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  1. Nov 14

    And the many other slanders that they throw.

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  2. Nov 14

    Irjaa' is a widespread cancer in today's Ummah and effects people on a far greater scale than it's opposite extreme. People attempt to change the Usool of this religion with barely anyone noticing and those who fight against it are considered a "fringe" group"fundementalists

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  3. Nov 13

    I see his dawah more widespread than the days when he was free to speak.

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  4. Nov 13

    When I think about Sheikh Ahmad Jibril I am reminded of men like Sayyid Qutb and others. They attempted to silence the dawah of Sayyid Qutb but through his execution his dawah was brought to life and the same can be said for the attempt to silence the dawah of Sheikh Jibril

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  5. Nov 13

    "Stay firm, don't back down on your beliefs, don't change, don't compromise , don't delude, don't waver.." Sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril May Allah ease his affairs.

  6. Nov 13

    Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration: Surah Al Ahzab Ayat 23

  7. Nov 13

    No matter how much fitnah, confusion, disunity exists in the arenas today there is a sweetness in that you will not find elsewhere........May Allah accept it from those in the field

  8. Nov 13
  9. Nov 13

    The murjia because they wear the clothes of adherence to the Quran and Sunnah yet corrupt and undermine truly establishing it on Earth with their corrupt and deviant beliefs.

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  10. Nov 13

    The pure aqeedah and Tawheed. They promote those "Muslims" who embrace democracy as true Islam and as moderates. They give a voice to those "Muslims" who accept homosexuality and those who change the fitrah and creation of Allah. And they promote those like the Madkhalis

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  11. Nov 13

    Almost no Muslim on the face of the Earth can claim ignorance to the atrocities being committed against the Ummah. And greater than those atrocities are the crimes committed against Allah. His Sharia has been replaced his and the enemies of Islam tirelessly work to corrupt

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  12. Nov 13

    Beards and turbans.....

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  13. Nov 13

    Ibn Al-Jawzi 'Oh people The millstone of war is turning round and the call for Jihad was made and the gates of heaven have opened. And so, if you are not among the knights of war, then let your women grind the millstone of war and you go and makeup your eyes, you women with

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  14. Nov 12

    JNIM in takes responsibility for a suicide attack against a base with British, Canadian and German troops

  15. Nov 12

    Assalaam Alaykum was Rahmatallahi wa Barakatahu Alhamdullulah it is nice to be back on Twitter.........

  16. Nov 12

    Ilhan Omar got it wrong when she claimed she was one of the first Muslim woman being elected to Congress. Her entering the election was her exit from Islam itself. However you find people championing this on ignorantly, contradicting


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