber, (Ex?-)friend of Majira, defended Kero. Murrsuiter.
- Svxkitty: deleted everything. Thinks zoosadist leaks is a "SJW witch hunt".
- DobiePincher: MoreFurLess suiter, several beast/zoo themed images in FA gallery. Nuked twitter.
- Korsaitofolfsky: defends kero, murrsuiter. Lives in Nevada.
- Stormwolf77: beast themed pictures in favs on FA, lots of pics of his own dog on FA. Firestorm6 fursuit, real name Mark Stakey.
- Knotteddog: zoophile. Nuked all accounts. Zeta symbol in archive of twitter description.
- Xyanidefusky: possible murrsuiter. Open carry supporter. Lost his son due to miscarriage in 2012. weirdly thinks his son would have been a furry as well.
- Greskilvulf: locked twitter, ageplayer. Possible murrsuiter.
- MuuMuu Bunnylips The Greatest Space Pirate In The Universe. Really!
- Any sort of archives on the ones that killed off their accounts? You don't generally duck and cover unless you have something to hide.
- I’m all for going after the bad guys but there’s plenty of people named in this thread who aren’t only not associated, but completely disgusted with all of this. This thread is a shitshow and with as much faildoxing that’s gone on I can’t blame anyone for going DFE.
- That being said, I hope the awful people actually involved with these groups are brought to justice. I’ll continue to help any way I can, even if y’all keep fucking up.
- who the fuck is this Audax faggot and why does he have my name
- City On The Hill Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
- Edit: He isn't Akela though. They are working together.
- JollyJackal: deleted social media. Candy Corn dog fursuit by stuffed panda. Probable murrsuiter.
- He's also known as JollyZJackal and according to another user's post, has previously had sex with a minor.
- As mentioned by myself earlier in the thread, his social medias have been dead seemingly for a while, especially his Telegram, though I wouldn't be surprised if these leaks are a reason for this. He and his wife SenkaVixen/Ichi_Black have a large interest in non-consensual, vore and feral. He engages in catfishing as a female. Senka makes shitty homemade porn and sells it via her Telegram group for stupid money, Jolly is often involved in this content in-suit.
- My experience with these two is shitty and I'd love to give more info, but as much as I hate the slaphead bastard I obviously only will if he's involved enough for it. This thread and it's income of autists is fucking infuriating.
- extremely quiet in Telegram groups for the past two weeks or so - very unlike him as he is your typical furry "femboy" who has a triangular arse and massive feet yet is absurdly desirable to other faggots. To me, a very suspicious individual.
- Since AshleyZoeFox filed a DMCA against Mr. Metokur, he has been doing live narrations of various KF threads on the leaks, starting with Ashley. It's been going on for over an hour now. He's going through all of them.
- Holy fucking shit, Jim was never this mad. Never, not even back in the Metokur days have i seen him this outraged
- He was sure pissed at the end but I can't blame him. This situation the furries tending in right now is literally getting way too stupid for a human being with a rational mindset.
- FeverGlitch Spoopy Avatar: Birdfag Halloween Edition
- Last thing that got Jim this pissed on video was the dentist, can you blame him though? how fucking dare someone try to defend this shit and have the gall to try and punch back when they're shat upon from a great height for it
- Fuck, he had to call it quits, the content was too Islamic even for him. Damn.
- Also, dare I ask what a murrsuiter is? I ain't googling that shit nigga.
- (context: A now deleted tweet of Renegade Roo showing a cute pitbull on a couch)
- I'm not going to go into detail, but their cloacas are much more delicate, size or not it would kill a chicken :, (
- ”Stalking is a much more nuanced and deeper issue than you all think.”
- I used to live close to a farm and apparently guys there just fuck anything that crawls under the sun.
- If the only purpose for registering an account here is to inform users that you have contacted the authorities in your country, that you have gone to the UN or that you have been to an embassy to inform on someone you kinda sorta think may have abused a dog, don't bother. Please.
- I won't deny your experience as being true, but in my head the general slant of human behavior would seem to lean towards people who actually protect and care for these animals as their livelihood and sustenance and actually know them beyond just being things that stand out on the roadside fields as you drive between major cities, that they would respect and love them more often than view them as living sex toys.
- Heck a lot of the outrage regarding the recent zoophilia ring bust in Pennsylvania was due to those peoples respect for the animals they live with, even if they are destined to be used for food.
- It's like they listened to the complete discography of Wesley Willis, and decided "hey, that sounds pretty hot" not realizing that the acts of bestiality Willis described in his songs were intended to be so disgusting that they would offend and frighten away the hell demons that haunted Willis during schizophrenic episodes.
- I feel like you are romanticising bucking a chicken a bit too much.
- Sure, some people might have feelings for animals, so they "make love" with them, but at the end of the day a chicken now knows how it feels to have man sausage exploring her insides.
- It is morally wrong to screw animals, it's an animalistic act we are supposed to be past at this point in time, defending these acts in any way is wrong, even if the animal does not risk catching an illness and actually likes being hold by a horny guy, allowing that is embracing moral relativism.
- If you give them your hand, soon enough they'll take the whole arm.
- Because I absolutely wasn't, the mere thought of it ranks among the worst shit I've yet heard in a thread that makes Dante's Inferno look like a birthday party at a McDonalds Playplace.
- What's the monitary value of a chicken that was raised and grown to be large enough for a person to do that to them amnyway? It would be like if Tenga cups were 100 dollars each and took years to prepare.
- Even on a practical level regardless of morals or personal safety, this shit makes no sense.
- Really though, Larry Flynt admitted to fucking chickens when he was a kid. Like I don't understand the logistics of chickenfucking but it sounds plausible that people would do it in rural areas of the country.
