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  1. 4 minutes ago

    And sorry to say, the satirical take on this is nearly as problematic as the dictator-worshipper's one. The latter enjoys the former a lot

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  2. Retweeted
    12 hours ago

    The UK is trying to shut down 's Jihadology website, the single most important non-government, free-access database for research on the rhetoric and ideology of jihadi groups. I use it all the time, and so do any number of academics and journalists.

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  3. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    "Il n’y a pas de dictateur à faire tomber. Pas non plus d’État policier ou de moukhabarate prompts à vous faire disparaître à la moindre critique. Là-bas, les manifestations populaires sont autorisées... via

  4. Retweeted
    Dec 2

    Ecouter à partir de 1:45:00 sur les délires démographiques ("à la limite du racisme", dit généreusement Ziad Majed - perso je dirais racistes, oui) et les projections politiques antidémocratiques d'Emmanuel Todd.

  5. 23 hours ago

    If opposing a 50-year dictatorship with a long record of mass-murder and forced disappearances (among others) is comparable to opposing an elected government for unfair fiscal policies, then mass-murder and forced disappearances aren't such a big deal

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  6. 23 hours ago

    Parallels between French riots and Arab revolutions are wrong for the same reason that Assad worshippers promote such parallels: they do away with context.

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  7. Nov 30
  8. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    Syrian Regime has appointed Major-general as the chief of Directorate.

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  9. Retweeted
    Nov 28
  10. Retweeted
    Nov 29

    Don't know how to start with open source investigations? Decoders and need the power of the crowd to help find when buildings in Raqqa, Syria, have been destroyed by US-led strikes. Join this incredicle crowdsourcing campaign 👇

  11. Nov 29

    "Don’t let them tell you there are no good guys in Syria. There are — but the world chooses to ignore them while they’re alive, only to eulogize them after their death."

  12. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    Des chercheurs ont analysé des milliers de messages et articles rédigés par des#GiletsJaunes sur les réseaux sociaux. Cette étude révèle l'affirmation argumentée d'une citoyenneté, à l’inverse de l’image négative entretenue par les médias nationaux.

  13. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    Bellingcat has examined the open source evidence from the alleged November 24 2018 chemical attack by rebel forces in Aleppo, including the remains of the munitions used, witness statements, and allegations from various sides in the conflict

  14. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    The Khashoggi killing had roots in a cutthroat Saudi family feud

  15. Nov 28

    Apparently it's not bullying but a politically-motivated assault. Perp seems to have expressed far-right views

  16. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    A few realities that should guide discussions on Syria: - Damascus won't reform - Russia can't force reform - China won't rebuild - Iran won't leave - Refugees won't return en masse anytime soon - Geneva doesn't matter - "Guarantees" don't exist - Things are not "back to normal"

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  17. Retweeted
    Nov 23

    Assad loyalists don’t get it. Open, transparent US support for a non-violent civil society activist working against a brutal dictator is a source of pride, not evidence of some sort of evil conspiracy.

  18. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    The history of the modern Middle East is a history of improving bilateral ties and further normalization of relations between the same 10-15 people.

  19. Nov 19
  20. Nov 18

    Ma conclusion d'un W-E de : si vous voulez vous informer plutôt que prendre la pose, lisez les reportages de la presse mainstream (le Monde et Libé en ce qui me concerne) et fuyez les réseaux sociaux (je ne parle pas ici de la fachosphère, que je ne fréquente pas)


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