- This fat dogfucker really needs to clean his room. Look at this mess. His room is full of animal themed stuff, anime, dust, garbage and dirty clothes strewn everywhere.
- View attachment 557822 View attachment 557825 View attachment 557826 View attachment 557828 View attachment 557832
- 90% of furries' houses i've visited have been this bad. If not, worse.
- So fucking your pet to death is okay but eating it afterwards is somehow beyond the pale?
- At any rate, the quran mentions nothing explicitly negative about bestiality which implies that zoophilia is a OK.
- Zoosadist Zoosadism MegathreadJoshua "Kero the Wolf" Hoffman & Friends.
- Discussion in 'Animal Control' started by Reality Doctor, Sep 16, 2018.
- Animal Control is for the furry fandom, its members, subcultures, and communities.
- Hide your powerlevel. Avoid revealing intimate, embarrassing details about yourself in public boards. These threads are not your personal blog and we are not an asylum.
- Spoiler adult content. Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see on your monitor should be hidden. Don't embed NSFW content in your post directly.
- Don't white knight. Don't turn threads into an intervention. If you want to help, contact them privately.
- Avoid politics. Eccentric political views is a frequent component of a person's humor value. Try to avoid debate.
- No trolling plans. We are not an autistic Illuminati. If you embarrass yourself or the forum trying to troll, we will ridicule you.
- Archive everything. Use screenshots and to preserve content forever. Upload directly to posts where applicable.
- Don't lament about the fandom. People have been critical of the furry fandom since the 90s. The debate is old enough to vote. If you don't want to post here, then don't.
- @Golden Compass, @yawning sneasel, @Feline Darkmage
- @neural will probably say that there is some reason for this, but it is more white knighting for the kebabs
- A OK would be halal. It's neither haram nor halal. I think in any decent religion, though, fucking a dead goat should be the equivalent of haram.
- #1882 YourMommasBackstory, Oct 3, 2018 at 11:59 AM
- LOL I was just talking about it in chat, sharia law grants the ruler the right to add laws as deemed necessary, it's called "Ta'azeer". For example, in Saudi Arabia, drug traffickers get a strict death penalty (type of drug doesn't matter) even though drugs aren't mentioned in the Quran at all.
- So if someone gets caught diddling animals (never happened AFAIK), it's very likely they will get quite the heavy punishment, because the leeway given to judges is very high for those cases.
- In islam also a bunch of adopted shit from Leviticus, which a lot of Christians don't realize when they mock Muslims for eschewing pork and shellfish not realizing the original source of those rules came from what's supposed to be THEIR own holy book.
- In countries that adopt Islamic teachings into law code, some have put people to death for bestiality, while others have no laws forbidding it at all, or only allowing it between men and certain species of female animals.
- #1884 the autist of dojima, Oct 3, 2018 at 12:02 PM
- That's bullshit and you know it. Just last week you were telling me about the popularity of bestiality porn in Saudi Arabia.
- Yes, eating your own cum is gay, this is homosexuality 101.
- Metokur mentions in the stream he just did several hours ago that the totality of the log leaks and the like is about 20 gigs.
- Has such an amount been publicly released, or is it being held at this point in the possession of only a few?
- If it hasn't all been publicly released, I'd question as to why, since the more eyes on it, the more people to scour through it, the better. Two eyes is better than none. Four eyes is better than two. A million eyes is best of all.
- The chicken actually dies from exhaustion, some people kill the chicken while doing it, because "the twitching feels great" I used to live close to a farm and apparently guys there just fuck anything that crawls under the sun.
- At any rate, the quran mentions nothing explicitly negative about bestiality which implies that zoophilia is a OK. As long as the dangalang is washed afterwards. Furries should convert to the religion of peace and tolerance, and massively migrate to Saudi Arabia to embrace their lifestyle fully
- Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.
- Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman's anus, or a man's anus, or an animal's vagina or its anus then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old, whether it was done intentionally or absentmindedly, whether it was done willfully or forcefully.
- Shia Islam goes an extra miles and recommend the animal to be killed afterwards, and the meat not to be sold to the denizens of the city (but it's fine to discount it to the neighbor location, lol)
- Pardon me if I missed it, is the Renegade somehow related to zoosadist ring or is he just some clueless idiot defending zoos or something along those lines?
- Edit: preemptive but Kero in particular has very characteristic hands that can be checked against pictures.
- The shit in that 20Gb library is probably even more heinous than what's been released to the public. There's a post in the Kero thread that shows screencaps of Kero not only discussing fox necro with snakething, but then posting pictures of a fox corpse, complete with close-ups on the fox's genitals and anus.
- Kero then goes on to complain about how bloody the dead fox's saliva was and how necrotic flesh doesn't stretch well.
- If there really is a whole 20-ish gigs of logs, leaks, and info out there, with possibly worse, and possibly with far more people involved, I'd like to see it made public.
- > More people able to examine the information more effectively > Furries suffering an even greater blow to their already flimsy public image
- Can we please stay on topic and get back to posting names and addresses of random people and calling them dog rapers?
- 11 By The Mount, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 3SY, United Kingdom 100% confirmed dog raper
- Any idea what association this might be for? If it's something about animal welfare, holy crap.
- Unironically z fag Pet me like one of your French dogs
- Fangsofjeff ♡ My pronouns are faggot, faggot and faggot. ♡
- Judging by the 513 and the "Warr", it's from the Warren county humane association in Ohio.
- this cringy fatfuck was on to something here, maybe the furfags got a hold of him and delivered yiff justice since his channel died shorty after making that video In case the timestamp on the link is fucked start at 5:19 no one deserves to sit trough the pointless first half of that video.
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